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Foreign diplomats voicing alarm to U.S. officials about Trump


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with the perspective of Trump winning the US presidency, it is funny to watch all the formerly die-hard leftist democrats come close to throw their democratic principles out the window by thinking how they can block him from winning.

So the Republican party consists of formerly die-hard leftist democrats.

the anti-democratic statements are funniest when coming from die-hard leftist democrats.

* I'm not in favor of Trump either - I think if he really does what he says, he's a risk for the US and for the world.

What I'm saying is that it's funny to watch how people, who were previously all for "power to the people" etc., are now betraying their ideals. Any attempt of explanation comes with a "yes, but..." LOL! just LOL.

And this situation in the US is not without resembling the situation in Thailand. In the US, they don't want Trump and in Thailand they don't want Thaksin, but both are the uneducated's favorites.

And I guess the same people denying Trump the presidency would applaud Thaksin's comeback as a candidate in Thai elections.

Food for thought.

The point of the process seems to have been missed by some, so let's state it for the record.

In each political party the nomination will be awarded to the person who accumulates the most delegates elected to the national convention.

In each instance, delegates are voted as delegates by the members of each party. The delegates pledge to their respective candidate. The candidate who gets votes in each state primary or caucus of voters gets delegates.

Super delegtes are almost entirely elected officials to include members of the congress maximus, governors and other elected state officials to include elected state legislators. National committee members of each party that are elected from each state are included among the delegates.

If the campaign through the states might continue to the convention, candidates and delegates will vie for enough to win the nomination by open balloting of the states.

Democracy in action.

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Need to get this news out. It will drive up Trump's numbers even higher. Mexicans, Chinese and Europeans interfering in an American election will not go over well with the electorate.

Don't see why they shouldn't make known their concerns. The U.S. is for ever interfering in other countries' affairs - and not just their elections, either.

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You want to see what kind of mental midgets this guy Trump has spawned? Already?

Please have a listen to this guy, Robert Morrow. (Wait for it: @1:35)

Who, was recently elected as the GOP Chairman in Austin, Texas:

"I'm Donald Trump on steroids"


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Oh, so now if we raise our right hands we are Nazis. No more swearing in ceremonies for you, I guess. You've never been in a classroom where a benign teacher asked everyone who agreed with something to raise their hands.

You need to get out more, and you need to find something else to worry about.

It is long past time to get serious about what is occurring here.

So let's get serious and knock off the grasping at straws. Trump has been smart enough to label Obama's deal with Iran "a disaster" and it's much like many of the deals we've made lately whether it be trade or anything else.

NOW we learn (and let's get serious):

Iran conducted multiple ballistic missile tests on Tuesday in what it said was a display of "deterrent power," defying U.S. sanctions just imposed earlier this year to try to disrupt its missile program,
reported Agence France Presse.
State media announced that short-, medium- and long-range precision guided missiles were fired from several sites to show the country's "all-out readiness to confront threats" against its territorial integrity. LINK
We've been played for the fool by Dems and Reps long enough. It's enough.
It's time to get serious about serious things.
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Topic: "Foreign diplomats voicing alarm to U.S. officials about Trump".

Of course they are alarmed. Trump is the only one talking about spoiling their party. They have free access to US markets while many deny the US free access to their markets. China is the biggest offender.

Trump scares the hell out of them because he would put America first for the first time in decades. He would protect American jobs instead of shipping them to third world countries. He would require other countries to start paying for their own defense instead of putting bases in the countries and/or patrolling their waters for them. He would wall off illegal aliens who come to the US, make money, and ship it back to their home countries.

They have a lot to be "alarmed" about but Americans don't. Especially Americans who'd like to have a good job don't.


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Topic: "Foreign diplomats voicing alarm to U.S. officials about Trump".

Of course they are alarmed. Trump is the only one talking about spoiling their party. They have free access to US markets while many deny the US free access to their markets. China is the biggest offender.

