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Brussels mayor deplores 'hooligans' who disrupted Place de la Bourse


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BS. None of the killers on 9/11 were from countries which had been attacked by countries in the West nor were any of them poor in the sense that they were sponsored by Bin Laden who was extremely wealthy. He was a Saudi. They were mostly from Saudi with a couple from the UAE and maybe one from Egypt. All were in the US legally.

They came after us, looking for us.

BS. BS. This huge and horrible act of terror is all on them and their gdddddm Muslim religion.

Anyone stupid enough to think that the West caused or causes this problem will never get the problem solved.

Europe - stupid - horse - barn door - see ya - yer history.


Daesh is proud of you and your work to help promote confrontation, which is their main goal!

Anyone stupid enough to believe the terrorist attacks come from nowhere and just "muslim hate toward non muslim" will never get the problem solved.

Terrorism kill more muslim than non muslim

USA - Stupid - donkey - planes in tower - "mission accomplished" - what a joke - let's have fun with Trump

No, there is no hate from Muslims to other religions, they love them all; are happy to live along side them, and abide by the laws of the countries they have chosen to emigrate to in the pursuit of economic advancement, whilst respecting all cultures. rolleyes.gif

All the West's fault. We should give them all the demand and allow them to follow Sharia whilst raping our women and children, ignoring our laws and treating us lower than dogs. And we should thank them for doing it.

What crap the PC Muslim loving do-gooders spout.

The Muslims even hate on another and have no qualms butchering one another or anyone else when it suits - after all their god will reward them.

No, there is no reason why the people from middle east should be angry at europe and USA.

After all it is not like we played with their governments, bombed them for 30 years because of oil and gaz.

There is no reason to be hated by governments who went to war on false claims

there is no reason to be angry with countries which removed governments to install..well anarchy ( Lybia, Sirya, Irak...)\

There is no reason for them to hate the people who bombed indiscriminately during weddings, there is no reason to mourn and be angry at them

There is no reason to believe the fault of the foreign politics we have in middle east is wrong, we bring them democracy, right?

We are the beacons of freedom, justice, goodwill in the world, and yet people don t see this and are angry...

What crap the FAUX News lovers spout and yet are the same who praise the second amendment against "tyranical government"

Daesh anyway is super happy with your reaction as you play their game quite well and do exactly what they hope you to do and think...

However it is ok to shake the saoudi hands and sell them weapons, it is not like they help terrorism

Hope the Faux news lovers are happy to help Daesh, cause they are...more and more.

All the West's fault. We should give them all the demand and allow them to follow Sharia whilst raping our women and children, ignoring our laws and treating us lower than dogs. And we should thank them for doing it.

Ignoring our laws in their countries you mean, cause we ask them to do so for 30 years... It is well known the US and European armies in middle east and africa never rape, just look at the news...you trat the muslims the same way from your writings...

You lost your pointy white hat?

Edited by GeorgesAbitbol
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As far as I am concerned it is the Muslim community who will reap what they sow. The

moderate enlightened Muslims who do not report their radicalized brothers and sisters

are guilty of complicity and will rightly suffer the backlash. Muslims alone have the ability

to stop these terror attacks. If they do not they are supporting or at least condoning

the attacks. The terrorist who was arrested in Belgium after four months on the run

after the terrorist attack in Paris is a prime example. Hiding in his own community anyone

who new he was there is guilty of aiding a known terrorist. They should do 20 years

in jail be stripped of citizenship and then be deported. the time for political correctness

is over. coffee1.gif

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It is disappointing to see ISIS achieving their intended goals using terrorism. The reason they commit violent terrorist acts is to break down social cohesion and engender fear and violence within a community. It isn't so much the initial act of terrorism that is their main objective it is what flows from that act of terrorism. A society gripped by fear, violence and hatred. The more ISIS can encourage a society to oppress and mistreat Muslims within a Nation the more success they have of grooming the ever increasing number of the most vulnerable to strike back at their oppressors and take revenge for their mistreatment. I doubt very much, the meaning of the 'Nazi Salute' is lost on the Muslim community of Belgium or Muslims throughout the world. The message is clear their intent is to exterminate Muslims the way Hitler attempted to exterminate the Jewish peoples.

