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South Korean man held by police dies after jumping from Bangkok condo


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Do you realise, that right this second, right now somewhere around the world some guy is getting ready to kill himself. Isn't that great? Statistics show that every year a million people commit suicide. Thats 2800 a day. That's one every thirty seconds. There goes another guy! And I say guy because men are four times more likely than women to commit suicide, even though women attempt it more. So men are better at it. That's something else you gals oughta be working on. Well if you wanna be truly equal you're gonna have to start taking your lifes in greater numbers. whistling.gif

Extremely poor taste. I just this morning had an Australian lady attempting to 'spread the word' and she'd confided she'd 'turned to Jesus' as she was suicidally depressed. She also told me Australia has the highest rate of suicides in the world. Should all Australians commit suicide too? Real class this forum coffee1.gif

The dopey woman is full of Schmitt, Daguerreotype.... Don't believe anything she says

A quick surf lists the US at 50 on an international suicide rates list... .. Thailand was listed at 56, whilst Australia was listed at 63rd Place.

Interestingly, South Korea was listed at second place... make of that what you will.

I accept that my information could well be wrong... But no way is it that far out, to go from 63rd position to the 1st position... Not a hope in hell.

Edited by farcanell
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Immigration and police dont seem to be following what was said about Passports , This is one main reason i left Thailand it is becoming very clear they have adopted a western approach i have only searched in Bangkok but 5 times in one week has turned me off the country , great bloody holiday

Searched 5 times in one week, could be a result of your appearance and attitude. In my 21yrs going all over Thailand, i have never once been searched or even approached by police. Anyways, good that you left Thailand. And to further reduce your stress levels, i suggest leaving this forum.

I've also never been searched, and I'm a hardened criminal, I've overstayed before and run an online blog for a living. Also smoked a bit of pot on occasion and went to afterhours clubs after 2am. Once rode a bike without a helmet.

I dress well though in shirt, trousers and shoes, have a calm demeanour and speak Thai. So it appears the real undesirables like myself evade capture.

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I have never been asked for my PP in 6 years. I had been in countless police checkpoints in Phuket, Bangkok, Chiang Mai and Isaan province, with cars and motorbikes from brand new 3mio Baht cars, 500k pick-up to honda wave's and ducati's.... NEVER ever asked for y Passport. Even if I had no drivers license with me.

South Korea is by the way Number 2 on world rank of suicides...


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Whats the big deal about showing the passport?,we are allowed to show a copy, or ,if i am not mistaken we can just show our drivers licence.I personally dont find it a big deal,takes maybe a minute,and finished,so whats the big deal?Ok some policemen do tend to go a bit further,so if they want to make themselves feel big,so what,just show it and be on your way.We are visitors regardless how long we have lived here,and the rules are there for everyone.My opinion when someone has a passport that needs to be renewed,get it done,its for our own benefit,and saves all that bother later,ducking and diving for nothing only agro to oneself.

I don't mind showing my passport. What I mind is having to carry it. Losing a passport is a big deal. I mostly wear shorts with limited pocket space and I don't carry a purse. Tell me how you carry your passport.

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Been living in Bangkok for close to 30 years, I have not been asked for my passport even once other than during night club raids, same goes for my friends who we use to go drinking and clubbing back in the day. Although back in the day, night club raids were very common to check for drugs, its uncommon nowadays. My group of friends are pretty diverse, americans / europeans / russions / indians / thais etc

I would say police have a good eye at picking on whoever looks and acts suspicious. That is not to say there are innocent folks who gets checked on the streets.

I've had to show my passport to the Russian police during my holiday there once while walking on the streets. Didn't think too much about it and was just a quick check.

RIGHT!.................. I've been living in Bangkok for 163 years now, living in shoe box in middle of road, every morning I 'ave to wake up and lick road clean wid tongue! and when our dad gets 'ome, he slices us in two with bread knife! ...............and I've never been asked for my passport! smile.png

I have to ask, though in no sense feel I am owed an answer... What exactly in Mike's comment provoked this word salad-cum-response, and more importantly, why?

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Since everyone else is.....

I've never lived in Thailand, only came for holidays. I have been searched and asked to show my passport a few times. Scary stuff for a 20-something white male in Thailand.

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And the reason for asking to see his passport was? whistling.gif

In a country governed by the military and where the 'rules' state a passport should be carried at all times, I don't think they need a reason...............you're not in Kansas anymore, Toto

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Yeah Yeah..Blame Thai Cops again...You guys really want Thailand to turn into Europe Ghetto of Migrants and refugees..Don't you?

No Thanks. If Thai Cops started following Falang logic...It will end up like Europe biggrin.png

Its called Deterrent ...The low lifes know they can't roam around free and do what they please ..When Cops check their status in the country.

