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Trump as nominee improves odds for parts of Obama's legacy


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Trump as nominee improves odds for parts of Obama's legacy

WASHINGTON (AP) — There's no cheering at the White House for Donald Trump's success. Yet for President Barack Obama, things could be worse.

Trump's ascent as the presumptive Republican nominee makes some of Obama's main achievements more likely to survive after the next president takes over. Trump's policy prescriptions, while full of contradictions and short on specifics, are generally closer to Obama's than those of Trump's closest GOP rival, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz.

Where Cruz opposed Obama's outreach to Cuba, Trump said it's "fine," though he would have handled it differently. Trump even has embraced a few essential elements of Obama's health law, long the bane of the Republican Party. On gay and transgender rights, the New York businessman has taken a softer tone than Cruz and most of the other Republicans who sought the nomination, too.

To be sure, a Trump presidency would be bad news for most of Obama's legacy. After all, Trump has said Obama may go down as the worst president in history.

Trump has said that if he's elected, he'll terminate Obama's immigration actions and build a wall on the border with Mexico. He rails against Obama's trade deals and laughs off concerns about climate change, while saying he would repeal the Dodd-Frank financial reforms.

For Hillary Clinton, that's Argument A why voters seeking to uphold Obama's legacy should side with her.

"From starting his political campaign on the back of a birther conspiracy about the president to promising to overturn the many accomplishments of the Obama administration, Donald Trump is too much of a risk for anyone who cares about President Obama's legacy," said Jesse Ferguson, a Clinton campaign spokesman.

With Trump as the Republican nominee, Obama's aides are more confident that Obama will be succeeded by a Democrat, a view bolstered by the deep fractures that Trump's ascent is carving in the GOP. The big question at the White House is whether Trump can successfully recast himself in the general election without triggering backlash from voters seeking ideological purity.

A look at issues where Trump has suggested he'd stick with elements of Obama's approach:


Obama has spent more than a year working to make his historic rapprochement with Cuba irreversible. With Trump as the nominee, it appears closer ties are here to stay.

Unlike Cruz, the son of a Cuban immigrant, and the other Republican candidates who vociferously opposed Obama's policy, Trump has said that a half-century of estrangement was plenty.

"I think it's fine," Trump said of Obama's outstretched hand. "But we should have made a better deal."



Like his former GOP challengers, Trump opposes Obama's health law and has pledged "a full repeal." But when it comes to what should replace it, Trump has described something closer to Obama's approach than what other Republicans prefer.

Trump wants to keep the coverage guarantees for existing conditions. That's a position that Cruz and other Republicans haven't fully embraced.

While Trump has said his plan would largely rely on private insurance companies, he's been open in the past to government-run health care — a step farther than what Obama was able to accomplish and the preferred system of Democrat Bernie Sanders, Clinton's rival for the Democratic nomination.

"As far as single payer, it works in Canada," Trump said in a GOP debate in August. "It could have worked in a different age."



Trump is no fan of Obama's nuclear deal with Iran. But he's one of the only GOP contenders this year to suggest he would not rescind it — at least temporarily.

Cruz pledged to rip the deal "to shreds" on his first day in office. Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush said he couldn't stand behind it. Florida Sen. Marco Rubio promised to re-impose sanctions. And Carly Fiorina said her second call as president — her first would be to Israel — would be to Iran's supreme leader to issue an ultimatum.

Not Trump.

"We have a horrible contract, but we do have a contract," Trump has said.

Acknowledging it would be popular to say he'd rip up the deal, Trump says instead he'd seek to renegotiate it and "police" Iran for violations.

"You know, I've taken over plenty of bad contracts where I've bought things where deals have gone bad because the people doing it didn't know what they were doing," Trump has said.



Trump conspicuously broke with his party by opposing a North Carolina law requiring transgender people to use bathrooms conforming with their birth certificates. While Cruz warned of grown men ogling little girls, Trump advised North Carolina it should have left well enough alone.

"There have been very few complaints the way it is," Trump told NBC's "Today Show" last month. "People go, they use the bathroom that they feel is appropriate. There has been so little trouble."

Obama, too, opposes the law. But unlike Trump, Obama has been a vocal advocate for gay marriage.

Trump has generally avoided the issue on the campaign trail. He's said he's attended a gay wedding, but disagreed with the Supreme Court ruling legalizing gay marriage nationwide.

