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UN praises Thailand for efforts in promoting human rights


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UN praises Thailand for efforts in promoting human rights

BANGKOK, 16 May 2016 (NNT) - The United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) has praised Thailand for its efforts to improve the human rights situation.

Permanent Secretary for Justice Chanchao Chaiyanukit led a Thai delegation to Geneva, Switzerland to submit a human rights report to the UNHRC for consideration last Wednesday.

It is a process known as ‘Universal Periodic Review (UPR)’ in which human rights records of all UN member states are reviewed. Mr. Chanchao had the opportunity to clarify issues concerning the political situation in Thailand to the international community.

Thailand was praised for several achievements, such as the development of the third National Human Rights Plan, the promotion of gender equality and efforts to prevent human trafficking.

However, the UPR Working Group has urged Thailand to consider reviewing 68 items, namely the enforcement of lese majeste, and the use of military courts and death sentences, among others.

According to Mr. Chanchao, the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will compile a clarification report and seek Cabinet’s approval. It will be submitted to the UNHRC in September, when the 33rd meeting convenes.

-- NNT 2016-05-16 footer_n.gif

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The rest of the planet saw this review as a serious attack on Thailand's worsening human rights record. The problem for these dinosaurs is that much of the Thai electorate is nowhere near as stupid as they are.

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Khaosod has an interesting summary of the meeting. Shows a bit different spin on the actual "tone" of the meeting. I do believe the words used were described as a "marathon dressing down" and being "collectively mauled" by the other countries.........

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Thailand to deliberate on UPR recommendations

BANGKOK, 15 May 2016 (NNT) - Thailand has presented its National Universal Periodic Review (UPR) report to the 2nd cycle of the 25th Session of the UPR Working Group in Geneva. Recommendations during this cycle review will be submitted to the Thai Cabinet for consideration.

Permanent Secretary for Justice Charnchao Chaiyanukij, in his capacity as the head of the Thai delegation said he informed the meeting on 11 May 2016 that Thailand implemented the recommendations it had accepted during the 1st cycle review in 2011. There was concrete progress in the implementation, said Mr. Charnchao.

The Thai delegation also clarified the issues other countries were worried about such as limitation of the right to expression, the lese majeste law and military trial of civilians.

The deputy permanent secretary said Thailand was commended for progress in many human rights issues such as economic, social and cultural rights, its 3rd National Human Rights Plan, human trafficking prevention and promotion of gender equality.

The UPR meeting approved 181 from 249 recommendations for the human rights situation in Thailand. The Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Foreign Affiars will meet with relevant units to consider the rest 68 recommendations which will be submitted to the Cabinet for consideration within three months.

-- NNT 2016-05-16 footer_n.gif

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I wonder if anyone has ever suggested these guys hire a PR company to handle their abysmal failed public relations efforts. Putin did and the Russians love him...according to Putin........oh that's right Prayut has a 95% approval factor.......

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Praised but yet urged to consider reviewing 68 items.

What a joke.

Would like to hear from someone on the UNHRC in regards to this so called praise.

Well, during the first review in 2011 the Thai government accepted 136 out of 172 'recommendations'. Not sure what happened with them, but the number of recommendations seems to decrease.

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"GENEVA, May 11, 2016 — This morning, one week after the flawed UN review of Sudan’s human rights record, Thailand underwent its own human rights assessment. Although several countries prioritized politics over human rights with empty praise for the government, this morning’s universal periodic review (UPR) session generated significant criticism of the Thai government and its commitment to human rights.

As expected, several countries used the session as an opportunity to score political points. Venezuela offered its congratulations to Thailand for its human rights “achievements,” Yemen “noted with satisfaction” that the Thai government “is committed to the protection and promotion of human rights” and Qatar maintained that “Thailand gives priority to the protection of human rights.”"


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"GENEVA, May 11, 2016 This morning, one week after the flawed UN review of Sudans human rights record, Thailand underwent its own human rights assessment. Although several countries prioritized politics over human rights with empty praise for the government, this mornings universal periodic review (UPR) session generated significant criticism of the Thai government and its commitment to human rights.

As expected, several countries used the session as an opportunity to score political points. Venezuela offered its congratulations to Thailand for its human rights achievements, Yemen noted with satisfaction that the Thai government is committed to the protection and promotion of human rights and Qatar maintained that Thailand gives priority to the protection of human rights."


The the jewel in the crown having Yemen praise you eh?

It's obvious Thailand is a propaganda Nation under military rule .

Posts here get deleted for slightest indication of anti military personal viewpoints .

People can waddle around swallowing polls that' show 99.3% approval .

Or that America praises in general their human rights.

For people considering flying there on a first time holiday.

