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UK man convicted of plotting to attack US troops in Britain


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UK man convicted of plotting to attack US troops in Britain

LONDON (AP) — A British delivery driver was convicted Friday of planning to attack American military personnel in the U.K. with knives or a bomb in a plot inspired by the Islamic State group.

A jury at London's Kingston Crown Court found Junead Khan guilty of preparing an act of terrorism.

The 25-year-old's work for a pharmaceutical firm took him past several U.S. air bases in eastern England, and prosecutors said he discussed ways of targeting them with an IS militant in Syria.

Prosecutors said Khan, who was arrested in July, had exchanged online messages with a man calling himself Abu Hussain. They discussed attacking military personnel after faking a road accident.

They said Abu Hussain was British-born militant Junaid Hussain, who was killed in a U.S. drone strike in the IS stronghold of Raqqa last year.

In one exchange, Khan told Hussain he had seen some soldiers driving, "but I had nothing on me or wouldve (sic) got into an accident with them and made them get out the car."

Hussain replied: "That's what the brother done with Lee Rigby." Rigby was a British soldier who was run down by a car and stabbed to death by two al-Qaida-inspired attackers in 2013.

When police raided Khan's home, they found an IS-style black flag and a laptop containing an article from an al-Qaida magazine entitled "Make a bomb in the kitchen of your mom."

Khan and his 23-year-old uncle, Shazib Khan, were also convicted of preparing to join IS militants in Syria.

Both men will be sentenced May 13. Junead Khan faces a maximum sentence of life in prison.

After the verdict, police revealed that officers had visited Junead Khan four times in 2014 "to try and encourage him away from extremism."

After the visits he messaged his uncle: "They trying to stop me from becoming a extremist or terrorist lool (sic)." Shazib replied "That crack me up."

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-04-02

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Why should we pay for him to go to prison for life, in there he will get his own cell, own shower, t.v. etc. either give him a diet of Guinness and bacon sandwiches for life, or take him to Syria, bury him in the sand up to his neck, then cover his head with honey.....and wait. Oh, and take his Uncle with him too.

Unfortunately his bleeding heart human rights lawyer leech will plead his case for three years and find his rights were violated somehow...sorry, rant over...wai.gif

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To lighten things up a bit, regarding the term UK man, we all know the answer, and those of us that are old enough will remember Enoch Powell's predictions. However, Obama, and Cameron step into a time machine and jump forward ten years. When they step out they both find newspapers from their respective countries. Cameron asks Obama what the U.S paper says. Obama reads and says that America is doing well, the dollar is strong, exports are up....What does yours say Mr. Cameron......Reply.....I don't know, it is written in Arabic........getting my coat now...whistling.gif

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I think a law should be passed in the UK,preventing lawyers defending proven terrorists.I also think that the human rights act should be abolished(what happened to the replacement bill of British rights that we were promised?) I think that all Jihadists should be deported to country's that only eat pork I think that all mosques should be raised to the ground and replaced with Jewis synagogues. I think that all migrants should be thrown into the Atlantic.

and i think that i should be voted in as the Ukip prime minster,with Nigel Farage as my deputy PM.

And in the words of the late,great Lennon,'You can call me a dreamer,but I'm not the only one"

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UK man my a*s* smile.png John Smith, Fred Bloggs maybe, but NOT junead khan. Life in prison would be fitting for such an ungrateful *w*t !

Perhaps he changed his name and religion.

It is legal to do so in the UK, and many people do so.

For example the singer Cat Stevens (his stage name) was born as Steven Demetre Georgiou yet in December 1977, Stevens converted to Islam,[10] and he adopted the name Yusuf Islam the following year.

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UK man my a*s* smile.png John Smith, Fred Bloggs maybe, but NOT junead khan. Life in prison would be fitting for such an ungrateful *w*t !

Perhaps he changed his name and religion.

It is legal to do so in the UK, and many people do so.

