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Brexit: Opposition leader Corbyn backs vote to stay in the EU


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Brexit: Opposition leader Corbyn backs vote to stay in the EU
By Joanna Gill


"I remain very critical of its shortcomings...but change can only come from working within the European Union."

LONDON: -- The campaign for the UK to stay in the EU has got a boost from an unlikely supporter.

At his first official speech on the EU Jeremy Corbyn called on voters to participate in the referendum, saying it was the best way to protect workers’ rights.

But the previously incurable eurosceptic hardly gave a ringing endorsement of the bloc.

“Over the years, I and many others have been very critical of many decisions taken by the EU and I remain very critical of its shortcomings; from its lack of democratic accountability to the institutional pressures to deregulate or privatise public services, so Europe needs to change. But that change can only come from working within the European Union to achieve it.”

- Voted against joining the European Economic Community (the EU’s forerunner) in 1975.
- Voted against Maastricht Treaty (creating the EU)
- Voted against Lisbon Treaty (amending previous treaties forming the basis of the union)

A new poll showed voters trusted Corbyn more than the prime minister on the issue of Brexit. Cameron has been dogged by recent scandal over his tax affairs in the wake of the Panama Papers leak.

Ahead of the official campaign to start on Friday, the Bank of England announced that a vote to leave the EU could harm economic growth and have an adverse impact on the pound.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-04-15
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Life is so unfair. The UK desperately needs a Trump and instead we get a Corbyn. This dangerous and naive man will do more to advance the caliphate and sharia across the UK than anybody else. What I find odd, is that as a representative from the extreme left, he is supposed to be championing human rights incuding rights of minorities such as LGBT, yet his sharia rollouts will do exactly the opposite. Time for the left to get their thinking hats on, and lay off the PC BS.

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The potential future gravy train has got him onside.. He see's the money the Kinnocks and the Blairs have made.. EU membership and migration are hurting the very people the Labour party is supposed to represent.. He's just another Socialist leader enriching himself while spouting equality... He's a waste of white flesh.

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Life is so unfair. The UK desperately needs a Trump and instead we get a Corbyn. This dangerous and naive man will do more to advance the caliphate and sharia across the UK than anybody else. What I find odd, is that as a representative from the extreme left, he is supposed to be championing human rights incuding rights of minorities such as LGBT, yet his sharia rollouts will do exactly the opposite. Time for the left to get their thinking hats on, and lay off the PC BS.

you are mixing your comparisons Corbyn is far more like Bernie and Cameron like Trump (or probably Cruz)

I love Corbyn and he's bringing a breath of fresh air to UK politics but i also hate the PC crap. Love all his policies apart from his softness on bombing the shit out of IS

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Life is so unfair. The UK desperately needs a Trump and instead we get a Corbyn. This dangerous and naive man will do more to advance the caliphate and sharia across the UK than anybody else. What I find odd, is that as a representative from the extreme left, he is supposed to be championing human rights incuding rights of minorities such as LGBT, yet his sharia rollouts will do exactly the opposite. Time for the left to get their thinking hats on, and lay off the PC BS.

you are mixing your comparisons Corbyn is far more like Bernie and Cameron like Trump (or probably Cruz)

I love Corbyn and he's bringing a breath of fresh air to UK politics but i also hate the PC crap. Love all his policies apart from his softness on bombing the shit out of IS

quote "Corbyn is far more like Bernie and Cameron like Trump"

No. Cameron and every British politician with 1 or 2 exceptions are extreme left wing(yes I know the msm portray Cameron as right wing, of course he is nothing of the sort). Even Trump is way too left wing for my liking, but he can not be compared to Cameron in any way. Let's not forget that Corbyn and Cameron are too afraid to govern the UK and are desperate for the UK to be completely swallowed up by what is fast becoming a communist bloc, the EU. Cameron and Corbyn will both share responsibility for sharia Britain and an end to the country and life that we knew.

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If slippery Dave and now crackpot Corbyn want UK to stay in EU, then it is time for brexit.

Absolutely correct, Corbin is another tree hugger that wants to look good publically and thinks more of immigrants than his own countrymen, time to get out of the EU without a doubt..!!!

