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US: Pro-gun activist is accidentally shot by 4-year-old son


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In many places, she would be charged with child neglect or child endangerment. At a minimum, the child should be removed from her custody pending a very thorough investigation about her parenting skills.

I wonder if the child was in a child restraint seat?

I was wondering this. I assume she will be charged with a fairly serious offence? The fact that she was the one shot should be irrelevant. What if it hit someone else?

nay. a pro gun supporter judge might release her with minor offences.

So if the kid had hit someone else any idea what the charge would be?

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In many places, she would be charged with child neglect or child endangerment. At a minimum, the child should be removed from her custody pending a very thorough investigation about her parenting skills.

I wonder if the child was in a child restraint seat?

I was wondering this. I assume she will be charged with a fairly serious offence? The fact that she was the one shot should be irrelevant. What if it hit someone else?

nay. a pro gun supporter judge might release her with minor offences.

So if the kid had hit someone else any idea what the charge would be?

Possibly not much!

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Babies should receive their first gun when they come out of the womb. Just a small caliber gun/.22. Diapers should have built in holsters. There are just too many children being shot in America and caught with no way to return fire. If they were armed (and trained of course) this would end. Toilet training and gun safety through NRA authorized gun safety courses. Yes, there may be a few preschool duels but I say weed out the slower kids early before they waste space in the classroom.

Bigger guns with higher caliber for bigger children. By the time the kids are in high school they should be all be packing extended magazine glocks.

The only way to make America safe is guns for every man, woman and child and baby.

Our 2nd Amendment right to kill each other is in serious danger, people.

Make sure your baby is packing with a bullet in the chamber. Keep them safe.

God Bless America

Wayne (bang bang) LaPierre

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The guys a prize idiot for leaving a loaded gun where a 4 year old could access it, Guns are not to blame only the idiots with them.

Exactly. That's why access to them have to be strictly controlled.

Cars kill far more people than guns, and NO ONE ( that I've heard of ) is advocating that access to cars be strictly controlled.

Alcohol causes far more deaths than guns, but it's not strictly controlled.

Before driving a car everyone has to go through a rather arduous process before possibly getting a driving license. One would think that at a minimum something similar should be applied to something that can be used to blow children's brains out.


I guess you're not referring to LOS with that comment on driving then!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Come to it, NZ drivers are appalling. I am constantly shocked at the poor standard of driving I see on the roads there. Can't comment on other countries driving standards though.

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The guys a prize idiot for leaving a loaded gun where a 4 year old could access it, Guns are not to blame only the idiots with them.

Exactly. That's why access to them have to be strictly controlled.

Cars kill far more people than guns, and NO ONE ( that I've heard of ) is advocating that access to cars be strictly controlled.

Alcohol causes far more deaths than guns, but it's not strictly controlled.

Okay, besides all the argument, others already threw at you (driving license, driving tests, strict laws on driving etc.)

I will give you another and very simple reason, why your argument is total BS:

Car = main objective: driving around from A to B, maybe transporting stuff, people...

Gun= main objective: shoot or kill someone

It's not that hard, really!

Wrong. Outside the military, the most common reason for owning a gun would probably be for hunting animals/ exterminating animal pests. Certainly is in NZ and in the UK/ Ireland.

BTW people can own a 50 cal rifle in NZ, but there aren't any reports of people lying on water towers and shooting people with one, or any rifle. There's more to the mass shooting culture in the US than the mere availability of weapons.

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Cars kill far more people than guns, and NO ONE ( that I've heard of ) is advocating that access to cars be strictly controlled.

Alcohol causes far more deaths than guns, but it's not strictly controlled.

Okay, besides all the argument, others already threw at you (driving license, driving tests, strict laws on driving etc.)

I will give you another and very simple reason, why your argument is total BS:

Car = main objective: driving around from A to B, maybe transporting stuff, people...

Gun= main objective: shoot or kill someone

It's not that hard, really!

Wrong. Outside the military, the most common reason for owning a gun would probably be for hunting animals/ exterminating animal pests. Certainly is in NZ and in the UK/ Ireland.

BTW people can own a 50 cal rifle in NZ, but there aren't any reports of people lying on water towers and shooting people with one, or any rifle. There's more to the mass shooting culture in the US than the mere availability of weapons.

Wrong. Outside the military, the most common reason for owning a gun would probably be for hunting animals/ exterminating animal pests.

in US ? come on please you can do better than that!

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This old chestnut again

"The guys a prize idiot for leaving a loaded gun where a 4 year old could access it, Guns are not to blame only the idiots with them."

Idiots indeed so why would you give them access to guns in the first place?