"If I'm elected I would be very strong in putting certain judges on the bench that I think maybe could change things," Trump has said.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-05-09

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Financially he sounds like a dem. Higher taxes for the rich, and an higher minimum wage. That'd what he said on BBC earlier.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

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Selecting judges for the bench to suit political ends destroys the divide between judiciary and politics. In a sound democracy this is absolutely wrong and is a step on the way to dictatorship.

By mandate of the US Constitution, the president nominates and The Senate votes to confirm the appointment of any federal judge. The Senate isn't obligated to confirm any nomination.

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Selecting judges for the bench to suit political ends destroys the divide between judiciary and politics. In a sound democracy this is absolutely wrong and is a step on the way to dictatorship.

Yeah, a Republican president would never do that, right? Lot of posters here should get their head out of their *** because they keep accusing Democrats of doing things "to suit political ends" and at the same time completely ignore the fact that Republicans do exactly the same things, and often a lot worse. Or maybe for these posters it's only OK if Republicans do it, who knows?

And I don't think Obama did such a bad job, at least not domestically. Compared to the absolute mess that Bush left him (if you want to talk bad presidents, there's a prime candidate) I think the economy is in a much better state.

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Well, this one is obvious isn't it?

Poll: Stopping Hillary Is The Top Reason Why Voters Will Back Trump


Warts and all, gotta go with Trump, boys. smile.png

Amazing how many Republicans have been sharing this hashtag in the last week:



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The only legacy Obama has is a totally failed one on every level.- Domestic & Foreign,blink.png

Let's not forget we are better off than we were 7 years ago.

GWBush left the US crippled, at wars, 20 million lost their homes, retires lost their savings, 800,000 were being laid off every month.

People were ruined and jumping off their roofs in 2008..

Stock market lost 60%.

How soon some people forget...

How is it that Ovama us seen as a failure?

Where do these people get their information?

Since Obama was elected:

74 months of job growth.

Retirees and the 225 million with retirement accounts have enjoyed 200% gains.

What else?

Killed Bin Laden & droned more terrorists than previous presidents.

Housing crisis over. Lowest inventory in decades.

Banking crisis over.

Ended 2 wars.

Dependency on foreign oil all time low.

Increased fuel efficiency standards.

US Exports at all time high.

Strong dollar.

Deficit going down faster than projected.

Iran nuclear agreement.

Healthcare reform.

Cuba relations.

Leadership on environment & climate change.

TPP trade agreement with Pacifuc Rim.

ISIL being effector pushed back.

Reversed torture policy.

Education reform.

Saved auto industry.

Edited by LarryLindsey
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Fact of the matter is, that people want Trump only because of the wretched economic situation they face.

Lack of Jobs


National Debt (yes..it went way up with Obama)


Just look at the past few years...general unrest in most major cities.

People are getting ugly.

There is a lot of work to be done...and Trump is better than the status quo.

Hillary is just more Obamination. Watch her select Warren as her running mate...that alone will clinch it for Trump

Anyways...her goose is already cooked. FBI knocking on the door any week now. That Romanian character that hacked her home server may of even found some email that didn't belong there. It would buy him out of prison...and Hillary into it.

The Clinton Sexcapades in the Oval Office (Hillary must of known)....they both lied.

That is at least two lies.....but lets throw Benghazi on there just for good Measure.

It may be Bernie against Trump. As I said before...I prefer Trump....but Bernie would not make me puke...as Hillary would.

Edited by slipperylobster
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Lack of jobs? Nonsense. Unemployment base dropped in half since 2008.

14.6 million jobs created under Obama.

I know, I know. I've discussed this before with FOX viewers. ..."they are all bad jobs going to refugees"........

Trumps plan is to bring back the $1 an hour jobs from China.


Of course Americsns won't do those jobs so they will import Chinese workers and give them $15an hour ....

Edited by LarryLindsey
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Well, this one is obvious isn't it?

Poll: Stopping Hillary Is The Top Reason Why Voters Will Back Trump


Warts and all, gotta go with Trump, boys. smile.png

Nope, and if you look at the polls it is Hillary all the way up...Except Fox news the last 30 polls shown Hillary winning if facing Trump...

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The only legacy Obama has is a totally failed one on every level.- Domestic & Foreign,blink.png

Let's not forget we are better off than we were 7 years ago.