Trump scares the hell out of them because he would put America first for the first time in decades. He would protect American jobs instead of shipping them to third world countries. He would require other countries to start paying for their own defense instead of putting bases in the countries and/or patrolling their waters for them. He would wall off illegal aliens who come to the US, make money, and ship it back to their home countries.

They have a lot to be "alarmed" about but Americans don't. Especially Americans who'd like to have a good job don't.


If that is what the electorate wants then Bernie is the better option. That is exactly Bernie's position but without the torture, targeting of innocent family members, unconstitutional attacks on religious minorities, alienating allies etc. Seems you are a Bernie supporter comrade. Welcome aboard.

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Like I said earlier this is not about Democrat vs Republican but about the people vs the establishment. Problem is that the Democrats themselves and also the Republican party are so entwined in the establishment they have become one and the same. The sheeple cannot seem to understand this and defend them like rabid pit bulls.

So Trump comes along and is seriously anti establishment and talks about reforming the system and making America great again. He has some policies not worth considering but he has some that literally frighten the bejeusus out of the elite including audtiing the fed, prosecuting hillary, eliminating cheap foreign labor and a few others. So attack mode is full on. Does no one find it the least bit odd that Trump is being attacked by the mainstream media and its cronies like never before? Is this a fair unbiased process? Can the people not elect their own leaders without being lambasted with media instructions 24/7?

Problem is it is easier to be conned than to admit to being conned.

Wake up sheeple you are already at the edge of the cliff.

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<deleted> Em

Trump will be the next President of the United States GET USED TO IT not only that but he will whip it into shape

19 Trillion in Debt corrupt to the core you better hope he wins else USA will be Bankrupt with Sanders or Clinton

Someone needs to address this ever escalating debt. If Trump can do it fine, if Sanders can by making Wall St pay for it fine, Clinton can't do it period

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It is a little bit of a difficult situation for countries external to America. I doubt you will get a public commentary on the US election. However, the outrageous nature of particularly Trump is really wedging Foreign politicians on the basis the questions need to be asked. Simply on the basis there is a great concern of the stability of the US should Trump become President.

When a Presidential candidate endorses torture and targeting of family members, labels an entire race of people as rapists and criminals, threatens to shut borders to religious minorities the main concern is these actions would violate the Geneva Convention and International Law that America is a signatory too. Essentially removing America from International treaties. Many Nations have clear legislation that prohibits them from trading with such countries or becoming involved militarily with countries that are not signatories to certain International Treaties.

It isn't that they give a toss who America elects as President that is totally up to them. What they have to evaluate is any ongoing cooperation or involvement with America. It is pretty obvious that most western Nations will dramatically reduce any political or military or financial involvement with a Trump administration.

As you can see this report shows clearly Foreign nations are raising concerns and indicating diplomatically that they would be looking to reassess ongoing commitments made with the existing US government. Those commitments and involvement will be withdrawn under a Trump administration.

Forget it, Trump is a marketing exercise in anti pc

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We the undersigned, members of the Republican national security community,

represent a broad spectrum of opinion on America’s role in the world and what is necessary to keep us safe and prosperous.

We have disagreed with one another on many issues... But we are united in our opposition to a Donald Trump presidency.

Recognizing as we do, the conditions in American politics that have contributed to his popularity, we nonetheless are obligated to state our core objections clearly:

Number of Signatories: 117



No ghost story here.


I rarely agree with the GOP on anything, but in this case, they're absolutely spot on.

Really? Democracy at work? Give the great unwashed what we want them to have, not what they choose to have

Edited by seedy
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This article sounds like made up nonsense to keep the PC thinking they are correct. World leaders and foreign diplomats will welcome president Trump, seeing as he is a straight-forward man that knows how deals are made. World politics is all about making deals that hopefully improve the lot of the populations. Simple concept really.

Now there are a great many people around the world that are very upset at the prospect of Trump as POTUS because he can see through their double-speak, sly political games and other BS, and will punish them appropriately. I can't wait.