Google tier 3 human rights countries ( it's the lowest level)

There you will notice Thailand on it.

Then google recent UN & US statements .

Perhaps look at other considerations like crime etc.

The praise Thailand gets is minimum compared to serious concerns expressed .

Thai visa to its credit still prints stories that highlight some truths.

How much longer that will be permitted is anyone's guess.

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"GENEVA, May 11, 2016 This morning, one week after the flawed UN review of Sudans human rights record, Thailand underwent its own human rights assessment. Although several countries prioritized politics over human rights with empty praise for the government, this mornings universal periodic review (UPR) session generated significant criticism of the Thai government and its commitment to human rights.

As expected, several countries used the session as an opportunity to score political points. Venezuela offered its congratulations to Thailand for its human rights achievements, Yemen noted with satisfaction that the Thai government is committed to the protection and promotion of human rights and Qatar maintained that Thailand gives priority to the protection of human rights."


The the jewel in the crown having Yemen praise you eh?

It's obvious Thailand is a propaganda Nation under military rule .

Posts here get deleted for slightest indication of anti military personal viewpoints .

People can waddle around swallowing polls that' show 99.3% approval .

Or that America praises in general their human rights.

For people considering flying there on a first time holiday.

Google tier 3 human rights countries ( it's the lowest level)

There you will notice Thailand on it.

Then google recent UN & US statements .

Perhaps look at other considerations like crime etc.

The praise Thailand gets is minimum compared to serious concerns expressed .

Thai visa to its credit still prints stories that highlight some truths.

How much longer that will be permitted is anyone's guess.

Don't worry, I'm sure the Thai authorities like to read all this stuff on TVF and with help of the American NSA they'll have no problem identifying posters. IMHO only of course.

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"GENEVA, May 11, 2016 This morning, one week after the flawed UN review of Sudans human rights record, Thailand underwent its own human rights assessment. Although several countries prioritized politics over human rights with empty praise for the government, this mornings universal periodic review (UPR) session generated significant criticism of the Thai government and its commitment to human rights.

As expected, several countries used the session as an opportunity to score political points. Venezuela offered its congratulations to Thailand for its human rights achievements, Yemen noted with satisfaction that the Thai government is committed to the protection and promotion of human rights and Qatar maintained that Thailand gives priority to the protection of human rights."


The the jewel in the crown having Yemen praise you eh?

It's obvious Thailand is a propaganda Nation under military rule .

Posts here get deleted for slightest indication of anti military personal viewpoints .

People can waddle around swallowing polls that' show 99.3% approval .

Or that America praises in general their human rights.

For people considering flying there on a first time holiday.

Google tier 3 human rights countries ( it's the lowest level)

There you will notice Thailand on it.

Then google recent UN & US statements .

Perhaps look at other considerations like crime etc.

The praise Thailand gets is minimum compared to serious concerns expressed .

Thai visa to its credit still prints stories that highlight some truths.

How much longer that will be permitted is anyone's guess.

Don't worry, I'm sure the Thai authorities like to read all this stuff on TVF and with help of the American NSA they'll have no problem identifying posters. IMHO only of course.

You sound a lot, like you would approve of this!

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The UN as an official body did not praise Thailand at all, it seriously critized the government, the meeting was broadcast live, so nothing was hidden.

But of course a week later the the government can now put a different spin on the meeting, as it does with everything else.

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Ok Thailand you have 68 serious human rights abuses being breached upon currently, but you have made efforts in three other areas, so yu'p no bloody surprise that the headline reads "UN PRAISES THAILAND FOR EFFORTS IN PROMOTEING ON HUMAN RIGHTS".

An what your ploblem falang? We lespec human light, see National New Bureau of Thailand tell us.

Not exactly an independent source of news huh? I mean no reason to spin/slant/twist any thing,(68 breaches V 3 efforts.)

Think most here know were the few Junta fan boys get their solid info huh.whistling.gif

Edited by aussieinthailand
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UN has been praising Thailand efforts since January so this comes as no surprise.

Just witnessing the changes at the Laos / Thai border at Nong Kai allows one to easily see their have been strong improvements by the PM in this area.

Of course if the UN said Thailand was going backwards in this area the very same people that denounced this result and found excuses to not respect the UN's narrative would also applaud that UN narrative? Why? It suits their agenda.

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“The Thai government’s responses to the UN review fail to show any real commitment to reversing its abusive rights practices or protecting fundamental freedoms,” said John Fisher, Geneva director."

Go to human rights watch for the rest of the story. Thought of guy who beats wife, sells kids into slavery, trashes neighborhood and then says "But I took out the garbage so I'm a good guy, right?"

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