People who believe a successful and civilised society is strengthened and prospers by mutual respect and acceptance are vilified and labelled as 'the PC brigade', 'Left Wing Nuts' and those evil 'Liberals' in an attempt to sideline them from the debate. While those that play right into the strategy of ISIS are labelled 'Hero's', 'Patriots', protectors of 'womenfolk' and 'an advanced civilisation'.

I once would have held exactly the same view , but I have become aware of a quantum shift in the attitude of the "immigrant" now arriving in Europe.

When once he and his family appeared grateful to be accepted and willing to make some effort to fit in , the new immigrant of today is a swaggering testosterone charged single male , who has abandoned the women and children , and is hell bent on taking anything he can get for free , whether that be legally or otherwise.

He is disdainful of the host nations existing population and its systems - he takes no time to contemplate why his home country is such a mess while he insists that its way of life be imposed on his new location , he is a chauvinist and a religious bigot and ready to take every advantage he can over a country that has saved some of its wealth for the common good , while complaining loudly about its short comings.

At the extreme end he is violent. His culture has taught him that he must fight hard for anything he ever got , so he imposes this rationale on his new culture , walks all over them , and calls them weak and mocks them.

His holy book tells him he is good , and they are wrong.

He bites the hand ...

Your response takes the line that there was some sort of "social cohesion" and good will between the existing communities and those of more recent Arab immigrants ( of say the past 30 years ) BEFORE ISIS came along to disrupt them , and its my observations that that is a falsehood.

I witnessed a neighbouring area called Punchbowl in Sydney become an Arab/Moslem ONLY area over a period of 10 years from the mid seventies - by the 80's no police would enter that 'no go zone' and that community offered nothing to the mainstream except its backs , and this was in a country that was almost entirely made up of immigrants who had spread and mixed far and wide.

Age peers tell me of the same thing happening in North Paris and in the UK about the same period - the majority of middle Eastern Moslems rejecting the host countries ways , congregating in their own areas and screaming "racism" when they were not given help in building mosquse and their own SCHOOLS and asserting that one day the hosts WILL bend to their ways.... because 'Allah' will prevail.

And the majority culture being silly enough to give them what they wanted !

Im over it.

I learnt back then in the 80s , and have seen nothing to change my view from my travels since , that the Moslem young man is rarely someone who will meet anyone half way.

He is in Europe demanding and receiving ...

And he now holidays in Thailand.

He is invariably brash and loud and opinionated.

He and his brothers travel in packs , they drive large scooters aggressively and they love running red lights through my town.

They moan like wounded bulls when they are caught.

French friends watch them and shake their heads and say they are pretty much all involved in drug pedalling and that they are affable enough in broad daylight - unless you cross ONE of them ...

Even the Thai bar girls want nothing to do with them ...

These are not the kind of immigrant/illegal/refugee any country should want to attract in my opinion.

Its time to stop acting as if this brand of "immigrant" even wants acceptance ... he sees hes role as a colonizer carrying Allahs word , not as someone trying to fit in.

Where is the Police 'no go zone' in Punchbowl? I can be there in 20 minutes. I guarantee if I put a call thru to Police reporting an armed person I will be knee deep in fully armed Highway Patrol Officers with car sirens blazing within minutes followed by the a SWAT team, Riot Squad and Middle Eastern Crime Squad within ten minutes. Police 'no go zone' my ass. Where is the 'Arab/Muslim only' area? I am not even Muslim and I guarantee you I can and have walked straight into the Lakemba Mosque and the Granville Mosque. All they did was say 'welcome' and showed me around the Mosque. Not one word of Infidel and chop his head off. On one occasion I was doing some work in the little lane way beside the Granville Mosque. People were coming and going and politely smiling and saying hello. Children laughing and playing. 'Arab/Muslim area only' my ass. Absolute drivel from start to finish.

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It is disappointing to see ISIS achieving their intended goals using terrorism. The reason they commit violent terrorist acts is to break down social cohesion and engender fear and violence within a community. It isn't so much the initial act of terrorism that is their main objective it is what flows from that act of terrorism. A society gripped by fear, violence and hatred. The more ISIS can encourage a society to oppress and mistreat Muslims within a Nation the more success they have of grooming the ever increasing number of the most vulnerable to strike back at their oppressors and take revenge for their mistreatment. I doubt very much, the meaning of the 'Nazi Salute' is lost on the Muslim community of Belgium or Muslims throughout the world. The message is clear their intent is to exterminate Muslims the way Hitler attempted to exterminate the Jewish peoples.

