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Hillside Plaza 4 = Lost Money


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>>> Once again, you are talking out your ass.

>Is there a need for profanity?


Nah, my feelers are fine. The Navy toughened me up enough to deal with it. I just think it's not needed when adults are debating an issue.

>>> There are units available, but not many and not the best ones.

You folks really need to get together on this. First you say there are NO units available. Now you tell us that there ARE units available. Which is it? None or some? Maybe even lots of them?


I'm not the one shouting. :o

>>> Next time you are in one of your traffic jams, scoot on in and see for yourself.

>I took your advice and did just that on my way home. Had to double park in the garage, but that's >normal, right?


Enough of an issue that the residents now have to have stickers for their cars, and soon un-stickered cars will either have to pay to park or not be allowed in.

>>> You can not fight the masses, and the masses think Hillside is a good investment/place to live, >>>hence the increase in price.

>The masses certainly don't think it's a good place to have a business. I counted 31 vacant places >just on floors 2, 3, and 4. That is a LOT of empty business space. I wonder why?


Actually, the discussion was about the entire building. Didn't you just say the parking problem was mentioned in this thread?


As I said, I'm not the one shouting. :D


There goes that confusion again. Didn't you just tell us that you are so happy because there are restaurants, a mini-mart, a fitness center, etc. here?


Not totally. But if someone pays for a security building, shouldn't they be getting one? I know that if I was paying for security, I'd certainly be upset if it wasn't being provided.


In your last post you said that there were units available..... Here, I'll show you your quote: "There are units available, but not many and not the best ones." Were you not telling the truth then... or now?

>>Someone like you would seem better off in Singapore, really.

>Why do you feel this need to talk about me? We are discussing a building.


I don't have negative vibes about Thailand. I have negative vibes about Hillside Plaza 4. You are remarkably creative in your thinking. Not accurate, but very creative.


Well, considering that I've lived here full time for a few years now, and am quite happy with the place, why would you think that I can't accept the standard? The fact that I'm willing to try to improve it doesn't mean that I can't accept what is for the moment. If no one tries to improve things, nothing gets done, either in daily life, in nature, politics, or housing. I've even seen insulation being used in some new houses! Accepting what is doesn't negate attempts to improve.

>>>And I am almost certain that some of their buildings are facing south west. Hmmm, how to get around that?

>This might come as a surprise, but even when a building faces south-west it's actually possible to >buy a unit on the north-east side. Really, it's true! I wouldn't kid you about something this serious.


Well of course it is!!

The Fly Fisherman

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The navy eh, it all becomes clear now. They made you become anal. :o

What do I care if there are empty business units in the building? Hillside has all the amenities that I need, the ones that were listed previous. Empty units for business does not mean Hillside has major issues, it means it has empty units for business.

Security is being provided, so no, I'm not upset. The guards do do rounds on the floors to make sure all is well. Once again, you are off on a tangent with a stick beating a dead hoarse. You think you know more about the security here by walking around for 15 mins than people who live here. Well, you dont.

Now I am beginning to think you are slightly retarded. Yes there are units available, but just because they are vacant DOES NOT MEAN THAT THEY ARE AVAILABLE. Really, its not a difficult concept to grasp. Sorry for yelling, but man oh man.

Yes, negative about Hillside. And I would bet that you are negative about a WHOLE LOT OF OTHER THINGS in Thailand. JMO Creative thinking, sure what ever. I call it observation.

I understand about wanting to improve things, but how are you doing that by stating negative claims about Hillside? What are you trying to improve by that?

Edited by ZEAK
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>>>The navy eh, it all becomes clear now. They made you become anal. :o

Again, you're discussing me instead of discussing the building. Why?

>>>What do I care if there are empty business units in the building? Hillside has all the amenities >>>that I need, the ones that were listed previous.

Just a couple of hours ago you stated; "I COULD NOT CARE LESS IF THERE ARE NOT ANY BUSINESSES HERE" Please chose one stance or the other. Going back and forth like this gets confusing for those of us reading what you write.

>>>Security is being provided, so no, I'm not upset. The guards do do rounds on the floors to >>>make sure all is well.

A chain is only as strong as its weakest link. If anyone can just wander into the building on what are supposedly secure floors, then they aren't very secure, are they? During the time I was in the building, walking around the upper floors, I never once saw a security guard. They were all in the basement trying to squeeze more cars into the car park. I'm sure they do make their rounds. But those rounds don't seem to be too effective. But it seems there are those who don't care that the service they pay for is not being supplied. If they don't care, that's fine with me. You/they are paying, not me.

