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OECD warns of ‘Brexit tax’ if UK leaves EU


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I trust this scare tactic will backfire just as Obama's meddling did according to a recent poll.

Your trust is misplaced. Neither contribution will backfire. As with the last UK General Election, follow the betting odds and discount the polls.

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A pity that the US opposes Brexit. After all, the US wouldn't exist if they hadn't taken a similarly bold and contentious decision to go it alone.

"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them ..."

As for the OECD, the World Bank and the rest of them, they gain kudos and more money from an ever-tighter globalised world, so are naturally horrified at anyone heading the other way. To them, the phrase "national interests" is a curse.

The US President was expressing his opinion on Brexit. The US does not have a position on Brexit. The US will most likely not have a position because whatever Britain does has no direct affect on the US. The Brexit decision affects the UK and Europe, but not the US.

It might have an affect on NATO, though.

Unbelievable, of course Brexit is bad for USA

We gave you leverage inside the world's biggest trading group

UK leaving woul destabilise the liberal democracy headed by USA since WWII.

You think the USA wants an unstable Europe again

Honestly, words fail me.....

So with most urban conurbations in Northern Europe resembling Raqqa with gangs of zealous foreign youths burning cars and committing violent crime and carrying out a sustained attack on democratic freedom and human rights you think Europe is stable?
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A pity that the US opposes Brexit. After all, the US wouldn't exist if they hadn't taken a similarly bold and contentious decision to go it alone.

"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them ..."

As for the OECD, the World Bank and the rest of them, they gain kudos and more money from an ever-tighter globalised world, so are naturally horrified at anyone heading the other way. To them, the phrase "national interests" is a curse.

The US President was expressing his opinion on Brexit. The US does not have a position on Brexit. The US will most likely not have a position because whatever Britain does has no direct affect on the US. The Brexit decision affects the UK and Europe, but not the US.

It might have an affect on NATO, though.

Unbelievable, of course Brexit is bad for USA

We gave you leverage inside the world's biggest trading group

UK leaving woul destabilise the liberal democracy headed by USA since WWII.

You think the USA wants an unstable Europe again

Honestly, words fail me.....

So with most urban conurbations in Northern Europe resembling Raqqa with gangs of zealous foreign youths burning cars and committing violent crime and carrying out a sustained attack on democratic freedom and human rights you think Europe is stable?

exagerate much? lol

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So with most urban conurbations in Northern Europe resembling Raqqa with gangs of zealous foreign youths burning cars and committing violent crime and carrying out a sustained attack on democratic freedom and human rights you think Europe is stable?

exagerate much? lol

For example every day in Paris there is an average of 40 cars being detonated by foreigners. Day in day out. On holidays such as NYE over 1,000 cars are burned in a night. Not reported on because to do so would alarm the intellectually lazy that swallowed the whole PC claptrap.T

This islamic instability will cause Brexit. Thank Dickens.

Edited by jaidam
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So with most urban conurbations in Northern Europe resembling Raqqa with gangs of zealous foreign youths burning cars and committing violent crime and carrying out a sustained attack on democratic freedom and human rights you think Europe is stable?

exagerate much? lol

For example every day in Paris there is an average of 40 cars being detonated by foreigners. Day in day out. On holidays such as NYE over 1,000 cars are burned in a night. Not reported on because to do so would alarm the intellectually lazy that swallowed the whole PC claptrap.T

This islamic instability will cause Brexit. Thank Dickens.

not reported but you know all about it!! lol

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A pity that the US opposes Brexit. After all, the US wouldn't exist if they hadn't taken a similarly bold and contentious decision to go it alone.

"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them ..."

As for the OECD, the World Bank and the rest of them, they gain kudos and more money from an ever-tighter globalised world, so are naturally horrified at anyone heading the other way. To them, the phrase "national interests" is a curse.

The US President was expressing his opinion on Brexit. The US does not have a position on Brexit. The US will most likely not have a position because whatever Britain does has no direct affect on the US. The Brexit decision affects the UK and Europe, but not the US.

