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4-lane hwy being built NW of Chiang Rai town

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It's happening folks. We've discussed it some in the past, but the tractors and graders are busy scraping everyday.

It's 4-lanes going from around the prison to the intersection (now a 3-way) where the airport road takes off from the super hwy. It will become a crossroad.


photo above: your tax dollars at work. This is a very deep gouge into a clay hill. It's about 170 meters from one corner of my property. The Hwy will be going at the level of the bottom of this cut. But get this: It's not going the direction of the view. The hwy will be traversing the back end of this cut. In other words, if you're standing here in 2 years, you'll see the hwy going right and left, like crossing a T from where the pic is taken from. It must be an exploratory cut. Also: there were small roots growing at the lowest end of this 10 meter cut. Tree and bamboo roots probe deep in compacted clay.

Nobody asked me, but even with a two-lane road, I doubt there will be much traffic - ok, maybe in 15 to 20 years. I have 3 parcels nw of Chiang Rai, and the new 4-lane connects two of them. It doesn't suit me, as I'd much rather be away from highways, but so it goes. If I was Thai I'd be glad that it jacks up property values, to be near a super hwy.

If anyone wants to see a section, not yet paved, it's less than a Km in on the Hoy Plakang road from the main road (tanon mae fa luang). Hoy Plakang, as some of you know, is the village which has the new wat which is all white (I wonder where they got that idea?), also has a 9 story birthday cake building which anyone can go up to the top and look out. But the biggest attraction to Disneyland Buddhaland is the gargantuan white female Buddha statue which will have two lifts up in to her head and an observation deck at its 14th floor. I don't mind the dozens of double decker buses cruising in and out each day, but I do mind the insanely repetitive and loud music/chanting they pump out their p.a. system every morning, and some afternoons/evenings. Yup, they're still playing the same song they've played repeatedly every day since moving here several years ago. No Thai would deign speak up to complain. And farang are well advised to not say anything either. This is Thailand, how can anyone say anything non-flattering about the Sangha? ...without getting in trouble.

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