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3 stabbed when violence erupts at KKK rally in California


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3 stabbed when violence erupts at KKK rally in California

ANAHEIM, California (AP) — The home of Disneyland, the self-proclaimed Happiest Place on Earth, is also the town where the Ku Klux Klan once ran the City Council, patrolled city streets and rallied 10,000 people in a city park.

That rally back in 1924 proved to be a turning point for Anaheim, which ousted the Klan and broke ground on Disneyland a generation later. Now a majority-Hispanic city of 350,000, it's hardly welcome territory for a KKK protest against immigration.

Mayhem ensued Saturday as soon as six Klan members pulled up in a black SUV for the rally they had advertised and pulled out signs saying "White Lives Matter."

Dozens of protesters swarmed in and someone smashed a window. The vehicle then sped away, leaving three Klansmen dressed in black shirts decorated with the Klan cross and Confederate flag patches outnumbered.

Police said one Klansmen carrying an American flag stabbed a protester with the bald eagle decorating the end of his pole. Counter-protesters, meanwhile, could be seen stomping on the other two. By the end of the melee, three people had been stabbed, one critically, and a dozen others arrested.

"(The counter-protesters) were so angry, they would have torn these folks limb from limb," said Brian Levin, who directs the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at California State University, San Bernardino. "I was afraid for their lives."

Levin, who came to Pearson Park expecting to record the rally for research, found himself protecting the Klansmen until police could intervene. On a video Levin shot and posted to Twitter, he later asked one of them, "How do you feel that a Jewish person helped save your life today?"

"I thank you. I thank you," said the Klansman, waving away the question with his blood-spattered arm. "I would have saved a colored man's life," he added.

Much of the clash was captured on video and posted online. In one, a man cries "I got stabbed," lifting his T-shirt to show a wound to his stomach. A fire hydrant where the man briefly sat was covered in blood.

By the time ordered was restored, three people had been stabbed, one critically. Five Klansmen were booked for investigation of assault with a deadly weapon, and seven of the approximately 30 counter-protesters were arrested on suspicion of assault with force likely to cause great bodily injury.

Levin said he saw no uniformed officers when the melee started. Sgt. Daron Wyatt says police were definitely there and were engaged with people at one end of the fight, and called for additional resources to deploy to the other end. He says the event stretched along an entire city block.

Police Chief Raul Quezada said his officers were able to respond quickly enough to arrest all but one of the main participants, with the exception of one counter-protester who was still at large Sunday. Four of the arrestees were released after a review of video evidence, he said Sunday in a statement from the city.

"Even if the vast majority of our community disagrees with a particular group who visits our city we cannot stop them from lawfully gathering to express their opinions," Quezada said. "Violence is not acceptable, and we will arrest anybody who assaults another person or commits any other crime in our city."

Chris Barker, who identified himself as the imperial wizard of the Loyal White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, told The Associated Press by phone from North Carolina that his members were holding a peaceful anti-immigration demonstration and acted in self-defense.

"If we're attacked, we will attack back," said Barker, whose organization lists Pelham, N.C., as its headquarters. Last year, the group drew headlines when it protested the removal of the Confederate flag from the South Carolina Capitol.

Nationwide, the number of active KKK groups increased to 190 in 2015 after falling in 2013 and 2014, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks hate groups.

In January 2015, packets containing fliers from the "Loyal White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan" and condemning the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. were left in the driveways of about 40 homes in Santa Ana, about 8 miles south of Anaheim.

Like many other cities across the United States, Anaheim has a history intertwined with the KKK. What sets the city apart, however, is its decisive backlash after the Klan gained four of five City Council seats in 1924. Those Klansmen were ousted in a recall election after their names were made public, along with the names of Klansmen on the police force and other prominent community members.

"We will always honor free speech in Anaheim, but we vehemently reject hate and violent confrontation," Mayor Tom Tait said added. "Anaheim is proud to draw strength in its diversity, tolerance and kindness, and Saturday's events run counter to that."

Associated Press writers Christine Armario and Daisy Nguyen contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-02-29

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I think the point of the rally was to be provocative in the first place. Their aim was to suggest that Whites are a target of violence moreso than other races...They succeeded...it is an absolute truth that Whites are the most frequent target of hate crimes, as defined by the DOJ in the USA....it's amazing that all the people who disavow White nationalists and claim to support free speech feel absolutely justified to use violence and censorship to attain their goals...the cost of free speech is that you occasionally hear something you do not like...and if you are truly open-minded, objective, and liberal in thought, that offers a starting point for critical evaluation...in the case of the KKK, much of their rhetoric draws upon misplaced frustration, irrational conspiracy, and overly simplified conclusions...they should have claimed more accurately that ALL Lives Matter...the police in the USA will kill anyone at the slightest provocation...it's not a race issue particularly, except for the undeniable fact that Blacks and Hispanics are most overt in committing street level crime, and thus come into contact with police more frequently...

