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Official: At least 2 dead in Saskatchewan school shooting


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Those Canadians really should have strict gun controls like they have in Europe and California, which would prevent these massacres...oh wait, they already do.

If this guy had access to an assault rifle (instead of just a shotgun) like he would have had in the US then a lot more than 4 people would likely be dead.

I praise the gun control laws in Canada.

And if one or more of the victims had been allowed to own a handgun for personal protection they might all be alive today. However, it's pure speculation on both our parts.

Yep, because we all want students to be armed while in class. I can only assume your NRA membership is fully up to date.

P.s. Just curious ... How often have mass shootings in the US been stopped by a civilian with a gun?

Unfortunately not many because in most places it is very difficult to obtain a license to buy, let alone the second permit carry in public, a concealed handgun.

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Those Canadians really should have strict gun controls like they have in Europe and California, which would prevent these massacres...oh wait, they already do.

If this guy had access to an assault rifle (instead of just a shotgun) like he would have had in the US then a lot more than 4 people would likely be dead.

I praise the gun control laws in Canada.

And if one or more of the victims had been allowed to own a handgun for personal protection they might all be alive today. However, it's pure speculation on both our parts.
BS argument to justify more guns among the country's population. There are far more accidental deaths in North America from guns at home than from premeditated mass shootings. Don't need more guns in our society. Edited by jerojero
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Those Canadians really should have strict gun controls like they have in Europe and California, which would prevent these massacres...oh wait, they already do.

If this guy had access to an assault rifle (instead of just a shotgun) like he would have had in the US then a lot more than 4 people would likely be dead.

I praise the gun control laws in Canada.

And if one or more of the victims had been allowed to own a handgun for personal protection they might all be alive today. However, it's pure speculation on both our parts.
BS argument to justify more guns among the country's population. There are far more accidental deaths in North America from guns at home than from premeditated mass shootings. Don't need more guns in our society.
By definition, accidental deaths can't be prevented and are the fault of the owner. I haven't met a gun yet that injured or killed anyone on its own volition.

And nobody is trying to justify more guns ...just that those WHO WANT one for whatever reason have a constitutional right to own one. Nobody is forcing anyone to buy something they don't want (like Obamacare).

Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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Gun ownership is quite high in rural areas of our prairie provinces. Mostly rifles and shotguns however. As soon as I saw the title, I knew we weren't taking about an assault rifle with a high capacity magazine. And it was no surprise that the number of dead (2 in each of two locations) does not compare to what you regularly see in US mass shootings. I would say this is evidence that gun control works... it cannot completely eliminate these tragedies, but it makes them much less devastating.
On average, the US has less than 100 people killed in mass shooting events annually. Considering the fact that the population is more than 10x Canada's, with these 4 deaths, you're already well on the way, on a per capita basis, to matching the USA's numbers...and it's only January.

Hope you don't mind a dose of reality. There have been been over 700 gun deaths this year in your country. You're way ahead. http://www.gunviolencearchive.org/

There is a big difference between "gun deaths" and "mass shooting events." Please calm down and stop clutching your pearls.

Calm down? I have no reason to worry - I don't live there (thank the gods). But somehow, the gun deaths of more than 700 people in 3 weeks doesn't alarm you. Fascinating.

Now how's this for an informative stat: that mass shooting in Canada, where four innocent lives were taken, was the nation's worst school shooting in more than a decade. How do you think the US has fared in the past decade? [bTW the US population is NOT "more than 10x Canada's" - but if it helps you think things through, let's assume a 10:1 ratio]. Do you really believe that school shootings are proportional in the two countries?

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Gun ownership is quite high in rural areas of our prairie provinces. Mostly rifles and shotguns however. As soon as I saw the title, I knew we weren't taking about an assault rifle with a high capacity magazine. And it was no surprise that the number of dead (2 in each of two locations) does not compare to what you regularly see in US mass shootings. I would say this is evidence that gun control works... it cannot completely eliminate these tragedies, but it makes them much less devastating.

On average, the US has less than 100 people killed in mass shooting events annually. Considering the fact that the population is more than 10x Canada's, with these 4 deaths, you're already well on the way, on a per capita basis, to matching the USA's numbers...and it's only January.

Hope you don't mind a dose of reality. There have been been over 700 gun deaths this year in your country. You're way ahead. http://www.gunviolencearchive.org/

There is a big difference between "gun deaths" and "mass shooting events." Please calm down and stop clutching your pearls.

Calm down? I have no reason to worry - I don't live there (thank the gods). But somehow, the gun deaths of more than 700 people in 3 weeks doesn't alarm you. Fascinating.

Now how's this for an informative stat: that mass shooting in Canada, where four innocent lives were taken, was the nation's worst school shooting in more than a decade. How do you think the US has fared in the past decade? [bTW the US population is NOT "more than 10x Canada's" - but if it helps you think things through, let's assume a 10:1 ratio]. Do you really believe that school shootings are proportional in the two countries?

Is my ratio off...maybe I forgot to include all the recent terrorists, oops, I mean "refugees," your hip prime minister has or intends to allow into to Canada.

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