GWBush left the US crippled, at wars, 20 million lost their homes, retires lost their savings, 800,000 were being laid off every month.

People were ruined and jumping off their roofs in 2008..

Stock market lost 60%.

How soon some people forget...

How is it that Ovama us seen as a failure?

Where do these people get their information?

Since Obama was elected:

74 months of job growth.

Retirees and the 225 million with retirement accounts have enjoyed 200% gains.

What else?

Killed Bin Laden & droned more terrorists than previous presidents.

Housing crisis over. Lowest inventory in decades.

Banking crisis over.

Ended 2 wars.

Dependency on foreign oil all time low.

Increased fuel efficiency standards.

US Exports at all time high.

Strong dollar.

Deficit going down faster than projected.

Iran nuclear agreement.

Healthcare reform.

Cuba relations.

Leadership on environment & climate change.

TPP trade agreement with Pacifuc Rim.

ISIL being effector pushed back.

Reversed torture policy.

Education reform.

Saved auto industry.


We all know that those items you've listed are bogus! laugh.png

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The only legacy Obama has is a totally failed one on every level.- Domestic & Foreign,blink.png

Let's not forget we are better off than we were 7 years ago.

GWBush left the US crippled, at wars, 20 million lost their homes, retires lost their savings, 800,000 were being laid off every month.

People were ruined and jumping off their roofs in 2008..

Stock market lost 60%.

How soon some people forget...

How is it that Ovama us seen as a failure?

Where do these people get their information?

Since Obama was elected:

74 months of job growth.

Retirees and the 225 million with retirement accounts have enjoyed 200% gains.

What else?

Killed Bin Laden & droned more terrorists than previous presidents.

Housing crisis over. Lowest inventory in decades.

Banking crisis over.

Ended 2 wars.

Dependency on foreign oil all time low.

Increased fuel efficiency standards.

US Exports at all time high.

Strong dollar.

Deficit going down faster than projected.

Iran nuclear agreement.

Healthcare reform.

Cuba relations.

Leadership on environment & climate change.

TPP trade agreement with Pacifuc Rim.

ISIL being effector pushed back.

Reversed torture policy.

Education reform.

Saved auto industry.


We all know that those items you've listed are bogus! laugh.png

Read em and weep FOX viewers.

Shocking I know.

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The only legacy Obama has is a totally failed one on every level.- Domestic & Foreign,blink.png

Let's not forget we are better off than we were 7 years ago.

GWBush left the US crippled, at wars, 20 million lost their homes, retires lost their savings, 800,000 were being laid off every month.

People were ruined and jumping off their roofs in 2008..

Stock market lost 60%.

How soon some people forget...

How is it that Ovama us seen as a failure?

Where do these people get their information?

Since Obama was elected:

74 months of job growth.

Retirees and the 225 million with retirement accounts have enjoyed 200% gains.

What else?

Killed Bin Laden & droned more terrorists than previous presidents.

Housing crisis over. Lowest inventory in decades.

Banking crisis over.

Ended 2 wars.

Dependency on foreign oil all time low.

Increased fuel efficiency standards.

US Exports at all time high.

Strong dollar.

Deficit going down faster than projected.

Iran nuclear agreement.

Healthcare reform.

Cuba relations.

Leadership on environment & climate change.

TPP trade agreement with Pacifuc Rim.

ISIL being effector pushed back.

Reversed torture policy.

Education reform.

Saved auto industry.


We all know that those items you've listed are bogus! laugh.png

Read em and weep FOX viewers.

Shocking I know.

Still don't see any documentation for those bogus items you've cited.

Get back to us with substantiation for those allegations OK? thumbsup.gif

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The only legacy Obama has is a totally failed one on every level.- Domestic & Foreign,blink.png
Let's not forget we are better off than we were 7 years ago.
GWBush left the US crippled, at wars, 20 million lost their homes, retires lost their savings, 800,000 were being laid off every month.
People were ruined and jumping off their roofs in 2008..
Stock market lost 60%.
How soon some people forget...
How is it that Ovama us seen as a failure?
Where do these people get their information?

