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Trump proposes funding wall by cutting off remittances


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I think it's a wonderful idea. Typically, well thought out and practical.

Go Trump. clap2.gifgigglem.gif

All the Republicans are against any Syrian refugees entering the US because, you know, they're Muslims and they'll kill Americans. They determined what the chances are of being murdered by Syrian refugee is .000000028%. That's in the billion to one category. The chances of being murdered by a terrorist since 9/11 (Remember the Bush/Cheney Republican administration?) in the US is estimated at 20 million to 1.

Fear is all the Republicans really have. Below are 20 synonyms for the word "Unwarranted."

Edited by Pinot
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This thread has quickly turned into another libral left wing circle jerk.

It must be so frustrating to see your corrupt Mussolini wannabe constantly mocked.

Recommendation to all low-information Trump supporters: Turn on the spell checker option in their browsers. Helps with credibility.

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Calling Trump or Cruz 'Hitler' or 'Mussolini' is a juvenile response by people who have been gone from the U.S. so long that they have no idea what is going on there. Or it is a some confused Euro Expat who has no idea what the American electoral system is about. Flailing around flinging Hitler and Mussolini labels at someone you do not agree with is a reflection of the poster's limited imagination and lack of education on the issues at hand.. .

Edited by JDGRUEN
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The wall has nothing to do with Syrian's

The wall has nothing to do with bad guys on airplanes.

I do agree there should be a southern wall to Mexico, and a very good one.

Better than the Israli wall


This wall concept is not new, been floating around for years.

It is time to do it.

I do agree that Mexico should pay for it.

The numbers as to cost is ok @ 8~10 billion.

Trump sez to Mexico,

pay for it outright (8 billion) or...

we hit bank remittance transfers...

Yeah, you bet that got their attention.

Even got the attention of that worthless Obama.

So Mexico sez 'NO', why???

In my opinion, the drug trade.

Nobody is talking about how much that is.

My guess is it equals or exceeds the trade imbalance...

58+ billion.

So what is coming up from Mexico..

- heroin ( mex brown)

- brickweed (mexico/columbian/panama)

- cocaine (thru panama/columbia)

- methamphetines (and precursors)

Mexico is far and away more corrupt than Thailand.

Those cartels pay gov officals boatloads of cash.

Those whom don't play, are killed, including family.

Look, I know a lot (most) of you are...

- trump haters

- republican haters

- USA haters

But please face it,

the USA does need that wall,

and it is not just for the illegals.

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So, what would Trump do with the billions of dollars from Mexican workers? Would he confiscate it to use for building the wall? Mr. Great Deal Maker, I've got a bit of advice for you: that would last about 3 minutes. Then, when Mexican workers realize Trump is stealing their money, they wouldn't send any more by that means (bank transfers) would they? And what about the millions of other Latinos, from Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, Nicaragua? Perhaps if Trump married a Latina, he wouldn't be so nutzoid on his wall idea. .....and what about Thais and Filipinos, Chinese, and dozens of other countries ww? Will Trump, the Greatest Wall Maker, build a giant floating wall across the Pacific Ocean? He needs to build a wall around himself. He's a danger. Please don't call him crazy, as that would be denigrating to crazy people.

a personal note: I just met a woman who was born in El Salvador from Salvadoran parents. Her mom took her to Canada when she was a little girl, to save her from the culture of rape there. She's Canadian now, but is a teacher in Spain. She's one of the loveliest women I've every met. Too bad (for me) she's already got a boyfriend.

Illegal immigrants could simply spend their money in the US.

If they don't like it - they could get visas and work there legally.

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^Don't you mean, choke off millions of desperate starving families from getting the legitimate earnings of their families in the US, blackmail a foreign government into paying for a wall, which will have tunnels immediately dug under it.

