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Relinquish Servitude

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If Servitude is awarded in the Courts to a Village can it be relinquished for a fee if appropriate.

Situation has a third party owning property that was never included as Common Land and yet many years of using has provided that land the right to Servitude.

Can it be relinquished

Is there any laws outlining this?

What sort of compensation could someone expect to pay the owners with servitude rights by the owner who cant sell the property unless they do relinquish servitude.?

Any thoughts and facts would be greatly appreciated.

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Section 1393. Unless otherwise provided in the act creating it, a servitude follows the dominant property when the latter is disposed of or made subject to other rights.

A servitude cannot be disposed of or made subject to other rights apart from the dominant property.

Seems to reflect the answer is No. ?

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