People who believe a successful and civilised society is strengthened and prospers by mutual respect and acceptance are vilified and labelled as 'the PC brigade', 'Left Wing Nuts' and those evil 'Liberals' in an attempt to sideline them from the debate. While those that play right into the strategy of ISIS are labelled 'Hero's', 'Patriots', protectors of 'womenfolk' and 'an advanced civilisation'.

I once would have held exactly the same view , but I have become aware of a quantum shift in the attitude of the "immigrant" now arriving in Europe.

When once he and his family appeared grateful to be accepted and willing to make some effort to fit in , the new immigrant of today is a swaggering testosterone charged single male , who has abandoned the women and children , and is hell bent on taking anything he can get for free , whether that be legally or otherwise.

He is disdainful of the host nations existing population and its systems - he takes no time to contemplate why his home country is such a mess while he insists that its way of life be imposed on his new location , he is a chauvinist and a religious bigot and ready to take every advantage he can over a country that has saved some of its wealth for the common good , while complaining loudly about its short comings.

At the extreme end he is violent. His culture has taught him that he must fight hard for anything he ever got , so he imposes this rationale on his new culture , walks all over them , and calls them weak and mocks them.

His holy book tells him he is good , and they are wrong.

He bites the hand ...

Your response takes the line that there was some sort of "social cohesion" and good will between the existing communities and those of more recent Arab immigrants ( of say the past 30 years ) BEFORE ISIS came along to disrupt them , and its my observations that that is a falsehood.

I witnessed a neighbouring area called Punchbowl in Sydney become an Arab/Moslem ONLY area over a period of 10 years from the mid seventies - by the 80's no police would enter that 'no go zone' and that community offered nothing to the mainstream except its backs , and this was in a country that was almost entirely made up of immigrants who had spread and mixed far and wide.

Age peers tell me of the same thing happening in North Paris and in the UK about the same period - the majority of middle Eastern Moslems rejecting the host countries ways , congregating in their own areas and screaming "racism" when they were not given help in building mosquse and their own SCHOOLS and asserting that one day the hosts WILL bend to their ways.... because 'Allah' will prevail.

And the majority culture being silly enough to give them what they wanted !

Im over it.

I learnt back then in the 80s , and have seen nothing to change my view from my travels since , that the Moslem young man is rarely someone who will meet anyone half way.

He is in Europe demanding and receiving ...

And he now holidays in Thailand.

He is invariably brash and loud and opinionated.

He and his brothers travel in packs , they drive large scooters aggressively and they love running red lights through my town.

They moan like wounded bulls when they are caught.

French friends watch them and shake their heads and say they are pretty much all involved in drug pedalling and that they are affable enough in broad daylight - unless you cross ONE of them ...

Even the Thai bar girls want nothing to do with them ...

These are not the kind of immigrant/illegal/refugee any country should want to attract in my opinion.

Its time to stop acting as if this brand of "immigrant" even wants acceptance ... he sees hes role as a colonizer carrying Allahs word , not as someone trying to fit in.

Where is the Police 'no go zone' in Punchbowl? I can be there in 20 minutes. I guarantee if I put a call thru to Police reporting an armed person I will be knee deep in fully armed Highway Patrol Officers with car sirens blazing within minutes followed by the a SWAT team, Riot Squad and Middle Eastern Crime Squad within ten minutes. Police 'no go zone' my ass. Where is the 'Arab/Muslim only' area? I am not even Muslim and I guarantee you I can and have walked straight into the Lakemba Mosque and the Granville Mosque. All they did was say 'welcome' and showed me around the Mosque. Not one word of Infidel and chop his head off. On one occasion I was doing some work in the little lane way beside the Granville Mosque. People were coming and going and politely smiling and saying hello. Children laughing and playing. 'Arab/Muslim area only' my ass. Absolute drivel from start to finish.

Don't bother, they are feed with FAUX news and the sad truth is they play the Daesh game right how Daesh want them to play..even better....in fact they are kind of Daesh little helpers

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Yes , safe as houses around Punchbowl and Greenacre.( Did i not say 'in the past 30 years' ?)

The second article doesnt even mention Arabs, Lebanon or Islam ...just how up2u2 would like it ...