Net jobs gain: 0

Did you ever try to send money earned in Thailand to your desperate starving families to wherever you are from? Good luck with that. You have to hit Mexico where it will hurt most. Remember, money from the US is now #1 in the Mexican budget. Now take it to #412th. It will kill them. They protect their borders, not allowing illegal immigrants, yet feel they have a right to come to the US, because they need money. We have a guest worker program in the states. Let them apply.

The money the send back is money they earned working in the US, usually minimum wage, and often doing jobs Americans don't want to do. Can you justify confiscating a working person's money? Would you confiscate their kids' allowance also? If so, I suggest Trump send a special hit squad dressed in camouflage with sidearms, to shanty schools that the migrant workers' kids go to (usually cinder block with tin roofs), and line the kids up and frisk them. Any coins or paper money in their pockets, ......confiscate it, and send to Donald Trump, 35th Floor, Trump Towers, 34th St, NYC, NY.

The money is not being confiscated, they can still spend it.

What is happening is that illegal immigrants will have no way to send money home. A brilliant move.

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The original proposal was a TAX ... not sure if Trump has expanded that into confiscation or the media did.

Trump fanboys coming out of the woodwork to spin their idol's words. So many of them beavering away, so eager to interpret the Diety's wisdom for we unbelievers.

Trump's original proposal was to have Mexico pay for the wall through the trade deficit. But of course, he couldn't actually explain any mechanism to achieve this. http://www.politifact.com/florida/statements/2016/jan/26/donald-trump/donald-trump-says-course-mexico-can-pay-wall-becau/

So we get the acolytes interpreting the tea leaves for us. Backwards policy making. Trump announces a policy through some brain fart in public and his fan boys scurry around to try and make reality fit the fantasy. Here's one guy who is part of this fly-by-night policy crowd http://www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/031716/3-ways-donald-trump-can-make-mexico-pay-wall.asp

America may deserve Trump. The rest of the world does not. Make America White Again.

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Not a bad idea i wish the aussie government would do the same , as these people are killing our country.

Yes, yes but unfortunately a wall all around Australia would be a little dearerblink.png

And a whole lot more stupider! We're already an island (hmmm okay, make that a continent), isn't that enough?

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Remittances, such as Western Union Moneygrams from the United States represent the second largest source of income for Mexico. In 2009, Mexican workers, mostly illegal aliens, sent home $21.2 billion in such transfers.

The transfers are second only to Mexico’s oil industry in the amount of revenue produced, which is one of the chief reasons the Mexican government has no interest in working with U.S. authorities to police our common border.


I read somewhere that over $ 100 Billion leaves the US annually through Western Union to other Countries.

For all Trumps un PC language, he has got this correct.

As has been pointed out, if you take away the money going into Mexico, there will be a whole lot more Mexicans coming into the US looking for work.

Before you have a chance to build the wall of course.


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This thread has quickly turned into another libral left wing circle jerk.

It must be so frustrating to see your corrupt Mussolini wannabe constantly mocked.

Recommendation to all low-information Trump supporters: Turn on the spell checker option in their browsers. Helps with credibility.

Quite funny how many of these Trump supporters have disappeared out of these threads...........hi chuckd (!), still on the "open mouth insert foot" train are you?

What a fiasco this whole wall thing is, and as I have posted before I've been to the Rio Grande, I wonder how many of these wall supporters have been there? No wall happening there folks, stupidest idea ever.

From the youtube Trump heckler video, Trump droning on "it's going to be a big wall, going waaaayyyyy up there", no the only thing that's way up there is Trump's head in his a*$

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Remittances, such as Western Union Moneygrams from the United States represent the second largest source of income for Mexico. In 2009, Mexican workers, mostly illegal aliens, sent home $21.2 billion in such transfers.

The transfers are second only to Mexico’s oil industry in the amount of revenue produced, which is one of the chief reasons the Mexican government has no interest in working with U.S. authorities to police our common border.


I read somewhere that over $ 100 Billion leaves the US annually through Western Union to other Countries.

For all Trumps un PC language, he has got this correct.