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Life is so unfair. The UK desperately needs a Trump and instead we get a Corbyn. This dangerous and naive man will do more to advance the caliphate and sharia across the UK than anybody else. What I find odd, is that as a representative from the extreme left, he is supposed to be championing human rights incuding rights of minorities such as LGBT, yet his sharia rollouts will do exactly the opposite. Time for the left to get their thinking hats on, and lay off the PC BS.

you are mixing your comparisons Corbyn is far more like Bernie and Cameron like Trump (or probably Cruz)

I love Corbyn and he's bringing a breath of fresh air to UK politics but i also hate the PC crap. Love all his policies apart from his softness on bombing the shit out of IS

He is bringing a breath of fresh air into UK politics,as in-

He voted against membership in 1975

He voted against the Maastricht treaty in 1993

He voted against the Lisbon treaty in 2008

He continued to speak out against the EU in summer 2015

He became the leader of the Labour Party in September 2015

He immediately changed his stance on the EU

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Life is so unfair. The UK desperately needs a Trump and instead we get a Corbyn. This dangerous and naive man will do more to advance the caliphate and sharia across the UK than anybody else. What I find odd, is that as a representative from the extreme left, he is supposed to be championing human rights incuding rights of minorities such as LGBT, yet his sharia rollouts will do exactly the opposite. Time for the left to get their thinking hats on, and lay off the PC BS.

you are mixing your comparisons Corbyn is far more like Bernie and Cameron like Trump (or probably Cruz)

I love Corbyn and he's bringing a breath of fresh air to UK politics but i also hate the PC crap. Love all his policies apart from his softness on bombing the shit out of IS

He is bringing a breath of fresh air into UK politics,as in-

He voted against membership in 1975

He voted against the Maastricht treaty in 1993

He voted against the Lisbon treaty in 2008

He continued to speak out against the EU in summer 2015

He became the leader of the Labour Party in September 2015

He immediately changed his stance on the EU

Your forgot to include his comment where he openly admitted to being a long term critic of the EU - but of course that doesn't fit your narrative so you use the same tactic as the UK press: ignore the facts and use nuance to fill in the gaps.

I have never voted labour in my life, but pathetic nature of the constant attacks on him and the fact that people buy into these attacks with such willingness reveals just how weak and insipid a country we have become. We allow rich foreigners to maipulate us into believing that he is somehow the devil, when the reality is that he seems to be one of the more decent politicians we have in our government.

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Good old Corbyn.

For 30 years he has been against the EU. For 30 years he has been a constant thorn in the side of every Labour leader.

From obscurity to Party leader and everything changes.

No surprises there. He is nothing more than a puppet dancing to the tune of his masters, the Unions.

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Good old Corbyn.

For 30 years he has been against the EU. For 30 years he has been a constant thorn in the side of every Labour leader.

From obscurity to Party leader and everything changes.

No surprises there. He is nothing more than a puppet dancing to the tune of his masters, the Unions.

I would much prefer to be on the side of the unions, rather than, like most other politicians, dancing to the tune of the likes of Murdoch and the weirdo Barclay brothers. The unions may be far from perfect, but there should be no doubt about who the other side are supporting.

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Good old Corbyn.

For 30 years he has been against the EU. For 30 years he has been a constant thorn in the side of every Labour leader.

From obscurity to Party leader and everything changes.

No surprises there. He is nothing more than a puppet dancing to the tune of his masters, the Unions.

Reminds me of a quote from Sir W.S. Churchill - 'there's never been a sincere, intelligent socialist' - time doesn't change things. The only reason Corbyn made that speech was to put off a total revolt by the Labour MPs.

I am not sure which, if either, of Churchill's adverbs defines him.

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Good old Corbyn.

For 30 years he has been against the EU. For 30 years he has been a constant thorn in the side of every Labour leader.

From obscurity to Party leader and everything changes.

No surprises there. He is nothing more than a puppet dancing to the tune of his masters, the Unions.

Reminds me of a quote from Sir W.S. Churchill - 'there's never been a sincere, intelligent socialist' - time doesn't change things. The only reason Corbyn made that speech was to put off a total revolt by the Labour MPs.

I am not sure which, if either, of Churchill's adverbs defines him.

I have a lot of verbs, nouns and adjectives I could use to define him. They could equally be applied to at least 95% of Politicians.

Not for print.

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Good old Corbyn.

For 30 years he has been against the EU. For 30 years he has been a constant thorn in the side of every Labour leader.

From obscurity to Party leader and everything changes.

No surprises there. He is nothing more than a puppet dancing to the tune of his masters, the Unions.

Reminds me of a quote from Sir W.S. Churchill - 'there's never been a sincere, intelligent socialist' - time doesn't change things. The only reason Corbyn made that speech was to put off a total revolt by the Labour MPs.

I am not sure which, if either, of Churchill's adverbs defines him.

