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Israeli soldier suspended after shooting Palestinian attacker


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Cold blooded murder by an IDF terrorist. His lawyer claims he was fearful the assailant had a bomb strapped to his belt, how pathetic. Looks like business as usual for the IDF, the bystanders hardly bat an eyelid.

I think you mean cold blooded murder by an Israel Nazi Soldier!!! Completly SS Totenkopf Comando style!!!

It is unbelievable but the USA and Israel have the rights to murder everyone in the world without a court rule. If a palestine gone crazy because Israel stole their water and charge they more as 4 times so much as Israelians must pay for it him is a terrorist. Israleis can destruy schools, kill old innocent people, kids, women, ... everything is wonderful. Shit on the palestine terrorist!!! But why they do it? . Just google for it and you want to learn a big lesson!!! ISRAELIS are the new bread of the Nazis. Nothing other!!! Otherwise they never threat other people like this! And charge a much more higher payment for palestines as for Israelis!!!

If ISRAEL threat people harder as animals ....





Israel is not Nazi Germany.

That's what haters say and they use the Nazi thing specifically to inflame Jews.

Stop it, haters.

Stop it.

Criticize rationally as you would against any other state, fine.

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Israel is not Nazi Germany.

That's what haters say and they use the Nazi thing specifically to inflame Jews.

Stop it, haters.

Stop it.

Criticize rationally as you would against any other state, fine.

Sure Israel is not Nazi Germany but it handles like it. Yes I know, you see it different.

Change the world:

Give the palestines the same rights as Israelis.

Let them pay the same prices for electric, water, ... as Israelis pay.

Give they back a good quality of life with schools, hospitals, .... all what Israel destroyed and will destroy again next time.

At last give they their land back!!!

This would show the world that Israelis are GOOD PEOPLE!!!

And don't come with the Jews Thing!!! I give a shit on it if someone is a Jew, Christ, Buddhist, Moslem or just a Moneylover!!!

For me everyone will have the same 100% rights I have. I treat everyone the same way I would like to be treated. Whether he is rich or poor, Muslim or Christian or whatever.

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Cold blooded murder by an IDF terrorist. His lawyer claims he was fearful the assailant had a bomb strapped to his belt, how pathetic. Looks like business as usual for the IDF, the bystanders hardly bat an eyelid.

Hahahahs. Your hyperbole is hilarious naive.

Know how this could have been prevented? If the arab hadn't tried to murder the Israeli.

Know what the Belgian terrorists were carrying when the murdered people a few days ago? Explosive vests.

Why should anyone have to risk his life with someone that just tried to kill people?

BTW, I would have done the same thing.

Know what else? If you don't think this isn't SOP for everyone in these types of war zones, you are living in fantasy land. The only reason the IDF says it is a grave issue is because that's what all the countries will say to minimize the legal fall out. The cold reality is that you kill these people as soon as you can, before they kill you.

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The suspension is only the beginning, after a thorough investigation , he will be given a stern talk.

For not being more discrete. Obviously, too western. If this had been a Russian, or Africa, or Arab or Chinese, or Indian, or Pakistani etc. no one would have said anything, let alone made a fuss.

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Cold blooded murder by an IDF terrorist. His lawyer claims he was fearful the assailant had a bomb strapped to his belt, how pathetic. Looks like business as usual for the IDF, the bystanders hardly bat an eyelid.

Hahahahs. Your hyperbole is hilarious naive.

Know how this could have been prevented? If the arab hadn't tried to murder the Israeli.

Know what the Belgian terrorists were carrying when the murdered people a few days ago? Explosive vests.

Why should anyone have to risk his life with someone that just tried to kill people?

BTW, I would have done the same thing.

Know what else? If you don't think this isn't SOP for everyone in these types of war zones, you are living in fantasy land.

The only reason the IDF says it is a grave issue is because that's what all the countries will say to minimize the legal fall out.

The cold reality is that you kill these people as soon as you can, before they kill you.