Those who are pro guns will always make excuses for the overwhelming amount of gun violence in the US. We can all come up with examples for whatever argument we are trying to promote. The reality is the USA will continue it's gun obsession no matter how many young and innocent people are killed.

Idiots? You decide...


No one is supporting gun violence in the US. What they are supporting is the right to have the means to protect themselves against the very bad people that want to hurt them.

No amount of gun laws will stop the bad people obtaining guns.

Denying and decrying gun violence, whilst using it as the very argument to preserve their rights to own firearms, would perhaps be a more accurate statement.... No?

But as I have said before... American internal problems are theirs to sort out, not ours.

You know, it is very possible to believe in the right to firearm ownership, yet also believe in gun control and laws regulating the sale, transfer, and possession of these weapons. This is is not an all or nothing thing. I can see why you might think such, but the vast majority of Americans would like to see tighter gun laws. This however does not extend to prohibiting gun ownership (nor should it).

Most if not all sensible people agree with you, the problem is that in the USA if you mention gun and control in the same sentence, then, they are coming to take your guns away retards start frothing at the mouth.

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Second Amendment Rights! Second Amendment Rights. Ahhh bullshit. What about my rights of life liberty and the pursuit of happiness without dodging bullets?

Gun creeps should be shot.

Pathetic, paranoid, small unit, tools who couldn't get laid if their lives depended on it. Gun nuts.

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This old chestnut again

"The guys a prize idiot for leaving a loaded gun where a 4 year old could access it, Guns are not to blame only the idiots with them."

Idiots indeed so why would you give them access to guns in the first place?

Those who are pro guns will always make excuses for the overwhelming amount of gun violence in the US. We can all come up with examples for whatever argument we are trying to promote. The reality is the USA will continue it's gun obsession no matter how many young and innocent people are killed.

Idiots? You decide...


No one is supporting gun violence in the US. What they are supporting is the right to have the means to protect themselves against the very bad people that want to hurt them.

No amount of gun laws will stop the bad people obtaining guns.

Denying and decrying gun violence, whilst using it as the very argument to preserve their rights to own firearms, would perhaps be a more accurate statement.... No?

But as I have said before... American internal problems are theirs to sort out, not ours.

You know, it is very possible to believe in the right to firearm ownership, yet also believe in gun control and laws regulating the sale, transfer, and possession of these weapons. This is is not an all or nothing thing. I can see why you might think such, but the vast majority of Americans would like to see tighter gun laws. This however does not extend to prohibiting gun ownership (nor should it).

Most if not all sensible people agree with you, the problem is that in the USA if you mention gun and control in the same sentence, then, they are coming to take your guns away retards start frothing at the mouth.

Not entirely accurate. Like I said, the polls seem to show lots of people feel this way. It's just that ones that don't are the most vocal, vile, and most importantly...... Well funded.

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Second Amendment Rights! Second Amendment Rights. Ahhh bullshit. What about my rights of life liberty and the pursuit of happiness without dodging bullets?

Gun creeps should be shot.

Pathetic, paranoid, small unit, tools who couldn't get laid if their lives depended on it. Gun nuts.

"... and the pursuit of happiness without dodging bullets?"

Is somebody taking pot shots at your keyboard?

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The stupidity of a meme like this does nothing in the way of helping to promote responsible/reasonable gun ownership. I know you must think it is so clever, but it isn't. As a gun owning American, I would really like to see people stop posting juvenile and oversimplified memes that make all gun owners/supporters appear mentally challenged. Fire extinguishers and guns are not comparable. Plain and simple......

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The only way to stop a bad 4 year old with a gun is a good 4 year old with a gun!!!

And seriously??? It is only a misdemeanor in Florida if you store a gun in an unsafe way that allows a child access to it?

Outstanding ALLSEEINGEYE! Kudos

Arm the children I say!

Yes the violation was dropped to a misdemeanor under the Darwin Act.

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Fire extinguishers and guns, yeah same thing.

Ye gods, some people


It seems the people who produced that, JetsetBKK who posted it and the other members who 'liked' the post lack the intellectual capacity to tell the difference.

  • A fire extinguisher's purpose is to save lives.
  • A gun's purpose is to take lives.

How many people have been maimed or killed in fire extinguisher attacks?

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Fire extinguishers and guns, yeah same thing.

Ye gods, some people


It seems the people who produced that, JetsetBKK who posted it and the other members who 'liked' the post lack the intellectual capacity to tell the difference.

  • A fire extinguisher's purpose is to save lives.
  • A gun's purpose is to take lives.

How many people have been maimed or killed in fire extinguisher attacks?

Millionaire mother of playboy who broke up Cuomo-Kennedy marriage found 'beaten to death with a fire extinguisher' inside her hilltop estate
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Fire extinguishers and guns, yeah same thing.

