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Jo Cox 'died because of her political views'


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Anyone who doesn't think this murder was politically motivated is burying their head in the sand or just in denial.

It probably was politically motivated.........by a mentally ill man.

But it is nothing to do with the wider Brexit debate.

To suggest that it is, involves using the logical fallacy of 'guilt by association', something that has shamelessly been used by Remain supporters ever since the murder.

Edited by teatree
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Mr Cox has always had strong political views on immigration,refugees etc ,you can read his online blog . I sympathise with him for what happened but totally disagree with his views and his wife's!

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Mr Cox has always had strong political views on immigration,refugees etc ,you can read his online blog . I sympathise with him for what happened but totally disagree with his views and his wife's!

So are you saying she probably was killed for her political views then?

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Mr Cox has always had strong political views on immigration,refugees etc ,you can read his online blog . I sympathise with him for what happened but totally disagree with his views and his wife's!

So are you saying she probably was killed for her political views then?
we have no idea why she was killed and it's unacceptable of course if she was killed for such.
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Mr Cox has always had strong political views on immigration,refugees etc ,you can read his online blog . I sympathise with him for what happened but totally disagree with his views and his wife's!

So are you saying she probably was killed for her political views then?
we have no idea why she was killed and it's unacceptable of course if she was killed for such.

You just pointed out her strong political views as if they had some bearing on the matter claim we have no idea why she was killed?

Personally i believe killing someone in such a way is wrong for any reason, political or not.

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Mr Cox has always had strong political views on immigration,refugees etc ,you can read his online blog . I sympathise with him for what happened but totally disagree with his views and his wife's!

So are you saying she probably was killed for her political views then?
we have no idea why she was killed and it's unacceptable of course if she was killed for such.
You just pointed out her strong political views as if they had some bearing on the matter claim we have no idea why she was killed?

Personally i believe killing someone in such a way is wrong for any reason, political or not.

read what you like into it. The only issue I have is that some politicians used the event to further their political views. Got it? Edited by kingalfred
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Mr Cox has always had strong political views on immigration,refugees etc ,you can read his online blog . I sympathise with him for what happened but totally disagree with his views and his wife's!
So are you saying she probably was killed for her political views then?
we have no idea why she was killed and it's unacceptable of course if she was killed for such.
You just pointed out her strong political views as if they had some bearing on the matter claim we have no idea why she was killed?

Personally i believe killing someone in such a way is wrong for any reason, political or not.
read what you like into it. The only issue I have is that some politicians used the event to further their political views. Got it?

Sadly when people try to pass this off as the act of a mentally deranged lunatic and try to deny his links to right wing extremism they are leaving the situation wide open to exploitation for political gain which i certainly do not agree with.

By his act; the brutal murder of Jo Cox, word; giving his name as "death to traitors, freedom for Britain", and history; membership of the far right, white supremacist Springbok Group it should be very clear that Thomas Mair was politically motivated. He is in no way representative of the vast number of decent people who will be voting for Brexit and it is totally wrong to associate him with the Brexit campaign however I am deeply concerned about the lack of condemnation or even acknowledgement of those views for possible political reasons.

Maybe it might be useful to wait until voting closes to discuss this further when there is no possibility of anyones vote being influenced however to turn a blind eye to the vile, racist ideology that it seems clear he had would be wrong.

Last Thursday Thomas Mair visited a primary school before he went and brutally murdered Jo Cox so maybe we were 'lucky' this time but there are others out there with the same ideology and also more people with mental problems making them susceptible to some of the hate speech that is easily accessible to them now on the internet.
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Ironic isn't it that Mair can still vote leave......do you really want to vote the same as him?

Peddle that stuff elsewhere. The issue of far right extremism is far to important to be dragged into the brexit debate where people have already made their decisions and hopefully voted accordingly.

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Some news that was lost in the shuffle.

A week after British parliamentarian and pro-Europe campaigner Jo Cox was brutally shot and killed, her district voted to leave the European Union (EU) in Britain’s historic referendum. Voters in Kirklees voted to leave by a margin of 55% to 45%, following a turnout of 70% in the district.
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