Im sure Molenbeek was a nice safe neighbourhood and picture of integration until ISIS came along ...



In the name of balance its nice to see that there is a few people capable of independent thought however.


Edited by zaZa9
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A bunch of thugs, raising their arms in the Nazi salute, march on a vigil to remember those murdered by terrorists intent on causing trouble.

A vigil attended by people of all religions and none.

And some Thai Visa members praise and applaud their actions! Shameful.

The thugs who marched on this vigil do not represent the citizens of Belgium; neither do the murders who commit terrorist acts represent Islam and the Muslim population of Europe or anywhere else.

I have posted many times before links to the multitudinous condemnation of Islamic terrorism coming from Islamic leaders, clerical and political, and ordinary Muslims all over the world stretching back to 9/11 and before.

The Islamaphobic hate sites ignore this condemnation, as do those gullible enough to believe the lies and half truths put out by those hate sites.(Muslim controlled police no go areas in Western cities; a proven lie. Sharia patrols in Western cities; it happened, and those responsible were arrested and punished, usually by imprisonment. Birmingham a Muslim only city; a proven lie. To list all their lies would take up far more room than is available here.)

What these gullible people don't realise is that these sites and ISIS, and groups like them, are two sides of the same coin.

You have swallowed the propaganda and lies put out by the hate sites, as much as those responsible for the Brussels bombings and other atrocities committed by ISIS have swallowed the lies and propaganda of the ISIS leaders.

The hate sites and those behind them have the same aim and agenda as ISIS and those behind them. It's not religious, it's political. Stir up enough hatred and hope that a global war will ignite. Those behind ISIS and those behind the hate sites hope that they will emerge the victors of this war.

If they succeed, whoever wins it wont be us, the normal people of this world who, whatever our religion or none, simply want to live in peace with each other.

Stop doing their work for them!

Don't let them succeed!

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A bunch of thugs, raising their arms in the Nazi salute, march on a vigil to remember those murdered by terrorists intent on causing trouble.

A vigil attended by people of all religions and none.

And some Thai Visa members praise and applaud their actions! Shameful.

The thugs who marched on this vigil do not represent the citizens of Belgium; neither do the murders who commit terrorist acts represent Islam and the Muslim population of Europe or anywhere else.

I have posted many times before links to the multitudinous condemnation of Islamic terrorism coming from Islamic leaders, clerical and political, and ordinary Muslims all over the world stretching back to 9/11 and before.

The Islamaphobic hate sites ignore this condemnation, as do those gullible enough to believe the lies and half truths put out by those hate sites.(Muslim controlled police no go areas in Western cities; a proven lie. Sharia patrols in Western cities; it happened, and those responsible were arrested and punished, usually by imprisonment. Birmingham a Muslim only city; a proven lie. To list all their lies would take up far more room than is available here.)

What these gullible people don't realise is that these sites and ISIS, and groups like them, are two sides of the same coin.

You have swallowed the propaganda and lies put out by the hate sites, as much as those responsible for the Brussels bombings and other atrocities committed by ISIS have swallowed the lies and propaganda of the ISIS leaders.

The hate sites and those behind them have the same aim and agenda as ISIS and those behind them. It's not religious, it's political. Stir up enough hatred and hope that a global war will ignite. Those behind ISIS and those behind the hate sites hope that they will emerge the victors of this war.

If they succeed, whoever wins it wont be us, the normal people of this world who, whatever our religion or none, simply want to live in peace with each other.

Stop doing their work for them!

Don't let them succeed!

That there, the part that I have highlighted, is the major flaw in your plan.

Those committing atrocities around the world in the name of Islam, do not appear to agree with normal people or wish to live in peace with them either.

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Though I disagree with them using nazi salutes and being rowdy and disrupting an important area for people to pay respects, if these bombings occurred in my country, I would be upset too. coffee1.gif

War of Civilizations started after 9/11 and it will only get worse now.sad.png

Earlier than that. Try 1990.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

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SgtRock; the major flaw in my plan, as you call it, is people like you who are gullible enough to believe all the crap put out by the hate sites.

Just as there are Muslims stupid enough to believe the crap put out by ISIS.

Fortunately for the world, at present both you and they are in the minority.

This terrorist threat will be defeated; it will take time and more innocent lives will be lost; but defeated it will be.

