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Pai police arrest three French women found in possession of heroin

Jonathan Fairfield

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Pai police arrest three French women found in possession of heroin


Formidable! Thai police arrest three French druggies. Image: Daily News

PAI:-- Mae Hong Son police have announced the arrest of three middle aged French women who were stopped in the northern province carrying heroin.

Acting on a tip off, police from Pai laid in wait on the road around Wat Nam Hu. When the foreigners arrived on motorcycles they were promptly searched and the drugs were found in eight tubes weighing 34 grams, reports Daily News.

The women said they had bought the drugs from hill tribes in nearby Ya Po and were intending to use the heroin themselves and sell a portion of it to friends.

Arrested were Renee Julienne (sic), 58, Sabine Lapad (sic), 47, and Miriam Baret (sic), 42. The three French women were detained Saturday as investigations continue.

Source: Daily News

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The number of idiots in this world never ceases to amaze.

How anyone can be so stupid as to act this way in this day and age is beyond me.

I have never bought, sold or used heroin but even I know that acting in the manner these fools did could only end in tears.

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Aside from actually being foolish enough to be in possession of drugs in Thailand, the worst mistake they have made is saying that they were going to sell some of it to friends.

Should have just said they were intending to use it themselves and themselves only. I understand that 34 grams would be a hell of session but it's not the kind of amount you'd be purchasing to undertake a huge dealing enterprise.

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Perhaps backpackers from yesteryear...finding out that things have changed. They look like users, rather than peddlers.

Agreed! Looks like they were trying to relive a bit of the old 'hippie trail' and they are of such a vintage that they could well be reliving' their younger days.

Shame for them, no one warned them of the severe penalties they face or that times, and tolerance to hard drugs have moved on a lot since those days. Looks like their holiday could be 'extended' in a most unpleasant way unless they've got the cash for the pay off as it does seem a tad odd that the coppers were lying in wait for them unless there's been a set up here....

Heroin and Opium were staple favourites of travellers through Northern Thailand and the Golden Triangle. Some of the travel literature from the time talks of little else when it comes to travelling through this area.

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I have mixed feelings about this. I have been up there many times, and the hill tribes people swarm down on you selling Heroin, marijuana, Opium. Several occasions they have been so messed up they could hardly walk.

I don't understand why it is legal for them to use it and sell it, but illegal for foreigners to buy it? It goes on in broad daylight in the open. Everyone knows it. The police are there with them? What gives with this?

Does anyone know the answer? I am curious.

Edited by garyk
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Their naivite,given their ages,is amazing. I think there was an article recently, about some old guy with a crutch, getting busted for buying heroin from the hill tribes. Pays to keep up with Thai Visa (note to self - don't buy heroin from the hill tribes).

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Aside from actually being foolish enough to be in possession of drugs in Thailand, the worst mistake they have made is saying that they were going to sell some of it to friends.

In fairness, that might have simply been what it said in the Thai confession they were all made to sign without knowing what it was.


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Pai, Pai , Pai, why is it always Pai, what is it with these hippy types?

At their age they should know better, on no its not their fault, its the ley lines and the crystals, they were on a voyage of self discovery trying to get in touch with their inner selves.

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Aside from actually being foolish enough to be in possession of drugs in Thailand, the worst mistake they have made is saying that they were going to sell some of it to friends.

In fairness, that might have simply been what it said in the Thai confession they were all made to sign without knowing what it was.


Who MADE them sign it ?

You are within your rights to refuse to sign anything, more so because you cannot understand it.

I have been there, and done it, although not for something as serious as drugs.

So, you go to court, and you have confessed to the crime. You then tell the head of the court that the Thai police 'forced' you to sign, they categorically deny any force was used.

Your word against a high ranking member of the RTP, you have no chance whatsoever, you have admitted guilt, and you will be sentenced accordingly.

If it gets into the court system, as I am sure it will, you also have ZERO chance of buying your way out of it.

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Mesdames! You can easily buy heroin in Marseille or in Paris 10 or 18 arrondissement! Why put yourself at risk in Thailand where you go to prison and will be fleeced by thai-police?!

Same reason as usual for Thailand I guess: because it's way cheaper there.

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