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Why Europe has a bigger terror problem than the U.S.


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It's an interesting area to look at.

With immigration issues, whether it is regular immigrants or refugees, the focus has to be on integration into the existing culture. Without integration there is disintegration. New immigrants should not be allowed in unless there family is able to show the means of support for them. Refugees need to be resettled in an orderly fashion and they need to be working rather quickly as well as attending classes to help with the integration process.

It's fairly important that large ghetto type areas not be allowed to exist for any length of time.

I should also be noted that the problems in Belgium and France don't seem to be happening in Germany either, I wonder why that is?

Germany had very big problems through the 80's with Turkish immigrants.

Just because it is not reported does not mean it is not happening. It will start appearing in the press when the first attack occurs on German soil.

Agreed Germany has and will have many problems in the future, letting their borders down and inviting in a million plus un-vetted Muslims in your country is a ticking time bomb that has yet to explode. Remember much of the 9/11 bunch came out of Germany.

Remarkable how Angela Merkel has virtually disappeared in the last week, must have her head in the sand somewhere, which is better than up her bum where it has mostly been in recent terrorist attacks.

Cameron, Hollande, Obama etc all condemn the attacks and offer support and solidarity.

France illuminates the Eiffel Tower in the colors of the Belgian flag; the UK does the same with the London Eye, St. Paul's and other London landmarks.

From Mrs, Merkel and Germany - silence.

Doesn't suit her agenda, will never be brave enough to admit she fcked up or that her federal EU run the way she wants isn't what the majority wants. Total embarrassment for the German people who hopefully will show their distaste at election time.

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Great, you just invited them all. USA is just lucky that the Mexicans are too lazy to fight.

They're not lazy. They work like dogs in jobs I wouldn't want to do. Biggest difference is they are Catholic and not as likely to feel they are required by directives of their holy book to murder people

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This list suggests different.


9/11 got nearly 3,000 in one go.

I doubt any accumulated number of terrorist deaths in the EU can beat that figure.

And that doesn't include 'Black Riots' that are listed as crimes.

Yes, 9/11 is really the signature terrorist event of all time and likely not to be exceeded in sheer magnitude until they have WMD's at their disposal.

But assessing the problem based on the body counts of individual attacks kind of misses the point don't ya think?

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It's an interesting area to look at.

With immigration issues, whether it is regular immigrants or refugees, the focus has to be on integration into the existing culture. Without integration there is disintegration. New immigrants should not be allowed in unless there family is able to show the means of support for them. Refugees need to be resettled in an orderly fashion and they need to be working rather quickly as well as attending classes to help with the integration process.

It's fairly important that large ghetto type areas not be allowed to exist for any length of time.

I should also be noted that the problems in Belgium and France don't seem to be happening in Germany either, I wonder why that is?

my [uneducated] guess is that "our" Muslims, mainly Turks, are much more integrated, known as hard workers who participated in a several decades lasting economic boom which made many dreams come true. i remember a young Turk who studied with my son who surprised me during a light conversation with the latin phrase "ubi bene, ibi patria!"

unfortunately it seems the tide is changing when it concerns the younger generation.

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Great, you just invited them all. USA is just lucky that the Mexicans are too lazy to fight.

They're not lazy. They work like dogs in jobs I wouldn't want to do. Biggest difference is they are Catholic and not as likely to feel they are required by directives of their holy book to murder people

Catholics. Just like the IRA

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The USA has not, as yet, opened the gates to mass, un-vetted immigration from the Muslim world unlike Europe and the UK whose politicians have created a huge problem.

More innocent lives will be lost due to the ineptitude of of UK and European politicians,

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LOL! Cue the ammosexual militia men!

