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Denmark the 'happiest country' and Burundi 'the least happy'


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Denmark the 'happiest country' and Burundi 'the least happy'

LONDON: -- Denmark is the world's happiest country while Burundi is the least happy, according to a new survey.

The fourth World Happiness Report also found that countries where there was less inequality were happier overall.

Switzerland, Iceland, Norway and Finland, which like Denmark have strong social security systems, made up the rest of the top five.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-35824033

-- BBC 2016-03-17

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Beautiful place Denmark. Good people. Interesting that their #1 family has been poaching beautiful Australian women and turning them into Princesses.

They'd want to be careful letting too many Aussies in :P

Edited by neverdie
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What happened to Happy Thailand? So a European country, Denmark, it is then... why? Hhhhmmm - let's take a closer look, perhaps this is the reason? Never believe in any statistics that wasn't doctored up by yourself. Happy rapy day!


Edited by MockingJay
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Really great country, Denmark

Lived there for a few years in the 80s

Biggest mistake in my life was leaving there to go and live in the states.

The whole social structure is just perfect. High taxes but great benefits.

Hyggelig! (Look it up - only way to describe it)

Edited by Grouse
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All these "surveys" are statistical rubbish. I lived in DK for more than a dozen years in the 70s and can safely say it it the country where most people 'say' they are happy. Danes love to conform and comply with the prescribed consensus and will answer these idiotic questions in they way they believe is expected of them. Complete nonsense....

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All these "surveys" are statistical rubbish. I lived in DK for more than a dozen years in the 70s and can safely say it it the country where most people 'say' they are happy. Danes love to conform and comply with the prescribed consensus and will answer these idiotic questions in they way they believe is expected of them. Complete nonsense....

Well that's very cheery! Where are you on the happiness index?

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Right up there at the top, thanks. I'm as happy as a sandbag far away from the 'nanny' states of Northern Europe and all their fingure-wagging hypocrisies...


That's the importance of being Ernest?


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Denmark has the highest level of personal debt in the EU and they also consume the most anti-depressants. The schools suck as well.

This was in article today in this Forum's favourite newspaper - The Guardian of course. I won't post a link as, needless to say, all will have read it by now. I'm also not going to make a cheesy Shakespeare reference either.

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Denmark has the highest level of personal debt in the EU and they also consume the most anti-depressants. The schools suck as well.

This was in article today in this Forum's favourite newspaper - The Guardian of course. I won't post a link as, needless to say, all will have read it by now. I'm also not going to make a cheesy Shakespeare reference either.



Each to their own I guess.....

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Denmark has the highest level of personal debt in the EU and they also consume the most anti-depressants. The schools suck as well.

This was in article today in this Forum's favourite newspaper - The Guardian of course. I won't post a link as, needless to say, all will have read it by now. I'm also not going to make a cheesy Shakespeare reference either.



Each to their own I guess.....

And another thing


Interesting that many of the happiest countries have high personal debt! What can one infer from that? Hang on while I get the Amex out

( High personal or household debt because they can)

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Denmark has the highest level of personal debt in the EU and they also consume the most anti-depressants. The schools suck as well.

This was in article today in this Forum's favourite newspaper - The Guardian of course. I won't post a link as, needless to say, all will have read it by now. I'm also not going to make a cheesy Shakespeare reference either.



Each to their own I guess.....

And another thing


Interesting that many of the happiest countries have high personal debt! What can one infer from that? Hang on while I get the Amex out

( High personal or household debt because they can)

And finally, the antidepressant issue


In countries where the norm is to be happy, if you're not you are more of an outlier and actually at more risk

Also need to control for a country's wealth. Prozac is 2,000 baht per pack in Thailand (don't ask). But almost free in countries with a civilised health service

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Denmark has the highest level of personal debt in the EU and they also consume the most anti-depressants. The schools suck as well.

This was in article today in this Forum's favourite newspaper - The Guardian of course. I won't post a link as, needless to say, all will have read it by now. I'm also not going to make a cheesy Shakespeare reference either.



Each to their own I guess.....

And another thing


Interesting that many of the happiest countries have high personal debt! What can one infer from that? Hang on while I get the Amex out

( High personal or household debt because they can)

This is the article I read: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/jan/27/scandinavian-miracle-brutal-truth-denmark-norway-Sweden

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Denmark has the highest level of personal debt in the EU and they also consume the most anti-depressants. The schools suck as well.

This was in article today in this Forum's favourite newspaper - The Guardian of course. I won't post a link as, needless to say, all will have read it by now. I'm also not going to make a cheesy Shakespeare reference either.



Each to their own I guess.....

And another thing


Interesting that many of the happiest countries have high personal debt! What can one infer from that? Hang on while I get the Amex out

( High personal or household debt because they can)

This is the article I read: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/jan/27/scandinavian-miracle-brutal-truth-denmark-norway-Sweden

Ta' ska' du ha' as they say!

Interesting and a bit depressing. In the 80s it was fabulous for young families. Recently weekends in Kobenhavn - Nyhavn, gra brudere torv - still great

The immigration of these damned Muslims must be a major strain. I hope they recover OK

My son, Thomas, 4 at the time, got the piss taken at borne haven because his lunch box had TOM on it ( Tom means empty in Danish )

Halcyon days. I'll keep my rose tinted nostalgia enhancing specs on!

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