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Nearby Farang being taken for a ride


What should I do?  

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I live in a small town with few Farang.

Until last year, there was a food stall near my house, with seating, that sold reasonable food and beer. It was run by a Thai lady, the daughter of the man who owned the land the business was on, and her Farang boyfriend. I attended on occasion and had a good chat with the Farang boyfriend, nice guy. he did mention he had funded the construction of the eatery, and I had thought he had paid a bit much, but I said nothing.

Last year, the Farang told me he was getting tired of Thailand and thinking of returning home. He arranged a trip back to his home country, taking his girlfriend with him, for two or three months. They left, the eatery shut down, and I heard nothing for several months.

I then saw that the lady had returned to the plot of land and was doing some building work. Another Farang was there. A week later, a different Farang was there and more work was being done. A couple of weeks ago, I bumped into the original Farang. We had a chat, and he said she had left him, and he thought another man was involved. I mentioned that I had seen work being done on the property but didn't know much.

A couple of days ago, I drove past said piece of land and noticed another of the local Farang there, a customer in what was now a coffee shop. I'd not spoken to him for a while so stopped and had a chat. The latest "boyfriend" was also there. Friendly chat, my friend left, and I ordered another coffee. He tells me that last year he had tried to arrange a visa for her to visit him in his own country. She had paid a lot of money to a visa agent (money he sent her) and failed to get a visa. He had put a lot of money in her account to help with the visa application, but the embassy were not happy with the sudden influx of funds. She had also lied to them regarding a couple of matters.

Anyway, the money this guy had sent over was then used to build this coffee shop. And there was me thinking boyfriend number two had paid for it! I kept quiet, whilst the girlfriend looked on with fear. So, what should I do? Answer the poll above please!

Edited by naboo
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Its a confusing story...sorry man I read it twice and still dont get it...btw you should probably mind your own business...you wanna get all tied up in other peoples affairs? Don't squeal on the neighbor lady...the guys will come and go...

Edited by fireplay
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why not just say what you know. nothing much else to talk about and you dont owe nobody nothin'

i would see if they strike up a conversation first however. if they are not interested dont offer.

keeping secrets is poison, one of the reasons relationships between thai and farang dont work out. secrets and lying seem to be two biggies. by keeping secrets you are playing the game also.

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All will end up closed I reckon...the snatch and grab seems out of line with the business model...basically the gal hasn't the business acumen for the long game.

Shame really as it sounds like she could do well.

Edited by smokie36
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Make a complete nuisance of yourself by complaining to everyone who will listen about this licentious and mercenary harridan. Make sure you include all her boyfriends and male family members. Dig a six-foot trench and prepare to lie in it.

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Not worth it mate.....keep out of it. My missus sisiter has an English lad throwing money at her....he does not know she has 2 or 3 on the go. I was asked to send the grovelling texts but refused.

Edited by baneko
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get really involved, tell the village exactly what you know and put a poster up on the shop window for those who don't know, include your mobile number and address so anyone can get in touch with you.

Do everything you can to let everyone know what you know.

Then write your will .......

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I am in this village now and we are both reading this post!!!

everyone is very mad at you!!!

we know who you are!!!!

Relax, it will all blow over, everyone knows what is going on and if the people are willing to part with their money on whatever basis, it is their business, buyer beware. The whole world is aware of this situation, it is the way it is and not your business.

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Think of it this way

All those previous boyfriends learned their lesson, and in what seems like a short term, so being so greedy and swapping guys so quickly, she probably saved them a bunch in the long term

The guy that payed for a visa agent, seriously, should have known better

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Go ahead and spill the beans, she thinks you have anyway. If she doesn't think you have told then she thinks you will. Better for yourself if you make clear to her that you are keeping your mouth shut about everything. The dummies giving her money will lose their money, you may lose your life.

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I would settle for free coffee and food. Just go in, order whatever, instead of asking for the checkbin, just smile, say thank you and "see you tomorrow".

I reckon she would see this a fair. Similar to "tea money." TIT

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Its a confusing story...sorry man I read it twice and still dont get it...btw you should probably mind your own business...you wanna get all tied up in other peoples affairs? Don't squeal on the neighbor lady...the guys will come and go...

its not confusing at all... ever heared about a troll story ? Now , this one smells like it...

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