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UK tabloid urges Britain to free itself from ‘dictatorial Brussels’


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Good riddance. Hopefully once we leave the EU, Scotland will leave too! thumbsup.gif

I couldn't agree more - let's hope the country sees sense and cuts ties with this fetid, corrupt and undemocratic union for all time (the UK, not the EU).

You screwed up last time - try and do better next time.

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I couldn't agree more - let's hope the country sees sense and cuts ties with this fetid, corrupt and undemocratic union for all time (the UK, not the EU).

Even better, and take the poisoned dwarf Sturgeon with you.

Hadrian was right!

Take her where? She lives and works in Edinburgh - that was part of Scotland last time I checked.

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Almost every Brit that I know or speak with wants to leave the EU. Apparently, many Uk citizens has had enough of the EU policies that are opposed by many in the UK. If the UK does pull out expect a temporary decline in both the Pound and Euro but then a stronger Pound and a weaker Euro. Once Britain pulls out expect Germany to go next.

I would have thought Holland would have been next.

IMHO if Germany and Holland were to follow the UK into a Brexit the the EU as is is at the present simply will not be able to survive financially and it would indeed lead to the breakup of the EU. If you were to throw Spain and Italy into leaving as well it would be a worst case scenario for the EU.


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I imagine many EU citizens would like to be free of dictatorial Brussels, but few of them will ever get the chance to have a say due to their own dictatorial governments.

It has taken 35 years push and the rise of UKIP (in 2015 they polled 4m which was three times the total vote for the SNP in Scotland) to get this vote.

Cameron never realised the promise of a referendum would actually get him a majority government when he made the promise in 2014.

A vote for remain will be much more than any "status quo" as the EU will push on towards the undemocratic federal states of Europe and the middle east that the bureaucrats want.

Schäuble already said that if it comes to just a narrow win of the remain-side, the EU cannot move on with the deeper integration of the Union.

As he is a committed European who would not abandon his ideals easily, I think he wants to open a road that gives those member states wanting a deeper integration the opportunity to do so and leave the other states behind (just speculating).

Regarding the "dictatorial Brussels": have a look at Thailand, it gives you an idea how dictatorship looks like.

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I think he wants to open a road that gives those member states wanting a deeper integration the opportunity to do so and leave the other states behind (just speculating).

Leave what other states behind?

Deeper integration only applies to members that can afford it, the rest will follow as they are royally screwed anyway.

I truly hope the house of cards collapses within months.

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I couldn't agree more - let's hope the country sees sense and cuts ties with this fetid, corrupt and undemocratic union for all time (the UK, not the EU).

Even better, and take the poisoned dwarf Sturgeon with you.

Hadrian was right!

Take her where? She lives and works in Edinburgh - that was part of Scotland last time I checked.

Although it was part of Northumbria,capital York. This was of course before Scotland.

Edited by nontabury
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I couldn't agree more - let's hope the country sees sense and cuts ties with this fetid, corrupt and undemocratic union for all time (the UK, not the EU).

Even better, and take the poisoned dwarf Sturgeon with you.

Hadrian was right!

Take her where? She lives and works in Edinburgh - that was part of Scotland last time I checked.

Although it was part of Northumbria,capital York. This was of course before Scotland.

It was part of Pangaea before that, but I am not sure that either point is relevant today.

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Once Britain pulls out expect Germany to go next.

If Germany goes then it's lights out. Though, I would expect the Netherlands to kick up first.

It will be a domino effect across the biggest EU players if UK does Brexit.

There is a solid majority pro-EU in Germany. Political parties that want to leave the Union never had and never will have a chance (even the AfD=Alternative for Germany got their votes from the refugee situation and not from their anti-EU stance). Germany leaving the EU is EU-haters' wishful thinking and nothing else.

If the UK actually leaves, other states will watch carefully how the UK develops on its own. And as we all know, that development can be anything from success to total failure. In case of the latter all exit phantasies in other member states will experience a little crash and the door for deeper integration will be wide open. BTW, deeper integration means deeper political integration. So, all states can afford that. Economical strength is not a requirement.