When a white guy mows down dozens of 6-year-olds in a classroom or patrons in a movie theater, it is just another case of mental illness (or a completely fabricated lie by the corporate media cuz Obama wants to take your guns, if you are a Glenn Beck fan). Terrorism only happens when the perpetrators are brown. Living in fear of getting shot by some crazed angry white guy is a much happier existence than living in fear of some 'foreigner' blowing you up. America's dubious honor of having at least one shooting PERFORMED by an infant or toddler every week in the USA is just collateral damage in the name of freedom! And despite having an average of one mass shooting every day in the USA (372 in 2015, with 475 dead and 1879 wounded) we are blissfully free from 'terror' in the USA cuz we don't allow no muslims and we are all packing like Dirty Harry.

I would just like one ammosexual to tell us a tale where a 'good guy with a gun' actually saved the day in real life (and not on TV or in your wet dreams).

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Great, you just invited them all. USA is just lucky that the Mexicans are too lazy to fight.

Mexicans are hard, hard workers. They go to America to better themselves. They have a family and neighborhood culture that could shame the West. They are not only Catholic, but largely pacifist Catholic. They are polite and friendly and with the exception of those who run drugs or are other types of criminals in their own country, they are peaceful.

Their kids want to assimilate and you can see it in how they adopt the latest dress style of American kids. Right now these neon colored sneakers are the rage and you see these Mexican kids wearing them, wanting to fit in.

I'm totally opposed to illegal immigration for a number of reasons which have been debated over and over. But I'm NOT against the Mexican people. OTOH I'm learning to HATE Muslims. Why would I trust any of them?



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OP appears to be a somewhat blinkered view of terrorism..

Even if you only consider the events since 9/11 the US has a much bigger problem.

Considering that in Europe we have a much more diverse population, yet until the last year or so little terrorism.

Clearly the so called War-on-Terror which in reality amounts to the US & Europe blowing the fuckery out of Iraq for no real reason, and trying to "democratise" the feudal tribes of the Middle East, has only left a massive vacuum - a vacuum that is now filled by the Daesh\AlQ\"moderate rebels"\other nutjobs. Maybe it time to learn to stop around with other countries and look after our own. I'm sure some one or other is making shed loads of money out of all of this!

Edited by MrTee
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I would just like one ammosexual to tell us a tale where a 'good guy with a gun' actually saved the day in real life (and not on TV or in your wet dreams).

It happens every day. The MSM just doesn't like to report it. Here's just one article from The Daily Caller.


"The latest independent crime victims polls estimate that 512,000 rapes occur each year, 1,400 a day, and just under 17% are reported to the police. That agrees with the FBI numbers, so I will go with 512,000 rapes, with 17% or one in six reported to the police.
With the magnitude of the problem established:
In the early 1990′s a study concluded that 650 rapes a day were stopped because the victim was – or may have been – armed. But the number of women who carry, and the number of homes with guns, is much higher now."
I rarely go anywhere without a gun now, dude. <deleted> Muslims threaten me? "No go zones?" Ain't happening in my part of America. Ain't likely to anytime soon, either.
Edited by NeverSure
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It's pretty simple really (and I'm English)

The EU promoted and executed freedom of movement between many nation (more or less anyone can go anywhere)

Each country in Europe that has security issues with these scum, have only themselves to blame for being so PC left wing in their actions of allowing many bad eggs to slip through the net whilst allowing floods of economic migrants in (hence the need for controlled immigration) (one name that springs to mind immediately who is a former PM of the UK but I will not out him by name, but by anagram . . . . Tony B-liar)

The journey into Europe for these scum is overland, no airports or ferry terminals to negotiate (until you hit Calais)

Maybe future attacks in the US will remain as to what we have seen in the past? Terror has usually been carried out by home-grown in the US?

Just a few reasons in reply to the OP

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I rarely go anywhere without a gun now, dude. <deleted> Muslims threaten me? "No go zones?" Ain't happening in my part of America. Ain't likely to anytime soon, either.

One little dirty bomb will negate your lil' philosophy.

Further, it didn't work out so well for the victims of 9/11, as you helpfully pointed out in your previous post.

