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Lone robber beaten up following a bungled gold shop holdup


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Lone robber beaten up following a bungled gold shop holdup


BANG YAI: A lone robber was badly beaten up and caught after his attempt to rob a gold shop at a shopping mall in Bang Yai area failed forcing him to seize a nine-year old girl as a hostage.

According to Bang Yai police, the lone robber whose identity was not known, walked into the gold shop with a knife at about 2.30 pm Friday but his robbery attempt was foiled by security guards.

So the robber grabbed a nine-year old who was strolling at the mall as a hostage as he tried to negotiate a safe exit. However, some of the shoppers then rushed upon him to rescue the girl and then beat him up.

The girl escaped unharmed but the robber was later taken to a hospital in Nonthaburi for medical treatment before he was taken to Bang Bua Thong police station for detention.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/content/163280


-- Thai PBS 2016-05-14

Social media or has armed robbery gone up

People getting a stressed and desperate ???

More beatings on tourists or just more aware or are Thais more frustrated than normal ???

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Not a law and order society...

The crowd getting their shots in is the same mentality guys complain about when six Thai guys take on a farang in a bar...

Maybe someone should have shot him when they had him down..plenty of guns around...

A group mob mentality where rules aren't follow lead to bad outcomes for all involved innocent and guilty..

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Why is it wrong?

Because we live by laws and assaulting a person is against the law

These will be the rules that allow rich people to stay out of jail. And scape goat to take their place ?.

I just wish this would happen when the rich kids were involved.

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Thai justice? This is what happens a lot here, PACK MENTALITY, "the moose is down, the rest of the pack moves in for the kill", but the wolves are animals and they have to eat to live! Not in any way condoning the robber's action nor the mob.

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Mobile phone footage from the scene (contains scenes of violence):



The robber was identified in Thairath as 26 year-old Burmese citizen Awng Soonai.

And I suspect a similar outcome would have happened had it been a Thai trying to rob a gold shop in Rangoon.

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F. Scumbag for taking a child hostage!

I totally agree,, but desperate times and desperate people

put innocent lives at risk.

Idea,, why not put reality news clips like this one sandwiched

between the fake Thai soap operas as a reality check.

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on Thai news this morning, the robber not paying attention to the crowd behind him as a security guard walked up behind him and smacked him with a truncheon, then the crowd piled in and gave the robber a real pasting. The report mentioned the robber was from Myanmar.

Hmm, if that's true then that changes things.

The robber is without doubt a contemptible piece of shit. I feel absolutly no sympathy for him.

However beating the crap out if him when he has been disarmed and is no longer a threat is not exactly heroic.

Understandable and to be honest deserved but still...

The only one complaining is the one who started it, but who cares.

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I dont think theres anything brave or heroic about a group of people attacking a man, when hes already down .

None of us think there was anything brave or heroic about the people who attacked him. But many of us think someone who threatens a 9 year old girl with a knife deserves a good hiding.

It might make him think twice before doing it again.

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I dont think theres anything brave or heroic about a group of people attacking a man, when hes already down .

None of us think there was anything brave or heroic about the people who attacked him. But many of us think someone who threatens a 9 year old girl with a knife deserves a good hiding.

It might make him think twice before doing it again.

He had already had a wack on the head and was on the floor .

Pick him up and cart him off to jail, there was no need for on-lookers to get stuck into him .

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I don't know about all the states but in New York and California, killing a person in the act of an immediate threat to the life of another person is the same as self defense. As he had a knife to the girl, the crowd was acting in self defense, at least until it was clear that he was disarmed. Now, under the Thai libel law, he could possibly sue Jerojero for calling him a scumbag if he could prove it cost him something, like loss of face.

Ha ha...doubt if he or many in the country know what a scumbag implies.. ....and he damn-well deserves to be called far worse for taking a child hostage!
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Not a day goes by without the police having to deal with foreigners causing trouble in Thailand. The Thais certainly are effective at taking care of foreigners who get out of line. They unite in a heartbeat and are swift, brutal and effective.

I love this instant street justice here and how the police allow it. In a nanny state the rescuers are often charged and legally can be sued.

None of that nonsense in Thailand.

The cops often let victims get a few in at finger pointing press conferences and don't make a fuss. Love it.

im sure that no one ever makes any mistakes with these street justice mobs. And they know what the appropriate level of punishment is of course.

Too bad you weren't in Hua Hin to receive some street justice from accidentally bumping into someone.

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Typical Thai - only once the security guard overpowered him did the others get their kicks in...

Bunch of cowards...the others did not intervene only one person....disgraceful mob psychology..

Will the police hold them accountable for their uncivilized behavior?

This is the same mentality when a motorcycle hits you and he points to you as the guilty party as the on lookers drag you from your car....

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