As has been pointed out, if you take away the money going into Mexico, there will be a whole lot more Mexicans coming into the US looking for work.

Before you have a chance to build the wall of course.


That is a presumption. Not a fact.

If illegals cannot send money home, I don't see how that guarantees more illegals in the US. It could very easily see many going back home.

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Remittances, such as Western Union Moneygrams from the United States represent the second largest source of income for Mexico. In 2009, Mexican workers, mostly illegal aliens, sent home $21.2 billion in such transfers.

The transfers are second only to Mexico’s oil industry in the amount of revenue produced, which is one of the chief reasons the Mexican government has no interest in working with U.S. authorities to police our common border.


I read somewhere that over $ 100 Billion leaves the US annually through Western Union to other Countries.

For all Trumps un PC language, he has got this correct.

As has been pointed out, if you take away the money going into Mexico, there will be a whole lot more Mexicans coming into the US looking for work.

Before you have a chance to build the wall of course.


That is a presumption. Not a fact.

If illegals cannot send money home, I don't see how that guarantees more illegals in the US. It could very easily see many going back home.

All it will do is create more 'creative' paths for the funds flow. They cannot earn anything at home which is why they are here. And BTW...the majority of the fund flows are likely from legal immigrants...what do you do about them ? Tell them they cannot send money overseas ?

Some enterprising legal alien (or greedy American) will set up companies to facilitate funds flow..much like large multinationals use to avoid taxation. The only way to stem these flows is to make it unprofitable to work here vs Mexico. A better solution would be to invest in economic opportunity across the border as an incentive for Mexico to partner on a wall. Take away the reason they want to come here.

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Or he could cut the remittances from the US citizens who send their money to Offshore countries...oh no wait he can't do that...

Or he could ask the women who took abortion to do it for free...

The trumpeters are so laughable, praising a tycoon who probably has millions offshore and is obviously : racist, misogynist and probably dumb...I start to see a supporter profile here....

Edited by GeorgesAbitbol
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It will be more and more difficult for the border police : they will have to ask the people coming in to eat pork to prevent Muslims and have to look into any account statement and pockets from the Mexicans going out....

Edited by GeorgesAbitbol
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^Don't you mean, choke off millions of desperate starving families from getting the legitimate earnings of their families in the US, blackmail a foreign government into paying for a wall, which will have tunnels immediately dug under it.

Net jobs gain: 0

Nothing legitimate about the wages paid to an illegal alien. In fact it might be a great dis-incentive for others coming if they knew they could not send the money back.

Sounds like it would not impact transfers from anyone in the USA legally.

Good news for all involved.

Edited by MadDog2020
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^Don't you mean, choke off millions of desperate starving families from getting the legitimate earnings of their families in the US, blackmail a foreign government into paying for a wall, which will have tunnels immediately dug under it.

Net jobs gain: 0

Nothing legitimate about the wages paid to an illegal alien. In fact it might be a great dis-incentive for others coming if they knew they could not send the money back.

Onds like it would not impact transfers from anyone in the USA legally.

Good news for all involved.

Yeah...wait until the banking and finance lobby get to their bought and paid for senators and congresswhores. Bill dead....sorry President Trump...we tried. Big %s on these billions they will NOT give up.

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Remittances, such as Western Union Moneygrams from the United States represent the second largest source of income for Mexico. In 2009, Mexican workers, mostly illegal aliens, sent home $21.2 billion in such transfers.

The transfers are second only to Mexicos oil industry in the amount of revenue produced, which is one of the chief reasons the Mexican government has no interest in working with U.S. authorities to police our common border.


I read somewhere that over $ 100 Billion leaves the US annually through Western Union to other Countries.

For all Trumps un PC language, he has got this correct.