>>> You think you know more about the security here by walking around for 15 mins than people >>>who live here.

Getting creative again? I never said that I knew anything more than the fact that I was able to enter secure areas in Hillside Plaza 4 without needing a key to do so. To me, that is not secure. Is that secure in your definition? After all, isn't a special key card required to get out of the lift enclosures? I didn't need to use one. The doors were either fully opened or ajar.

>>> Now I am beginning to think you are slightly retarded.

There you go with the personal attacks again. Can't you keep to the subject of the problems of Hillside Plaza 4? Why, in every post, do you need to call me names? Please stick to the issues of Hillside Plaza 4.

>>> Yes there are units available,

Riiiight..... So in this post you say they ARE available. In your last post you said they were NOT available. Of course in your post before that one you said, and I'll show you your quote again: "There are units available, but not many and not the best ones." Well, you've certainly got me confused. Are there units available or are then no units available. This is not a trick question. A simple 'yes' or 'no' will work.

>>>Really, its not a difficult concept to grasp.

It would seem otherwise, based up previous posts. So, 'yes' or 'no?' Either there are units for sale or there aren't units for sale. Please chose one. So far you've changed your mind with each and every post.

>>> Yes, negative about Hillside.

Hey! 10 points for accuracy! And a bonus of 5 more for it being the first time!

>>> And I would bet that you are negative about a WHOLE LOT OF OTHER THINGS in Thailand.

You're almost right! I'm negative about the lack of law enforcement. I'm negative about the child prostitution. I'm sickened by the sight of 5 year olds having to sell flowers at 2am. I'm negative about the fact that schooling is not provided by the government after 6th grade. I'm negative about elderly hill tribe villagers not being able to survive the winter temperatures because they can't afford warm clothing. You're correct. I am negative about these things. But at the same time I'm working to try to rectify those areas in which I can have some effect. I don't run off to Singapore, nor do I hide my head in the sand and pretend everything is OK because 'this Is Thailand.' It may come as a surprise but many Thais aren't happy about these things either, and we all work together to try to fix what we can.

>>> I understand about wanting to improve things

I'm sure you understand about wanting to improve things. But I'm just as sure that you will do little to achieve that goal.

Your statement; "What do I care if there are empty business units in the building? Hillside has all the amenities that I need" pretty much sums it up.

>>> but how are you doing that by stating negative claims about Hillside?

Exposure of the problem is the first step in correcting it. The OP of this thread was willing to cut his own profits to expose these problems so that others might not fall into the same trap as he did. Others, not nameing names of course, will just find some unsuspecting mark to pawn off their mistakes. Caveat Emptor? Is that how you really want to live? Of course we have to... for now.

The Fly Fisherman

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>>>The navy eh, it all becomes clear now. They made you become anal. :o

Again, you're discussing me instead of discussing the building. Why?

>>>What do I care if there are empty business units in the building? Hillside has all the amenities >>>that I need, the ones that were listed previous.

Just a couple of hours ago you stated; "I COULD NOT CARE LESS IF THERE ARE NOT ANY BUSINESSES HERE" Please chose one stance or the other. Going back and forth like this gets confusing for those of us reading what you write.

>>>Security is being provided, so no, I'm not upset. The guards do do rounds on the floors to >>>make sure all is well.

A chain is only as strong as its weakest link. If anyone can just wander into the building on what are supposedly secure floors, then they aren't very secure, are they? During the time I was in the building, walking around the upper floors, I never once saw a security guard. They were all in the basement trying to squeeze more cars into the car park. I'm sure they do make their rounds. But those rounds don't seem to be too effective. But it seems there are those who don't care that the service they pay for is not being supplied. If they don't care, that's fine with me. You/they are paying, not me.

>>> You think you know more about the security here by walking around for 15 mins than people >>>who live here.

Getting creative again? I never said that I knew anything more than the fact that I was able to enter secure areas in Hillside Plaza 4 without needing a key to do so. To me, that is not secure. Is that secure in your definition? After all, isn't a special key card required to get out of the lift enclosures? I didn't need to use one. The doors were either fully opened or ajar.

>>> Now I am beginning to think you are slightly retarded.

There you go with the personal attacks again. Can't you keep to the subject of the problems of Hillside Plaza 4? Why, in every post, do you need to call me names? Please stick to the issues of Hillside Plaza 4.

