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Jeb Bush calls Donald Trump a 'loser'


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I'm not sure what a service record has to do with being president. One of the greatest war time leaders was FDR. No service record, unless you count a political appointment as Asst. Sec. of the Navy. OTOH, Eisenhower did a very good job, and no need to comment on his service. Woodrow Wilson? Wartime leader and no service. LBJ was an observer in a war zone but seems to have learned little from the experience. JFK, a legitimate war hero and someone who came through during the toughest of times in Berlin and Cuba. Nixon and Carter? Both served and both were disasters. The Bushes? What can you say, especially about GW? There is much more to leadership than service. Hillary is bad for the US because she and her husband are more ruthless and dishonest than Nixon. Not because Bill "loathed the military" or Hillary has little regard for it either.

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Jeb is to Donald what Curly is to Moe (3 Stooges)

One is trying to be nice guy and the other is relishing his role as tough guy.

How tough is The Donald in real life? He was awol from the draft, claiming he had a bad foot. Recently, when a reporter asked him which foot it was, The Donald said he couldn't remember.

Trump, like a number of his contemporaries such as Dickless Cheney (seven deferments!), Mitch McConnell, Trent Lott, John Coryn, John Ensign, John Boehner, Roy Blunt, Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney, Dennis Hastert, Dick Armey, Tom Delay, Bill Frist, John Ashcroft (seven deferments!), Rick Santorum, Jeb Bush, Karl Rove were scared to death of fighting in Vietnam. They bought their way out of that obligation. They were, and are cowards. They talk a big talk, but when it comes to walking into the land of danger, they would cower in the corner, and avoid personal danger at all costs. Other prominent fools who did not serve:

  • George Will, did not serve
  • Chris Matthews, Mediawhore, did not serve. (However, apparently served in the Peace Corps.)
  • Bill O'Reilly, did not serve
  • Paul Gigot, did not serve.
  • Bill Bennett, Did not serve
  • Pat Buchanan, did not serve
  • Rush Limbaugh, did not serve (4-F with a 'pilonidal cyst' [see "The Rush Limbaugh Story" by Paul D. Colford, St. Martin's Press, 1993, Chapter 2: Beating the Draft.])
  • Michael Savage (aka Michael Alan Weiner) - did not serve, too busy chasing herbs and botany degrees in Hawaii and Fiji
  • John Wayne, did not serve
  • Pat Robertson - claimed during 1986 campaign to be a "combat veteran." In reality, was a "Liquor Officer."
  • Bill Kristol, did not serve
  • Sean Hannity, did not serve.
  • Kenneth Starr, did not serve
  • Antonin Scalia, did not serve
  • Clarence Thomas, did not serve
  • Ralph Reed, did not serve
  • Michael Medved, did not serve
  • Charlie Daniels, did not serve
  • Ted Nugent, did not serve
  • Country Singer Toby Keith, did not serve. (1)
  • Radio Host Phil Hendrie, did not serve.


You missed at least two prominent names in your Republican dominated hit list.

William Jefferson Clinton

Barack Hussein Obama

Edit in Make that three.

Joseph R. Biden, Jr. (5 deferments)

Obama would have been about 12 years old when the draft ended. I don't think he needed any deferments.

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Your detecting skills leave quite a bit to the imagination.

Now how about stop stalking me around the forum. It gets tiresome to either ignore or answer your many baits.

I have him on ignore. Works wonders.


I do too, now.

With the stuff these two write, I'm not really surprised.


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I'm not sure what a service record has to do with being president. One of the greatest war time leaders was FDR. No service record, unless you count a political appointment as Asst. Sec. of the Navy. OTOH, Eisenhower did a very good job, and no need to comment on his service. Woodrow Wilson? Wartime leader and no service. LBJ was an observer in a war zone but seems to have learned little from the experience. JFK, a legitimate war hero and someone who came through during the toughest of times in Berlin and Cuba. Nixon and Carter? Both served and both were disasters. The Bushes? What can you say, especially about GW? There is much more to leadership than service. Hillary is bad for the US because she and her husband are more ruthless and dishonest than Nixon. Not because Bill "loathed the military" or Hillary has little regard for it either.

I agree with you that service record or not has little to do with being President. However, there is a nauseating practice by Republicans and their 24/7 media circus Fox to link military-patriotism-religion-republican (country music? laugh.png ) values with being American, and they should be exposed for the ridiculousness of this position.

I still think we need a full comparison of the Dems too, but certainly younger people like Obama are not a legitimate target when talking about draft-dodging the Vietnam war.

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I still think we need a full comparison of the Dems too, but certainly younger people like Obama are not a legitimate target when talking about draft-dodging the Vietnam war.

Democrats are just as capable of joining the military as Republicans. The draft is not the only issue when it comes to supporting the military.

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I still think we need a full comparison of the Dems too, but certainly younger people like Obama are not a legitimate target when talking about draft-dodging the Vietnam war.

Democrats are just as capable of joining the military as Republicans. The draft is not the only issue when it comes to supporting the military.

No, joining the military is not quite the same thing as avoiding joining the military and actively avoiding joining is what many did. It seems the wealthy had plans for their life and that plan didn't include dying for their country. I have no problem with that, but then they shouldn't really expect others to do the dying on their behalf.

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Both are losers ....next story perhaps ?

New poll out today. The mommy's boys can't get any traction and Bush you'll notice has 1% of the vote in this one. He needs to come up with something better than to call Trump a loser. Like perhaps quit while he's behind?

This is an unprecedented national movement of the people against the power brokers in the party. This is the death of the Bush dynasty. Say "hello" to President Trump.


Edited by NeverSure
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Thanks for showing that poll, above, tho I don't see a date on it. If any proof were needed how screwed-up Republican thinking is, there it is.

The best two candidates, from a field of 7 lousy brash men, are at the bottom. This is getting more fun by the week. Better than a Las Vegas chorus line.

I can't wait for the next Rep debate where Trump repeatedly interrupts others by shouting, "he's the biggest liar!" On 2nd thought, such shouting may help to wake Carson up from falling asleep at his lectern. Maybe Carson scores above K and B because his name is the same as Nevada's capital city. Trump scores well because a trump card is good in Nevada casinos. And Bush scores badly because the only bushes in Nevada are prickly pear. Rubio scores well because, well, everyone likes rubies. And Cruz scores well because most Nevadan Republicans are Christians, and cruz = cross.

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