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Maybe some of it has to do with how Americans react to acts of terror. Bin Laden couldn't hide deep or long enough to avoid the Seals. Look at how the American cops furiously ran down the Boston Marathon bombers as opposed to what Brussels has done meaning nothing. Nothing.

From my perspective on this side of the water, Europeans seem weak and helpless while I know what my neighborhood in the US is made of. We can and would stick a gun barrel out of every window in the neighborhood if someone wants to mess with us.


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OP appears to be a somewhat blinkered view of terrorism..

Even if you only consider the events since 9/11 the US has a much bigger problem.

Considering that in Europe we have a much more diverse population, yet until the last year or so little terrorism.

Clearly the so called War-on-Terror which in reality amounts to the US & Europe blowing the fuckery out of Iraq for no real reason, and trying to "democratise" the feudal tribes of the Middle East, has only left a massive vacuum - a vacuum that is now filled by the Daesh\AlQ\"moderate rebels"\other nutjobs. Maybe it time to learn to stop around with other countries and look after our own. I'm sure some one or other is making shed loads of money out of all of this!

Only if you consider the UK to be Europe. Don't blame the Europeans for the Iraq debacle.

Edited by stillbornagain
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Maybe some of it has to do with how Americans react to acts of terror. Bin Laden couldn't hide deep or long enough to avoid the Seals. Look at how the American cops furiously ran down the Boston Marathon bombers as opposed to what Brussels has done meaning nothing. Nothing.

From my perspective on this side of the water, Europeans seem weak and helpless while I know what my neighborhood in the US is made of. We can and would stick a gun barrel out of every window in the neighborhood if someone wants to mess with us.


Took your "seals" 10 years to find Bin Laden, and how many billions of your tax dollars? giggle.gif

And you'd need the UK's help.. lol

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Europe...no unity, no cooperation, heaps of arms and explosives, thanks to differing levels of laxness at borders...dumping ground for mostly hopeless useless unskilled and disaffected muzzlim men....

Yes you could say its a basket case.

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I rarely go anywhere without a gun now, dude. <deleted> Muslims threaten me? "No go zones?" Ain't happening in my part of America. Ain't likely to anytime soon, either.

One little dirty bomb will negate your lil' philosophy.

Further, it didn't work out so well for the victims of 9/11, as you helpfully pointed out in your previous post.

Not even the police or the military can defend against a dirty bomb. Do you assume most attacks will be a dirty bomb or passenger planes flown into buildings? Is that what history tells you?

People in some areas are suffering from an overwhelming influx of Muslims. Even S. Thailand is. So are areas in The Philippines. So are areas in Europe.

I'm just telling you that it isn't going to happen in my neighborhood during my lifetime.








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OP appears to be a somewhat blinkered view of terrorism..

Even if you only consider the events since 9/11 the US has a much bigger problem.

Considering that in Europe we have a much more diverse population, yet until the last year or so little terrorism.

Clearly the so called War-on-Terror which in reality amounts to the US & Europe blowing the fuckery out of Iraq for no real reason, and trying to "democratise" the feudal tribes of the Middle East, has only left a massive vacuum - a vacuum that is now filled by the Daesh\AlQ\"moderate rebels"\other nutjobs. Maybe it time to learn to stop around with other countries and look after our own. I'm sure some one or other is making shed loads of money out of all of this!

Only if you consider the UK to be Europe. Don't blame the Europeans for the Iraq debacle.

Personally I'd hold the blame squarely on Bush, and Tony Blair's shoulders (Hopefully after Chilcott we will see Blair stand trial - don't hold your breath) . But its well documented that many European countries were also involved in the Iraq "debacle"

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I rarely go anywhere without a gun now, dude. <deleted> Muslims threaten me? "No go zones?" Ain't happening in my part of America. Ain't likely to anytime soon, either.


One little dirty bomb will negate your lil' philosophy.

Further, it didn't work out so well for the victims of 9/11, as you helpfully pointed out in your previous post.