Since Obama was elected:
74 months of job growth.
Retirees and the 225 million with retirement accounts have enjoyed 200% gains.
What else?
Killed Bin Laden & droned more terrorists than previous presidents.
Housing crisis over. Lowest inventory in decades.
Banking crisis over.
Ended 2 wars.
Dependency on foreign oil all time low.
Increased fuel efficiency standards.
US Exports at all time high.
Strong dollar.
Deficit going down faster than projected.
Iran nuclear agreement.
Healthcare reform.
Cuba relations.
Leadership on environment & climate change.
TPP trade agreement with Pacifuc Rim.
ISIL being effector pushed back.
Reversed torture policy.
Education reform.
Saved auto industry.

We all know that those items you've listed are bogus! laugh.png

Read em and weep FOX viewers.
Shocking I know.

Still don't see any documentation for those bogus items you've cited.
Get back to us with substantiation for those allegations OK? thumbsup.gif

I've been thru this before with FOX viewers.
I'd bring up some links but then you go all conspiracy on us and babble on about the lame stream media ...
Google it if you really care.
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The only legacy Obama has is a totally failed one on every level.- Domestic & Foreign,blink.png
Let's not forget we are better off than we were 7 years ago.
GWBush left the US crippled, at wars, 20 million lost their homes, retires lost their savings, 800,000 were being laid off every month.
People were ruined and jumping off their roofs in 2008..
Stock market lost 60%.
How soon some people forget...
How is it that Ovama us seen as a failure?
Where do these people get their information?

Since Obama was elected:
74 months of job growth.
Retirees and the 225 million with retirement accounts have enjoyed 200% gains.
What else?
Killed Bin Laden & droned more terrorists than previous presidents.
Housing crisis over. Lowest inventory in decades.
Banking crisis over.
Ended 2 wars.
Dependency on foreign oil all time low.
Increased fuel efficiency standards.
US Exports at all time high.
Strong dollar.
Deficit going down faster than projected.
Iran nuclear agreement.
Healthcare reform.
Cuba relations.
Leadership on environment & climate change.
TPP trade agreement with Pacifuc Rim.
ISIL being effector pushed back.
Reversed torture policy.
Education reform.
Saved auto industry.

We all know that those items you've listed are bogus! laugh.png

Read em and weep FOX viewers.
Shocking I know.

Still don't see any documentation for those bogus items you've cited.
Get back to us with substantiation for those allegations OK? thumbsup.gif

Why don't you come up with some documentation, we call that links on this form, when you dispuce this post?
Or is it that you cann't find anny?
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The only legacy Obama has is a totally failed one on every level.- Domestic & Foreign,blink.png
Let's not forget we are better off than we were 7 years ago.
GWBush left the US crippled, at wars, 20 million lost their homes, retires lost their savings, 800,000 were being laid off every month.
People were ruined and jumping off their roofs in 2008..
Stock market lost 60%.
How soon some people forget...
How is it that Ovama us seen as a failure?
Where do these people get their information?

Since Obama was elected:
74 months of job growth.
Retirees and the 225 million with retirement accounts have enjoyed 200% gains.
What else?
Killed Bin Laden & droned more terrorists than previous presidents.
Housing crisis over. Lowest inventory in decades.
Banking crisis over.
Ended 2 wars.
Dependency on foreign oil all time low.
Increased fuel efficiency standards.
US Exports at all time high.
Strong dollar.
Deficit going down faster than projected.
Iran nuclear agreement.
Healthcare reform.
Cuba relations.
Leadership on environment & climate change.
TPP trade agreement with Pacifuc Rim.
ISIL being effector pushed back.
Reversed torture policy.
Education reform.
Saved auto industry.

We all know that those items you've listed are bogus! laugh.png

Read em and weep FOX viewers.
Shocking I know.

Still don't see any documentation for those bogus items you've cited.
Get back to us with substantiation for those allegations OK? thumbsup.gif

Why don't you come up with some documentation, we call that links on this form, when you dispuce this post?
Or is it that you cann't find anny?

Refer to my previous post.
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The only legacy Obama has is a totally failed one on every level.- Domestic & Foreign,blink.png

Let's not forget we are better off than we were 7 years ago.

GWBush left the US crippled, at wars, 20 million lost their homes, retires lost their savings, 800,000 were being laid off every month.

People were ruined and jumping off their roofs in 2008..

Stock market lost 60%.

How soon some people forget...

How is it that Ovama us seen as a failure?

Where do these people get their information?