In a world where the levels of inequality are truly staggering; in a country where our government has never been less representative of the people and more aggressive in their support of their ilk and their determination to exploit the working class, it never ceases to amaze me how so many people are willing to support the continuation of this situation, and somehow see the notion of a fairer, more equitable society as being evil. Why do so many people love to be exploited?

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If slippery Dave and now crackpot Corbyn want UK to stay in EU, then it is time for brexit.

Sorry Neil its not slippery Dave but "Dodgy" Dave. If you can access the video clip where he is called that watch it. The old codger really tears him a new one and then walks out of the house his head held high. Meanwhile Dodgy Dave was constantly watching to see if his shoes had a proper shine. Its a priceless video.

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Life is so unfair. The UK desperately needs a Trump and instead we get a Corbyn. This dangerous and naive man will do more to advance the caliphate and sharia across the UK than anybody else. What I find odd, is that as a representative from the extreme left, he is supposed to be championing human rights incuding rights of minorities such as LGBT, yet his sharia rollouts will do exactly the opposite. Time for the left to get their thinking hats on, and lay off the PC BS.

you are mixing your comparisons Corbyn is far more like Bernie and Cameron like Trump (or probably Cruz)

I love Corbyn and he's bringing a breath of fresh air to UK politics but i also hate the PC crap. Love all his policies apart from his softness on bombing the shit out of IS

quote "Corbyn is far more like Bernie and Cameron like Trump"

No. Cameron and every British politician with 1 or 2 exceptions are extreme left wing(yes I know the msm portray Cameron as right wing, of course he is nothing of the sort). Even Trump is way too left wing for my liking, but he can not be compared to Cameron in any way. Let's not forget that Corbyn and Cameron are too afraid to govern the UK and are desperate for the UK to be completely swallowed up by what is fast becoming a communist bloc, the EU. Cameron and Corbyn will both share responsibility for sharia Britain and an end to the country and life that we knew.

I truly think your right about a sharia UK. I just watched an eye opening video with Muslims marching in London. Some of the signs they were carrying were frightening. I would post the link here but it might get me banned.

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What is in it for Corbyn , no doubt a back hander from Brussels !!!!!!!!

Let the Majority decide to stay in or not, instead the Pollies making the choice

and getting their Bribes for it !!!!!!!!!![/quote

Not so transparent as Thailand ...much more opaque... But I smell a rat...!

And the stench of bribery.... Shame

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What a hypocrite! All of his adult life fighting against anything from the EU and 6 months after becoming labour leader, a complete 180! So this <deleted> is not different from any other politician, self-serving and corrupt as hell. It doesn't matter if the 'no' vote is double the 'yes' vote, we will remain in the EU. We will be controlled by an unelected quorum of greedy politicians building an empire without though to anybody except themselves. Corbyn says the EU has to change and we can only make that happen from within.. One country out of 29.. Hasn't worked so far has it

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What a hypocrite! All of his adult life fighting against anything from the EU and 6 months after becoming labour leader, a complete 180! So this <deleted> is not different from any other politician, self-serving and corrupt as hell. It doesn't matter if the 'no' vote is double the 'yes' vote, we will remain in the EU. We will be controlled by an unelected quorum of greedy politicians building an empire without though to anybody except themselves. Corbyn says the EU has to change and we can only make that happen from within.. One country out of 29.. Hasn't worked so far has it

Even if the Brexit side wins, we are forever doomed to be ruled over by a greedy, out-of-touch elite. All Brexit would do would be to bring the focus back towards London whilst removing lots of workers' protection that our government hates so much because it prevents their school friends from becoming even richer.

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What a hypocrite! All of his adult life fighting against anything from the EU and 6 months after becoming labour leader, a complete 180! So this <deleted> is not different from any other politician, self-serving and corrupt as hell. It doesn't matter if the 'no' vote is double the 'yes' vote, we will remain in the EU. We will be controlled by an unelected quorum of greedy politicians building an empire without though to anybody except themselves. Corbyn says the EU has to change and we can only make that happen from within.. One country out of 29.. Hasn't worked so far has it

Even if the Brexit side wins, we are forever doomed to be ruled over by a greedy, out-of-touch elite. All Brexit would do would be to bring the focus back towards London whilst removing lots of workers' protection that our government hates so much because it prevents their school friends from becoming even richer.

You are spot on and Corbyn has just shown everybody that he is no different from the greedy, out of touch elite - in fact he's worse! The first sniff of a bit of money and power and he gets his tits out for the public! The thing is though, we can at least vote for which bent corrupt slag will be our PM as we do elect our PM and politicians. We have no say at all with the EU as they are not elected, but appointed

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Good old Corbyn.

For 30 years he has been against the EU. For 30 years he has been a constant thorn in the side of every Labour leader.