Not even the police or the military can defend against a dirty bomb. Do you assume most attacks will be a dirty bomb or passenger planes flown into buildings? Is that what history tells you?

People in some areas are suffering from an overwhelming influx of Muslims. Even S. Thailand is. So are areas in The Philippines. So are areas in Europe.

I'm just telling you that it isn't going to happen in my neighborhood during my lifetime.








Well if we looking at numbers alone, then yeah, passenger planes seems to be the biggest victory, so far, in the terrorists' mind..

There is already "wild talk" of perpetration of a ricin attack, a dirty bomb is is the holy grail of those that wish to do you harm, so you can bet your hind teeth they are working on it!

Do not kid your self that your lil shooter will keep you safe, as a previous poster mentioned...

America's dubious honor of having at least one shooting PERFORMED by an infant or toddler every week in the USA is just collateral damage in the name of freedom! And despite having an average of one mass shooting every day in the USA (372 in 2015, with 475 dead and 1879 wounded) we are blissfully free from 'terror' in the USA cuz we don't allow no muslims and we are all packing like Dirty Harry.

.. sort of makes your whole stance a bigger problem than the one you face from Daesh\ISIS\..

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Great, you just invited them all. USA is just lucky that the Mexicans are too lazy to fight.

They're not lazy. They work like dogs in jobs I wouldn't want to do. Biggest difference is they are Catholic and not as likely to feel they are required by directives of their holy book to murder people

Catholics. Just like the IRA

...and the Bible told them so?

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OP appears to be a somewhat blinkered view of terrorism..

Even if you only consider the events since 9/11 the US has a much bigger problem.

Considering that in Europe we have a much more diverse population, yet until the last year or so little terrorism.

Clearly the so called War-on-Terror which in reality amounts to the US & Europe blowing the fuckery out of Iraq for no real reason, and trying to "democratise" the feudal tribes of the Middle East, has only left a massive vacuum - a vacuum that is now filled by the Daesh\AlQ\"moderate rebels"\other nutjobs. Maybe it time to learn to stop around with other countries and look after our own. I'm sure some one or other is making shed loads of money out of all of this!

Only if you consider the UK to be Europe. Don't blame the Europeans for the Iraq debacle.

Personally I'd hold the blame squarely on Bush, and Tony Blair's shoulders (Hopefully after Chilcott we will see Blair stand trial - don't hold your breath) . But its well documented that many European countries were also involved in the Iraq "debacle"

So, can you focus long enough to discuss "Why Europe has a bigger terror problem than the U.S.?"

I keep trying to point out that it's because the people of Europe - ordinary citizens and their leaders - are puzzies.

If you are expecting us to hit the beaches at Normandy again to save your butts one more time it ain't gonna happen. You're on your own in this one because you opened the barn door and let the problem flood in and you are still doing it. You decided that national borders were "so 1400's" and that Brussels should override the will of the powerless people.

After all, "trust your government" (Brussels) crying.gif is all the rage in Europe these days. coffee1.gif



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The European states that support the US and it's NATO proxy in the mass destruction of Muslim nations are going to feel the wrath of deeply antagonistic immigrants in their homelands. It can hardly not be so. Even little Belgium sent one jet fighter to share in the kill of Libya.

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Posted on Mar 28, 2016 by Janene Pieters
"Seventy percent of Dutch voters think that terrorism is unavoidable in Europe. They feel attacks can not be prevented, no matter what is done, according to the latest poll by Maurice de Hond. Following the suicide bombings in Brussels last week, anti-Islam party PVV is up 2 parliamentary seats in the polls.
A massive 68 percent of voters now think that there is a big or very big chance of a terrorist attack in the Netherlands. After the attacks in Paris in November last year, only 56 percent of voters felt this way."
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OP appears to be a somewhat blinkered view of terrorism..

Even if you only consider the events since 9/11 the US has a much bigger problem.