>>> Yes there are units available,

Riiiight..... So in this post you say they ARE available. In your last post you said they were NOT available. Of course in your post before that one you said, and I'll show you your quote again: "There are units available, but not many and not the best ones." Well, you've certainly got me confused. Are there units available or are then no units available. This is not a trick question. A simple 'yes' or 'no' will work.

>>>Really, its not a difficult concept to grasp.

It would seem otherwise, based up previous posts. So, 'yes' or 'no?' Either there are units for sale or there aren't units for sale. Please chose one. So far you've changed your mind with each and every post.

>>> Yes, negative about Hillside.

Hey! 10 points for accuracy! And a bonus of 5 more for it being the first time!

>>> And I would bet that you are negative about a WHOLE LOT OF OTHER THINGS in Thailand.

You're almost right! I'm negative about the lack of law enforcement. I'm negative about the child prostitution. I'm sickened by the sight of 5 year olds having to sell flowers at 2am. I'm negative about the fact that schooling is not provided by the government after 6th grade. I'm negative about elderly hill tribe villagers not being able to survive the winter temperatures because they can't afford warm clothing. You're correct. I am negative about these things. But at the same time I'm working to try to rectify those areas in which I can have some effect. I don't run off to Singapore, nor do I hide my head in the sand and pretend everything is OK because 'this Is Thailand.' It may come as a surprise but many Thais aren't happy about these things either, and we all work together to try to fix what we can.

>>> I understand about wanting to improve things

I'm sure you understand about wanting to improve things. But I'm just as sure that you will do little to achieve that goal.

Your statement; "What do I care if there are empty business units in the building? Hillside has all the amenities that I need" pretty much sums it up.

>>> but how are you doing that by stating negative claims about Hillside?

Exposure of the problem is the first step in correcting it. The OP of this thread was willing to cut his own profits to expose these problems so that others might not fall into the same trap as he did. Others, not nameing names of course, will just find some unsuspecting mark to pawn off their mistakes. Caveat Emptor? Is that how you really want to live? Of course we have to... for now.

The Fly Fisherman

I thought this was about Hillside, not you saving Thailand. And sorry man, I do not believe you to be a fighter of evil and a do gooder. These are just your words, and from all that you wrote I take them with same bucket of salt that took all the rest of your comments regarding Hillside.

I will give you this though, you are the very best at construing my comments when you knew exactly what I was talking about. Me being satisfied with the amenities at Hillside and me "helping to change Thailand" have nothing in common.

Think what you will about Hillside, I am happy here, and I would say the majority of people are. You dont like Hillside, thats fine. Just dont make out like you know everything about it, cause you dont, all you have is your opinion, and I have mine.

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I'm writing this to warn others of the mistake that would be made purchasing a flat in Hillside Plaza 4. My mistake was purchasing two without first living there. This was a serious error. Besides being overpriced, the construction is quite substandard! :D

Yesterday the electrial power went out (again, as it does most every week,) at 10PM but this time it didn't come back on until 11:30 this morning. Tonight, there is barely enough water pressure to run the shower. These are constant occurances. :D

Add to this the lack of parking under the building, except on Saturday or Sunday, the loss of mail by the fron office, the poor housekeeping service, (three charwomen can spend two hours in one loo chatting, then finish the entire rest of the room in five minutes, leaving cobwebs all along the ceilings, dust under the beds, and mud streaks from the quick mop without a rinse of the living room floors.

I made a mistake. Don't you do the same. Steer clear of Hillside Plaza 4 if you are looking to make a purchase. On the other hand, if you want to overpay for low quality investment property, this is the perfect place as there are dozens of empty flats just waiting for another fool like me. :o

Simon Wright

oh your just making stuff up. I live in Hillside 4 and the power was out for maybe an hour. When there is a power outtage its not just the building. Try looking out the window to see that other properties don't have power either. Its fairly rare but there have been two outtages in the last week or so. Moving to another building is not going to change that.

Water pressure? It does vary but I live on the 14th floor and never had trouble taking a shower.

Never lost a single piece of mail here ever.

I use a private house cleaner and she is the greatest. 1 hour of hard work for 100 baht. Never a complaint and she does great massage also for 150 baht an hour.

I think your exaggerating at the least because the power was not out like you say.

I know several people who live in Hillside Plaza 4, and all report the same conditions. All describe it as shoddy construction with poor quality electical service. Almost all that I know have been stuck in broken elevators, keep flashlights in every room, and can't be bothered to reset electric clocks or timers as it becomes a never ending task because of the power failures.

