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"We still love Thailand" says US tourist after bag snatch and stabbing


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"We still love Thailand" says US tourist after bag snatch and stabbing"

Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public. HL Mencken (an American).

i.e. Americans, as a group, are not especially intelligent and can be readily entertained or fooled to produce financial benefit for someone.

Light blue touch-paper and retire...


Actually, they are quite bright and it's not the first time that injured tourists have said the same thing.

Let's see though once they are safely out of Thailand what they say.

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It's amazing how you guys always focus on the negative.

This thread is just another boring example of good police work by the Royal Thai Police being blithely ignored by TVF's armchair criminal justice experts, who prefer instead to endlessly repeat the same old hackneyed stereotypes which have been in circulation here since time immemorial.

I agree 100%. And I congratulate these two women for not falling into the trap of generalization. Mugging happens everywhere, and sure it's a horrible experience, but condemning a whole country because of one unfortunate encounter with two rotten apples would show a massive lack of common sense. Mind you, it's done on a regular basis here on TVF, which is truly pathetic, and indicative of the average IQ on this Forum.

The average expat's stance seems to be : I live here and I hate this country, but I love to hate it and have no intention of leaving, because it's such a joy to spew my hatred on a daily basis.

"The average expat's stance seems to be : I live here and I hate this country, but I love to hate it and have no intention of leaving, because it's such a joy to spew my hatred on a daily basis"

I see you're much too smart to 'fall into the trap of generalisation'.

It seems you don't understand that everyone generalises: arguably. humankind would not have survived this long had it not learned to generalise. One could easily argue that an unintelligent but fashionable political correctness, adopted only because someone else said so, and designed only to create the impression of being all enlightened and stuff. is not so useful.

So far as I can see, people on TV saying that Thais are dim, lazy, and feckless, do so from the standpoint of plentiful evidence, but I do accept that not everyone is bright enough to notice the evidence for what it is...


Edited by Winniedapu
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It's amazing how you guys always focus on the negative.

This thread is just another boring example of good police work by the Royal Thai Police being blithely ignored by TVF's armchair criminal justice experts, who prefer instead to endlessly repeat the same old hackneyed stereotypes which have been in circulation here since time immemorial.

I agree 100%. And I congratulate these two women for not falling into the trap of generalization. Mugging happens everywhere, and sure it's a horrible experience, but condemning a whole country because of one unfortunate encounter with two rotten apples would show a massive lack of common sense. Mind you, it's done on a regular basis here on TVF, which is truly pathetic, and indicative of the average IQ on this Forum.

The average expat's stance seems to be : I live here and I hate this country, but I love to hate it and have no intention of leaving, because it's such a joy to spew my hatred on a daily basis.

What nonsense. Complaining about things ( and the freedom to be able to do so) is one of life's great pleasures. It doesn't mean people hate Thailand, at least 99% of posters.

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It's amazing how you guys always focus on the negative.

This thread is just another boring example of good police work by the Royal Thai Police being blithely ignored by TVF's armchair criminal justice experts, who prefer instead to endlessly repeat the same old hackneyed stereotypes which have been in circulation here since time immemorial.

I agree 100%. And I congratulate these two women for not falling into the trap of generalization. Mugging happens everywhere, and sure it's a horrible experience, but condemning a whole country because of one unfortunate encounter with two rotten apples would show a massive lack of common sense. Mind you, it's done on a regular basis here on TVF, which is truly pathetic, and indicative of the average IQ on this Forum.

The average expat's stance seems to be : I live here and I hate this country, but I love to hate it and have no intention of leaving, because it's such a joy to spew my hatred on a daily basis.

What nonsense. Complaining about things ( and the freedom to be able to do so) is one of life's great pleasures. It doesn't mean people hate Thailand, at least 99% of posters.

Complaining is also what brings about change. An acceptance of all things stupid changes nothing.

Winnie (proudly one of the 1%)

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they have a baby to look after yet they are crazy

enough to commit planned robbery or snatch theft.

yes the police did a good job in bringing the offenders to


the tourists are happy and compliments are in order.

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She must be high. I cant think of anyone who would extol the virtues of a country when they have been stabbed. Or maybe it is because in the USA the police would have shot her

These tourists obviously took a risk, and they don't regret. Who the <deleted> are we to judge?

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It's amazing how you guys always focus on the negative.

This thread is just another boring example of good police work by the Royal Thai Police being blithely ignored by TVF's armchair criminal justice experts, who prefer instead to endlessly repeat the same old hackneyed stereotypes which have been in circulation here since time immemorial.

I agree 100%. And I congratulate these two women for not falling into the trap of generalization. Mugging happens everywhere, and sure it's a horrible experience, but condemning a whole country because of one unfortunate encounter with two rotten apples would show a massive lack of common sense. Mind you, it's done on a regular basis here on TVF, which is truly pathetic, and indicative of the average IQ on this Forum.

The average expat's stance seems to be : I live here and I hate this country, but I love to hate it and have no intention of leaving, because it's such a joy to spew my hatred on a daily basis.

