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The Benefits Of Marrying A Prostitute?


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Marriage should never be taken lightly....you marry a person for who they are, not what they did in their past.

I agree, Brit.

But quite a few farang who marry BG do not know who they are (and it has NOTHING to do with the BG status,...)

Most of the time, they can't even communicate together.

Marriage or/and children come a bit too fast for them to have made an educated decision,...

Love, maybe,...

And I sure do not blame the BG on that,...

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The main reason I married a BG

I told her at first that I find it hard understanding why I had fallen head over heels with her. I asked her if she loved me she answered. I will grow to love you as you will grow to love me. Just because I work Bar it does not mean I do not need to be loved or love others.

What she done for her family

One other thing, the girls I have met here in UK for a start seam to lack respect for most things. I used to listen to the way they would talk to their parents, not an ounce of respect was there. I ask you if a lady does not respect their family how will they ever respect the man they marry.

And of course she is now and always was the happiest and sweetest girl I have ever met.

And she cook a mean Thai Curry

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Well well well

I think on the whole this discussion has been most rewarding.

The few have issues like Chonobot, Boon mee, britmaverick and Davethailand plus others, there response is getting boring as its not constructive just abusive. No problem you live the hookers and so have made your bed. Hope it works, my opinion is that you are sad but its my opinion.

The question still begs answering though, why marry a Thai Prostitute when you can marry one from your own country who speaks the same lingo? Come on Chonobot, Boon mee, britmaverick and Davethailand give us a reason.

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my wife speaks english so your theories out the window is'nt it,

why don't you stay with an english girl who's 100% pure and works in a bank,

why a thai bank worker

what gives you the right to label all bar girls as prostitutes,

erco you need to get out more and see the real people.

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Erco- sadly mistaken I'm not married nor am I involved with a BG, my fiance owns a business. I just don't appreciate you arbitrarily slagging off someone who is married or involved with a BG, why do you care? If they are happy then leave it - personally making arbitrary judgements/generalities is dangerous. Take things on a case by case basis- thats what I do.

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Just a few thoughts. Just came back from a trip to Thailand where I contacted a girl I had met in a bar in HK. Now, she interested me cos she never charged me anything but used to take off occasionally. I assumed bar girl although she always denied it. Anyway, She drove 3 hours to pick me up and we had a great 10 days together with the family (kids etc). She had been married to a phalang who had died several years before, had a brand new car, a 3 or 4 million house, land, some limited income etc etc. The place was like a shrine. She wouldn't have anything to do with Thail guys as she reckoned they just wanted to live off her etc. So work that one out. I think she probably needs cash flow but god who doesn't. Another girl who told me she was working as a b/g lived nearby with a Thai Policeman who seemed to turn a blind eye assuming he knew - surely he must have. Go figure, mind you he was certainly living in style and she was stunning. I don't worry too much as all the Thai girls I have met have treated me well and been great. I don't really have that much anyway but it kind of puzzles me. There is a group of girls who make good money doing the rounds of Europe and Asia and wouldn't be seen dead turning tricks in Thailand. Often to supplement businesses, build houses, buy cars, jewels, support private education etc etc. Bit like the stories you hear of Ozzie and European students paying for their education on the game. And like she said, things have changed, girls just like Phalangs. Maybe the culture is adapting. Must admit I was carted around a fair bit like a prime piece of beef. I only go out with Thai girls 30 plus. I prefer that. I would feel stupid with a girl of 20 though I'm not knocking it!

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I only go out with Thai girls 30 plus.  I prefer that.  I would feel stupid with a girl of 20 though I'm not knocking it!

Reminds me of a joke.

What is the difference in between a Dutch girl and slippers?

None, you feel good in them but you do not go out with them,... :D

Please Dutch, do not start a war with me,... :o

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Cool down Dude. Nobody needs to worry about what you think. Your ideas on BG's is up to you and I respect them but please have the decency to also respect other peoples ideas on life.

Good luck to you Dude.

his ego's to big and he's to full of self importance to have respect or decency for anyone else.

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On the whole the last postings from my last posting have been constructive, apart from Chonabot who has serious issues "E Mail me and I will meet you OK).

THE QUESTION HAS STILL NOT BEEN ANSWERED, lets hope Chonabot is big enough and answers it for us.

You have married a Prostitute in Thailand, why not marry a Prostitute from your own country?

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On the whole the last postings from my last posting have been constructive, apart  from Chonabot who has serious issues "E Mail me and I will meet you OK).