The Fly Fisherman

electrical problems are endemic in thai construction...........no standards :D:D

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Exposure of the problem is the first step in correcting it. The OP of this thread was willing to cut his own profits to expose these problems so that others might not fall into the same trap as he did. Others, not nameing names of course, will just find some unsuspecting mark to pawn off their mistakes. Caveat Emptor? Is that how you really want to live? Of course we have to... for now.

The Fly Fisherman

Exposure of the problem?? What problem? Parking, ok, address it. Empty units for businesses? Is that a problem? Not for me. Open doors on some floors for a few minutes? How is this a problem? Has there been a string of break ins that I do not know about? The open doors have not "been a problem as far as I know. Lets see what else, oh the heat issue on the south-west side, well, like I said in the previous posts there is no heat issue. Hmmm. Power outages, yes this happens......everywhere in Thailand. So attacking Hillside is not really addressing the problem now is it.

"Might not fall into the same trap as he did" Thats funny, really it is. You are implying he was "deceived" and "tricked" into buying units at Hillside. Well, I for one weigh the pros and the cons of a decision before acting. And you know what, almost every choice will have some type of con of a varying degree. Life is not white and black, its shades of grey. Your militant way of looking at life will not always work, sorry man, life is complex.

"Others, not nameing names of course, will just find some unsuspecting mark to pawn off their mistakes" So, with this comment of yours, you just accused every would be seller of units at Hillside to be cons. Meaning that every seller thinks there are major issues and are looking to sell their units to naive buyers. Really?

Edited by ZEAK
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You might as well call it a day! There is nothing that you, or anyone else, is going to say to Physherman that is not going to be taken out of context and twisted. It is clear he has a big downer on Hillside 4, and I suspect will never reveal the true reason why, if he knows it himself.

The (mostly) empty business units serve an important purpose. They allow many more condos to be sold to farang, whilst keeping the farang building floor occupancy below the 49% level.

Take heart from the fact that whilst many people enjoy living at Hillside 4, and get on with their lives, Physherman drives by every day getting more and more angry about the place.

The only thing that concerns me is that when I am out of town and my girlfriend is there on her own, this individual is wondering about the place testing the security. This is something I will be taking up with Dr Charnsiri Suterong in the management office.

Take care

Edited by Whenin Tha
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You might as well call it a day! There is nothing that you, or anyone else, is going to say to Physherman that is not going to be taken out of context and twisted. It is clear he has a big downer on Hillside 4, and I suspect will never reveal the true reason why, if he knows it himself.

The (mostly) empty business units serve an important purpose. They allow many more condos to be sold to farang, whilst keeping the farang building floor occupancy below the 49% level.

Take heart from the fact that whilst many people enjoy living at Hillside 4, and get on with their lives, Physherman drives by every day getting more and more angry about the place.

The only thing that concerns me is that when I am out of town and my girlfriend is there on her own, this individual is wondering about the place testing the security. This is something I will be taking up with Dr Charnsiri Suterong in the management office.

Take care

I couldnt agree more. Have a good one!

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Exposure of the problem is the first step in correcting it. The OP of this thread was willing to cut his own profits to expose these problems so that others might not fall into the same trap as he did. Others, not nameing names of course, will just find some unsuspecting mark to pawn off their mistakes. Caveat Emptor? Is that how you really want to live? Of course we have to... for now.

The Fly Fisherman

>>>Exposure of the problem?? What problem?

>>> Parking, ok,

See that? When you give it some objective thought you can see the problems yourself! Well done!

>>> address it.

Thanks to the people who live there who are distressed by it, they did address it, they did contact the management, and now something is being done to [/i]correct the problem. That's how progress is made.

>>> Empty units for businesses? Is that a problem? Not for me.

Some folks actually think about others, not just themselves.

>>> Open doors on some floors for a few minutes? How is this a problem?

You are paying for security and not getting it. If you enjoy paying for things and not getting them, then this isn't a problem for you. It is for others.

>>> Has there been a string of break ins that I do not know about?

Yes, two years ago. Doors were being forced open with some sort of pry bar.

>>> And you know what, almost every choice will have some type of con of a varying degree.

Wow! I'm glad I don't think like that. I've never felt that 'almost every choice will have some type of con.' I'm sorry that you do.

>>>"Others, not nameing names of course, will just find some unsuspecting mark to pawn off their >>> mistakes" So, with this comment of yours, you just accused every would be seller of units at >>> Hillside to be cons. Meaning that every seller thinks there are major issues and are looking to >>>sell their units to naive buyers. Really?

No, not really. You are the one saying every seller, not me. Just more of your creativity to reinforce your statements. I said 'others,' you said 'every.' You have already shown us that you only care about yourself. Now you show us that you need to change my wording to justify it.