Since Obama was elected:

74 months of job growth.

Retirees and the 225 million with retirement accounts have enjoyed 200% gains.

What else?

Killed Bin Laden & droned more terrorists than previous presidents.

Housing crisis over. Lowest inventory in decades.

Banking crisis over.

Ended 2 wars.

Dependency on foreign oil all time low.

Increased fuel efficiency standards.

US Exports at all time high.

Strong dollar.

Deficit going down faster than projected.

Iran nuclear agreement.

Healthcare reform.

Cuba relations.

Leadership on environment & climate change.

TPP trade agreement with Pacifuc Rim.

ISIL being effector pushed back.

Reversed torture policy.

Education reform.

Saved auto industry.


We all know that those items you've listed are bogus! laugh.png

Read em and weep FOX viewers.

Shocking I know.

Hah! Caught you. You have been making so many references to FOX News that I think you are still "in the closet" about watching it yourself.

How else would you know? Hypocrite.....comes to mind.

I do believe Judge Jeanine....and look...a woman! a judge! and listen. She hates Hillary with a passion. More vicious than Trump, himself.

Edited by slipperylobster
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Let's not forget we are better off than we were 7 years ago.

GWBush left the US crippled, at wars, 20 million lost their homes, retires lost their savings, 800,000 were being laid off every month.

People were ruined and jumping off their roofs in 2008..

Stock market lost 60%.

How soon some people forget...

How is it that Ovama us seen as a failure?

Where do these people get their information?

Since Obama was elected:

74 months of job growth.

Retirees and the 225 million with retirement accounts have enjoyed 200% gains.

What else?

Killed Bin Laden & droned more terrorists than previous presidents.

Housing crisis over. Lowest inventory in decades.

Banking crisis over.

Ended 2 wars.

Dependency on foreign oil all time low.

Increased fuel efficiency standards.

US Exports at all time high.

Strong dollar.

Deficit going down faster than projected.

Iran nuclear agreement.

Healthcare reform.

Cuba relations.

Leadership on environment & climate change.

TPP trade agreement with Pacifuc Rim.

ISIL being effector pushed back.

Reversed torture policy.

Education reform.

Saved auto industry.


We all know that those items you've listed are bogus! laugh.png

Read em and weep FOX viewers.

Shocking I know.

Still don't see any documentation for those bogus items you've cited.

Get back to us with substantiation for those allegations OK? thumbsup.gif

Don't have to google most of them. Our new friend just doesn't know what he is talking about.

Let's look at just a select few of them since I don't have the inclination to google for the next half hour.

1. "Banking crisis over."

Bank bail out was under George Bush administration.

2. "Ended 2 wars."

Then why are we still fighting wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? Obama has screwed up the peace process.

3. "Dependency on foreign oil all time low.'

Obama had nothing to do with this. Drilling on government land is still on the black list. Fracking is getting the oil out of privately owned land.

4. "Strong dollar."

On 20 January 2009 the dollar to baht exchange rate for transfers was 34.68. This month it was 34.69. Not a terribly healthy dollar now as opposed to then.

5. "Deficit going down faster than projected."

Since the last Bush deficit had requested a deficit of $407 Billion yet Obama ran it up to $1.413 Trillion, I guess any number below that is a deficit reduction.

6. "Iran nuclear agreement."

What Iran nuclear agreement? Iran never has signed the agreement. Kerry made the agreement with himself at this point.

7. " Healthcare reform."

I presume yo are talking about the Affordable Care Act, where nearly all the insurers have dropped out of the program and all the coverage seems to be federally funded Medicaid?

8. "Saved auto industry."

​Uh...George Bush did this before Obama took office.

You really need to get out a little more and stop reading Media Matters. George Soros does that group proud.

Edit in, I forgot this little gem of yours.

9. "74 months of job growth."

​The labor force participation rate has dropped to it's lowest level since the Carter administration with 94,044,000 no longer seeking employment. In

April the Obama economy added 160,000 new jobs, yet 562,000 dropped out of the job seeking role. Hardly a robust job picture at all.

Edited by chuckd
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Don't have to google most of them. Our new friend just doesn't know what he is talking about.

Let's look at just a select few of them since I don't have the inclination to google for the next half hour.

1. "Banking crisis over."

Bank bail out was under George Bush administration.

2. "Ended 2 wars."