This could have easily been prevented if the sadistic IDF had not been illegally occupying someone else's land in the first place.
I hope the IDF throw the book at this blatant psychopath. May he rot in jail and hell for his war crime. But I doubt if he will receive any punishment at all. The Israeli government will simply perpetuate this culture of impunity.
And you wonder why Palestinians and others are radicalized when they witness this viral video. It has probably already created 1,000s more willing to sacrifce themselves to right this wrong.
Israel's actions are totally counter productive
Israel will never have peace until it ends its illegal occupation and makes its enemies its friends.
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The suspension is only the beginning, after a thorough investigation , he will be given a stern talk.

For not being more discrete. Obviously, too western. If this had been a Russian, or Africa, or Arab or Chinese, or Indian, or Pakistani etc. no one would have said anything, let alone made a fuss.

So, as far as you are concerned the only mistake the psychopathic IDF soldier made is being caught on camera.
And that is the only reason for any investigation.
That would explain the blase attitude of the other soldiers and onlookers. This is par for the course for the most immoral army in the world.
People like you who support the murderous atrocities of the IDF thugs are Israel's worst enemies, because you condemn generations of Israelis to be constantly looking over their shoulders rather than seeking peace with their neighbors.
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The suspension is only the beginning, after a thorough investigation , he will be given a stern talk.

For not being more discrete. Obviously, too western. If this had been a Russian, or Africa, or Arab or Chinese, or Indian, or Pakistani etc. no one would have said anything, let alone made a fuss.

definitely for not being more discrete, I am sure this is not an isolate incident that happen to be caught on camera,

"Obviously, too western. If this had been a Russian, or Africa, or Arab or Chinese, or Indian, or Pakistani etc. no one would have said anything, let alone made a fuss."

Not sure I understand this. " too western"? I think you mean this type of behavior is shocking to a a western and is common in third world countries and authoritarian societies.

I was under the impression Israel claims to be a western style democracy.

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Cold blooded murder by an IDF terrorist. His lawyer claims he was fearful the assailant had a bomb strapped to his belt, how pathetic. Looks like business as usual for the IDF, the bystanders hardly bat an eyelid.

Hahahahs. Your hyperbole is hilarious naive.

Know how this could have been prevented? If the arab hadn't tried to murder the Israeli.

Know what the Belgian terrorists were carrying when the murdered people a few days ago? Explosive vests.

Why should anyone have to risk his life with someone that just tried to kill people?

Indeed, and with the Palestinians riding high in the world obesity table who's going to unfailingly identify what's guts and what's Semtex. The latter leaving a large crater where a would be murderer once lay.
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Cold blooded murder by an IDF terrorist. His lawyer claims he was fearful the assailant had a bomb strapped to his belt, how pathetic. Looks like business as usual for the IDF, the bystanders hardly bat an eyelid.

Hahahahs. Your hyperbole is hilarious naive.

Know how this could have been prevented? If the arab hadn't tried to murder the Israeli.

Know what the Belgian terrorists were carrying when the murdered people a few days ago? Explosive vests.

Why should anyone have to risk his life with someone that just tried to kill people?

Indeed, and with the Palestinians riding high in the world obesity table who's going to unfailingly identify what's guts and what's Semtex. The latter leaving a large crater where a would be murderer once lay.
I'd be embarrassed if I were you posting such a blatant whitewash scraping the barrel of logic.
Here folks is the transparency of the Israeli propaganda machine at work. The audacious ease with which they justify anything by calling black white, that whatever Israel does it is always morally correct. So perfect that even the casual observer can smell a rat. You'd do your credibility much good if you simply admitted the war crime and called his behavior errant.
The OP footage is crystal clear...judge for yourselves.
Let me get this right...you are trying to make out that the IDF psychopath made a snap decision on the strength of imagined obesity stats despite the fact that the victim is as thin as a lath that the unarmed injured Palestinian was wearing a suicide vest?
Even though the victim could have exploded such a vest rather than using a knife and taken out half a dozen IDF minutes beforehand?
It beggars belief.
Why not use the pro forma defense to shoot on sight any Palestinian because you suspected he was wearing a suicide thong. It's the perfect get out of jail card.
No IDF court martial would ever convict, and of course they won't.
Hence the continuing resistance to an obnoxious illegal deceitful Israeli occupation. Just another chapter in the great Israeli hoax: they play the role of victim when they are in fact the aggressor.
Edited by dexterm
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