I'm the good guy here and I play by the rules...I will wear my passport in my neck if this would make sure bottom feeders can't hide in Thailand like they do in Europe with laughable laws.

Most Farangs have a twisted logic of what really FREEDOM means, which made Europe what it is today.

Passport checking should be done more often. Good guys like us have nothing to fear, this will make sure, the trouble makers are kept out.

There is no invasion of your privacy here...That's bad farang logic...

The issue should be handled at the border sir..not while in the country. I'm not carrying my passport around, especially if it may get stolen or lost. If the police do not give just cause to view any of your ID, they have no right to demand anything...that IS invasion of my privacy/private affairs. Nice how you use the term trouble makers...you'd be a good recipient for the big-brother state..or a member of George Orwell's 1984 society..I think you better eye your own logic,,sir.

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Nice how you use the term trouble makers...you'd be a good recipient for the big-brother state..or a member of George Orwell's 1984 society..I think you better eye your own logic,,sir.

And his line 'good guys like us have nothing to fear' is a rewording of the classic phrase 'If you've got nothing to hide, you've got nothing to fear'

Many in history have pointed out how illogical and fallacious that line of thinking is - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nothing_to_hide_argument#Arguments_for_and_against

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Do you realise, that right this second, right now somewhere around the world some guy is getting ready to kill himself. Isn't that great? Statistics show that every year a million people commit suicide. Thats 2800 a day. That's one every thirty seconds. There goes another guy! And I say guy because men are four times more likely than women to commit suicide, even though women attempt it more. So men are better at it. That's something else you gals oughta be working on. Well if you wanna be truly equal you're gonna have to start taking your lifes in greater numbers. whistling.gif

Not be pedant, but it's 2,737.85 per day.

You've artificially inflated the deaths, just like Thailand artificially lowers themsad.png

"There's lies, damn lies and statistics" Mark Twain

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Maybe underestimated his escape. I once saw a guy being chased by police (not in Thailand) enter a first floor of a parking structure and jump a wall to exit at the rear. What he didn't know was the structure was built on a hillside so it was 2 stories down to the pavement below. Shattered his heels and will never walk the same. This was over a bag or weed mind you. Sometimes it's better to face the music then turn yourself into a Korean street pizza.

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I have been asked to show my passport only once, lucky I was on my way to school and had to do immigration so had it on me.

Would have just been a copy at any other time.

Cant say it would have bothered me to much one way or the other if I had just had the copy. If you don't look scared and have anything to hide I don't think the cops who stopped me would have bothered.

Only other times I've been stopped by the cops its more me stopping them after a few beers. Had a good laugh with the 2 cops on the motorbike who pester people around Asoke. On the pavement riding their bike about 1am I think, riding towards me I made sure they couldn't pass and gestured to them to ride between my legs. Both of them wanted to shake my hand.

Show fear and they can smell it. Laugh and even the RTP can laugh with you.

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The issue should be handled at the border sir..not while in the country. I'm not carrying my passport around, especially if it may get stolen or lost. If the police do not give just cause to view any of your ID, they have no right to demand anything...that IS invasion of my privacy/private affairs. Nice how you use the term trouble makers...you'd be a good recipient for the big-brother state..or a member of George Orwell's 1984 society..I think you better eye your own logic,,sir.

So in a country with a high number of illegal immigrants and a problem with legal entrants overstaying visas, the police have no right to ask for ID/Immigration status of an obvious non-citizen, because it is an invasion of your privacy. Uh-huh. American, right?

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They are very large Korean expat community living in Thailand, I was told by one Thai acquaintance that some of the crackdowns on Thai visas was due to their large presence in Thailand, unlike the Japanese the Koreans benefited for years from the 90 days visa exempt stamp which was cracked recently if arrived by land border there were even a dedicated visa run service for them, most of them are running business here obviously without work permit.

Not as large as the Japanese expat community though.

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Perhaps the South Korean was once a North Korean. Expired South Korean passport might not have been authentic or belonged to the deceased.

And Thailand has a history of returning North Koreans to North Korea.

Better Dead than Red?

Highly unlikely.

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They are very large Korean expat community living in Thailand, I was told by one Thai acquaintance that some of the crackdowns on Thai visas was due to their large presence in Thailand, unlike the Japanese the Koreans benefited for years from the 90 days visa exempt stamp which was cracked recently if arrived by land border there were even a dedicated visa run service for them, most of them are running business here obviously without work permit.

Not as large as the Japanese expat community though.

true, but its known to immigration that a large part of koreans are overstayers and invovled with illegal activities such as online gambling and other gang related stuff

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And the reason for asking to see his passport was? whistling.gif

In a country governed by the military and where the 'rules' state a passport should be carried at all times, I don't think they need a reason...............you're not in Kansas anymore, Toto

Rules, what rules or do the authorities use their own interpretations?