The Fly Fisherman

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>>> The (mostly) empty business units serve an important purpose. They allow many more condos to >>> be sold to farang, whilst keeping the farang building floor occupancy below the 49% level.

The confusion level keeps rising. First someone says there are no condos for sale, then says there are some condos for sale, then another says there aren't any for sale, and then says there are many for sale. And now you tell us that the reason for 31 empty business units is to allow many more condos to be sold to farang. How can many more condos be sold if there aren't any condos for sale? Are they really keeping all those business rentals empty on purpose. 31 units? So much confusion about a single building.

>>> Take heart from the fact that whilst many people enjoy living at Hillside 4, and get on with their >>> lives, Physherman drives by every day getting more and more angry about the place.

Not angry at all. I don't have to live there! :o

It's just some building I pass each day, and visit from time to time, and have opinions about, and enjoy discussing. Some people like to debate politics, others debate sports teams. I prefer debating things closer to home. We all get to choose. :D

>>> The only thing that concerns me is that when I am out of town and my girlfriend is there on her >>> own, this individual is wondering about the place testing the security.

No need for concern. ZEAK says there is no problem with security. You can trust him. He lives there.

>>> This is something I will be taking up with Dr Charnsiri Suterong in the management office.

Now that's the first rational progress I've heard from the Hillside team. You have to address the problems if you're going to correct them. Well done! Simply ask him remove the detent that allows the lift enclosure doors to be kept open without holding them. Easy to do, but someone has to first bring it to the attention of the management. Sometimes discussion can lead to positive corrective action!

The Fly Fisherman

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I went there on Monday.

Simple FACT = there are tonnes for sale.

They showed me the plan / what's available.

If anyone doesn't believe me...simply go there and tell the girls you want to buy.

Side note: building management sell a 49 sq m condo for 1.57 million.

There's many available for private sale at around 1.1 to 1.3.

So, i am guessing those sellers ARE losing money.

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Very interesting read, although a bit confusing at times..I noticed the original OP, opted out and let Plysherman, (who has to be American) Do the Save the world bit, cant help but wonder what was his agenda... :D

Obviously the boys, Zeak and Whenin Tha are younger chaps and just enjoy life..

I think the personal attacks were not warranted,

Perhaps the later part of the saga should have been on the Jokes page..

After 13 years in Thailand why doesn't this surprise me.. :o

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Exposure of the problem is the first step in correcting it. The OP of this thread was willing to cut his own profits to expose these problems so that others might not fall into the same trap as he did. Others, not nameing names of course, will just find some unsuspecting mark to pawn off their mistakes. Caveat Emptor? Is that how you really want to live? Of course we have to... for now.

The Fly Fisherman

>>>Exposure of the problem?? What problem?

>>> Parking, ok,

See that? When you give it some objective thought you can see the problems yourself! Well done!

>>> address it.


Thanks to the people who live there who are distressed by it, they did address it, they did contact the management, and now something is being done to [/i]correct the problem. That's how progress is made.

>>> Empty units for businesses? Is that a problem? Not for me.

Some folks actually think about others, not just themselves.

>>> Open doors on some floors for a few minutes? How is this a problem?

You are paying for security and not getting it. If you enjoy paying for things and not getting them, then this isn't a problem for you. It is for others.

>>> Has there been a string of break ins that I do not know about?

Yes, two years ago. Doors were being forced open with some sort of pry bar.

>>> And you know what, almost every choice will have some type of con of a varying degree.

Wow! I'm glad I don't think like that. I've never felt that 'almost every choice will have some type of con.' I'm sorry that you do.

>>>"Others, not nameing names of course, will just find some unsuspecting mark to pawn off their >>> mistakes" So, with this comment of yours, you just accused every would be seller of units at >>> Hillside to be cons. Meaning that every seller thinks there are major issues and are looking to >>>sell their units to naive buyers. Really?

No, not really. You are the one saying every seller, not me. Just more of your creativity to reinforce your statements. I said 'others,' you said 'every.' You have already shown us that you only care about yourself. Now you show us that you need to change my wording to justify it.

The Fly Fisherman

Sigh. Parking. You really enjoy beatin that dead hoarse dont you? Or is parking the only issue with merit, thats why you keep going on about it even though it was mentioned along time ago as an issue and no one debated it. NO ONE DEBATED PARKING IS AN ISSUE, so who are you arguing with?? :o

Empty units for businesses? Is that a problem? Not for me.

"Some folks actually think about others, not just themselves."