Provided we remain focused on the real enemy; the terrorists and those behind them.

As said in another topic, the security services need the cooperation of Muslim communities in Europe, and are doubtless getting that cooperation. How much longer will they do so if the haters get their way?

Your desire, fed by the hate sites whose lies you fall for, to shift the blame away from the fanatical few and onto the entire Muslim population will, if successful, only fan the flames and make that defeat longer and harder to achieve; resulting in the deaths of many more innocents.

Is that what you really want?

Maybe it is; so you can stand back and say "I told you so!"

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SgtRock; the major flaw in my plan, as you call it, is people like you who are gullible enough to believe all the crap put out by the hate sites.

Just as there are Muslims stupid enough to believe the crap put out by ISIS.

Fortunately for the world, at present both you and they are in the minority.

This terrorist threat will be defeated; it will take time and more innocent lives will be lost; but defeated it will be.

Provided we remain focused on the real enemy; the terrorists and those behind them.

As said in another topic, the security services need the cooperation of Muslim communities in Europe, and are doubtless getting that cooperation. How much longer will they do so if the haters get their way?

Your desire, fed by the hate sites whose lies you fall for, to shift the blame away from the fanatical few and onto the entire Muslim population will, if successful, only fan the flames and make that defeat longer and harder to achieve; resulting in the deaths of many more innocents.

Is that what you really want?

Maybe it is; so you can stand back and say "I told you so!"

I have no answer for such an internationally well respected expert on terrorism.

Your superior knowledge and experience in all things terrorism beats me hands down.

I will bow to your greatness and add you to my ignore list.

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We all know that a lot of the actual confrontation has been caused by the US army invasion of Iraq....

However the attack of 9/11 was before the Iraq war and before ISIS...and caused by radicalized Arab citizens against innocent citizens working in the World Trade Center and those victims were mostly Christians but there were also others.

Saudi journalist Nadine Al-Budair asks what would be the reaction if Christian radicalized citizens committed similar violence against Muslims innocent citizens


Incorrect in many levels....

The ongoing Palestine Israel feud

The Iraqi invasion of Kuwait

Just a couple small issues don't ya think?

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We all know that a lot of the actual confrontation has been caused by the US army invasion of Iraq....

However the attack of 9/11 was before the Iraq war and before ISIS...and caused by radicalized Arab citizens against innocent citizens working in the World Trade Center and those victims were mostly Christians but there were also others.

Saudi journalist Nadine Al-Budair asks what would be the reaction if Christian radicalized citizens committed similar violence against Muslims innocent citizens


Incorrect in many levels....

The ongoing Palestine Israel feud

The Iraqi invasion of Kuwait

Just a couple small issues don't ya think?

Number 3 on your list was the kick off.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

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It is disappointing to see ISIS achieving their intended goals using terrorism. The reason they commit violent terrorist acts is to break down social cohesion and engender fear and violence within a community. It isn't so much the initial act of terrorism that is their main objective it is what flows from that act of terrorism. A society gripped by fear, violence and hatred. The more ISIS can encourage a society to oppress and mistreat Muslims within a Nation the more success they have of grooming the ever increasing number of the most vulnerable to strike back at their oppressors and take revenge for their mistreatment. I doubt very much, the meaning of the 'Nazi Salute' is lost on the Muslim community of Belgium or Muslims throughout the world. The message is clear their intent is to exterminate Muslims the way Hitler attempted to exterminate the Jewish peoples.

People who believe a successful and civilised society is strengthened and prospers by mutual respect and acceptance are vilified and labelled as 'the PC brigade', 'Left Wing Nuts' and those evil 'Liberals' in an attempt to sideline them from the debate. While those that play right into the strategy of ISIS are labelled 'Hero's', 'Patriots', protectors of 'womenfolk' and 'an advanced civilisation'.

Yes, I see mutual respect and acceptance is really helping to stop these muslims committing murder and creating mayhem. Here's me thinking fighting back was the answer when all that was needed was a pat on the back and a "Well done, have another go". Edited by jesimps
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No, there is no hate from Muslims to other religions, they love them all; are happy to live along side them, and abide by the laws of the countries they have chosen to emigrate to in the pursuit of economic advancement, whilst respecting all cultures. rolleyes.gif

All the West's fault. We should give them all the demand and allow them to follow Sharia whilst raping our women and children, ignoring our laws and treating us lower than dogs. And we should thank them for doing it.