On a sidenote: a recent survey found that 86% of the Germans would like the UK to remain in the EU (I am one of them). Not that it matters what Germans think, but maybe, just maybe, there is more to consider then just "screw you, we're better of without you".

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Once Britain pulls out expect Germany to go next.

If Germany goes then it's lights out. Though, I would expect the Netherlands to kick up first.

It will be a domino effect across the biggest EU players if UK does Brexit.

There is a solid majority pro-EU in Germany. Political parties that want to leave the Union never had and never will have a chance (even the AfD=Alternative for Germany got their votes from the refugee situation and not from their anti-EU stance). Germany leaving the EU is EU-haters' wishful thinking and nothing else.

If the UK actually leaves, other states will watch carefully how the UK develops on its own. And as we all know, that development can be anything from success to total failure. In case of the latter all exit phantasies in other member states will experience a little crash and the door for deeper integration will be wide open. BTW, deeper integration means deeper political integration. So, all states can afford that. Economical strength is not a requirement.

On a sidenote: a recent survey found that 86% of the Germans would like the UK to remain in the EU (I am one of them). Not that it matters what Germans think, but maybe, just maybe, there is more to consider then just "screw you, we're better of without you".

A united states of europe is Germany's dream not the UK's, so you go your way we'll go ours.

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Once Britain pulls out expect Germany to go next.

If Germany goes then it's lights out. Though, I would expect the Netherlands to kick up first.

It will be a domino effect across the biggest EU players if UK does Brexit.

There is a solid majority pro-EU in Germany. Political parties that want to leave the Union never had and never will have a chance (even the AfD=Alternative for Germany got their votes from the refugee situation and not from their anti-EU stance). Germany leaving the EU is EU-haters' wishful thinking and nothing else.

If the UK actually leaves, other states will watch carefully how the UK develops on its own. And as we all know, that development can be anything from success to total failure. In case of the latter all exit phantasies in other member states will experience a little crash and the door for deeper integration will be wide open. BTW, deeper integration means deeper political integration. So, all states can afford that. Economical strength is not a requirement.

On a sidenote: a recent survey found that 86% of the Germans would like the UK to remain in the EU (I am one of them). Not that it matters what Germans think, but maybe, just maybe, there is more to consider then just "screw you, we're better of without you".

A united states of europe is Germany's dream not the UK's, so you go your way we'll go ours.

Hm, at least one great British Politician found the idea of a United States of Europe not bad at all: Winston Churchill in his Zurich speech in 1946 ("Let Europe arise!"). smile.png

Before anybody start shouting at me, I know that he probably did not see the UK as a part of these united states.

And because it is somehow funny: I remember the predictions for the referendum in 1975 ("the British will never stay, still thinking they have an empire bla bla") and then 67% voted "yes". So, be prepared for surprises.

And whatever the result, I think Thursday evening will be more exciting than a football match England-Germany (which we usually win tongue.png ).

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Almost every Brit that I know or speak with wants to leave the EU. Apparently, many Uk citizens has had enough of the EU policies that are opposed by many in the UK. If the UK does pull out expect a temporary decline in both the Pound and Euro but then a stronger Pound and a weaker Euro. Once Britain pulls out expect Germany to go next.

Good and let dear Angela keep all the migrants she let in with her open door policy.

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I was in the UK last month. I don't think there has been such a divisive issue in my lifetime. My brother wants in, his wife wants out. As for me having long ago burned bridges to see out my days in Asia (I'm not in TL anymore), I can only cringe when I see what's happening to the £/$ exchange rate given that I have a $ account here.

The Chinese have a saying "Beware what you wish for", and of course we Brits - "The grass is always greener".

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The Sun: Favourite newspaper of Thick Brits (see most of above)

That is the Sun in England and Wales (not sure about NI). In Scotland, the typically mealy mouthed, weasely Murdoch is playing down Brexit. Why this cheating, lying charlatan of a man is allowed to have any influence on the public at large is beyond me.

