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Since Oct. 1st. has anyone obtained a first retirement visa based upon the equivalent of 800K baht in dollars or pounds in a Thai bank account?

The pound is set to strengthen against the baht, and I'd rather keep the loot in pounds.

Bangkok Bank has suitable foreign currency accounts yielding around 4% interest on fixed deposits.

But I can't find anything, beyond mutterings here, that confirms Thai Imm. will allow it for the RV.

Today, I went in person on a recce to Maisai Imm. Very pleasant, if slightly harassed Staff, and was told the funds must be in Thai baht. Though I got the impression this was very much a 'local ad hoc interpretation'. An indication of this was that he also said RV applications must have a medical certificate. (See what I mean?)

He also confirmed the funds must be in Tld for 3 months before you apply.

There are no official information forms available at the office, nothing on their website about this. maisaiimm.com

So, if Chiang Mai Imm do permit foreign currency accounts to be used for the RV, I would apply there. Or possibly even drop down to Pattaya Imm., if they were more flexible, and efficient.

Anything definite? Could somebody in Chiang Mai call into the Imm office and get a clear word on this please?

Btw. All new faces on Staff at the border checkpoint, which I thought was a good sign.


You will have to ask the immigration office you plan to use. Most seem to want a passport type savings account from reports. But there have been exceptions.

You will have to ask the immigration office you plan to use. Most seem to want a passport type savings account from reports. But there have been exceptions.

You mean a savings account in Thai baht, I take it?

Thanks, I'm not likely to get a sensible reply by phoning Chiang Maii or Pattaya Imm, so could Forum members who live in those places please check with their local Imm Office if they accept Foreign Currency accounts for the 800K RV?

Thanks, it will help others to have a definite word from the Authorities in each region.


I would not base anything final on what is told someone else. Believe most decisions take into account individual circumstances so it is best to discuss any gray area yourself.


Other poster has said recently that this was not accepted.

Do a search.

gt123 on this forum was not even allowed to use a Thai Baht fixed term deposit !

It had to be a savings account ! :o


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