What crap the PC Muslim loving do-gooders spout.

The Muslims even hate on another and have no qualms butchering one another or anyone else when it suits - after all their god will reward them.

No, there is no reason why the people from middle east should be angry at europe and USA.

After all it is not like we played with their governments, bombed them for 30 years because of oil and gaz.

There is no reason to be hated by governments who went to war on false claims

there is no reason to be angry with countries which removed governments to install..well anarchy ( Lybia, Sirya, Irak...)\

There is no reason for them to hate the people who bombed indiscriminately during weddings, there is no reason to mourn and be angry at them

There is no reason to believe the fault of the foreign politics we have in middle east is wrong, we bring them democracy, right?

We are the beacons of freedom, justice, goodwill in the world, and yet people don t see this and are angry...

What crap the FAUX News lovers spout and yet are the same who praise the second amendment against "tyranical government"

Daesh anyway is super happy with your reaction as you play their game quite well and do exactly what they hope you to do and think...

However it is ok to shake the saoudi hands and sell them weapons, it is not like they help terrorism

Hope the Faux news lovers are happy to help Daesh, cause they are...more and more.

All the West's fault. We should give them all the demand and allow them to follow Sharia whilst raping our women and children, ignoring our laws and treating us lower than dogs. And we should thank them for doing it.

Ignoring our laws in their countries you mean, cause we ask them to do so for 30 years... It is well known the US and European armies in middle east and africa never rape, just look at the news...you trat the muslims the same way from your writings...

You lost your pointy white hat?

Yet all of these angry Middle Easterners pay large amount of money and take great physical risk to move to one of those evil Western countries.

Sorry, it is only the self-loathing westerner who blames anyone but the Middle Easterners themselves for their situation.

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BS. None of the killers on 9/11 were from countries which had been attacked by countries in the West nor were any of them poor in the sense that they were sponsored by Bin Laden who was extremely wealthy. He was a Saudi. They were mostly from Saudi with a couple from the UAE and maybe one from Egypt. All were in the US legally.

They came after us, looking for us.

BS. BS. This huge and horrible act of terror is all on them and their gdddddm Muslim religion.

Anyone stupid enough to think that the West caused or causes this problem will never get the problem solved.

Europe - stupid - horse - barn door - see ya - yer history.


A lot of intelligent Americans do not believe the official 9/11 story. Also, you do realize that mr. Laden was trained and financed by your beloved government. The US and their lapdogs keep poking in the affairs of other countries, and only ignorant red necks fail to see this.

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When gentlemanly responses fail, we must turn to ruffianism.

Can we send these lads into molenbeek for a bit of a clean up?

Quite agree, so does this secular Muslim who makes no bones about it and condones direct action if governments fail to protect us. Quite remarkable coming from a Muslim, but no doubt some of our bloviating esteemed members who purport to defend the Muslim community would disagree.


If not, then we must arm ourselves. If our governments refuse to protect us, or even begin to use the tools with which we empower them against us: surveillance, counter-terror laws, detention, then we will need to take the law back into our own hands. We cannot be afraid of doing so. It is where our societies all sprung from.

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When gentlemanly responses fail, we must turn to ruffianism.

Can we send these lads into molenbeek for a bit of a clean up?

Quite agree, so does this secular Muslim who makes no bones about it and condones direct action if governments fail to protect us. Quite remarkable coming from a Muslim, but no doubt some of our bloviating esteemed members who purport to defend the Muslim community would disagree.


If not, then we must arm ourselves. If our governments refuse to protect us, or even begin to use the tools with which we empower them against us: surveillance, counter-terror laws, detention, then we will need to take the law back into our own hands. We cannot be afraid of doing so. It is where our societies all sprung from.

You've used Breitbart as source, more precisely from a certain Raheem Kassam. Who's a member from UK's fake 'Students Rights' group.


Breitbart and 'Students Rights' are connected to UK's Henry Jackson Society, a right wing think tank who defends right wing political views of Europhobic British Tories, hardline US Republicans and Israeli Likudniks.

It is also promoting a strongly pro-Israel agenda, organizing anti-Islam activities, focusing particularly on British Muslim students and advocating a transatlantic military and security regime.

Cheers !

Edited by Thorgal
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I was around during the PIRA bombing campaigns of the 1970s.