Are you trying to say Im selfish? All because I do not work myself up into a hissy fit because there are vacant business units in the building? Your comment does not make much sense, really, it doesn't. You dodge the question of how some empty units are a problem by throwing sand a me sniffling. Now THATS creative.

Security. Hmmm. Last I saw there WERE guards in the building working. So yes, I am paying for security and yes, I am receiving that service. Why might you ask. Well, my being feels safe here, and I feel that it is ok to leave my belongings here while away, hence being A SAFE PLACE TO LIVE. You can not debate this fact, Hillside is a very safe place to live. I am not paying for a secure building with armed guards at every floor, bomb detection, xray machines, check points and cavity searches. Is this what you want when you say you want a secure building? Is it a little post navy fantasy of yours? Just asking. And the fact that there was A break in years ago does not mean there is a security issue. I said has there been a string of break ins, meaning multiple issues that THEN would indicate a problem. Please read the statement before replying. I did not ask you to research the last isolated incident, but thanks anyways.

"Wow! I'm glad I don't think like that. I've never felt that 'almost every choice will have some type of con.' I'm sorry that you do."

From what I gather from you, EVERYTHING IS A CON. And I never said that I FEEL almost every choice will have some type of con. Big difference between FEELING something and ANALYZING a decision. Once again, you have twisted what I said. Please try not to do that.

"No, not really. You are the one saying every seller, not me. Just more of your creativity to reinforce your statements. I said 'others,' you said 'every.' You have already shown us that you only care about yourself. Now you show us that you need to change my wording to justify it."

Just because you prefer to use the word "others", does not change the implied content of your comment. Stop trying to sneak out the back door. You fail to address the root of the comment by trying to use your "slight of word" and focusing on something trivial. Every reader can see what you were implying, nothing you can do about that.

In closing, I really have to say that your rebuttals are weak and militant, and fail to address alot of the core statements. You are a negative person that can not admit when one is wrong and I am very glad that I do not know you personally, as I FEEL that you would have nothing good to bring to any situation, not only Hillside. You will most likely pick apart this response and construe my comments to fit your delusions. I have grown weary :D of your manipulative game and will not respond to anymore of your posts, so go ahead, construe away!! :D

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I went there on Monday.

Simple FACT = there are tonnes for sale.

They showed me the plan / what's available.

If anyone doesn't believe me...simply go there and tell the girls you want to buy.

Side note: building management sell a 49 sq m condo for 1.57 million.

There's many available for private sale at around 1.1 to 1.3.

So, i am guessing those sellers ARE losing money.

My God! Are you trying to confuse the issue by introducing FACTS! What will the people who live there think? :o

I tried facts myself, but the twins got very upset at what I found. We shouldn't disrupt their status quo, although one did say that he would talk with the manager about security. Maybe one of my facts actually got through. :D

If the management is asking 1.5 mil, and the people who've already bought in are asking 1.1 to 1.3, it IS a safe bet those sellers are taking a loss. But that's the only way they can unload condos in Hillside Plaza 4; find a sucker who thinks the price is right. Just what the OP refused to do.

Sometimes people will inadvertanly stumble over the truth. Unfortunately most will just pick themselves up, dust themselves off, and continue on the wrong path. :D

The Fly Fisherman

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There are 3 general rules that govern experts in Thailand; they are:

1. Never let the truth get in the way of a good story.

2. Never let someone else’s superior knowledge alter your opinion.

3. If you do ever find yourself losing an argument, then simply claim the other party is lying and attacking you.

Usually they are retired millionaire bond dealers, pilots or "tough" ex-Service people. Bars in Thailand are full of them. The topic is not actually that important, it could be the price of fish; it's the argument that counts.

Physherman has had his 15 minutes, upset quite a few and I am sure feels very pleased with himself. But as you say my friend, it is time to empty your glass and move to a different bar.

Enjoy Hilside 4, and you will just have to accept the fact the place makes others so mad, or should I say, sad.

Edited by Whenin Tha
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A lot of this is contextual also...

I mean to say, a small condo at Hillside is 1.1 to 1.5 million baht.

In Aussie dollars, that's 40 - 50 000.

For a place with a great location, pool, great views.

If you've earnt your money abroad, paying 40 grand for one of those is not a big deal at all I'd imagine. You'd pay ten times that in Sydney.

Conversely, if you're on local wages, i'd suggest they're pretty expensive / over priced and there's better "value" around.

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A lot of this is contextual also...

I mean to say, a small condo at Hillside is 1.1 to 1.5 million baht.

