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16 injured, mostly kids, in Bangkok shopping mall accident


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16 injured, mostly kids, in Bangkok shopping mall accident


BANGKOK (AP) — Sixteen people were injured, most of them children, at one of Bangkok's upscale shopping malls Saturday when a tent at an outdoor event came crashing down on them, officials said.

The accident at Siam Paragon shopping mall appeared to have been caused by strong winds that caused the tent to collapse, said Lt. Gen. Sanit Mahathaworn, Bangkok's acting police chief.

"Strong wind caused the tent to fly up, about one meter. Then wooden signs attached to the back of the tent flew off and injured nearby people," he said.

Among the injured were at least 12 children, aged 6 to 9, who were among dozens of people at an event called "Pokemon Day Dance Party" to celebrate Thailand's Children's Day, Sanit and other officials said.

"A mother and her child suffered broken legs. The mother was trying to protect her child from getting hurt," Sanit said. The injured were taken to a nearby hospital.

Siam Paragon issued a statement saying it "would like to regretfully apologize for the accident which injured a total of 16 people" on behalf of the event's organizers, which included other Thai companies. It said organizers sent all the injured to hospitals and by Saturday evening only two remained hospitalized.

Sanit said that police would press criminal negligence charges against the owners of the company that installed the tent. They could face up to three years in prison and a 6,000 baht ($165) fine.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-01-09

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6000 baht fine? Tell that to mother and kid who broke their legs.

They should pay her much money to clear their name, Siam Paragon is responsible for this.

Why don't they mention how much they pay all the victims? When they make profit they always love to brag about how many millions/billions.

Yes wind can happen but here in our moobaan when we have tents they secure them with huge watertanks filled as contraweight. But i;m still waiting untill the first thai kid gets electrocuted by all the open naked wires with have everywhere in the common parks.

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6000 baht fine? Tell that to mother and kid who broke their legs.

They should pay her much money to clear their name, Siam Paragon is responsible for this.

Why don't they mention how much they pay all the victims? When they make profit they always love to brag about how many millions/billions.

Yes wind can happen but here in our moobaan when we have tents they secure them with huge watertanks filled as contraweight. But i;m still waiting untill the first thai kid gets electrocuted by all the open naked wires with have everywhere in the common parks.

Totally agree the people who organised the event should be also accountable for at least proving they took reasonable steps to check the competence of contractors. "Duty of Care"

Edited by Basil B
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I'll opt for the fine thanks your honor

Yes, as we all know it's very hard , borderline impossible, to hold anyone accountable in these matters. The Santika case took...10 years?...

The only motive of these people is profit. They play the game of pretending to be good social citizens but at the end of the day serve mammon and their true focus is self-enrichment.

While it could have been worse, more by good luck no one died, but a six year old with broken legs and no doubt traumatised is pretty bad.

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The accident at Siam Paragon shopping mall appeared to have been caused by strong winds that caused the tent to collapse, said Lt. Gen. Sanit Mahathaworn, Bangkok's acting police chief.

"Strong wind caused the tent to fly up, about one meter. Then wooden signs attached to the back of the tent flew off and injured nearby people," he said.

The nasty nasty winds have caused all that trouble. The nasty nasty winds have no face to lose......

But every half educated fool with half a brain knows what happens if you buy "construction materials made from China" wai2.gifwai2.gifwai2.gif

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The accident at Siam Paragon shopping mall appeared to have been caused by strong winds that caused the tent to collapse, said Lt. Gen. Sanit Mahathaworn, Bangkok's acting police chief.

"Strong wind caused the tent to fly up, about one meter. Then wooden signs attached to the back of the tent flew off and injured nearby people," he said.

The nasty nasty winds have caused all that trouble. The nasty nasty winds have no face to lose......

But every half educated fool with half a brain knows what happens if you buy "construction materials made from China" wai2.gifwai2.gifwai2.gif

Quality is more expensive than 6,000 baht though.

Not much thought is given to humanity.

LOTS and LOTS of thought is given to expenses vs profit.

I wonder what the average Thai 'defamation/libel/loss of face award' is to the accusers?

I'd wager it's more than 6,000 baht = loss of face is more important than human lives/injuries if you think about it.

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One day, just maybe, Thailand will get smart public liability lawyers (just like their deformation lawyers).