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Almost every Brit that I know or speak with wants to leave the EU. Apparently, many Uk citizens has had enough of the EU policies that are opposed by many in the UK. If the UK does pull out expect a temporary decline in both the Pound and Euro but then a stronger Pound and a weaker Euro. Once Britain pulls out expect Germany to go next.

I would have thought Holland would have been next.

IMHO if Germany and Holland were to follow the UK into a Brexit the the EU as is is at the present simply will not be able to survive financially and it would indeed lead to the breakup of the EU. If you were to throw Spain and Italy into leaving as well it would be a worst case scenario for the EU.


germany will be the last one to leave. Merkel is EU.

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What do these groups/people have in comon?

• Governor of the Bank of England
• International Monetary Fund
• Institute for Fiscal Studies
• Confederation of British Industry
• Leaders/heads of state of every single other member of the EU
• President of the United States of America
• Eight former US Treasury Secretaries
• President of China
• Prime Minister of India
• Prime Minister of Canada
• Prime Minister of Australia
• Prime Minister of Japan
• Prime Minister of New Zealand
• The chief executives of most of the top 100 companies in the UK including Marks and Spencer, BT, Asda, Vodafone, Virgin, IBM, BMW etc.
• Kofi Annan, the former Secretary General of the United Nations
• All living former Prime Ministers of the UK (from both parties)
• Virtually all reputable and recognised economists
• The Prime Minister of the UK
• The leader of the Labour Party
• The Leader of the Liberal Democrats
• The Leader of the Green Party
• The Leader of the Scottish National Party
• The leader of Plaid Cymru
• Leader of Sinn Fein
• Martin Lewis, that money saving dude off the telly
• The Secretary General of the TUC
• Unison
• National Union of Students
• National Union of Farmers
• Stephen Hawking
• Chief Executive of the NHS
• 300 of the most prominent international historians
• Director of Europol
• David Anderson QC, Independent Reviewer of Terrorism Legislation
• Former Directors of GCHQ
• Secretary General of Nato
• Church of England
• Church in Scotland
• Church in Wales
• Friends of the Earth
• Greenpeace
• Director General of the World Trade Organisation
• World Bank

And these?

• Boris Johnson, who probably doesn’t really care either way, but knows he’ll become Prime Minister if the country votes to leave
• A former Secretary of State for Work and Pensions who carried out a brutal regime of cuts to benefits and essential support for the poorest in society as well as the disabled and sick
• That idiot that was Education Secretary and every single teacher in the country hated with a furious passion for the damage he was doing to the education system
• Leader of UKIP
• Britain First
• Donald Trump
• Keith Chegwin
• David Icke

Not forgetting Rupert Murdoch and The Sun

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What do these groups/people have in comon?

• Governor of the Bank of England

• International Monetary Fund

• Institute for Fiscal Studies

• Confederation of British Industry

• Leaders/heads of state of every single other member of the EU

• President of the United States of America

• Eight former US Treasury Secretaries

• President of China

• Prime Minister of India

• Prime Minister of Canada

• Prime Minister of Australia

• Prime Minister of Japan

• Prime Minister of New Zealand

• The chief executives of most of the top 100 companies in the UK including Marks and Spencer, BT, Asda, Vodafone, Virgin, IBM, BMW etc.

• Kofi Annan, the former Secretary General of the United Nations

• All living former Prime Ministers of the UK (from both parties)

• Virtually all reputable and recognised economists

• The Prime Minister of the UK

• The leader of the Labour Party

• The Leader of the Liberal Democrats

• The Leader of the Green Party

• The Leader of the Scottish National Party

• The leader of Plaid Cymru

• Leader of Sinn Fein

• Martin Lewis, that money saving dude off the telly

• The Secretary General of the TUC

• Unison

• National Union of Students

• National Union of Farmers

• Stephen Hawking

• Chief Executive of the NHS

• 300 of the most prominent international historians

• Director of Europol

• David Anderson QC, Independent Reviewer of Terrorism Legislation

• Former Directors of GCHQ

• Secretary General of Nato

• Church of England

• Church in Scotland

• Church in Wales

• Friends of the Earth

• Greenpeace

• Director General of the World Trade Organisation


• World Bank


And these?