What nonsense. Complaining about things ( and the freedom to be able to do so) is one of life's great pleasures. It doesn't mean people hate Thailand, at least 99% of posters.

Granted, you have the freedom to complain but sad that it is one of your life's great pleasures.

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"We still love Thailand" says US tourist after bag snatch and stabbing"

Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public. HL Mencken (an American).

i.e. Americans, as a group, are not especially intelligent and can be readily entertained or fooled to produce financial benefit for someone.

Light blue touch-paper and retire...


So, you disagree with this victim of crime who allegedly has professed her love of Thailand and have looked for and found a quote which in your mind gives you the right to insult 300 million people with some authority. I suppose I have to remind you that those 300 million people reside in the richest and most powerful country in the world. I wonder how America got that way and stays that way if they're all so stupid?

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She must be high. I cant think of anyone who would extol the virtues of a country when they have been stabbed. Or maybe it is because in the USA the police would have shot her

Or maybe it's a polite response to a direct question "Do you still love Thailand?"

Childish banter, nothing more.


Or, perhaps the US tourist saw this as the path of least resistance while still in Thailand. If so inclined, once out of the country, she can feel free to express an opinion to the contrary via media that has a much farther reach than the local Thai media.

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It's amazing how you guys always focus on the negative.

This thread is just another boring example of good police work by the Royal Thai Police being blithely ignored by TVF's armchair criminal justice experts, who prefer instead to endlessly repeat the same old hackneyed stereotypes which have been in circulation here since time immemorial.

I agree 100%. And I congratulate these two women for not falling into the trap of generalization. Mugging happens everywhere, and sure it's a horrible experience, but condemning a whole country because of one unfortunate encounter with two rotten apples would show a massive lack of common sense. Mind you, it's done on a regular basis here on TVF, which is truly pathetic, and indicative of the average IQ on this Forum.

The average expat's stance seems to be : I live here and I hate this country, but I love to hate it and have no intention of leaving, because it's such a joy to spew my hatred on a daily basis.

Muggings are much more common in western countries such as the USA and France than in Thailand.

It's very unfortunate this lady was a victim, glad she could recover her valuables as that's not a common thing. However, I'm not convinced that Thailand is a particularly dangerous country for a lone woman to be traveling in, that said I would recommend that lone females don't walk around strange neighborhoods alone at night, the only places that are safe after dark are well lit busy streets such as for example, Silom Road and Siam in Bangkok, shopping malls, airports, hospitals and other public places. Catching a cab and resisting the urge to walk long distances helps immensely. Do as the locals do - ride in a cab, drive, anything that means you are inside a vehicle rather than walking the streets.

I just don't walk here - apart from the crowded, dirty sidewalks and all the obstacles, you end up breaking into a huge sweat, the smell will linger for hours until you get to a shower. I prefer my air-conditioned car, which I park inside a shopping mall car park, after which I walk to an air-conditioned mall, where I eat. Eating on the street? No, thanks. Too dirty (thanks to passing exhaust fumes and possibly questionable hygiene), too sweaty, food might be contaminated. I prefer hygienic sit down restaurants. As a tourist, eating on the streets is a novelty, as an expat it's something to be avoided.

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And if this happened in the US would the tourist say we still love the USA , once never heard of a few years back , attacks on people in public in Thailand are increasing, CC fraud , murders, bombings , trying to find a safe holiday destination these days is like trying to win lotto, the Antarctic or Arctic are starting to look like alternative lifestyle destinations TAT .......................................coffee1.gif

Mmmm.... Cross the Arctic off your list until they finish slaughtering the polar bears

Welcome to "down under" ???

Edited by farcanell
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Seems this couple are habitual offenders. Glad the young lady wasn't seriously injured and takes a reasoned and mature for her age view of the incident, unlike many on here.

Most living here have never been victims of assault, mugging etc and probably feel safer here than in their own city 'back home'. However, the usual 'Thailand is the worst/most dangerous place on the planet' crowd will be banging away on their keyboards.

Meanwhile a quick Google search shows multitudes of muggings, stickups, robberies etc from England to Ireland to USA etc, etc in the past 24 hours, as always:

Woman, 81, hospitalized after SF Muni bus mugging


Victim knocked out during violent mugging in Runcorn


Robbers Posing As Fundraisers Have Been Mugging Drivers In The Loop


Chef saves woman from Liffey after violent mugging


Ah yes the " it happens everywhere excuse" but lets see now, whats the penalties handed out if caught, Thailand 500 baht.............England?

Robbery or assault with intent to rob Theft Act 1968 s.8 Life Armed robbery Theft Act 1968 s.8(1) Life Assault with weapon with intent to rob Theft Act 1968 s.8(2) Life

It may very well happen everywhere else, but who in the Hell wants to be like everywhere else , I agree, piss poor excuse.

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They have a 5 month old baby to care for too,

That poor child.

.. for being born from parents like these

Yes, too poor for birth control but have enough money to give birth to a child? Do the child a favor and put he/she up for adoption.

