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No Photographs


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The other day I noticed in our usual snooker hall (part of a hotel) a new sign prohibiting the use of cameras. It is apparent that anyone in breach of the 'rule' will be liable to a fine of Bht 2,000.00. Can anyone throw a light on how this rule can possibly be enforced?

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The other day I noticed in our usual snooker hall (part of a hotel) a new sign prohibiting the use of cameras. It is apparent that anyone in breach of the 'rule' will be liable to a fine of Bht 2,000.00. Can anyone throw a light on how this rule can possibly be enforced?

It would, of course, have to be a flashlight. :o

Beats the crap out of me but then they also ban photography in supermarkets.

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Anybody who lives in Chiang Mai will know that Denzel Washington is here filming American Gangster. I have a pretty negative experience of trying to take a miserable solitary photo of the man. I approached him as he say (away from the set) near the klong. His immediate reaction on seeing me and my (small) digital camera was, "Not during the day." His security guys then blocked me incase I was going to try to sneek a shot. I then asked his security if it was okay to take a photo in the evning and got an afirmative. Next evening, same again, blocked by his security. When I told them about their ruling the day before, I got, "it's not night time yet." I gave up and decided to give my Thai girlfriend the camera. She managed a couple of great close-up shots. So, if you're a farang, make sure you give a Thai your camera, and preferably a female. Another ex-pat I spoke to was told that he was making the actors uncomfortable and that if he didn't leave they would call the police to remove him. Such hardship these actors go through for a 20 million dollar pay package...don't you feel sorry for them?

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Anybody who lives in Chiang Mai will know that Denzel Washington is here filming American Gangster. I have a pretty negative experience of trying to take a miserable solitary photo of the man. I approached him as he say (away from the set) near the klong. His immediate reaction on seeing me and my (small) digital camera was, "Not during the day." His security guys then blocked me incase I was going to try to sneek a shot. I then asked his security if it was okay to take a photo in the evning and got an afirmative. Next evening, same again, blocked by his security. When I told them about their ruling the day before, I got, "it's not night time yet." I gave up and decided to give my Thai girlfriend the camera. She managed a couple of great close-up shots. So, if you're a farang, make sure you give a Thai your camera, and preferably a female. Another ex-pat I spoke to was told that he was making the actors uncomfortable and that if he didn't leave they would call the police to remove him. Such hardship these actors go through for a 20 million dollar pay package...don't you feel sorry for them?

Yes I know how he feels :o If you said you know Donz then maybe he would be taking pics of you.


If your a bloke who is that successful you probaly dont want guys taking pics of you, ladies on the other hand will be ok because they are ladies. Its just how some guys work. Plus photographers usually are males and he is probaly just minimising the % of some madeup story being made about him.

But who really knows eh

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I saw a sign on the wall of a vendor selling 'kanom' at the National Stadium that said 1,000 baht for every photo taken. So I asked the lady how she would extract the 1000 baht if I took photo and she just pointed to the BTS security guard who was hovering around 10 meters away.

A mate of mine was in a bar recently and was filming the ladies for his mate back home. He got collared by the Mamasan and he just shrugged it off saying he was just sending a text message. She believed him and he carried on much to the amusement of all those around him

At best, all they can do is kick you out, chase after you and demand it from you. But demanding and getting in reality are completely two different things and unless a copper sticks his nose in then its all a big con of trying to get the green horn to cough up without knowing that in all reality these jokers have no rights under current Thai law to ask you for anything or indeed fine you.

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In a snooker hall I can see that it might make someone nervous to have their picture being taken or the flash from someone taking someone elses picture would certainly be distracting to a serious shooter. I think its good policy to not allow photos to be taken without permission and the fine is probably just to let you know that they are serious about it and in fact they could impound any camera while waiting for the fine to be paid.


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I forgot to mention that Sir Ridley Scott is directing the movie. Another problem there. When I asked if I could have my photo taken with him, he said, "I don't do that, but if you want me to sign anything." A couple of years ago Tom Berenger was filming Sniper 3 here in Chiang Mai. A totally different story. He was pretty friendly and polite to all who came up to him, and taking photos of him or with him was no problem, and that was on set.

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:o It's not just the stars. I won't allow my daughters to be photographed. Miserable? Me? :D

Well now in Australia you can be sued for taking a photo with someones kid in it.

No pictures allowed to be taken at swimming carnivals or athletic carnivals now.

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Out of curiosity, is there a window in the snooker room over looking a military area?

No. There are no windows.

Regarding the flash 'putting serious players off': there is a television operating during every opening hour; the Thais gamble incessently and scream and shout whenever they win/lose; and to expect a Thai to stand still during an opponents shot .... well.

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I do recall reading years ago that there actually is some Thai law that declares photography not be permitted in public buildings like stores, malls, restaurants, etc. Don't have any sort of reference to this regulation where I can point anybody, nor do I recall the rationale for this prohibition.

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I do recall reading years ago that there actually is some Thai law that declares photography not be permitted in public buildings like stores, malls, restaurants, etc. Don't have any sort of reference to this regulation where I can point anybody, nor do I recall the rationale for this prohibition.