It might have an affect on NATO, though.

Unbelievable, of course Brexit is bad for USA

We gave you leverage inside the world's biggest trading group

UK leaving woul destabilise the liberal democracy headed by USA since WWII.

You think the USA wants an unstable Europe again

Honestly, words fail me.....

You think the EU is a parliamentary democracy? Think again.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

No,no, no

Read the post

The Western "system" since the war can be considered a liberal democracy. We all know about the democratic short comings of the EU (and the American electoral system for that matter). The point was that it is in American interests to avoid overturning a stable apple cart and reverting to competing nation states in Europe....

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I see the Brexiteers are now reduced to bringing in Minford to their cause

You remember him? Professor of applied economics at that well known academy power house; Cardiff!

Supply side economics reducing much of our manufacturing to dust

He was Thatchers pet and he caused her downfall with the poll tax

Why doesn't he apply his applied economics to help South Wales steel? Oh, hang on, his policies would shut the plant immediately!

And now we also have Boris's poodle, a banker from Standard Chartered ( I really must move my accounts)


Just give up before any more embarrassment is caused. And be careful who you choose to support you (lost) cause....

Well you brought in Obuma ,look what that did , gave a boost to the brexit camp .cheesy.gif

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No,no, no

Read the post

The Western "system" since the war can be considered a liberal democracy. We all know about the democratic short comings of the EU (and the American electoral system for that matter). The point was that it is in American interests to avoid overturning a stable apple cart and reverting to competing nation states in Europe....

Obama is trying to save the apple cart from tipping

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A pity that the US opposes Brexit. After all, the US wouldn't exist if they hadn't taken a similarly bold and contentious decision to go it alone.

"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them ..."

As for the OECD, the World Bank and the rest of them, they gain kudos and more money from an ever-tighter globalised world, so are naturally horrified at anyone heading the other way. To them, the phrase "national interests" is a curse.

The US President was expressing his opinion on Brexit. The US does not have a position on Brexit. The US will most likely not have a position because whatever Britain does has no direct affect on the US. The Brexit decision affects the UK and Europe, but not the US.

It might have an affect on NATO, though.

Unbelievable, of course Brexit is bad for USA

We gave you leverage inside the world's biggest trading group

UK leaving woul destabilise the liberal democracy headed by USA since WWII.

You think the USA wants an unstable Europe again

Honestly, words fail me.....

You think the EU is a parliamentary democracy? Think again.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

No,no, no

Read the post

The Western "system" since the war can be considered a liberal democracy. We all know about the democratic short comings of the EU (and the American electoral system for that matter). The point was that it is in American interests to avoid overturning a stable apple cart and reverting to competing nation states in Europe....

Research EU commission. They answer to no one.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

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A pity that the US opposes Brexit. After all, the US wouldn't exist if they hadn't taken a similarly bold and contentious decision to go it alone.

"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them ..."

As for the OECD, the World Bank and the rest of them, they gain kudos and more money from an ever-tighter globalised world, so are naturally horrified at anyone heading the other way. To them, the phrase "national interests" is a curse.

The US President was expressing his opinion on Brexit. The US does not have a position on Brexit. The US will most likely not have a position because whatever Britain does has no direct affect on the US. The Brexit decision affects the UK and Europe, but not the US.

It might have an affect on NATO, though.

Unbelievable, of course Brexit is bad for USA

We gave you leverage inside the world's biggest trading group

UK leaving woul destabilise the liberal democracy headed by USA since WWII.

You think the USA wants an unstable Europe again

Honestly, words fail me.....

You think the EU is a parliamentary democracy? Think again.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

No,no, no

Read the post

The Western "system" since the war can be considered a liberal democracy. We all know about the democratic short comings of the EU (and the American electoral system for that matter). The point was that it is in American interests to avoid overturning a stable apple cart and reverting to competing nation states in Europe....

Research EU commission. They answer to no one.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

You understand too little for me to have a sensible discussion with you

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