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I think the point of the rally was to be provocative in the first place. Their aim was to suggest that Whites are a target of violence moreso than other races...They succeeded...it is an absolute truth that Whites are the most frequent target of hate crimes, as defined by the DOJ in the USA....it's amazing that all the people who disavow White nationalists and claim to support free speech feel absolutely justified to use violence and censorship to attain their goals...the cost of free speech is that you occasionally hear something you do not like...and if you are truly open-minded, objective, and liberal in thought, that offers a starting point for critical evaluation...in the case of the KKK, much of their rhetoric draws upon misplaced frustration, irrational conspiracy, and overly simplified conclusions...they should have claimed more accurately that ALL Lives Matter...the police in the USA will kill anyone at the slightest provocation...it's not a race issue particularly, except for the undeniable fact that Blacks and Hispanics are most overt in committing street level crime, and thus come into contact with police more frequently...

For the KKK everything is a race issue. It is even their motto.

.in the case of the KKK, much of their rhetoric draws upon misplaced frustration, irrational conspiracy, and overly simplified conclusions

Wrong : it comes from plain dumb racism, anyone saying it is not should go on their websites and have a look, especially their forums...a wonderful reunion of unicorns and fluffy bears

Edited by GeorgesAbitbol
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Welcome to the beginning of a Trump America.

If you can't blame Bush, Trump will have to do?

How about the guy that has been in office the past seven years?


Yeah, the "Loyal White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan" rally was President Obama's fault.

By the way, if they took a poll of presidential preference of the KKK members at this rally what kind of numbers would Trump get?

+/- 90%?


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I think the point of the rally was to be provocative in the first place. Their aim was to suggest that Whites are a target of violence moreso than other races...They succeeded...it is an absolute truth that Whites are the most frequent target of hate crimes, as defined by the DOJ in the USA....it's amazing that all the people who disavow White nationalists and claim to support free speech feel absolutely justified to use violence and censorship to attain their goals...the cost of free speech is that you occasionally hear something you do not like...and if you are truly open-minded, objective, and liberal in thought, that offers a starting point for critical evaluation...in the case of the KKK, much of their rhetoric draws upon misplaced frustration, irrational conspiracy, and overly simplified conclusions...they should have claimed more accurately that ALL Lives Matter...the police in the USA will kill anyone at the slightest provocation...it's not a race issue particularly, except for the undeniable fact that Blacks and Hispanics are most overt in committing street level crime, and thus come into contact with police more frequently...

For the KKK everything is a race issue. It is even their motto.

.in the case of the KKK, much of their rhetoric draws upon misplaced frustration, irrational conspiracy, and overly simplified conclusions

Wrong : it comes from plain dumb racism, anyone saying it is not should go on their websites and have a look, especially their forums...a wonderful reunion of unicorns and fluffy bears

I lived in the American south for quite some time, and most of the KKK fellows that I've met were racist because they felt that Blacks and Jews were depriving them of opportunity...Blacks are equally quick to point the finger at Whites for their failures and frustrations...

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Chicken poop partners in crime...running off in the get-away car leaving the criminals to face an unhappy crowd of people...

They can thank the crowd for not carrying machetes to chop off limbs...

Political protests and assemble are still legal in the US at this time...regardless of the polarization of the event...

Edited by ggt
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I think the point of the rally was to be provocative in the first place. Their aim was to suggest that Whites are a target of violence moreso than other races...They succeeded...it is an absolute truth that Whites are the most frequent target of hate crimes, as defined by the DOJ in the USA....it's amazing that all the people who disavow White nationalists and claim to support free speech feel absolutely justified to use violence and censorship to attain their goals...the cost of free speech is that you occasionally hear something you do not like...and if you are truly open-minded, objective, and liberal in thought, that offers a starting point for critical evaluation...in the case of the KKK, much of their rhetoric draws upon misplaced frustration, irrational conspiracy, and overly simplified conclusions...they should have claimed more accurately that ALL Lives Matter...the police in the USA will kill anyone at the slightest provocation...it's not a race issue particularly, except for the undeniable fact that Blacks and Hispanics are most overt in committing street level crime, and thus come into contact with police more frequently...

For the KKK everything is a race issue. It is even their motto.

.in the case of the KKK, much of their rhetoric draws upon misplaced frustration, irrational conspiracy, and overly simplified conclusions

Wrong : it comes from plain dumb racism, anyone saying it is not should go on their websites and have a look, especially their forums...a wonderful reunion of unicorns and fluffy bears

I lived in the American south for quite some time, and most of the KKK fellows that I've met were racist because they felt that Blacks and Jews were depriving them of opportunity...Blacks are equally quick to point the finger at Whites for their failures and frustrations...

Pointing fingers is one thing.

Lynchings,rapes, burning occupied houses and crosses while the local law enforcement looks the other way or even joins in' are something completely different.

How many blacks and Jews in the south do you think could get away with that?

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The KKK and the GOP are very much alike..

The south lost the civil war and refuses to get over it and move on..

Just like the GOP lost an election to a half white man and refuses to get over it and move on.

Both need to grow up and deal with reality like adults.

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