Then why are we still fighting wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? Obama has screwed up the peace process.

3. "Dependency on foreign oil all time low.'

Obama had nothing to do with this. Drilling on government land is still on the black list. Fracking is getting the oil out of privately owned land.

4. "Strong dollar."

On 20 January 2009 the dollar to baht exchange rate for transfers was 34.68. This month it was 34.69. Not a terribly healthy dollar now as opposed to then.

5. "Deficit going down faster than projected."

Since the last Bush deficit had requested a deficit of $407 Billion yet Obama ran it up to $1.413 Trillion, I guess any number below that is a deficit reduction.

6. "Iran nuclear agreement."

What Iran nuclear agreement? Iran never has signed the agreement. Kerry made the agreement with himself at this point.

7. " Healthcare reform."

I presume yo are talking about the Affordable Care Act, where nearly all the insurers have dropped out of the program and all the coverage seems to be federally funded Medicaid?

8. "Saved auto industry."

​Uh...George Bush did this before Obama took office.

You really need to get out a little more and stop reading Media Matters. George Soros does that group proud.

You have it all wrong except for one item, It was GW Bush that did the GM bailout after the November election and with Obama economic team prodding him.

Georges Bushes best moment & Obama made him do it.

Edited by LarryLindsey
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I certainly hope you are not teaching history to some unsuspecting young person.

Right Chuck. I missed one more. GW Bush signed that Iraq pullout agreement.

Obama wanted to stay longer to prevent the ISIL situation but was forced out by Bush's agreement. After that pullout date, US Troops would no longer have immunity to Iraq laws.

Edited by LarryLindsey
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Still don't see any documentation for those bogus items you've cited.


We all know that those items you've listed are bogus! laugh.png

Read em and weep FOX viewers.

Shocking I know.

Get back to us with substantiation for those allegations OK? thumbsup.gif

Don't have to google most of them. Our new friend just doesn't know what he is talking about.

Let's look at just a select few of them since I don't have the inclination to google for the next half hour.

1. "Banking crisis over."

Bank bail out was under George Bush administration.

2. "Ended 2 wars."

Then why are we still fighting wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? Obama has screwed up the peace process.

3. "Dependency on foreign oil all time low.'

Obama had nothing to do with this. Drilling on government land is still on the black list. Fracking is getting the oil out of privately owned land.

4. "Strong dollar."

On 20 January 2009 the dollar to baht exchange rate for transfers was 34.68. This month it was 34.69. Not a terribly healthy dollar now as opposed to then.

5. "Deficit going down faster than projected."

Since the last Bush deficit had requested a deficit of $407 Billion yet Obama ran it up to $1.413 Trillion, I guess any number below that is a deficit reduction.

6. "Iran nuclear agreement."

What Iran nuclear agreement? Iran never has signed the agreement. Kerry made the agreement with himself at this point.

7. " Healthcare reform."

I presume yo are talking about the Affordable Care Act, where nearly all the insurers have dropped out of the program and all the coverage seems to be federally funded Medicaid?

8. "Saved auto industry."

​Uh...George Bush did this before Obama took office.

You really need to get out a little more and stop reading Media Matters. George Soros does that group proud.

Edit in, I forgot this little gem of yours.

9. "74 months of job growth."

​The labor force participation rate has dropped to it's lowest level since the Carter administration with 94,044,000 no longer seeking employment. In

April the Obama economy added 160,000 new jobs, yet 562,000 dropped out of the job seeking role. Hardly a robust job picture at all.

I may be getting to the other points you raised but this number of 94 million is not people who dropped out of job seeking. Utter nonsense. It includes teenagers, college-age kids and retirees among others. It may also include homemakers. . Where did you get this number from?, WesternJournalism.com. ? This is another example of the kind of weird closed misinformaton world the right wing lives in. Anyway, here's a link to Politifact, http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2015/feb/10/ted-cruz/ted-cruz-says-92-million-americans-arent-working/ And of course for this figure to convey any real meaning, it would have to be compared to the statistics for previous administrations. Have you done that? Did it even occur to you to do that?

As for the declining labor participation, here's a note from the Bureau of Labor statistics dated Nov 2006 Bureau of Labor Statistics, November 2006: Every year after 2000, the rate declined gradually, from 66.8 percent in 2001 to 66.0 percent in 2004 and 2005. According to the BLS projections, the overall participation rate will continue its gradual decrease each decade and reach 60.4 percent in 2050.

