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What is it about 3 wheel kitchens --- a nuisance


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It seems to me there is quite a large crowd out here with the mindset: It's "their" country (Whoever these posters refer to with "they"; Politicians? The police? The military? Men? Women? Bureaucrats? The majority of Thais? ...), embrace it. It's "their" way of life, it's "their" culture. The hard-core guys here even add: If you don't like it, leave! (Do they really like and embrace such things? Really?)

Interestingly I never read these "arguments" in such threads as the "Pattaya Bridge club", the "Pattaya tunnel project", the "jet ski scams", the "runaways after an accident", the "red light runners", the "drunk drivers" or even the K. T. murders.

Are these not also parts of "their" culture as a whole? Are greed, cowardliness, incompetence, racism, selective law enforcement, corruption, thousands of dead and injured people in traffic accidents... not also part of "their" culture? (Again, who is "they"?)

No offence intended, but why do I never read these "arguments" in other really hot threads? As far as I know, these "three wheel bikes" are illegal... and as you already guessed it correctly... illegal only for foreigners. Anyway, what license do they have to drive these 3-wheelers?

Btw: My Thai wife is also sick and tired of these vehicles... So, does she by definition not belong to "them"?

These 3-wheelers are a nuisance and they are dangerous, as many other illegal or otherwise unsafe things here, too. I only hope that I (or each of you for that matter) will never have an accident with one of them. I'm just tired of such "arguments" as: It's "their" country. It's bloodily dangerous and produces jams, but embrace it - or leave. This is a really weak "argument" - Even if it's easy, convenient and sounds sympathetic.

Hey, TIT, embrace all the here or leave... No, I don't. If something is a dangerous nuisance, it must be allowed to be called a dangerous nuisance without the expectation to embrace it.

PS: Yes, I know, these 3-wheelers are important, affordable vehicles for many people here and I'm against outlawing them... But still, they are too often dangerous (not fit for traffic) nuisances.

I suggest you don't use a sit down toilet as you may just slip down it. thumbsup.gif

As for your comments about your wife. i suspect she said that just to make you happy. coffee1.gif

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Among the most most memorable sights in LOS have been the barn ahan lek lek small cook houses with or without wheels.

Without them it just wouldn't be Thailand but yet another western civilization.

Wouldn't necessarily eat from all of them but Thais do and live economically and the vendors scrape a living.

Take care in your driving and Viva la difference.

Edited by Rimmer
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I have no choice, but to adjust my speed, usually to about 5kmph. Beach Road in Jomtien is 5 kms long. Do you think it should take 1 hour to travel on it ??

wawawa wawawa wawawa and wawawawa

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They are rich...ha ha that made my day. You really think someone selling soup on the street is rich? If so then you and I have a totally different opinion of what rich is. To me rich is having $5 million USD or more. I bet most street vendors make between 500-1000B a day net.

They are not "rich" by our standards, but 30k Baht/month net (or more) per kitchen, is far away from poor.

You may also consider, that many families are running two, three or more stalls.

That are revenues, where many foreign "Restaurant" owner can only dream from...

Edited by Turkleton
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