That may help to tip the balance in "educating" Thais about their duty of care, AND of their rights (when affected by someone else's negligence).

Then, "mai bpen rai" will no longer be accepted as an excuse.


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no big deal. this is Thailand. the idea of someone checking to see if the tent was safe before being used is not even an idea in Thailand, let alone something that actually ever happens. now the shopping mall will blame the tent company who will blame a random employee who if he has half a brain has done a runner

Edited by phycokiller
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I think the following quote from the news article accurately sums up the true concerns of Paragon and, or, the tent supplier:

"Siam Paragon issued a statement saying it "would like to regretfully apologize........".

My understanding of the English language would have me interpret this as Paragon regretting they are apologizing. I suppose it's possible that their original statement in Thai is very different than the printed interpretation to English.

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what they dont want you to do is set up a lawsuit. which can easily be done...... BUT.... IF the injuredY ACCEPT ANY MONEY... BEFORE THEN it becomes impossile to sue. THATS WHY THIALAND LIKES IT WHEN YOU ACCEPT DEATH MONEY OF LOVED ONES.... then you cant sue for 100x the ammount later.

Do you know if this is a Thai thing, or is it a widespread practice in other countries?
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The accident at Siam Paragon shopping mall appeared to have been caused by strong winds that caused the tent to collapse, said Lt. Gen. Sanit Mahathaworn, Bangkok's acting police chief.

"Strong wind caused the tent to fly up, about one meter. Then wooden signs attached to the back of the tent flew off and injured nearby people," he said.

The nasty nasty winds have caused all that trouble. The nasty nasty winds have no face to lose......

But every half educated fool with half a brain knows what happens if you buy "construction materials made from China" wai2.gifwai2.gifwai2.gif

Quality is more expensive than 6,000 baht though.

Not much thought is given to humanity.

LOTS and LOTS of thought is given to expenses vs profit.

I wonder what the average Thai 'defamation/libel/loss of face award' is to the accusers?

I'd wager it's more than 6,000 baht = loss of face is more important than human lives/injuries if you think about it.

Yep, FACE-Safety, the only type of Safety that will ever bail big influential companies in Thailand out

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6000 baht fine? Tell that to mother and kid who broke their legs.

They should pay her much money to clear their name, Siam Paragon is responsible for this.

Why don't they mention how much they pay all the victims? When they make profit they always love to brag about how many millions/billions.

Yes wind can happen but here in our moobaan when we have tents they secure them with huge watertanks filled as contraweight. But i;m still waiting untill the first thai kid gets electrocuted by all the open naked wires with have everywhere in the common parks.

Nowhere does it say they will not pay compensation to the victims of this accident.

This an article by a journalist.

It's up to the journalist to ask the right people the right questions.

There's only one person to blame for bad reporting.

No, it's not the event or people that the report is about. It's the...

wait for it...


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Sorry, I really don't get it.

Accidents like this happen world wide, and yes I know to you "but this is Thailand" crowd. Possibly shoddy construction in this case, but just as possible an extremely strong gust of wind.

The number of posters here with ongoing vitriol towards anything Thai is convincing me to join the "if you don't like it here, go home" brigade. This is Thailand and things are different here. Get it?

Wishing all the injured a speedy recovery.

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For Christs sake ! Thats a bit more than a TENT ! Never seen one of those on a campsite ! Its more like an aircraft hangar or a cover over a car yard, not a tent ! Lucky more people werent hurt. Oh and by the way its not an accident, now it is called an incident, as there is an obvious cause i.e. lack of care, safety and construction tecquique. And common sense.

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Sorry, I really don't get it.

Accidents like this happen world wide, and yes I know to you "but this is Thailand" crowd. Possibly shoddy construction in this case, but just as possible an extremely strong gust of wind.

The number of posters here with ongoing vitriol towards anything Thai is convincing me to join the "if you don't like it here, go home" brigade. This is Thailand and things are different here. Get it?

Wishing all the injured a speedy recovery.

I agree but in Thailand so many things are dangerous and never change that it's really asking for accidents to happen.

Malls like Paragon are just responsible for anything happening in their place, just like on the rest of the world. It's a weak excuse to blame the tentcompany who will probably blame the Myanmar workers for it.

That's the whole issue in Thailand, nobody is ever responsible. Why don't they have an insurance for cases like this?

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