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Germans divided amid frenzy over comic Böhmermann’s satirical Erdogan poem


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Germans divided amid frenzy over comic Böhmermann’s satirical Erdogan poem
By Alasdair Sandford | With REUTERS, ZDF


"It will be a punishment necessary to get him back on the right path - to produce satire, not gross insults"

BERLIN: -- The row over the German comedian whose crude satirical poem about Turkey’s president sparked a diplomatic row has divided opinion in Germany.

Jan Böhmermann is being investigated by prosecutors over his poem, broadcast on public TV, which contained hints of paedophilia and bestiality as well as accusations that Recep Tayyip Erdogan repressed minorities and mistreated Kurds and Christians.

The affair has embarrassed Chancellor Merkel, who has spearheaded the EU’s efforts to secure Turkey’s help in dealing with Europe’s migrant crisis.

President Erdogan has filed a criminal complaint with the state prosecutor in Mainz, where ZDF is based. Ankara wants the comedian prosecuted under German law which forbids slandering foreign heads of state.

Erdogan’s German lawyer says he is prepared to go to the highest court, saying the Turkish president wants the comedian punished.

“He definitely won’t get a heavy penalty, but it will be a punishment necessary to get him back on the right path – to produce satire, not gross insults,” Michael-Hubertus von Sprenger said on ZDF, the TV broadcaster which aired Böhmermann’s show.

The row has put the spotlight on Western freedom of expression, Turkey’s crackdown on dissent – and the need to keep the country on board over the refugee crisis.

For some commentators, Böhmermann’s poem was less about freedom of expression than an act of self-promotion.

Others have highlighted the reaction in defence of Böhmermann, explaining that the comedian had been responding to a complaint by Erdogan over an earlier satirical sketch about him.

In the city of Bremen people gave varying reactions in Groepelingen, a district where 40 percent of residents are foreigners, most of them from Turkey.

“Germany is Germany, we are multicultural. However everyone has the right to say his opinion here, no matter what,” said one man.

“I think one should be more relaxed about it. Of course, for many this is about racism. You should leave it as it is,” said a woman wearing a headscarf.

“In my opinion, satire should not per se mean that one can say absolutely anything, but now it’s up to the courts to decide. The rule of law will decide what satire is and isn’t allowed to do,” added another man.

Social media was abuzz on Wednesday after Böhmermann was quoted by the editor of Germany’s Bild tabloid, apparently defiantly insisting he did not need to apologise for anything.

The comedian had said no such thing, but it was clear from online reaction that many people thought that he had.

The interview was published on Kai Diekmann’s Facebook page before the journalist later admitted it was fake, describing it as ‘satire of satire’.

Böhmermann has reportedly been placed under police protection because of fears of retaliation and has cancelled the next edition of his programme, “Neo Magazin Royale”.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-04-14

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I know noting of Erdogan in regard to bestiality and paedophilia but repressing minorities,

and the press, and mistreating the Kurds and Christians is well documented. The Germans

are still suffering a great deal of guilt from their history. Now a political correctness where

they dare not offend anyone lest there past crimes and failures are brought up. They

should tell Erdogan to pound salt where it never gets sunburned not frostbit. coffee1.gif

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Erdogen is changing a relatively secular, even responsible, state into another Muslim state of ignorance

I wish a plague on all his houses

The Kurds WILL get a big chunk of Turkish territory in the end

Anybody got the original "poem"? English or German (Not Turkish)

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the first song was international standard of developped democratic countries for satire

His second "poem" was deep under this level.

"Duck <deleted>" etc is not a satire. It's a megalomaniac behaviour of an artist to be in the


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the first song was international standard of developped democratic countries for satire

His second "poem" was deep under this level.

"Duck <deleted>" etc is not a satire. It's a megalomaniac behaviour of an artist to be in the


That he was provocative and controversial was maybe his objective - if it was a trap for Erdogan to fall into, it certainly worked. Now more than just interested Turkey observers are seeing what an odious, corrupt piece of filth Erdogan truly is, and who the real megalomaniac is.

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"The affair has embarrassed Chancellor Merkel, who has spearheaded the EU’s efforts to secure Turkey’s help in dealing with Europe’s migrant crisis."

And this comes at a time when we thought Merkel could not be more embarrassed. Not all, but a large part of the increase of illegal migrants into Europe is her own doings. Now she has to suck up to Erdogan to take some of the pressure off her back.

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Hmm Erdogan.

Most of the drugs smuggled into the UK have been traced back to Turkey. Uk investigators were then based there for a while, but were expelled when their investigations kept coming up with the same name .....E1zgarz5.gif1zgarz5.gif1zgarz5.gif1zgarz5.gif1zgarz5.gif1zgarz5.gif

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Well he knew what he was doing and guess it's like a chessgame. As politics is all time.

Only this time just a comediant is throwing fuel on the fire and controls the chessgame.

So now it is check with Angela Merkel and EU. As ofcourse this dictator they need so bad?(NOT)

In my opinion you close borthers belonging to EU, as they are partners.

However no, we slime up to Turkey and his dictator and ignore his actions to humans.

Same as we did when all this started and Assad killed his own people.

I remember the screamings from Syrian people asking for help.

But no we just sat back and waited to develop to more dissaster.

Nothing done by united nations or what ever some stupid organisation

Everything ran by lazy morrons and dictators. All just in there for their own feeling of power and greed.

Maybe afraid as they screwed up Joegoslavia aswell, another black spot in humanity.

We do have a lot of those black spots, as they excist with mankind, all time.

All "leaders" are filled with ego, power and own gain, to control other people in bad way.

It is sad for all the people as victims of a dictator and i can imagine you are running.

After all you have nothing to loose at one point, but your life. Probably I would do the same.

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