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What up with the contempt for poor people?


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We know appearances are important here so why go out looking like a homeless person unless you want people to avoid you. People are not equal and things are not fair, never have been and never will be. You can learn to play this very simple game here in Thailand or you can sit and complain about life being unfair.

What do homeless people in Thailand look like?

And is your idea of a homeless person the same as a Thais idea of a homeless person?

Most of the old losers posting here think sandals and socks are the way to go ........

Ever seen a Thai person wearing sandals and socks?

So you judge a book by its cover.

My landlord wears sandals and socks. So do I. They are comfortable.

He owns property in England, Malaysia, Sydney Harbour, and Chiang Mai. His house in the middle of the Old City is worth about 30 million baht alone. He wouldn't regard himself as a loser. Neither do I. If you and I had a pissing contest on assets, I'm fairly confident who would come out in front.

For a guy who prides himself on his superior education, you sometimes make comments which make you look like a total prat.

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POOR people dont buy Coke and if they do they arent poor, many of the "poor" arent really, just substitute " poor" for "bone idle"

Coke and Pepsi are the cheapest drinks available in Thailand at around 20bht/l.

If they aren't for the poor, then who are they for?

There are many drinks cheaper than Coke or Pepsi--olean, coconut water, many sugar water drinks, Chinese tea, etc., even a shot of lao cao or nam tam mao. I even know a place which sells draught Chang for B20. While I agree Chang is only for the poor, the others may not be.

If poor is a requirement to drink Chang, I'd rather be classified as poor. It's beside Leo and Carlsberg black my favorite beer of all times. I got through all German beers to find my favorite.

I knew that would draw comments from some, but since MaeJo said coke and pepsi were for the poor, I though I would stir the pot.

One of my good buddies loves Chang--or at least he did love the brown bottle Chang, but he has decided to change brands since the green bottle Chang--and he is not at all poor.

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