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Statistics show there is an inverse correlation between IQ and supporting Trump.

However 78% of statistics are just made up!

Me? I don't really care but Trump is a deeply unpleasant person. How embarrassing for Americans if he makes it.....

What I don't get is that so many hate Trump, but give HRC a pass, despite her being a deeply unpleasant person ( and a liar ).

That even Bernie is doing as well as her says much as to her unattractiveness to the average Dem.

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<deleted> Em

Trump will be the next President of the United States GET USED TO IT not only that but he will whip it into shape

19 Trillion in Debt corrupt to the core you better hope he wins else USA will be Bankrupt with Sanders or Clinton

Someone needs to address this ever escalating debt. If Trump can do it fine, if Sanders can by making Wall St pay for it fine, Clinton can't do it period

No one will be able to 'address' it. Its the way economies run look at Japan 200 % and alls well , and the bullshit the English Tories spun on UK debt at 70 ish it got them in , basically by scare mongering the English voter with bullshit , like its so huge it'll kill our country ,, just so wrong, they've just used it to kill things they don't agree with and yet its still rising.

Gnd is just like having a credit card a mortgage or a car loan no biggie as long as u can make the payments anyone ie politicians saying anything else are looking to exploit the gullible

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Tell old Abe (who talks for a liberal portion of Israel) to stick it in his bum. The Obama/Clinton team have done about everything possible to backstab our only true ally in the middle east.

It says a lot about your character when you make a fascist statement calling a large portion of America, that disagrees with you dimwits.

Edited by seedy
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Topic: "Foreign diplomats voicing alarm to U.S. officials about Trump".

Of course they are alarmed. Trump is the only one talking about spoiling their party. They have free access to US markets while many deny the US free access to their markets. China is the biggest offender.

Trump scares the hell out of them because he would put America first for the first time in decades. He would protect American jobs instead of shipping them to third world countries. He would require other countries to start paying for their own defense instead of putting bases in the countries and/or patrolling their waters for them. He would wall off illegal aliens who come to the US, make money, and ship it back to their home countries.

They have a lot to be "alarmed" about but Americans don't. Especially Americans who'd like to have a good job don't.


Trump is entirely empty of coherent, rational policy. He says nothing. He represents nothing, except for the manifestation of what some Americans think is the American Dream; that is, to be rich. Since he is empty of substance, the devotees that are elevating this circus into a cult are able to project their own unfulfilled dreams and ambitions onto him. He is the strong man who will take actions long desired by the old white dispossessed. Whether it be walls, or reversing free trade deals or slam dunking Putin or Xi or anyone from South of the border. People can believe this because Trumps obfuscation allows them to project anything into his non-position.

So here the nativist, angry old chauvinist dreams of a Trump putting America first again. A quite meaningless and politically bankrupt concept. But hey, gotta teach those Euro puzzle commies what's what.

Naturally, many people of like minds do not realise what they may have to give up to get the trains running on time, until it is too late. Viva il Duce.

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quotes from the OP:

European and Middle Eastern government representatives have expressed dismay to U.S. officials about anti-Muslim declarations by Trump that they say are being used in recruiting pitches by the Islamic State and other violent jihadist groups.

More than a hundred Republican foreign policy veterans pledged this week to oppose Trump, saying in an open letter that his proposals would undermine U.S. security.

It's what I've been saying for weeks. Oddly, Romney echoed what I said about Trump a week earlier, and I'm not even a fan of Romney.

Not to worry.

Trump will never become President.

I hope he does. Firstly for the comedy factor and secondly because it will annoy the PC brigade.

I agree, Trump will be great for Late-Night talk show hosts and their audiences. But for anyone who cares about the future of the USA, Trump is a walking/talking disaster. It would be like if he was in charge of a room full of nursery school kids, and gave them brownies laced with broken glass and thumb tacks.

