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Migrant crisis: Greece urged to declare state of emergency


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Migrant crisis: Greece urged to declare state of emergency


Greece has been urged to declare a state of emergency on its border with the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia where some 12,000 migrants and refugees are stuck, unable to continue their journey.

With authorities only allowing a handful through, the governor of Greece’s Central Macedonia region wants action.

“The Former Yugoslav Republic needs to open the borders immediately and the European Union needs to implement severe actions against the countries that are closing their borders today,” said the governor, Apostolos Tzitzikostas, who has asked for the state of emergency to be declared.

Travelling with his two daughters, it has been a long and dangerous road to the border for Taher from war-torn Syria – one of some 35,000 migrants and refugees currently stranded in Greece.

He is hoping to reunite his family as his wife and son are already in Sweden.

“We managed to cross over with great difficulty and harsh conditions,” Taher said.

“We were mugged and robbed on the road and lost everything. Even our passports are gone.”

Austria and countries along the Balkans migration route have imposed restrictions on their borders, limiting the numbers able to cross and leading to the backlog in Greece.

“So this is Europe?” Taher said.

“Very good. Had I known I would not have moved an inch.”

Asked if he is thinking of returning to Syria, Taher said: “No, I am thinking of committing suicide.”

While the EU and Turkey seek a consensus at an emergency summit on Monday on how to stem the influx of migrants, Greece looks set to remain Europe’s waiting room for months to come.

The UNHCR, the UN’s Refugee Agency, has warned that Europe is running out of time to solve the crisis.

Filippo Grandi, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, has set out a detailed six-point plan “to manage and stabilise the refugee situation”.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-03-06

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Christian governments cannot afford to close their borders. Religion of correctness forbids.

Keep on praying folks, after this summer you all will be a minority.

Would do you a lot of good to listen carefully to the french lady in Calais.

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"Greece has been urged to declare a state of emergency on its border with the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia where some 12,000 migrants and refugees are stuck, unable to continue their journey."

Has everyone lost their brain or something? Because i wonder why everyone continue to spread the lie that a "refugee" has some kind of right to choose ("continue their journey") which country to stay in, there is no such right. If you have entered Turkey from Syria, Afghanistan etc and refuse to seek asylum there or have already saught asylum and "continue your journey" you are automatically NOT a refugee anymore, you are either a colonizer or illegal immigrant (same thing really).

What should be done is that we, the EU or EU nations, start negotiating with dirty poor countries like Zimbabwe about establishing "illegal immigrant detainment camps" for any and all that enter Europe illegally. We could quite fast fix Zimbabwes shitty economy by giving them a few billion Euros to have the illegal immigrants there for us.

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"If you have entered Turkey from Syria, Afghanistan etc and refuse to seek asylum there or have already saught asylum and "continue your journey" you are automatically NOT a refugee anymore"

I used to think the same logic as you, as it applied to Australia where illegal boat people fled from Indonesia where many had been living, sometimes for years. Apparently under amendments to the refugee act many years ago, and which Australia and others signed, refugees are allowed to stop in a "safe" country and then continue on, keeping their refugee status.....BLOODY CRAZY ISN'T IT.?

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"Greece has been urged to declare a state of emergency on its border with the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia where some 12,000 migrants and refugees are stuck, unable to continue their journey."

Has everyone lost their brain or something? Because i wonder why everyone continue to spread the lie that a "refugee" has some kind of right to choose ("continue their journey") which country to stay in, there is no such right.

Seems to be the way of the world these days. Remember when charities were grateful for any contribution you would make? Nowadays it is 'You WILL set up a direct debit and send us a specified amount every month, and don't even THINK about putting any scruffy old sh!t into our collection bags. We want quality gear only or to hell with you.'

Clearly beggars can be choosers in 2016...

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"If you have entered Turkey from Syria, Afghanistan etc and refuse to seek asylum there or have already saught asylum and "continue your journey" you are automatically NOT a refugee anymore"

I used to think the same logic as you, as it applied to Australia where illegal boat people fled from Indonesia where many had been living, sometimes for years. Apparently under amendments to the refugee act many years ago, and which Australia and others signed, refugees are allowed to stop in a "safe" country and then continue on, keeping their refugee status.....BLOODY CRAZY ISN'T IT.?

You mean Australia has their own amendment? Well, if they do have it's nothing i have ever heard of but isn't that then a contradiction to the fact that Australia send basic everyone to Naura who try to enter Australia by boat?