Indeed, had I not been delayed I would have been with my friends in the Horse and Groom in Guildford when the PIRA bomb went off.

Did anyone then blame all Irish, or even all Irish Republicans, for the activities and murders of PIRA?

Did anyone suggest taking violent action against Irish citizens living in the UK?

Well, a few fanatical Unionists not only suggested it, they committed similar terrorist outrages in Republican communities in Northern Ireland; but the overwhelming majority of British people were intelligent enough to know the difference between the terrorists, whether they be Republican or Unionist, and the majority of Irish people .

Just as now the overwhelming majority of the population of Europe are intelligent enough to know the difference between Islamic terrorists and the majority of Muslim people.

However, as the actions of the thugs in the OP, and many posts in this and similar topics show, not everyone has the intellectual capacity to tell the difference.

So, instead, they fall for the "Some Muslims are bad therefore all Muslims are bad" crap put out by the hate sites.

Fortunately, despite the efforts of the hatemongers, such people are in the minority.

Just as, despite the efforts of those Muslims who promote hate, supporters of Islamic terrorism are also a minority; and a small one at that.

Even though the hate sites, and sad to say some mainstream media, try to convince the gullible otherwise.

No, one in five British Muslims doesn't support Isis

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So you are saying that over 80% of Muslims are against ISIS? Evidence please

The fact is that a majority seem to be ambivelent at best.

I have no time for these people on many levels including

Attitude to women

Attitude to education

Making kids into mini Muslims when they should be playing

Forcing me to recognise their religion by dressing oddly

Failing to integrate

And so on

We need to claim back all the "no go areas" and forcibly dissolve religious gettos

Personally I would ban halal meat to force the issue

I lost someone in Brussels and have been away for a while

I used to be an Independent reading multi-culturalist. No more. I could go on....

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I am sorry that you lost someone in Brussels; my condolences. Despite what some have accused me of previously, I am not excusing or apologising for terrorism. Never have, never will.


So you are saying that over 80% of Muslims are against ISIS? Evidence please

The fact is that a majority seem to be ambivelent at best.

Myself and others have on many occasions provided evidence of the worldwide condemnation of ISIS and other Islamic terrorist from Muslim leaders, political and clerical, as well as from ordinary Muslims. Google "Muslims condemn ISIS."

You go on:

I have no time for these people on many levels including

Attitude to women Some fundamentalists do not recognise women's rights; true. But the same can be said of followers of other religions. I know a Jehovah's Witness ostracised by her family for marrying outside their faith.

Attitude to education Not sure what you mean. Certainly the vast majority of British Muslim children are educated in mainstream state schools.

Making kids into mini Muslims when they should be playing Followers of all religions educate their children on the teachings of their religion and want their children to grow up to follow that religion. As a Catholic child I had to attend first catechism classes and later confirmation ones. Do you object to that?

Forcing me to recognise their religion by dressing oddly More Sikh men in the UK wear turbans than Muslim women wear hijabs or niqabs. Do you object to them? Do you object to Christians wearing crucifixes? Hassidic Jewish men with their strange hair styles and black coats and hats; Hassidic Jewish women and their wigs? I could go on; the list is a lengthy one.

Failing to integrate. In what way? Most do integrate.

And so on Such as?

We need to claim back all the "no go areas" and forcibly dissolve religious gettos What 'no go areas?' The claims that such exist have been proven to be lies. Ghettoes tend to be more economic these days than religious; unless you mean Stamford Hill and similar?

Personally I would ban halal meat to force the issue Why? To starve them? What about Shechita? If you object to Halal, which allows pre stunning, you must also object to Shechita, which doesn't. According to the RSPCA, 80% of Halal meat sold in the UK is pre-stunned; none of the Shechita meat is. See the discussion of this in the topic on the lie that parts of Germany have banned pork..

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I am sorry that you lost someone in Brussels; my condolences. Despite what some have accused me of previously, I am not excusing or apologising for terrorism. Never have, never will.


So you are saying that over 80% of Muslims are against ISIS? Evidence please

The fact is that a majority seem to be ambivelent at best.

Myself and others have on many occasions provided evidence of the worldwide condemnation of ISIS and other Islamic terrorist from Muslim leaders, political and clerical, as well as from ordinary Muslims. Google "Muslims condemn ISIS."