USA GDP is about 17 trillion

20 billion is about 0.1%

Big deal

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Calling Trump or Cruz 'Hitler' or 'Mussolini' is a juvenile response by people who have been gone from the U.S. so long that they have no idea what is going on there. Or it is a some confused Euro Expat who has no idea what the American electoral system is about. Flailing around flinging Hitler and Mussolini labels at someone you do not agree with is a reflection of the poster's limited imagination and lack of education on the issues at hand.. .

I'm afraid that it is you who do not understand

Hitler came to power in a similar fashion

Point out to a population that their perceived poor lot is due to some other group and point out how you would return the country to greatness. Just keep turning the handle

Fortunately, this complete buffoon will get no where. BUT politicians should note that the great unwashed are becoming restive

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Leave to the Donald to come up with another non-functioning idea for his low information, red meat constituency.

He either fails to understand, or simply ignores out of hand, that many of the Western Union wires sent to Mexico are from legal US residents helping their family back home (no plan from Trump on how to determine eligibility, naturally). Regardless, by holding hostage funds to Mexican families who need it most he would actually help more attempts at illegal immigration out of sheer desperation.

Let's se,e it took him five separate tries to dig his way out of his ludicrous 'women should be punished if abortion was illegal' stance. Shall the Trumpster go for ten on how he'll fun the great wall of Mexico for free?

He really is making it far too easy for our next Democratic President - that spoils all the fun.

Edited by lifeincnx
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The wall has nothing to do with Syrian's

The wall has nothing to do with bad guys on airplanes.

I do agree there should be a southern wall to Mexico, and a very good one.

Better than the Israli wall


This wall concept is not new, been floating around for years.

It is time to do it.

I do agree that Mexico should pay for it.

The numbers as to cost is ok @ 8~10 billion.

Trump sez to Mexico,

pay for it outright (8 billion) or...

we hit bank remittance transfers...

Yeah, you bet that got their attention.

Even got the attention of that worthless Obama.

So Mexico sez 'NO', why???

In my opinion, the drug trade.

Nobody is talking about how much that is.

My guess is it equals or exceeds the trade imbalance...

58+ billion.

So what is coming up from Mexico..

- heroin ( mex brown)

- brickweed (mexico/columbian/panama)

- cocaine (thru panama/columbia)

- methamphetines (and precursors)

Mexico is far and away more corrupt than Thailand.

Those cartels pay gov officals boatloads of cash.

Those whom don't play, are killed, including family.

Look, I know a lot (most) of you are...

- trump haters

- republican haters

- USA haters

But please face it,

the USA does need that wall,

and it is not just for the illegals.

I assume you are a Trump supporter!

How unpleasant. I suggest you try and get up and about a bit more ?

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Trump needs to understand that a very low percentage of immigrants come to the US on foot over the area that this wall would cover. Most come through regular channels such as buses planes etc then just end up staying.

I am sure he knows this but the truth would not anger and scare enough people, so the lie continues.

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The Wall St. Journal has an article out today on this, and says that Trump's proposal would be a broad expansion of financial regulatory law, extending banking regulations to a new industry sector. They cite a bill introduced in 2007 (that never made it out of committee) by Sen. Vitter, and that Trump's plan expands that effort.

As to those misguided souls on this forum still bleating on about "liberals" attacking Trump, here's what Republicans think of your guy:

[...Vox went to this year's Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), the right's heralded annual gathering. What we found was a surprising amount of unity — in these conservatives' unflinching contempt for Trump.

Most of the people we spoke to didn't even believe Trump fit the definition of a true conservative. In a way, they are right. Ideological conservatism, by strict definition, is rooted in small government, traditional values, and the free market. Generally, Trump's opponents, Sen. Ted Cruz and Gov. John Kasich, follow these principles.


Big government watchdog expanding financial regulatory law, imposing impossible restrictions on companies like Western Union, effectively killing off their business models, interfering further in banking privacy and compromising privacy of commerce, driving companies like this out of business, and causing money transfers to seek even more illegal routes, does not sound like sound Conservative governing. Anything but.

Edited by keemapoot
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