THE QUESTION HAS STILL NOT BEEN ANSWERED, lets hope Chonabot is big enough and answers it for us.

You have married a Prostitute in Thailand, why not marry a Prostitute from your own country?

Ummm , because your mother was spoken for.......again :o

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Erco- to be honest I think the same applies in any country including a person's home country. (so there is your answer) The only difference I can possibly see opposed to Western Countries is that you have more chance in meeting a BG then say one in a Western Country because there is no stigma involved and by shear volumes its everywhere in SE Asia where things are a bit underwraps or sectioned off in western countries.

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On the whole the last postings from my last posting have been constructive, apart from Chonabot who has serious issues "E Mail me and I will meet you OK).

THE QUESTION HAS STILL NOT BEEN ANSWERED, lets hope Chonabot is big enough and answers it for us.

You have married a Prostitute in Thailand, why not marry a Prostitute from your own country?

Still avoiding the question, getting boring?

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erco answer the question,

I'll give you one reason anyway

You have married a Prostitute in Thailand, why not marry a Prostitute from your own country?l give you one reason anyway.

coz there f***ing ugly

read this and answer my question

i would like you to explain your feelings a bit more, my wife worked in a restaurant/ bar, then a live music pub. Is she a prostitute?.

I know bar girls who run bars and go home to their husbands, thai or farang. are they prostitutes?

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I like direct questions, a prostitute is someone who takes money (or a type of reward) in exchange for sex.

If they satisfy the above satement then they are Prostitutes. I hope that is plain enough.

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I've been following this thread and a number of others where you've expressed your opinions on bar girls and or prostitutes, and I really believe you have a serious problem.

What's the obsession, why does it put such a burr up your asre? Does it matter, does anyone really care except yourself?

I'm not married but if I were to do so, would I marry a prostitute, probably not my first choice but then you never know what track life might take you down. Would I care, no if I thought we had a loving relationship. What's the difference between working girls in developing countries as compared with say the UK, my own country of origin, many, many things. As has been pointed out there is seldom any government safety net for people in developing countries, it's live or die, in the UK to end up working as a prostitute tends to be the bottom of the ladder. Though some students do work as lap dancers and the like in order to get through university, and some of the top end call girls make a lot of money which is usually the seed capital for some business venture they have in mind.

You're ill advised to draw direct comparisons because there are few if any. My experience of Thai bar girls and pole dancers is not inconsiderable :D, and what I've learnt is that very many are there out of need not any wish, and as soon as they can find a ticket out they will take it. Then there are those that either have become hardened to it or see it as an easy option, they're not so nice.

But my comment to you is lighten up, life is too short and the amount of anger and hatred I see in some of your posts can't be good for you. It takes all sorts to make a world, accept that and get on with your life. :o

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But my comment to you is lighten up, life is too short and the amount of anger and hatred I see in some of your posts can't be good for you. It takes all sorts to make a world, accept that and get on with your life. :D

Anger and hatred, maybe a bit exaggerated,...

But for the rest, I sure heartfully agree.

Welcome, Stocky,... :o:D

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But my comment to you is lighten up, life is too short and the amount of anger and hatred I see in some of your posts can't be good for you.  It takes all sorts to make a world, accept that and get on with your life. :D

Anger and hatred, maybe a bit exaggerated,...

But for the rest, I sure heartfully agree.

Welcome, Stocky,... :D:D

Maybe overstated, maybe I'm just a gentler soul, possibly I meant hateful rather than hatred.

Regardless, Jerco's an asre whichever way you look at it. :o

.....thanks for the welcome :D

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Very constructive argument, refreshing to get someones opinion as oposed to the hostility from Prostitute lovers (losers)>

Perhaps you could answer the question, why not marry a Prostitute from your own country???

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Perhaps you could answer the question, why not marry a Prostitute from your own country???

Erco, are you THAT stupid or drunk, I do not know.

But I hope you can do better than just repeating yourself, again and again and again,...

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Erco............ hopefully a straight answer to your question .... none of the others seem to have got the point!!

Thai BGs or pole dancers or prostitutes, as you might call them, will go out with you and make you feel that they are your girlfriend be it for a night or what!! They do not act like the western prostitutes and make the person they are with feel special!

Western prostitutes are just a sack for you to empty your load in, for the required amount of money, within the time limit that you are allowed! Nothing personal in it. :o

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Erco, are you THAT stupid or drunk, I do not know.

But I hope you can do better than just repeating yourself, again and again and again,...

Don't blame him, Brue. He probably has only a few brain cells. We should feel sorry for him... But no, I don't. :o

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