• Boris Johnson, who probably doesn’t really care either way, but knows he’ll become Prime Minister if the country votes to leave

• A former Secretary of State for Work and Pensions who carried out a brutal regime of cuts to benefits and essential support for the poorest in society as well as the disabled and sick

• That idiot that was Education Secretary and every single teacher in the country hated with a furious passion for the damage he was doing to the education system

• Leader of UKIP


• Britain First

• Donald Trump

• Keith Chegwin

• David Icke

Not forgetting Rupert Murdoch and The Sun

Who gives a sh!t.

They all have one vote like the rest of us. Some of them do not even have a vote.

The fact that your 1st list could not not convince the public to stay in the EU is very telling.

Just like the majority of the politicians you list here. They are all out of touch with public opinion.

Government is supposed to represent the people, not big business. That why they are getting their collective asses handed to them on a plate.

Edited by SgtRock
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In the event of a pull out, the UK is going to face a very expensive 2 years as it will be obliged to negotiate new trade and immigration treaties with every country that was relying on EU related treaties. 5,000+ regulations, directives in respect to statutes relating to the European internal market for goods, services, capital and people. 1,100 trade agreements that were made as part of the EU with other countries will have to be renegotiated.

Wait until the bills have to be paid.

I don't think the fans of Brexit quite grasp that they won't be able to prance into the EU to work, to visit, to shop etc. and that their products will be subject to EU duties.

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In the event of a pull out, the UK is going to face a very expensive 2 years as it will be obliged to negotiate new trade and immigration treaties with every country that was relying on EU related treaties. 5,000+ regulations, directives in respect to statutes relating to the European internal market for goods, services, capital and people. 1,100 trade agreements that were made as part of the EU with other countries will have to be renegotiated.

Wait until the bills have to be paid.

I don't think the fans of Brexit quite grasp that they won't be able to prance into the EU to work, to visit, to shop etc. and that their products will be subject to EU duties.

I do not think that the remainers grasp that remaining in the EU is going to be very expensive for eternity after 2020 when the UK's current opt-outs come to an end.

Edited by SgtRock
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What do these groups/people have in comon?

• Governor of the Bank of England

• International Monetary Fund

• Institute for Fiscal Studies

• Confederation of British Industry

• Leaders/heads of state of every single other member of the EU

• President of the United States of America

• Eight former US Treasury Secretaries

• President of China

• Prime Minister of India

• Prime Minister of Canada

• Prime Minister of Australia

• Prime Minister of Japan

• Prime Minister of New Zealand

• The chief executives of most of the top 100 companies in the UK including Marks and Spencer, BT, Asda, Vodafone, Virgin, IBM, BMW etc.

• Kofi Annan, the former Secretary General of the United Nations

• All living former Prime Ministers of the UK (from both parties)

• Virtually all reputable and recognised economists

• The Prime Minister of the UK

• The leader of the Labour Party

• The Leader of the Liberal Democrats

• The Leader of the Green Party

• The Leader of the Scottish National Party

• The leader of Plaid Cymru

• Leader of Sinn Fein

• Martin Lewis, that money saving dude off the telly

• The Secretary General of the TUC

• Unison

• National Union of Students

• National Union of Farmers

• Stephen Hawking

• Chief Executive of the NHS

• 300 of the most prominent international historians

• Director of Europol

• David Anderson QC, Independent Reviewer of Terrorism Legislation

• Former Directors of GCHQ

• Secretary General of Nato

• Church of England

• Church in Scotland

• Church in Wales

• Friends of the Earth

• Greenpeace

• Director General of the World Trade Organisation


• World Bank


And these?