BANGKOK:-- [thaivisa.com] After the confusion surrounding the news that all foreigners in Thailand are required to carry their passport with them at all times, Thaivisa.com has today obtained official clarification on this matter.

Earlier this afternoon, Thaivisa.com spoke to Deputy Commander and Police Colonel Voravat Amornvivat, a senior official at Immigration headquarters in Bangkok.

Deputy Commander Voravat wanted to reassure the expat community in Thailand about the current situation.

He told Thaivsia.com that information in an article published by The (not be mentioned on this forum) on 31 July 2014, was incorrect.

Deputy Commander Voravat confirmed that foreign tourists and expats do not need to carry their passports with them at all times.

He said that tourists can of course leave their passports locked in their hotel safe and enjoy their holiday in Thailand without worrying about the need to carry their original passport.

Deputy Commander Voravat also said that for expats living here, a Thai driving license or photocopy of your passport can be used as a form of identification.

However, if Immigration Police suspect an individual to be overstaying in Thailand or being involved in illegal activity, then the individual would be required to produce their original passport promptly.

Deputy Commander Voravat referred to Section 58, which reads as follows:

Any alien who has no lawful document for entering the Kingdom under section 12(1);....under this Act; and has no identification in accordance with the Law on Alien registration, is considered to have entered the Kingdom in violation of the Act.

Entering or staying in Thailand without holding a valid passport and visa/extension is subject a fine and possible prison sentence.

My bold.

Has this changed? How about it TV, where are we up to now? whistling.gif

Edited by lvr181
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They are very large Korean expat community living in Thailand, I was told by one Thai acquaintance that some of the crackdowns on Thai visas was due to their large presence in Thailand, unlike the Japanese the Koreans benefited for years from the 90 days visa exempt stamp which was cracked recently if arrived by land border there were even a dedicated visa run service for them, most of them are running business here obviously without work permit.

Not as large as the Japanese expat community though.

true, but its known to immigration that a large part of koreans are overstayers and invovled with illegal activities such as online gambling and other gang related stuff

I would not say 'large part' but rather a minority. Most expats/immigrants here have legit businesses such as Korean restaurants or work for Korean companies in the Chonburi area.

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They are very large Korean expat community living in Thailand, I was told by one Thai acquaintance that some of the crackdowns on Thai visas was due to their large presence in Thailand, unlike the Japanese the Koreans benefited for years from the 90 days visa exempt stamp which was cracked recently if arrived by land border there were even a dedicated visa run service for them, most of them are running business here obviously without work permit.

Not as large as the Japanese expat community though.

true, but its known to immigration that a large part of koreans are overstayers and invovled with illegal activities such as online gambling and other gang related stuff

I would not say 'large part' but rather a minority. Most expats/immigrants here have legit businesses such as Korean restaurants or work for Korean companies in the Chonburi area

I guess I need to rephrase it, large as in quite a bit compare to other nationalities or I should say Asian nationalities as another poster mentioned Japanese expat community. Not large has in large part of the korea population. You often hear it in the news regarding to scams, illegal gambling, and gangs - Chinease, Taiwanese, and Koreans. Yes I know majority of the folks are legit business owners and workers here.

Its not hard to find the unlegit ones too, if you go up Sukhumvit Plaza (k-town), on the top floors there are a handful of shady karaoke lounges girls drink with you, those are all owned by shady folks. In the past there were many korean arrested for running gambling servers out of condos.

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Immigration and police dont seem to be following what was said about Passports , This is one main reason i left Thailand it is becoming very clear they have adopted a western approach i have only searched in Bangkok but 5 times in one week has turned me off the country , great bloody holiday

At least wear a singlet and you should be ok.In 40 years i have never been asked.I have deliberately walked past,crossed roads to walk past and they just refuse to pull me.I don't carry my passport either so i am pushing the boundaries.Down in Bangers in a couple of weeks so will keep trying.

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Do you realise, that right this second, right now somewhere around the world some guy is getting ready to kill himself. Isn't that great? Statistics show that every year a million people commit suicide. Thats 2800 a day. That's one every thirty seconds. There goes another guy! And I say guy because men are four times more likely than women to commit suicide, even though women attempt it more. So men are better at it. That's something else you gals oughta be working on. Well if you wanna be truly equal you're gonna have to start taking your lifes in greater numbers. whistling.gif

George Carlin. A legend who was never afraid to speak the truth

Correct i was watching one of his stand up and then this pop up ? laugh.png No sleepless night or anything ?bah.gif

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