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The Dublin agreement defines they should seek refuge in the first safe country they come across.

All EU countries are signed up to this.

Greece, they are yours you can have them.

Refuse to accept, bog off out of the EU

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Many of the countries through which they travel are not signatories to the conventions on refugees. They may be able to register in some countries, but they will not be considered for refugee status and they are at the mercies and vagrancies of the country.

Their journey into Europe was not unexpected, since they were offered protection in Germany. It's a little hard to get there without going through Southern Europe.

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"If you have entered Turkey from Syria, Afghanistan etc and refuse to seek asylum there or have already saught asylum and "continue your journey" you are automatically NOT a refugee anymore"

I used to think the same logic as you, as it applied to Australia where illegal boat people fled from Indonesia where many had been living, sometimes for years. Apparently under amendments to the refugee act many years ago, and which Australia and others signed, refugees are allowed to stop in a "safe" country and then continue on, keeping their refugee status.....BLOODY CRAZY ISN'T IT.?

Indonesia, nor Turkey are signatories to the relevant UN Convention for refugees, thereby providing internationally recognised legal protection and process. Australia, as is within the rights of a sovereign nation, broke long standing international conventions for protection of refugees by implementing the PNG Solution.

Some more background...

For refugees to be able to benefit from the standards of treatment provided for by the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees (1951Convention) and/or to its Protocol or other relevant international and regional instruments, it is essential that they have access to a procedure where the validity of their claims can be assessed. The principle of non-refoulement includes the obligation not to reject asylum-seekers at frontiers and to grant them access to a fair and efficient asylum or status determination procedures. There is no duty in international law for an individual to seek asylum in the first country that they enter.

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Their journey into Europe was not unexpected, since they were offered protection in Germany. It's a little hard to get there without going through Southern Europe.

It seems to be hard for the majority to get there without flouting international law, breaking down fences, fighting with policemen in the continent they wish to enter, assaulting the women of the continent they have decided they want to live in, looting shops and breaking into private homes to steal and threaten their owners.

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A state of emergency will help nothing unless you can define what the emergency is. What's the point, the goal of the emergency? To repulse invaders? To emotively appeal to frau Merkel for enough handouts to make Greece Syria-North? A state of emergency is meaningless without identifying the crisis.

Why/How was DAESH and others threatening to send a wave of millions into Europe over 12 months ago? How could a "jayvee" team that has aims for prophetic prophecy predict so accurately over 1 year ago that millions would swarm EU from middle east and Africa? Shouldn't we be concerned that an apocalyptic terrorist group was able to perfectly predict this muslim migration problem over 12 months ago?

This questions do not solve the problem but perhaps in understanding what is really going may aid in tackling the issue. Malcolm Gladwell's "The Tipping Point" captures well how movements like this gain a specific gravity, then take on their own weight of reality, and become a trend, a fashion, a movement, a wave, a crisis. He discusses this quite brilliantly. In the current case the "tipping point" never happened in EU. The tipping point happened before the masses arrived here. In other words, it was not the minority hoards arriving, the media, and then the subsequent rebound of many more from Africa and ME following- the crisis began with the impetus already. Whatever mechanism would lead refugees in Syria, the dispossessed in Afghanistan, opportunists in North Africa, etc., to take advantage of an emerging opportunity in the EU did not result from the media cycle of early arrivals. It was a coup de etat from the start. The massive waves hit already and the commentary cycle began at the start in crisis, past the tipping point.

I regret I lack the skills to explain more clearly but this is about as contrived a crisis as imaginable. The herd psychology did not have its nexus in the EU during the trials and arduous efforts, the collective, psychology tipping point happened before they departed from their sources. If one would understand- really understand what is happening here they must step back and go back in time a few years. What was the mad colonel talking about? What did DAESH and those like Qutb, Qaradawi, etc. know that we do not see?

Considering what is at stake it would be really stunning to avoid these questions. Its pretty clear that something other than a coincidental population shift is taking place. Greece needs to declare a state of war, not emergency.

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What did DAESH and those like Qutb, Qaradawi, etc. know that we do not see?

They see the inability of Europe to defend itself. A total hollowing out of European culture in the name of inclusivity, diversity, moral relativity and non-discrimination have enfeebled (many parts of) the continent to a terminal extent.

Millions of Europeans are about to pay the price for the cult of Political Correctness which has come to dominate the continent.