In Aussie dollars, that's 40 - 50 000.

For a place with a great location, pool, great views.

If you've earnt your money abroad, paying 40 grand for one of those is not a big deal at all I'd imagine. You'd pay ten times that in Sydney.

Conversely, if you're on local wages, i'd suggest they're pretty expensive / over priced and there's better "value" around.

If you've earnt your money abroad "you've got to earn your money abroad and bring it into Thailand"

You cannot purchase a condo unless the money has been brought in for that purpose.

And frankly what is the point of quoting Sydney prices. This is Chiangmai and not Sydney.

You could probably buy yourself something quite nice for that sort of money in Darfur too.

Edited by john b good
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If the management is asking 1.5 mil, and the people who've already bought in are asking 1.1 to 1.3, it IS a safe bet those sellers are taking a loss.

The Fly Fisherman

True IF the sellers bought their condo yesterday at 1.49999 million. If they bought 3-5 years ago or more, when prices were lower, then it is a safe bet that they will be taking a profit.

Also the management asking price is usually higher than their selling price.

Edited by mongoose
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If you've earnt your money abroad "you've got to earn your money abroad and bring it into Thailand"

You cannot purchase a condo unless the money has been brought in for that purpose.

And frankly what is the point of quoting Sydney prices. This is Chiangmai and not Sydney.

You could probably buy yourself something quite nice for that sort of money in Darfur too.

It IS relevant mate as most the people there seem to be over 50 and I'd 'suggest' they've earnt their money abroad / sold a property in Aus, the UK, USA etc and paying for Hillside 4 would be a mere dent in their sales back home.

I don't know any ajarns working here who own one, put it that way...

Edited by KhunLing
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If the management is asking 1.5 mil, and the people who've already bought in are asking 1.1 to 1.3, it IS a safe bet those sellers are taking a loss.

The Fly Fisherman

True if the sellers bought their condo yesterday at 1.49999 million. If they bought 3-5 years ago or more, when prices were lower, then it is a safe bet that they will be taking a profit.

My recollection is that the 45 meter studios were going for about 800k-900k about 12-18 months ago. About 600k 2 1/2 - 3 years ago. while I don't like the complex at all, one can't say it isn't a decent return on investment in that period.

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I can't beleive this thread is still alive.

I'm one of 3 posters who said we'd like to buy an apt in Hillside 4. There may be some studio apts for sale, but no one has posted here that they have one available nor has anyone PM'd me.

btw, I'm only looking for 90 sq. m. and up. I know about the sign on the pole for the overpriced apt for sale and there is also a poorly laid out 1 br, 2 ba apt.

Lots of vacant apts, maybe? But no one wants to sell.

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If the management is asking 1.5 mil, and the people who've already bought in are asking 1.1 to 1.3, it IS a safe bet those sellers are taking a loss.

The Fly Fisherman

True if the sellers bought their condo yesterday at 1.49999 million. If they bought 3-5 years ago or more, when prices were lower, then it is a safe bet that they will be taking a profit.

My recollection is that the 45 meter studios were going for about 800k-900k about 12-18 months ago. About 600k 2 1/2 - 3 years ago. while I don't like the complex at all, one can't say it isn't a decent return on investment in that period.

Half that return is more than decent in most people's books. I will get in line behind El Jeffe and the others who want to buy.

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If the management is asking 1.5 mil, and the people who've already bought in are asking 1.1 to 1.3, it IS a safe bet those sellers are taking a loss.

The Fly Fisherman

True if the sellers bought their condo yesterday at 1.49999 million. If they bought 3-5 years ago or more, when prices were lower, then it is a safe bet that they will be taking a profit.

My recollection is that the 45 meter studios were going for about 800k-900k about 12-18 months ago. About 600k 2 1/2 - 3 years ago. while I don't like the complex at all, one can't say it isn't a decent return on investment in that period.

It could be a great return on investment... but only if you can find someone to buy it from you. Having a big perfect diamond is only valuable when there is someone to give you that value or allow you to use it as collateral. Otherwise, it's just a pretty lump of carbon. Right now, not many seem to want to give that value for these units.

The Fly Fisherman

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If the management is asking 1.5 mil, and the people who've already bought in are asking 1.1 to 1.3, it IS a safe bet those sellers are taking a loss.

The Fly Fisherman

True if the sellers bought their condo yesterday at 1.49999 million. If they bought 3-5 years ago or more, when prices were lower, then it is a safe bet that they will be taking a profit.