• Boris Johnson, who probably doesn’t really care either way, but knows he’ll become Prime Minister if the country votes to leave

• A former Secretary of State for Work and Pensions who carried out a brutal regime of cuts to benefits and essential support for the poorest in society as well as the disabled and sick

• That idiot that was Education Secretary and every single teacher in the country hated with a furious passion for the damage he was doing to the education system

• Leader of UKIP


• Britain First

• Donald Trump

• Keith Chegwin

• David Icke

Not forgetting Rupert Murdoch and The Sun

Who gives a sh!t.

They all have one vote like the rest of us. Some of them do not even have a vote.

The fact that your 1st list could not not convince the public to stay in the EU is very telling.

Just like the majority of the politicians you list here. They are all out of touch with public opinion.

Government is supposed to represent the people, not big business. That why they are getting their collective asses handed to them on a plate.

I don't give a shit and, anyway, I've already voted.

I was trying to help those who are undecided or those who need guidance. thumbsup.gif

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I think the complete collapse of the EU as it is now is the best thing that can happen. Then maybe we can get a fresh start with how it used to be, i.e. the EEC and the EFTA which was far better than it is today. Trading with and having a say in Europe is good. Being told what, when, where and how by Europe is not

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What do these groups/people have in comon?

• Governor of the Bank of England

• International Monetary Fund

• Institute for Fiscal Studies

• Confederation of British Industry

• Leaders/heads of state of every single other member of the EU

• President of the United States of America

• Eight former US Treasury Secretaries

• President of China

• Prime Minister of India

• Prime Minister of Canada

• Prime Minister of Australia

• Prime Minister of Japan

• Prime Minister of New Zealand

• The chief executives of most of the top 100 companies in the UK including Marks and Spencer, BT, Asda, Vodafone, Virgin, IBM, BMW etc.

• Kofi Annan, the former Secretary General of the United Nations

• All living former Prime Ministers of the UK (from both parties)

• Virtually all reputable and recognised economists

• The Prime Minister of the UK

• The leader of the Labour Party

• The Leader of the Liberal Democrats

• The Leader of the Green Party

• The Leader of the Scottish National Party

• The leader of Plaid Cymru

• Leader of Sinn Fein

• Martin Lewis, that money saving dude off the telly

• The Secretary General of the TUC

• Unison

• National Union of Students

• National Union of Farmers

• Stephen Hawking

• Chief Executive of the NHS

• 300 of the most prominent international historians

• Director of Europol

• David Anderson QC, Independent Reviewer of Terrorism Legislation

• Former Directors of GCHQ

• Secretary General of Nato

• Church of England

• Church in Scotland

• Church in Wales

• Friends of the Earth

• Greenpeace

• Director General of the World Trade Organisation


• World Bank


And these?

• Boris Johnson, who probably doesn’t really care either way, but knows he’ll become Prime Minister if the country votes to leave

• A former Secretary of State for Work and Pensions who carried out a brutal regime of cuts to benefits and essential support for the poorest in society as well as the disabled and sick

• That idiot that was Education Secretary and every single teacher in the country hated with a furious passion for the damage he was doing to the education system

• Leader of UKIP


• Britain First

• Donald Trump

• Keith Chegwin

• David Icke

Not forgetting Rupert Murdoch and The Sun

Who gives a sh!t.

They all have one vote like the rest of us. Some of them do not even have a vote.

The fact that your 1st list could not not convince the public to stay in the EU is very telling.

Just like the majority of the politicians you list here. They are all out of touch with public opinion.

Government is supposed to represent the people, not big business. That why they are getting their collective asses handed to them on a plate.

I don't give a shit and, anyway, I've already voted.

I was trying to help those who are undecided or those who need guidance. thumbsup.gif

Sorry I misunderstood you.

You were helping those that still needed assistance to vote for Brexit.

I doff my cap thumbsup.gifthumbsup.gif

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