Here's one view:

Edited by RickBradford
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"If you have entered Turkey from Syria, Afghanistan etc and refuse to seek asylum there or have already saught asylum and "continue your journey" you are automatically NOT a refugee anymore"

I used to think the same logic as you, as it applied to Australia where illegal boat people fled from Indonesia where many had been living, sometimes for years. Apparently under amendments to the refugee act many years ago, and which Australia and others signed, refugees are allowed to stop in a "safe" country and then continue on, keeping their refugee status.....BLOODY CRAZY ISN'T IT.?

Indonesia, nor Turkey are signatories to the relevant UN Convention for refugees, thereby providing internationally recognised legal protection and process. Australia, as is within the rights of a sovereign nation, broke long standing international conventions for protection of refugees by implementing the PNG Solution.

Some more background...

For refugees to be able to benefit from the standards of treatment provided for by the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees (1951Convention) and/or to its Protocol or other relevant international and regional instruments, it is essential that they have access to a procedure where the validity of their claims can be assessed. The principle of non-refoulement includes the obligation not to reject asylum-seekers at frontiers and to grant them access to a fair and efficient asylum or status determination procedures. There is no duty in international law for an individual to seek asylum in the first country that they enter.

Are you talking about this convention... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Convention_relating_to_the_Status_of_Refugees

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Many of the countries through which they travel are not signatories to the conventions on refugees. They may be able to register in some countries, but they will not be considered for refugee status and they are at the mercies and vagrancies of the country.

Their journey into Europe was not unexpected, since they were offered protection in Germany. It's a little hard to get there without going through Southern Europe.

Germany, and in this case Merkel, have no authority to say such a thing. But am i reading it correctly that you think it's alright to wander how you want through borders, without visas or permits, because you feel like it?

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Many of the countries through which they travel are not signatories to the conventions on refugees. They may be able to register in some countries, but they will not be considered for refugee status and they are at the mercies and vagrancies of the country.

Their journey into Europe was not unexpected, since they were offered protection in Germany. It's a little hard to get there without going through Southern Europe.

Germany, and in this case Merkel, have no authority to say such a thing. But am i reading it correctly that you think it's alright to wander how you want through borders, without visas or permits, because you feel like it?

Nope. You are not reading correctly. I have never said any such thing.

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Europeans have developed welfare states. They are unsustainable as the populations with low birth rates age. In order to finance the aging population and the socialism, the real reason Europeans leaders are promoting this immigration is to get new workers to finance Karl's retirement plan.

Mohammed has a different idea. Germany IS his retirement plan. He's heard of the socialism and free stuff and wants some of it too. He has no plans to integrate and become a European. He plans to bring his own shitty culture and impose it on Europe, while sucking up the benefits that the Europeans worked for.

The Europeans are the greatest fools of the last 500 years. First socialism which is always unsustainable, and next import younger "workers" to try to support it. One big problem is that these gate crashers don't have job skills and rather than contribute, they will take. There will simply be more people on the dole. The average income of Europeans will go down, not up, as cheap labor abounds if the crashers work at all.

One can see the end of Europe and the European system just as clearly as he can see a freight train barreling toward him as he stands on the tracks. Europeans are already being subject to this new wonderful culture as their homes are invaded and looted as they sit there watching, as their women are raped and their stores looted.

Good bye Europe. You are so <deleted> self-righteous, PC, inclusive, entitled, helpless, hopeless, individually defenseless and better-than that you've committed cultural suicide.

"There is none so blind as he who will not see."

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Europeans have developed welfare states. They are unsustainable as the populations with low birth rates age. In order to finance the aging population and the socialism, the real reason Europeans leaders are promoting this immigration is to get new workers to finance Karl's retirement plan.

Mohammed has a different idea. Germany IS his retirement plan. He's heard of the socialism and free stuff and wants some of it too. He has no plans to integrate and become a European. He plans to bring his own shitty culture and impose it on Europe, while sucking up the benefits that the Europeans worked for.

The Europeans are the greatest fools of the last 500 years. First socialism which is always unsustainable, and next import younger "workers" to try to support it. One big problem is that these gate crashers don't have job skills and rather than contribute, they will take. There will simply be more people on the dole. The average income of Europeans will go down, not up, as cheap labor abounds if the crashers work at all.

One can see the end of Europe and the European system just as clearly as he can see a freight train barreling toward him as he stands on the tracks. Europeans are already being subject to this new wonderful culture as their homes are invaded and looted as they sit there watching, as their women are raped and their stores looted.

Good bye Europe. You are so <deleted> self-righteous, PC, inclusive, entitled, helpless, hopeless, individually defenseless and better-than that you've committed cultural suicide.