Ye gods, some people


It seems the people who produced that, JetsetBKK who posted it and the other members who 'liked' the post lack the intellectual capacity to tell the difference.

  • A fire extinguisher's purpose is to save lives.
  • A gun's purpose is to take lives.
How many people have been maimed or killed in fire extinguisher attacks?

Millionaire mother of playboy who broke up Cuomo-Kennedy marriage found 'beaten to death with a fire extinguisher' inside her hilltop estate

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3312514/Foul-play-eyed-death-millionaires-83-year-old-wife.html#ixzz42ibdeJr3

cheesy.gif Well, that does it then! Ban fire extinguishers and all "blunt instruments". laugh.png

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There are many things which can be used to kill or maim; hammers, kitchen knives, chain saws; the list is long.

But they are not designed specifically to kill; as are guns.

The following comes from this BBC article; sources for the figures are named therein.

Mass shootings: There were 372 mass shootings in the US in 2015, killing 475 people and wounding 1,870,

School shootings: There were 64 school shootings in 2015........Those figures include occasions when a gun was fired but no-one was hurt.

All shootings: Some 13,286 people were killed in the US by firearms in 2015....... 26,819 people were injured [those figures exclude suicide].

How the US compares: The number of gun murders per capita in the US in 2012 - the most recent year for comparable statistics - was nearly 30 times that in the UK, at 2.9 per 100,000 compared with just 0.1.

Of all the murders in the US in 2012, 60% were by firearm compared with 31% in Canada, 18.2% in Australia, and just 10% in the UK.

The home front: So many people die annually from gunfire in the US that the death toll between 1968 and 2011 eclipses all wars ever fought by the country........ there were about 1.4 million firearm deaths in that period, compared with 1.2 million US deaths in every conflict from the War of Independence to Iraq

I have been unable to find comparable figures for death by fire extinguisher.

The pathetic response from JetsetBKK doesn't change the fact; the USA has the loosest gun control laws in the first world; it also has by far the highest gun death and injury rate.

Are the pro gun lobby so stupid not to see the connection?

Or do they simply not care because they believe their right to own their guns is more important than the lives of innocents, often children?

As for JetsetBKK's second attempt to justify his and other's unhealthy obsession with guns; there are sound valid reasons why properly trained law enforcement officers need to carry guns in certain circumstances.

Those who cannot see the difference between that and arming a poorly trained civil population with few restraints have lost all sense of reality in their attempts to justify their obsession.

Yes, it is true that research will throw up some stories of people who claim gun ownership saved their life. But this nothing compared to proven incidents where someone's gun ownership resulted in the death of one or multiple innocents.

One life possibly saved for 100+ lost; is that justification for mass gun ownership?

I guess it depends if you're the one whose life was saved or someone whose innocent loved one(s) was(were) killed.

Or if you're someone who will leap on any justification for their obsession with penis substitutes guns.

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I am waiting for the normal gun lobby to come on with "well if the Mother would have had a Gun as well she would not have been shot, she could have got the four year old first. More Guns is safer" sick.gifcoffee1.gif

I am a supporter of the right to keep and bear arms because its as obvious as the night following the day that people should have the means to protect their homes, person, and others- period. However, this OP is pure stupidity and rightly invites all manner of charges from recklessness to karma. No 4 year old should have to suffer the anguish of having done this as no child this age has the tools to comprehend such an act. The adult should be wholly held accountable irrespective of the degree of injury.

But even ten of these acts of ignorance a day will never equate to more than an appeal to emotion. No manner of stupidity from citizens, ignorance, or protest from leftists- for any reason- will ever be a greater moral or legal argument than the right to keep and bear arms being unequivocal. Without question I could list a number of other public policies, which are not Natural Rights, that cause far more harm to children and citizens under the cover of "for the children."

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How the US compares: The number of gun murders per capita in the US in 2012 - the most recent year for comparable statistics - was nearly 30 times that in the UK, at 2.9 per 100,000 compared with just 0.1.

Of all the murders in the US in 2012, 60% were by firearm compared with 31% in Canada, 18.2% in Australia, and just 10% in the UK.

But to be fair, the homicide rate in the US is 4.7 per 100,000, compared to 1 per 100,000 in the UK, and its the homicide rate that matters, not the firearm homicide rate, because if you are dead, you are dead, it doesn't matter how. But of course, 4-5 times doesn't sound as good as 30 times, so we should obviously choose the firearm only statistics. Then, at the same time we can trot out that the UK has higher violent crime rates than the US, while ignoring the differing definitions of violent crime to show that fewer guns causes more crime. We can then all be happy because we have reinforced our pre-existing biases related to guns and crime and call it a day.

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