My recollection is that the 45 meter studios were going for about 800k-900k about 12-18 months ago. About 600k 2 1/2 - 3 years ago. while I don't like the complex at all, one can't say it isn't a decent return on investment in that period.

It could be a great return on investment... but only if you can find someone to buy it from you. Having a big perfect diamond is only valuable when there is someone to give you that value or allow you to use it as collateral. Otherwise, it's just a pretty lump of carbon. Right now, not many seem to want to give that value for these units.

The Fly Fisherman

Thousands of Punters buy Beer Bars in Thailand..So Whats different ??? :o

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If the management is asking 1.5 mil, and the people who've already bought in are asking 1.1 to 1.3, it IS a safe bet those sellers are taking a loss.

The Fly Fisherman

True if the sellers bought their condo yesterday at 1.49999 million. If they bought 3-5 years ago or more, when prices were lower, then it is a safe bet that they will be taking a profit.

My recollection is that the 45 meter studios were going for about 800k-900k about 12-18 months ago. About 600k 2 1/2 - 3 years ago. while I don't like the complex at all, one can't say it isn't a decent return on investment in that period.

It could be a great return on investment... but only if you can find someone to buy it from you. Having a big perfect diamond is only valuable when there is someone to give you that value or allow you to use it as collateral. Otherwise, it's just a pretty lump of carbon. Right now, not many seem to want to give that value for these units.

The Fly Fisherman

ok, so now you switch the problem from prices to lack of buyers.

Is your opinion that there are few buyers based on any facts? What is the relationship between the number of units seriously for sale and the sales rate?

Comparing big perfect diamonds to CM condos is a bit of a reach. They are in different price ranges, they have very different uses and the market for moderately priced homes has a much larger potential buyer group. A home is truely useful.

What do you know about the diamond market? In New York, how long does it take to get 4 bids and sell a $50,000 diamond at a fair price? More than 2-3 days?

The thought that something only has value if it can be quickly exchanged for cash is limited investment principle. It is useful for traders/trading and the part of the assets that may be needed for emergencies. Many investors make long term investments without which there would be little in what is called "the economy"

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If the management is asking 1.5 mil, and the people who've already bought in are asking 1.1 to 1.3, it IS a safe bet those sellers are taking a loss.

The Fly Fisherman

True if the sellers bought their condo yesterday at 1.49999 million. If they bought 3-5 years ago or more, when prices were lower, then it is a safe bet that they will be taking a profit.

My recollection is that the 45 meter studios were going for about 800k-900k about 12-18 months ago. About 600k 2 1/2 - 3 years ago. while I don't like the complex at all, one can't say it isn't a decent return on investment in that period.

It could be a great return on investment... but only if you can find someone to buy it from you. Having a big perfect diamond is only valuable when there is someone to give you that value or allow you to use it as collateral. Otherwise, it's just a pretty lump of carbon. Right now, not many seem to want to give that value for these units.

The Fly Fisherman

>>>>ok, so now you switch the problem from prices to lack of buyers.

Prices, lack of buyers, faulty construction, bad wiring, poor security, poor parking, etc., etc., etc., They've all been mentioned at one time or another in this thread.

>>>Is your opinion that there are few buyers based on any facts?

Yes. The fact that there are so many empty units for sale. Go in and see for yourself. That's what Khun Ling did, and discovered that there are many units still available. Don't take our word for it. Go see for yourself.

>>> What is the relationship between the number of units seriously for sale and the sales rate?

Is this a trick question?

>>>What do you know about the diamond market? In New York, how long does it take to get 4 bids and sell a $50,000 diamond at a fair price? More than 2-3 days?

Sorry, the proper question would be what do I care about the diamond market. If no one wants to buy yours, it hasn't any value, be it diamonds, puppies, flounder, or condos. If you can't find a buyer, or a bank that will allow you to use your goods as collateral on a loan, you have no cash value. Yes, you may still have a home. But if you bought that home to be used as investment and can't find a buyer, you have no cash value. Just a home.

>>> The thought that something only has value if it can be quickly exchanged for cash is limited investment principle.

That's true. But you are the one introducing the word 'quickly' into the equation. Not me. I'm certain many people have bought units with the idea of long term investment. Unfortunately, the market isn't rising as was hoped. So much for long term investments. One might do better with an ordinary bank savings account.

I guess you are an condo owner in the building too, right? :D

Some 2500 views to this thread, 78 posts with 3-4 arguing for Hillside Plaza 4, 2-3 enjoying the thread but not the format, leaving 2,415 views just for fun. Aren't you having fun? :o

The Fly Fisherman

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