I understand that supermarkets etc. ban photography because it is an easy way for competitors to record pricing, stock and display strategies.

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I do recall reading years ago that there actually is some Thai law that declares photography not be permitted in public buildings like stores, malls, restaurants, etc. Don't have any sort of reference to this regulation where I can point anybody, nor do I recall the rationale for this prohibition.

I have access to a law faculty here and went and looked and cannot find a single thing about a law that prohibits photography in Thailand. There is a law that relates to privacy and copyright that could loosly be related but it depends more on what you intend to do with the photo rather than on the actual taking of a photo:

At the moment current Thai law covers of privacy by stating: "A person's family rights, dignity, reputation or his right to privacy shall be protected. The assertion or circulation of a statement or

picture in any manner whatsoever to the public, which violates or affects a person's family rights, dignity, reputation or the right of privacy, shall not be made except for the case which is beneficial to the public."

Thai Copyright act BE2537 covers the issue in the sense of obscene material (photos) specifically Supreme Court decision No.3705/2530 which ruled that: "Whoever produces, obtains or sells obscene material, then such a person has committed a crime according to article 287 of the Criminal code". For your information. Criminal Code Art.287. "Prohibits the making, producing, obtaining, importing and exporting of the obscene material for commercial purposes or distribution purposes"...

I wonder if anyone has ever had the thought to go to Phathip Plaza with this law though :o

Anyway, this is one of enforcement rather than the law iteself and I still struggle to see how they can actually get the money out of your pocket without you running off first

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Anybody who lives in Chiang Mai will know that Denzel Washington is here filming American Gangster. I have a pretty negative experience of trying to take a miserable solitary photo of the man. I approached him as he say (away from the set) near the klong. His immediate reaction on seeing me and my (small) digital camera was, "Not during the day." His security guys then blocked me incase I was going to try to sneek a shot. I then asked his security if it was okay to take a photo in the evning and got an afirmative. Next evening, same again, blocked by his security. When I told them about their ruling the day before, I got, "it's not night time yet." I gave up and decided to give my Thai girlfriend the camera. She managed a couple of great close-up shots. So, if you're a farang, make sure you give a Thai your camera, and preferably a female. Another ex-pat I spoke to was told that he was making the actors uncomfortable and that if he didn't leave they would call the police to remove him. Such hardship these actors go through for a 20 million dollar pay package...don't you feel sorry for them?

Yes I know how he feels :D If you said you know Donz then maybe he would be taking pics of you.


If your a bloke who is that successful you probaly dont want guys taking pics of you, ladies on the other hand will be ok because they are ladies. Its just how some guys work. Plus photographers usually are males and he is probaly just minimising the % of some madeup story being made about him.

But who really knows eh

hey donz,

you know that big get together that udon is organizing and 4 people are coming. :o

your that famous now that maybe udon will want to take your photo to hang in his shed. :D

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I do recall reading years ago that there actually is some Thai law that declares photography not be permitted in public buildings like stores, malls, restaurants, etc. Don't have any sort of reference to this regulation where I can point anybody, nor do I recall the rationale for this prohibition.

I have access to a law faculty here and went and looked and cannot find a single thing about a law that prohibits photography in Thailand. There is a law that relates to privacy and copyright that could loosly be related but it depends more on what you intend to do with the photo rather than on the actual taking of a photo:

Could be that whatever I read way back when was just a trumped-up justification for all of the no photography zones that one encounters throughout the kingdom.

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I do recall reading years ago that there actually is some Thai law that declares photography not be permitted in public buildings like stores, malls, restaurants, etc. Don't have any sort of reference to this regulation where I can point anybody, nor do I recall the rationale for this prohibition.

I have access to a law faculty here and went and looked and cannot find a single thing about a law that prohibits photography in Thailand. There is a law that relates to privacy and copyright that could loosly be related but it depends more on what you intend to do with the photo rather than on the actual taking of a photo:

Could be that whatever I read way back when was just a trumped-up justification for all of the no photography zones that one encounters throughout the kingdom.

I would suggest so. I even asked a Dr of Law for clarity and was told that no law about not taking photos exist in thailand so there you have it.

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Industrial espionage comes in many forms. This is a big reason why photos are banned in a lot of places. 7/11 has a proprietary method of choosing just what they stock, the sizes of the products and where and how they are displayed in the store. They know exactly what sells and how much to charge for it. Copy-cat chains would love to know that info.

I have always thought that, when people are out in go-go bars, they don't want some boob snapping away making a record of who was where and what happened behind the barn. Ban photos so customers don't get nervous.

Since the internet explosion, the ban on cameras has become wider and there are some legitimate reasons for not wanting your likeness showing up on a computer screen who-knows-where or for what reason.

Actors and actresses don't make a move without their public relations agent's approval and the advice they get is "a single snap-shot of you without make-up or proper lighting can be bad for your career. You are paying us a lot of money to protect and develop your image so we only want approved pictures in circulation."

The days of "any publicity is good publicity" and "just spell the name right" are long gone.

'nuff said


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