From obscurity to Party leader and everything changes.

No surprises there. He is nothing more than a puppet dancing to the tune of his masters, the Unions.

I would much prefer to be on the side of the unions, rather than, like most other politicians, dancing to the tune of the likes of Murdoch and the weirdo Barclay brothers. The unions may be far from perfect, but there should be no doubt about who the other side are supporting.

Sorry! RR you are wrong again. Many trade union Leaders have come out as being in favour of leaving the EU.

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Good old Corbyn.

For 30 years he has been against the EU. For 30 years he has been a constant thorn in the side of every Labour leader.

From obscurity to Party leader and everything changes.

No surprises there. He is nothing more than a puppet dancing to the tune of his masters, the Unions.

Reminds me of a quote from Sir W.S. Churchill - 'there's never been a sincere, intelligent socialist' - time doesn't change things. The only reason Corbyn made that speech was to put off a total revolt by the Labour MPs.

I am not sure which, if either, of Churchill's adverbs defines him.

In a world where the levels of inequality are truly staggering; in a country where our government has never been less representative of the people and more aggressive in their support of their ilk and their determination to exploit the working class, it never ceases to amaze me how so many people are willing to support the continuation of this situation, and somehow see the notion of a fairer, more equitable society as being evil. Why do so many people love to be exploited?

That's fantastic RR, I agree with what you say. So now I take it you will be voting for the UK to leave the EU.

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Good old Corbyn.

For 30 years he has been against the EU. For 30 years he has been a constant thorn in the side of every Labour leader.

From obscurity to Party leader and everything changes.

No surprises there. He is nothing more than a puppet dancing to the tune of his masters, the Unions.

Reminds me of a quote from Sir W.S. Churchill - 'there's never been a sincere, intelligent socialist' - time doesn't change things. The only reason Corbyn made that speech was to put off a total revolt by the Labour MPs.

I am not sure which, if either, of Churchill's adverbs defines him.

In a world where the levels of inequality are truly staggering; in a country where our government has never been less representative of the people and more aggressive in their support of their ilk and their determination to exploit the working class, it never ceases to amaze me how so many people are willing to support the continuation of this situation, and somehow see the notion of a fairer, more equitable society as being evil. Why do so many people love to be exploited?

That's fantastic RR, I agree with what you say. So now I take it you will be voting for the UK to leave the EU.

I think I explained to you before how I was torn about Brexit. I see the positives of the EU outweighing the negatives (and I never claimed that the EU was perfect) but I still cling to the idea of a Brexit leading to a break up of the UK - out of something bad, something good could emerge.

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Good old Corbyn.

For 30 years he has been against the EU. For 30 years he has been a constant thorn in the side of every Labour leader.

From obscurity to Party leader and everything changes.

No surprises there. He is nothing more than a puppet dancing to the tune of his masters, the Unions.

I would much prefer to be on the side of the unions, rather than, like most other politicians, dancing to the tune of the likes of Murdoch and the weirdo Barclay brothers. The unions may be far from perfect, but there should be no doubt about who the other side are supporting.

Sorry! RR you are wrong again. Many trade union Leaders have come out as being in favour of leaving the EU.

I have been wrong many times, and that's just since breakfast, but I cannot see where I mentioned anything about trade union leaders and their feelings towards Europe. If you mean by my last sentence, apologies if I was unclear, but I was implying that I would sooner trust a union man than a press baron when it came to looking after my interests.

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The Union puppet AKA as Jeremy Corbyn on his maiden remain speech admitted that the EU allowed migrants to undercut UK workers wages.

Mr Corbyn also admitted the EU allows migrants to undercut UK workers' wages and said that there should be a minimum wage tied to living costs across the EU.


Most sensible people already know this.

Corbyn has admitted this and the Unions have been very silent on this, it can only be assumed that they are all happy with this arrangement.

UK workers being shafted by the EU, so lets stay in. whistling.gifwhistling.gif

Edited by SgtRock
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The Union puppet AKA as Jeremy Corbyn on his maiden remain speech admitted that the EU allowed migrants to undercut UK workers wages.

Mr Corbyn also admitted the EU allows migrants to undercut UK workers' wages and said that there should be a minimum wage tied to living costs across the EU.


Most sensible people already know this.

Corbyn has admitted this and the Unions have been very silent on this, it can only be assumed that they are all happy with this arrangement.

UK workers being shafted by the EU, so lets stay in. whistling.gifwhistling.gif

Corbyn made his maiden speech in 1983 and the EU came into being in 1993. That was some foresight he had.

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