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Gents, and gentesses, I've been toying with an idea.... Nothing confirmed, but thought I'd put this out here in an effort to let sleeping dogs lie on another thread.

So we all know Canyon bikes, with their direct sales program, are great value. I even own one of their Strives. It wasn't so long ago though, that people just bought a Canyon for the components and sold/binned the frame. With the frame quality so much better, you just wouldn't do that now days,,,, or would you?

Example: Canyon sell old stock through their 'Outlet'. Presently, they have a 2014 ULTIMATE CF 9.0 SLX LTD EPS CT for sale ... Phew, with that many letters after its name, it would need to be good. Luckily, it is - winner of a number of 'bike of the year accolades'. The original price USD 6089 has been marked down by $2810, so it is an absolute snip at $3279 [!] and just dripping with all those bellissimo [bellisssima?] Italian Campagnolo Super Record components including the 11speed EPS shifting.

[A note here to the uninitiated: this is not the kind of bike you can buy at your local Tesco, and yes, this thread has some bike snobbery attributes! Apologies.]

Of course, there is a rather large catch; a 3XL sized one. However, pricing up the components separately, it is obvious the cost to purchase same or similar is far far greater than $3279. Easy!

The dilemma then, is what frame to put those shiny baubles on. It can't be any old frame! Has to be Italian, EPS compatible. [And probably BB30 sad.png I think]. Moonoi once mentioned a Colnago C60, which is gorgeous with its luggs, but at RRP a frame costs nearly $6000! and it has a threadfit 82.5 BB, so my plan would be somewhat less than cunning if I want to do it economically..

So... what frame would make a good suitor, to make this marriage one of bliss? Thinking hats on please. And what to do with a 3XL frame???


You could get the old Pinarello Dogma 2 electronic frameset, on sale in Aus at around 65k THB ;) or how about a Colnago Master, around 100k THB I think, half the price of a C60 frameset.

I'm still waiting for my C60 to arrive, although I haven't gone with an italian drive train simply because of cost, had I seen that Canyon I could have made it! But then it would be me wondering what to do with that 3XL frame!


Yeah, unloading a 3XL frame in Thailand may be a little problematic. Might make a nice trellis?

Moonoi, point me to the Pinarello for 65k......



No problem, hope they have the right size for you, and you go for it. Would be an awesome build!

That 3XL frame would be a challenge to get rid of anywhere, probably why they haven't sold it yet, you could mount it on the wall in the bath room and use it as a toilet roll holder ;)

Sent from my turnip using Tapatalk


My wife does mosaic work. I had an unrideable frame. She mosaic'd it. It's now artwork hanging on a wall.

I hope the photo comes out.


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