For example the singer Cat Stevens (his stage name) was born as Steven Demetre Georgiou yet in December 1977, Stevens converted to Islam,[10] and he adopted the name Yusuf Islam the following year.

Google the story and look at the accompanying photos.

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UK man my a*s* smile.png John Smith, Fred Bloggs maybe, but NOT junead khan. Life in prison would be fitting for such an ungrateful *w*t !

Perhaps he changed his name and religion.

It is legal to do so in the UK, and many people do so.

For example the singer Cat Stevens (his stage name) was born as Steven Demetre Georgiou yet in December 1977, Stevens converted to Islam,[10] and he adopted the name Yusuf Islam the following year.

Google the story and look at the accompanying photos.

It is becoming the norm.

Briton who made wife live like slave is first to be jailed for domestic servitude


How many Brits go to Pakistan for an arranged marriage.

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The 25-year-old's work for a pharmaceutical firm ...

Khan and his 23-year-old uncle,...

Anybody else notice something unusual here?

Someone been breeding like bunnies, some wife still littering children when she became a grandma the first time?

A bit like Monty Python's Meaning of Life (The third world - Yorkshire), just it's not about Catholics and not funny.

And very likely has been very costly with all the benefits.

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I think a law should be passed in the UK,preventing lawyers defending proven terrorists

Until a jury found him guilty he was not a proven terrorist!

Anyone accused of any crime in the UK is entitled to legal representation to defend themselves in court.

Not all those accused of a crime are guilty: Student wrongly accused of being a terrorist after he was seen reading a textbook on terrorism for his degree.

Is it only Muslims you believe shouldn't have right of legal representations, or all people with brown skins?

What about those accused of terrorism offences who are not Muslims: suspected PIRA members for example?

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I think a law should be passed in the UK,preventing lawyers defending proven terrorists

Until a jury found him guilty he was not a proven terrorist!

Anyone accused of any crime in the UK is entitled to legal representation to defend themselves in court.

Not all those accused of a crime are guilty: Student wrongly accused of being a terrorist after he was seen reading a textbook on terrorism for his degree.

Is it only Muslims you believe shouldn't have right of legal representations, or all people with brown skins?

What about those accused of terrorism offences who are not Muslims: suspected PIRA members for example?[/quoted yada ,yada,yada,
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The evidence sounds a wee bit thin.

Black flag and a internet link how to make a bomb, would be on 50% of all teens rooms/laptops.

(Not to mention a large amount of porn)

When I were 16-19 my whole room was painted black, and I had a chemistry set, no internet in those days.

And posters of Ho Chee Min and Che, I would have been a sure fire conviction as some sort of communist infiltrator/terrorist.

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Why should we pay for him to go to prison for life, in there he will get his own cell, own shower, t.v. etc. either give him a diet of Guinness and bacon sandwiches for life, or take him to Syria, bury him in the sand up to his neck, then cover his head with honey.....and wait. Oh, and take his Uncle with him too.

Unfortunately his bleeding heart human rights lawyer leech will plead his case for three years and find his rights were violated somehow...sorry, rant over...wai.gif

And of course never consider that living in a social atmosphere of contemptuous discrimination even as a UK citizen had any effect on his attitude. Or that despite that he was not planning to attack people of the UK .

Create an enemy and expect a war.

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The evidence sounds a wee bit thin.

Black flag and a internet link how to make a bomb, would be on 50% of all teens rooms/laptops.

(Not to mention a large amount of porn)

When I were 16-19 my whole room was painted black, and I had a chemistry set, no internet in those days.

And posters of Ho Chee Min and Che, I would have been a sure fire conviction as some sort of communist infiltrator/terrorist.

Did you fancy girls who liked the Gothic fashion?smile.png

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they would be proven before being proved because as prime minister I SAY SO! And even if there was a hint of it<Into the Atlantic with him/her.

Lighten up I Claudius!

You are having us on, are you? How's that Caligula-like laughter coming on? Not worth answering to.

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