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Dress inappropriately or dance provocatively and face Songkran arrest, warns PM


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Last Songkran day I saw a very drunk policeman in full uniform with his holstered gun fall down over a line of plastic tables and chairs. People helped him to his feet and carried him to his motorcycle. He got on and rode away! How can examples like this be set but then we are threatened with arrest even for incorrect dress code. Which is what exactly? Dry clothes at all times?

If this government wants to be taken seriously they are going to have to be realistic.

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Why would we accept an religious festival to be a decadent bachelor party with drunks and unappropriated behavior

and why hate it if someone wants to restore its value's to the original...

I think most of the posters here have never experienced a real songkran...

It would seem very probable that anybody who can say "The majority of the Thai people i know, want it as a calm religious event" actually does not know many Thai people.

I have experienced many Sonkrans from Chang Mai to Phuket and 99.999% of the millions of revelers were Thai and having a good time dancing and throwing water and ohhhh yes, drinking.

In my family the kids and relatives all come and present their elders with small flower lai's (is that the right spelling?) and pour a small amount of water over their hands to show respect and good wishes for the New Year and in return receive blessings from their elders; and then everybody young and old goes and has fun with barrels of water in the back of the pick-up or from outside their houses, drinking and dancing is an essential part of the tradition.

I think this General is actually a throwback from Oliver Cromwell and the "New Model Army". Like Puritanism or soulless Communism his overt prudishness (and astounding hypocrisy - in this and many things) has nothing to do with real Thai culture.


Now we know why he gave the Army so many powers of arrest - its so they can finally apprehend those naughty policemen they catch dancing whilst directing traffic and good naturedly allowing themselves to be drenched in water.

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whistling.gif Hey General /PM.........Don't go to a Swimming Pool........it'would shock you......Right?

Or Go Go Bars as they would be too much for you!

I am no lover of this water nonsense but there is nothing illegal about a bit of provocative dressing and dancing.....IS

Well Yes it is illegal NOW !

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He's certainly enjoying himself these days,

Returning Happiness to the People Junta Style and taking every chance to put the boot into foreigners.

where are all his farang worshippers who hailed him as the Messiah and preached how much he would do for them? The guy is loopy and dangerous.

Are you referring to those amulet thainess Groupies who shun us for remaining on the other side? The very chaps who once walked in the same footsteps in our promised land? Whom

Utterly despise overstayers to such a degree would prefer to see these perpetrators put to death? Yes, it looks like their great leader is living up to expectations and bet they're loving every minute of it!!!!!!

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He's certainly enjoying himself these days,

Returning Happiness to the People Junta Style and taking every chance to put the boot into foreigners.

where are all his farang worshippers who hailed him as the Messiah and preached how much he would do for them? The guy is loopy and dangerous.

crazy and loopy yet he's still better than the last lot. That's a sad state of affairs. :)

Grateful you tell us how you work that out.

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General/Prime Minister Prayut Chanocha has achieved a place in history as the greatest clown in this millennium.

Anyone who criticises the government from the other parties are sent for attitude adjustment. "If you criticise the government and don't understand their motives/objectives then you should not be a politician!"

<deleted>, Your are an army guy and was and never will be a politician. You prove that to the world day in and day out. Your government is seen as a joke and because of your actions, Thailand is becoming a joke.

Oh dear, I need some attitude adjustment.

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General/Prime Minister Prayut Chanocha has achieved a place in history as the greatest clown in this millennium.

Anyone who criticises the government from the other parties are sent for attitude adjustment. "If you criticise the government and don't understand their motives/objectives then you should not be a politician!"

<deleted>, Your are an army guy and was and never will be a politician. You prove that to the world day in and day out. Your government is seen as a joke and because of your actions, Thailand is becoming a joke.

Oh dear, I need some attitude adjustment.


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typical moronic statement from the self-appointed "PM"

BTW, on a distantly related topic, I forget how his quote on farang in bikinis went, was it don't wear a bikini if you are ugly, or was it don't wear a bikini unless you are ugly?

This guy needs to get a life.

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This could be a problem - I m vary sure that any dancing I might do would be considered provocative simply by default. I shell therefor refrain, but not because I was told to - only because I choose to. As far as the dress - I never wear them.

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Being the one, he can decide...

I am appalled that this is a priority...


Imagine if in France (approx. same size & population), the PM, François Hollande would utter a message like this...

Speechless, that the head of state finds it necessary to Impose behaviour...

Doesn't he have some more important things to do?!


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Prayut really needs to polish his speaking skill and articulate what he is trying to say so the doom and gloomers don't jump all over it. The photo by the newspaper does not help either which the gullible will swallow quicker than a tablet by a raver at 2am. In fact one wonders if Prayut has been misquoted. He wasn't speaking English at the time.

Joining the dots here Prayut mentioned this last year after ladyboys were caught flashing their breasts and bum cracks hanging out while dancing. In most countries this would be illegal as well.