I got that from Factcheck.org . here's a link: http://www.factcheck.org/2015/03/declining-labor-participation-rates/

You've got to try and break out of that bubble.

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Its an interesting assertion, but finally I think the OP is incorrect. As a previous poster noted, the 'accomplishments' of Obama are primarily media driven; they are false. They do not exist.

In a line item post of accomplishments above nearly every single one of them is actually blatantly incorrect.

The entire presidency is modeled and shaped on the manipulation of perceptions. Not unique to Obama, but honed to a sharp edge with his craftsmen. There is nothing in the domestic, economic, or international agenda under Obama's stewardship that actually reveals any improvement in America, or the world. Nothing at all! Nothing... and among the key unspoken mechanisms that enabled Obama to be elected, he has apparently failed miserably- race!

In fact, if we accept as the premise that Obama has achieved all as a previous poster noted, and the OP states, then we still have to account in this reckoning for the terrible outrage, alienation, and division that is palpable from numerous millions of people. It is not sufficient to say everyone is a "Fox news viewer." In fact, the argument ends at this point because the vacancy of the assertion is proven by the refuge in pejorative.

It is frequently asserted that all the millions expressing outrage are "racists." From Sanders to a near train of anti Trump supporters it is asserted that millions are "racist." If we accept this as true, then this equally impugns Obama. With Obama the age or racism should have been ended, or at least improved. If the anti Trump (constant refrains of "racism") crowd is correct then there are now more racists alive than at any other point in American history, the civil war, and combined. If its true, then this single truth, if conceded, abuses any gains its asserted Obama made. Certainly such rhetoric was not commonly applied to millions 8 years ago.

No matter how you slice it, Obama is a stain on the American polity and will be recalled in history much the way he is perceived now. And, since it is apparent people like Obama (Merkel, etc) give rise to a resurgent right, we can assume history will not be written by Obamaphiles.

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" the terrible outrage, alienation, and division that is palpable from numerous millions of people."

FOX viewers are trained to be outraged, alienated and divided. It's Roger Ailes methodology.

Turn that crap off, I usually tell people that watch it.

Makes you stupid.

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Its an interesting assertion, but finally I think the OP is incorrect. As a previous poster noted, the 'accomplishments' of Obama are primarily media driven; they are false. They do not exist.

In a line item post of accomplishments above nearly every single one of them is actually blatantly incorrect.

The entire presidency is modeled and shaped on the manipulation of perceptions. Not unique to Obama, but honed to a sharp edge with his craftsmen. There is nothing in the domestic, economic, or international agenda under Obama's stewardship that actually reveals any improvement in America, or the world. Nothing at all! Nothing... and among the key unspoken mechanisms that enabled Obama to be elected, he has apparently failed miserably- race!

In fact, if we accept as the premise that Obama has achieved all as a previous poster noted, and the OP states, then we still have to account in this reckoning for the terrible outrage, alienation, and division that is palpable from numerous millions of people. It is not sufficient to say everyone is a "Fox news viewer." In fact, the argument ends at this point because the vacancy of the assertion is proven by the refuge in pejorative.

It is frequently asserted that all the millions expressing outrage are "racists." From Sanders to a near train of anti Trump supporters it is asserted that millions are "racist." If we accept this as true, then this equally impugns Obama. With Obama the age or racism should have been ended, or at least improved. If the anti Trump (constant refrains of "racism") crowd is correct then there are now more racists alive than at any other point in American history, the civil war, and combined. If its true, then this single truth, if conceded, abuses any gains its asserted Obama made. Certainly such rhetoric was not commonly applied to millions 8 years ago.

No matter how you slice it, Obama is a stain on the American polity and will be recalled in history much the way he is perceived now. And, since it is apparent people like Obama (Merkel, etc) give rise to a resurgent right, we can assume history will not be written by Obamaphiles.

Really, Sanders has been accused of being racist. I guess the USA is a big country so there are always a few loons out there, but I don't don't see it.

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Obama has done an exceptional job.

Having an idiot and Cheney's flunky who damaged the country and the world for a predecessor has made him look even better.

If he is followed by an unqualified egotist like Trump, Obama will look even better.

If the country and the world can survive a Trump presidency!

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