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Why wouldn't these pundits want to make their names known? A pretty good American tradition is to know your accusers, to have them face you. If these foreigners don't like Trump but are so chicken they don't want to be quoted, well then they don't count nor do their opinions.

Maybe because they know Trump is such a hot-headed vindictive a..hole. If he does get in power, and hears a certain nationality says non-flattering things about him, he might publicly shout to call them infantile cuss words (at best) or nuke the country (at worst).

<deleted> Em

Trump will be the next President of the United States GET USED TO IT not only that but he will whip it into shape. 19 Trillion in Debt corrupt to the core you better hope he wins else USA will be Bankrupt with Sanders or Clinton

"Whip it into shape" !!!?

Kinda like whipping a puppy to a bloody pulp with a bike innertube because it peed on the floor.

Trump loves debt, are you kidding. He will borrow and amass such riches as to make F.Marcos blush. He'll bluster away from paying back debts (personal and national) just as he's done in his 4 bankruptcies and other failed businesses. It there's 19 trillion in debt now, it will be a lot deeper if/when Trump rampages his way through 4 years of trashing the US.

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And meanwhile, Trump rolls on through Mississippi and Michigan.

Trump has won them both BIG. Widdow Rubio came in 4th in one. Cruz came in 3rd behind Kasich in one.

The more the establishment attacks Trump the better he does because the voters have had it "up to here" with the establishment.

Now lets get after Hillary.

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Trump loves debt, are you kidding. He will borrow and amass such riches as to make F.Marcos blush. He'll bluster away from paying back debts (personal and national) just as he's done in his 4 bankruptcies and other failed businesses. It there's 19 trillion in debt now, it will be a lot deeper if/when Trump rampages his way through 4 years of trashing the US.

That's not correct. Trump never filed personal bankruptcy. He bought businesses that were losers and put them through bankruptcy and brought them out the other side winners. They were already belly up.

When one of us can amass as much personal money as he does, then we'll give him lectures.

He's kicking serious butt in the US Primaries right now.

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They still don't get it! Trump is the Anti-Establishment (Government) Candidate! They can STUFF IT! The American People will

choose the next President! Not the Lobbyist nor the Political Establishment! I AM LOVING THIS ELECTION!

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Not to worry.

Trump will never become President.


I wish I had your confidence in this matter.

There are far too many uninformed, uneducated Americans that this promoter and showman called Trump is playing to and winning over.

Unfortunately, even a stupid vote counts as a vote in America.

and Trump has convinced the stupid to come out of the closet and vote.

Good Luck to America and the rest of the free world.free world.

This may result in a global catastrophe.

There are far too many uninformed, uneducated Americans that this promoter and showman called Trump is playing to and winning over.

Unfortunately, even a stupid vote counts as a vote in America.


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The genuflection of the US in capitulating to every and any one around the world under Obama & Company ensure that these same beneficiaries will now loudly protest any change in the status quo now. America is an open spigot under Obama's American Self-loathing and a la cosa nostra pay-to-play under HRC. These two the world can live with- patsies. Were America to ever assert "America first" again many people would be sorely disappointed. You see and hear them daily now, gnawing flesh, gnashing teeth; Henny Penny screaming.

(The same stale agents of sucking the life out of nations and peoples are equally on display in UK and EU now as the pathology of their (socialist) policies are moving the world toward nationalism and desperation. People are moving toward nationalism as a response to... pick it... Right! Failed progressive/socialist polices. This is why socialism always produced despots).

"America is an open spigot under Obama's American Self-loathing and a la cosa nostra pay-to-play under HRC." Wow, that's harsh.

I only have one question, Arj:

Why capitalize Self-loathing?

Is that your best shot? A capital letter? When are you going to say something intelligent?

Actually, the entire wingnut word salad post was so ridiculous, I picked "Self-loathing" as one correction in the whole silly...wait, what am I doing?

Trying to explain humor to a Republican. facepalm.gif

I actually love that sentence. "America is an open spigot under Obama's blah blah blah..."

I may have that tattooed on my chest. smile.png

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