Prayut really needs to employe Robert Amsterdam to polish his speaking skills though.

Edited by djjamie
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Don't anybody dare celebrate with a little flashing in the streets but it is perfectly okay to stage live fire zones in the streets...little general's big priorities.

I think the 700 plus prominent and connected thais named in the panama papers should take priority over squashing dancing. I guess the dear leader wants to keep a lid on that.
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Being the one, he can decide...

I am appalled that this is a priority...


Imagine if in France (approx. same size & population), the PM, François Hollande would utter a message like this...

Speechless, that the head of state finds it necessary to Impose behaviour...

Doesn't he have some more important things to do?!


Yes, like scheduling the next series of states of emergency...

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The guy really has a dislike of the west and everything western apart from western currency. So anyone in dresses in western clothing and dances to western music like the girls in the photo will be arrested. Has he gone completely mad? What next, is he going to send his goons out to arrest all farangs for harbouring ghosts in thier homes.

As he checks his Swiss watch, gets into his German car and makes a call on his American phone. Without the west and it's 'values' they would still be riding around on Elephants and chucking spears at each other,

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The guy really has a dislike of the west and everything western apart from western currency. So anyone in dresses in western clothing and dances to western music like the girls in the photo will be arrested. Has he gone completely mad? What next, is he going to send his goons out to arrest all farangs for harbouring ghosts in thier homes.

As he checks his Swiss watch, gets into his German car and makes a call on his American phone. Without the west and it's 'values' they would still be riding around on Elephants and chucking spears at each other,

Yes, all Western brand names, but Made in China...?

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The guy really has a dislike of the west and everything western apart from western currency. So anyone in dresses in western clothing and dances to western music like the girls in the photo will be arrested. Has he gone completely mad? What next, is he going to send his goons out to arrest all farangs for harbouring ghosts in thier homes.

Comeon don't you hate the west too? That is why you came to thailand?

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The guy really has a dislike of the west and everything western apart from western currency. So anyone in dresses in western clothing and dances to western music like the girls in the photo will be arrested. Has he gone completely mad? What next, is he going to send his goons out to arrest all farangs for harbouring ghosts in thier homes.

Actually, for once i agree with him.western culture like showing tits at festivals and 'Girls Gone Wild' like behavior has no place in a modest, values based religious country. It is a cancer that eats at any cultural fabric. Where i have issue with his statement is the fact that he percieves that provocative dancing, lewdness (going topless or naked in public) is something that all foreigners approve of. He would be shocked to know the vass majority of westerners have the same view of inappropriate behavior. It comes down to what Thais want to teach their children and what they allow them to be subjected to and influenced by. Look at what Sprng Break has become. The hundreds of rapes and assualts because everyone is allowed to to be out of control.What people need to understand is this celebration of Thai culure and if you want to participate in it then have respect for the ancient ritual. It really is not about riding around on trucks and drenching each other with ice water. I like Thai culture and i dont want Songkran to become another Spring Break.

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The guy really has a dislike of the west and everything western apart from western currency. So anyone in dresses in western clothing and dances to western music like the girls in the photo will be arrested. Has he gone completely mad? What next, is he going to send his goons out to arrest all farangs for harbouring ghosts in thier homes.

Actually, for once i agree with him.western culture like showing tits at festivals and 'Girls Gone Wild' like behavior has no place in a modest, values based religious country. It is a cancer that eats at any cultural fabric. Where i have issue with his statement is the fact that he percieves that provocative dancing, lewdness (going topless or naked in public) is something that all foreigners approve of. He would be shocked to know the vass majority of westerners have the same view of inappropriate behavior. It comes down to what Thais want to teach their children and what they allow them to be subjected to and influenced by. Look at what Sprng Break has become. The hundreds of rapes and assualts because everyone is allowed to to be out of control.What people need to understand is this is a celebration of Thai culture and if you want to participate in it then have respect for the ancient ritual. It really is not about riding around on trucks and drenching each other with ice water. I like Thai culture and i dont want Songkran to become another Spring Break.

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The generals view of "" western values " is widely shared within the populace.

I used to get annoyed at my girlfriend echoing this thought that we are decadent compared to Thais.

The general is giving a call to the pitch folk brigade and all who will listen that ""when sanctions occur "" we are the devils who dare hurt the moral Thais .

Propaganda opportunities extend to deaths of murdered rape victims.

I observe simply the traditional paintings of topless Thai woman in an era long gone .

We and Christian values had them modestly change.

Thais see Pattaya westerners and think this is how we all are.

It's ( as I said to girlfriend) not a logical pretence when whole cities are essentially giant brothels , to act as if its our invention.

Seriously , it's a bit audacious to call out western values when Baht bus advertisements in Pattaya city have BJ bar posters on them .

The Thais have a habit of denial when it comes to virtues .

The notion that you can arrest woman in wet t shirts while blind eyed to massive infrastructure for sexual adventure in their Nation is hypocrisy to the highest degree

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