You go on:

I have no time for these people on many levels including

Attitude to women Some fundamentalists do not recognise women's rights; true. But the same can be said of followers of other religions. I know a Jehovah's Witness ostracised by her family for marrying outside their faith.

Attitude to education Not sure what you mean. Certainly the vast majority of British Muslim children are educated in mainstream state schools.

Making kids into mini Muslims when they should be playing Followers of all religions educate their children on the teachings of their religion and want their children to grow up to follow that religion. As a Catholic child I had to attend first catechism classes and later confirmation ones. Do you object to that?

Forcing me to recognise their religion by dressing oddly More Sikh men in the UK wear turbans than Muslim women wear hijabs or niqabs. Do you object to them? Do you object to Christians wearing crucifixes? Hassidic Jewish men with their strange hair styles and black coats and hats; Hassidic Jewish women and their wigs? I could go on; the list is a lengthy one.

Failing to integrate. In what way? Most do integrate.

And so on Such as?

We need to claim back all the "no go areas" and forcibly dissolve religious gettos What 'no go areas?' The claims that such exist have been proven to be lies. Ghettoes tend to be more economic these days than religious; unless you mean Stamford Hill and similar?

Personally I would ban halal meat to force the issue Why? To starve them? What about Shechita? If you object to Halal, which allows pre stunning, you must also object to Shechita, which doesn't. According to the RSPCA, 80% of Halal meat sold in the UK is pre-stunned; none of the Shechita meat is. See the discussion of this in the topic on the lie that parts of Germany have banned pork..

May I have time to consider a balanced response to your well considered I piece?

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I am sorry that you lost someone in Brussels; my condolences. Despite what some have accused me of previously, I am not excusing or apologising for terrorism. Never have, never will.


So you are saying that over 80% of Muslims are against ISIS? Evidence please

The fact is that a majority seem to be ambivelent at best.

Myself and others have on many occasions provided evidence of the worldwide condemnation of ISIS and other Islamic terrorist from Muslim leaders, political and clerical, as well as from ordinary Muslims. Google "Muslims condemn ISIS."

You go on:

I have no time for these people on many levels including

Attitude to women Some fundamentalists do not recognise women's rights; true. But the same can be said of followers of other religions. I know a Jehovah's Witness ostracised by her family for marrying outside their faith.

Attitude to education Not sure what you mean. Certainly the vast majority of British Muslim children are educated in mainstream state schools.

Making kids into mini Muslims when they should be playing Followers of all religions educate their children on the teachings of their religion and want their children to grow up to follow that religion. As a Catholic child I had to attend first catechism classes and later confirmation ones. Do you object to that?

Forcing me to recognise their religion by dressing oddly More Sikh men in the UK wear turbans than Muslim women wear hijabs or niqabs. Do you object to them? Do you object to Christians wearing crucifixes? Hassidic Jewish men with their strange hair styles and black coats and hats; Hassidic Jewish women and their wigs? I could go on; the list is a lengthy one.

Failing to integrate. In what way? Most do integrate.

And so on Such as?

We need to claim back all the "no go areas" and forcibly dissolve religious gettos What 'no go areas?' The claims that such exist have been proven to be lies. Ghettoes tend to be more economic these days than religious; unless you mean Stamford Hill and similar?

Personally I would ban halal meat to force the issue Why? To starve them? What about Shechita? If you object to Halal, which allows pre stunning, you must also object to Shechita, which doesn't. According to the RSPCA, 80% of Halal meat sold in the UK is pre-stunned; none of the Shechita meat is. See the discussion of this in the topic on the lie that parts of Germany have banned pork..

May I have time to consider a balanced response to your well considered I piece?
It's a bloviating piece of waffle I'm afraid, the Belgians incidentally produce a far tastier waffle in their cafes. The hackneyed old bullshit about no go areas is just that. Europe is changing for the worse at lightning speed. Today a German train company announced its carriages will be segregated by sex., bringing it into line with sundry Islamic Countries. As for the rest, it's the usual tactic of hiding Islam behind the cloak of every other religion and Islamic terrorism behind the IRA. He never changes regardless of how many lives are ruined and people are buried.


Or the lib left Independent.


We don’t officially have no-go zones in Brussels, but in reality, there are, and they are in Molenbeek.”

Edited by Steely Dan
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