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Blunt Brexit warning from International Monetary Fund’s Lagarde


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Blunt Brexit warning from International Monetary Fund’s Lagarde


The head of the International Monetary Fund has come out strongly against Britain leaving the European Union.

Christine Lagarde warned there would be no economic positives and the impact would range from “pretty bad to very, very bad”.

Rejecting accusations that she’s taking sides in the referendum debate, Lagarde said the IMF’s role is to highlight economic risks: “It’s not just a domestic issue. I knows it is a big domestic issue for many of you, but it’s an international issue. I don’t think that in the last six months I have visited a country anywhere in the world where I have not been asked what will be the economic consequences of Brexit.”

She was presenting the IMF’s annual report on Britain’s economy which said the UK risks falling into a spiral of weaker economic growth.

On international trade Lagarde said: “Negotiations on new arrangements with the European Union and other trading partners could in our view take years, leading to a protracted period of uncertainty, and the longer this uncertainty goes on, the more heavily it will weigh on investment and growth”.

By contrast, the IMF report said UK economic growth is expected to rebound later this year if Britain stays in Europe.

Anti-EU campaigners accused the IMF of bullying and questioned its track record saying “its forecasts are never right”.

Lagarde spoke one day after the Bank of England said the UK economy would slow sharply, and possibly even enter a brief recession following a Brexit.

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development has also warned against an ‘Out’ vote.

However the series of warnings do not appear to have swayed many voters. Opinion polls show Britons believe staying in the EU would be best for the economy but they are evenly split on how they intend to vote.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-05-14

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I was hoping this Ms Lagarde was speaking from prison where she surely stays after participating in a 300 + million quid fraud a few years ago. Of course, the extreme left ninnies don't go to prison like regular citizens do they.

Brexit will put the pride back in Britain - and kick out the obvious non-Brits and threats to our culture. Amen.

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I was hoping this Ms Lagarde was speaking from prison where she surely stays after participating in a 300 + million quid fraud a few years ago. Of course, the extreme left ninnies don't go to prison like regular citizens do they.

Brexit will put the pride back in Britain - and kick out the obvious non-Brits and threats to our culture. Amen.

This investigation is still ongoing. It will come to nothing as too many other heads would also have to roll along with LaGarde's.

A quick read through the comments sections on this story in the UK MSM gives a very good reflection on what people think.

It appears to be very clear the project fear is having the reverse effect.

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Is there any expert individual or body the Brexiteers will listen to? I suspect not.

However, I hope those who are undecided take note

I have no wish to be in the position of "I told you so"

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Is there any expert individual or body the Brexiteers will listen to? I suspect not.

However, I hope those who are undecided take note

I have no wish to be in the position of "I told you so"

and the same may be said to you re the in camp.

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The IMF head, the head of a body that is persecuting Greeks EU citizens who as members of the EU manages to make such an arse of their economy that they collapsed now says but it is better to be in. Why so that you can force austerity on the UK as well. Don't worry your pal Osborne is an expert at that.

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Is there any expert individual or body the Brexiteers will listen to? I suspect not.

However, I hope those who are undecided take note

I have no wish to be in the position of "I told you so"

Because the people I know don't like the or else tone the "experts" are using. Brits, as you should know, don't respond well to that.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

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Ve hef vays off mekking you stay in zee union :) Realistically speaking, the only hope of any union succeeding is if all countries are playing under the same set of rules, and this simply is NOT what is happening ! Supporting Greece is like throwing money into a well, and if turkey (note small case) gets in it,s all over :(

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.....as the world economy is in a sham.....in complete tatters.....

.....they schoolyard bullies will tell you otherwise....

...especially if they haven't invaded you ....or obliterated you....yet...

....(Let's see if my computer will crash again).....

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It should be quite obvious to anybody that all the comments made from so called experts to stay in are made with self interest at heart - mainly big businesses and mainly international. The prime minister, as an old Etonian tory is certainly not going to bite the hand that feeds him, the Bank of England needs to protect it's repuatation or what's left of it after the financial crisis of 2008 and as for Madame lagarde weighing in with her comments it is enough to vote Brexit just to spite them all (particularly in the case of the IMF whose president was involved in the highly corrupt Tapie case!) Having lived outside the UK for over 20 years it is quite easy to see how the British people and in fact all Europeans have been bamboozled (good word that!) into believing the propaganda of one of the most corrupt, time wasting and inefficient organisations on the planet earth. God they must be good to have to move all the employees every several months from one city to another costing millions for what reason God only knows. VOTE BREXIT and get all these leeches off your backs boys and girls. The UK does not need Europe but Europe needs the UK and Cameroooons so called reforms agreed by the EU were so pitiful no one seems to even know what they really are.. GET OUT before it's too late and before immigration gets so out of control that in itself it could cause huge security problems ( I am not anti immigration - far from it and have enormous sympathy for these, in the majority, poor souls.) but I don't believe for one moment that over the last years there have not been an enormous amount of terrorists who have entered the EU under the guise of refugees. It's rather like telling all the drug dealers of Europe that the customs are on strike for a few weeks and anyone can get through - do you think they might take a chance?1 The great problem with the EU is that it is an overweildly machine that it is incapable of managing what it is supposed to and like most of the large organisations we see to-day of this type headed by men who believe there is no problem like FIFA, IAO,F! etc etc. Men who either corrupt or so power hungry that they have no morals. Jean Claud Junker was president of lichenstein during a period that was littered with illegal deals with major corporations to avoid paying taxes - oh no it had nothing to do with him!!!!