Considering that in Europe we have a much more diverse population, yet until the last year or so little terrorism.

Clearly the so called War-on-Terror which in reality amounts to the US & Europe blowing the fuckery out of Iraq for no real reason, and trying to "democratise" the feudal tribes of the Middle East, has only left a massive vacuum - a vacuum that is now filled by the Daesh\AlQ\"moderate rebels"\other nutjobs. Maybe it time to learn to stop around with other countries and look after our own. I'm sure some one or other is making shed loads of money out of all of this!

Only if you consider the UK to be Europe. Don't blame the Europeans for the Iraq debacle.

Personally I'd hold the blame squarely on Bush, and Tony Blair's shoulders (Hopefully after Chilcott we will see Blair stand trial - don't hold your breath) . But its well documented that many European countries were also involved in the Iraq "debacle"

So, can you focus long enough to discuss "Why Europe has a bigger terror problem than the U.S.?"

I keep trying to point out that it's because the people of Europe - ordinary citizens and their leaders - are puzzies.

If you are expecting us to hit the beaches at Normandy again to save your butts one more time it ain't gonna happen. You're on your own in this one because you opened the barn door and let the problem flood in and you are still doing it. You decided that national borders were "so 1400's" and that Brussels should override the will of the powerless people.

After all, "trust your government" (Brussels) crying.gif is all the rage in Europe these days. coffee1.gif


attachicon.gif11 1Li.png

Now let me think, who started all this.

I will make it easy for you, Sadam, Ghadafi .............

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Europe does not even look like Europe in many places in many of their countries. I have seen

pictures of Cities where it seems you are somewhere in the Middle East. Arabic signs for blocks.

Mosques and minarets in many places waking up all who are near them very early in the

mornings. Large areas where the people barely speak the language of the country they are living in.

I think Germany will look like this in the not too distant future. I could be wrong as they have survived

the Nazis of their past, hopefully they can survive the latest of their problems. Good luck.

I have friends from Britain who have moved away because their whole neighbourhoods have been taken over.

I just hope that Canada and the USA does not let the Middle East take over our countries.

I am not sure where I could move if that ever happened.

This is just my opinion of course


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Now let me think, who started all this.

I will make it easy for you, Sadam, Ghadafi .............

I'll help you think. Tony Blair went after Saddam and NATO led by the French went after Gaddafi.

(Not only can I help you remember history but I can spell, too.) thumbsup.gif

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Europe does not even look like Europe in many places in many of their countries. I have seen

pictures of Cities where it seems you are somewhere in the Middle East. Arabic signs for blocks.

Mosques and minarets in many places waking up all who are near them very early in the

mornings. Large areas where the people barely speak the language of the country they are living in.

I think Germany will look like this in the not too distant future. I could be wrong as they have survived

the Nazis of their past, hopefully they can survive the latest of their problems. Good luck.

I have friends from Britain who have moved away because their whole neighbourhoods have been taken over.

I just hope that Canada and the USA does not let the Middle East take over our countries.

I am not sure where I could move if that ever happened.

This is just my opinion of course


Is your sole knowledge of Europe based on pictures ?

Which European country's have you visited or worked in ?

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Maybe some of it has to do with how Americans react to acts of terror. Bin Laden couldn't hide deep or long enough to avoid the Seals. Look at how the American cops furiously ran down the Boston Marathon bombers as opposed to what Brussels has done meaning nothing. Nothing.

From my perspective on this side of the water, Europeans seem weak and helpless while I know what my neighborhood in the US is made of. We can and would stick a gun barrel out of every window in the neighborhood if someone wants to mess with us.


Took your "seals" 10 years to find Bin Laden, and how many billions of your tax dollars? giggle.gif

And you'd need the UK's help.. lol

Thank you for once again helping me make my point. I said "Bin Laden couldn't hide deep or long enough to avoid the Seals."

There's the difference in our philosophies. We don't care how long it takes or how much it costs. Just don't mess with us.

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