"There is none so blind as he who will not see."

There is a small minority of europeans, me included, that do actually know what is happening and try their best to steer the boat from the ice berg but it's just not enough.

Almost all of the illegal immigrants flooding to Europe have absolutely nothing to contribute to european societies. We really do not have jobs for kebab and goat technicians. It's a VERY TINY minority that actually have an education worthwhile for any european society.

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"If you have entered Turkey from Syria, Afghanistan etc and refuse to seek asylum there or have already saught asylum and "continue your journey" you are automatically NOT a refugee anymore"

I used to think the same logic as you, as it applied to Australia where illegal boat people fled from Indonesia where many had been living, sometimes for years. Apparently under amendments to the refugee act many years ago, and which Australia and others signed, refugees are allowed to stop in a "safe" country and then continue on, keeping their refugee status.....BLOODY CRAZY ISN'T IT.?

Nope. It's just what happens because people have learned they can do that without any consequences and get what they want at the end. Which might not be what they were promised by traffickers.

Article 31: Refugees unlawfully in the country of refugee

1. The Contracting States shall not impose penalties, on account of their illegal entry or presence, on refugees who, coming directly from a territory

where their life or freedom was threatened in the sense of article 1, enter or are present in their territory without authorization, provided they present

themselves without delay to the authorities and show good cause for their illegal entry or presence.

2. The Contracting States shall not apply to the movements of such refugees restrictions other than those which are necessary and such restrictions

shall only be applied until their status in the country is regularized or they obtain admission into another country. The Contracting States shall allow

such refugees a reasonable period and all the necessary facilities to obtain admission into another country.

From which we learn that only crossing the border into the country neighbouring the one you are fleeing from without paperwork is allowed,

and to travel on from there is possible with admission by the next country. Meaning a voluntary act by that country, not letting s.o. pass because they don't want to shoot them.

Definition of the term “refugee”

A. For the purposes of the present Convention, the term “refugee” shall apply to any person who:

(2) As a result of events occurring before 1 January 1951 and owing to wellfounded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality,

membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality and is unable or, owing to such fear,

is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country; or who, not having a nationality and being outside the country of his former

habitual residence as a result of such events, is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to return to it.

From which we learn that it does not matter if the first or any subsequent country you flee to is a signatory state of the 1951 convention or the 1967 protocol,

as long as they don't persecute based on race/religion/nationality. Turkey and Greece don't. And are signatory states, along with nearly anyone along the way,

including Iran, where the Afghans have to pass through, and the whole Caucasus and Russia from where some make their way to Norway.

The 1967 protocol only did away with the "results of events occurring before 1 January 1951" part and introduced cooperation with UNHCR along with some legal technicalities.

Nothing in there about "fleeing" until you reach the promised land.

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Btw. here are some lengthy reads on how civil war refugees qualify as such under the Geneva Convention.

Turns out, it was never meant for this scenario, just gets applied on a per case basis where a lot of wanton violence is required to apply it to civil wars and local unrest or lawlessness. It certainly was never meant for that kind of numbers of refugees or a lot of the reasons for quitting a country and it is surmised no-one would sign it today of that was put to discussion.



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Europeans have developed welfare states. They are unsustainable as the populations with low birth rates age. In order to finance the aging population and the socialism, the real reason Europeans leaders are promoting this immigration is to get new workers to finance Karl's retirement plan.

Mohammed has a different idea. Germany IS his retirement plan. He's heard of the socialism and free stuff and wants some of it too. He has no plans to integrate and become a European. He plans to bring his own shitty culture and impose it on Europe, while sucking up the benefits that the Europeans worked for.

The Europeans are the greatest fools of the last 500 years. First socialism which is always unsustainable, and next import younger "workers" to try to support it. One big problem is that these gate crashers don't have job skills and rather than contribute, they will take. There will simply be more people on the dole. The average income of Europeans will go down, not up, as cheap labor abounds if the crashers work at all.

One can see the end of Europe and the European system just as clearly as he can see a freight train barreling toward him as he stands on the tracks. Europeans are already being subject to this new wonderful culture as their homes are invaded and looted as they sit there watching, as their women are raped and their stores looted.

Good bye Europe. You are so <deleted> self-righteous, PC, inclusive, entitled, helpless, hopeless, individually defenseless and better-than that you've committed cultural suicide.

"There is none so blind as he who will not see."

J. Edgar Hoover must be your role model.

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