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Is there any expert individual or body the Brexiteers will listen to? I suspect not.

However, I hope those who are undecided take note

I have no wish to be in the position of "I told you so"

If there were, they certainly would listen, there simply are no "experts" in the minds of many.

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Lagarde the expert in 2013.

"Do I have to go on my knees?" said IMF chief Christine Lagarde. "We got it wrong. We acknowledged it. Clearly the confidence building that has resulted from the economic policies adopted by the government has surprised many of us.


Lagarde’s tenure as IMF chief has seen a number of scandals that has led to some questioning whether she is as saintly as many had previously assumed


A true expert at feeding at the trough.

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I was hoping this Ms Lagarde was speaking from prison where she surely stays after participating in a 300 + million quid fraud a few years ago. Of course, the extreme left ninnies don't go to prison like regular citizens do they.

Brexit will put the pride back in Britain - and kick out the obvious non-Brits and threats to our culture. Amen.

The wicked witch of the west has spoken. The heavy guns are out now including Obama. The meek sheep are scared and they are in the majority it will never pass.
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Is there any expert individual or body the Brexiteers will listen to? I suspect not.

However, I hope those who are undecided take note

I have no wish to be in the position of "I told you so"

and the same may be said to you re the in camp.


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I was hoping this Ms Lagarde was speaking from prison where she surely stays after participating in a 300 + million quid fraud a few years ago. Of course, the extreme left ninnies don't go to prison like regular citizens do they.

Brexit will put the pride back in Britain - and kick out the obvious non-Brits and threats to our culture. Amen.

Yeah, like Make Britain great again.

Where have I heard a similar phrase recently?

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Why does the Brexit camp have no world leaders, no experts, no independent bodies stating that UK would be better off leaving the EU?

Not one! Zero, zilch, bugger all!

Even all the NATO members have stated the security would be badly affected by Brexit

Do you really believe that ALL these people are wrong? They may be, but is that likely?

I would not wish to risk my children's and grandchildren's future security

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Why does the Brexit camp have no world leaders, no experts, no independent bodies stating that UK would be better off leaving the EU?

Not one! Zero, zilch, bugger all!

Even all the NATO members have stated the security would be badly affected by Brexit

Do you really believe that ALL these people are wrong? They may be, but is that likely?

I would not wish to risk my children's and grandchildren's future security

No experts you say, haven't been looking very far then.

Try viewing this in its entirety.


I value my childrens future and leaving would appear to be the best option.

Currently our sovereignty is decided by a group of non elected and non accountable bureaucrats in Brussels and elsewhere.Hardly democratic is it?

Security will be improved as we regain control of our borders and immigration.

How would Brexit impact NATO?

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Why does the Brexit camp have no world leaders, no experts, no independent bodies stating that UK would be better off leaving the EU?

Not one! Zero, zilch, bugger all!

Even all the NATO members have stated the security would be badly affected by Brexit

Do you really believe that ALL these people are wrong? They may be, but is that likely?

I would not wish to risk my children's and grandchildren's future security

Because the leaders backing in represent the 1%?

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

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Why does the Brexit camp have no world leaders, no experts, no independent bodies stating that UK would be better off leaving the EU?

Not one! Zero, zilch, bugger all!

Even all the NATO members have stated the security would be badly affected by Brexit

Do you really believe that ALL these people are wrong? They may be, but is that likely?

I would not wish to risk my children's and grandchildren's future security

No experts you say, haven't been looking very far then.

Try viewing this in its entirety.


I value my childrens future and leaving would appear to be the best option.

Currently our sovereignty is decided by a group of non elected and non accountable bureaucrats in Brussels and elsewhere.Hardly democratic is it?

Security will be improved as we regain control of our borders and immigration.

How would Brexit impact NATO?

Nobody said it would affect NATO. What I stated was that all NATO countries consider Brexit would negatively affect our security. I have already explained the soft power strength of the EU (Iran, Ukraine). We then have UK security chiefs explaining the likely negative effects of Brexit)

As far as the Brexit movie is concerned. It is obvious propaganda. Goebbels would be proud. This is good on propaganda generally

Ever wondered how Hitler and his band of misfits one over the German population? Well let's just say propaganda was a big part of it

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