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She must be high. I cant think of anyone who would extol the virtues of a country when they have been stabbed. Or maybe it is because in the USA the police would have shot her

They would have shot the husband and wife.

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"We still love Thailand" says US tourist after bag snatch and stabbing"

Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public. HL Mencken (an American).

i.e. Americans, as a group, are not especially intelligent and can be readily entertained or fooled to produce financial benefit for someone.

Light blue touch-paper and retire...


So, you disagree with this victim of crime who allegedly has professed her love of Thailand and have looked for and found a quote which in your mind gives you the right to insult 300 million people with some authority. I suppose I have to remind you that those 300 million people reside in the richest and most powerful country in the world. I wonder how America got that way and stays that way if they're all so stupid?

Point 1: I didn't say I disagree with anything. Straw man argument.

Point 2: I haven't insulted anyone. People are queuing up to insult Americans, so I don't need to. In the above case, it was an American who insulted Americans, go talk to him.

Point 3: I don't need you to remind me of anything, but thanks all the same. I already know how the USA got rich but that's another


Point 4: I get the message. You're American, you're happy to be American, and you don't want to be anything but an American.

You should be ashamed for not having any ambition in life.

Have a nice day.


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It's amazing how you guys always focus on the negative.

This thread is just another boring example of good police work by the Royal Thai Police being blithely ignored by TVF's armchair criminal justice experts, who prefer instead to endlessly repeat the same old hackneyed stereotypes which have been in circulation here since time immemorial.

I agree 100%. And I congratulate these two women for not falling into the trap of generalization. Mugging happens everywhere, and sure it's a horrible experience, but condemning a whole country because of one unfortunate encounter with two rotten apples would show a massive lack of common sense. Mind you, it's done on a regular basis here on TVF, which is truly pathetic, and indicative of the average IQ on this Forum.

The average expat's stance seems to be : I live here and I hate this country, but I love to hate it and have no intention of leaving, because it's such a joy to spew my hatred on a daily basis.

What nonsense. Complaining about things ( and the freedom to be able to do so) is one of life's great pleasures. It doesn't mean people hate Thailand, at least 99% of posters.

Granted, you have the freedom to complain but sad that it is one of your life's great pleasures.

According to phycologists etc... Getting things off your chest, (complaining, whining, moaning and bitching) will set you free.

Ergo... Complaining is healthy (which arguably makes it a pleasure)... And a pastime, like gossiping, which has gone on since time immemorial.

And ironically, you seem to be complaining about people complaining.... Did that act bring you any pleasure (or release of negative feelings... Which could be construed as pleasure)?

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It's amazing how you guys always focus on the negative.

This thread is just another boring example of good police work by the Royal Thai Police being blithely ignored by TVF's armchair criminal justice experts, who prefer instead to endlessly repeat the same old hackneyed stereotypes which have been in circulation here since time immemorial.

I agree 100%. And I congratulate these two women for not falling into the trap of generalization. Mugging happens everywhere, and sure it's a horrible experience, but condemning a whole country because of one unfortunate encounter with two rotten apples would show a massive lack of common sense. Mind you, it's done on a regular basis here on TVF, which is truly pathetic, and indicative of the average IQ on this Forum.

The average expat's stance seems to be : I live here and I hate this country, but I love to hate it and have no intention of leaving, because it's such a joy to spew my hatred on a daily basis.

We take the good with the bad, but please, good police work is prevention, which means foot, car, horse, bicycle patrols....and stabbing someone for your baby happens not to be a very good excuse. There is crime everywhere, but the prevention and penalties are quite out of whack here.

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"We still love Thailand" says US tourist after bag snatch and stabbing"

Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public. HL Mencken (an American).

i.e. Americans, as a group, are not especially intelligent and can be readily entertained or fooled to produce financial benefit for someone.

Light blue touch-paper and retire...


Which group of readers here do you think needed your translation of the quote (because I believe Americans are in the minority)??

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As an American- I probably criticise as much of the American system as anyone. However, I do not criticise a person because they are American, British or Thai. That indeed is offensive and labels people.Too many people appear to be prejudiced because of national origin; religion; race; and sexual orientation. Not only that- most of it is unfair and just wrong. This story is about a person mugged and hurt during the mugging. Her opinion is that she still loves Thailand. Kudos to the police for finding the responsible parties. I am sure she wasn't happy to be mugged- but there are people in this World of all nationalities who go on with their lives after a bad incident, put it behind them and look for the positives in their existence and surroundings. It might be better of some of the posters on TV adopted this attitude.

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The funny thing is with Thai's they think if they tell the truth no matter how pathetic the excuse maybe, they think it's ok And they wouldn't do it if they weren't having a hard time in life.

They have been bought up pretty badly I think they are such babies grow up and start being responsible for your bad actions.

Edited by Eli1
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According to phycologists etc... Getting things off your chest, (complaining, whining, moaning and bitching) will set you free.

Ergo... Complaining is healthy (which arguably makes it a pleasure)... And a pastime, like gossiping, which has gone on since time immemorial.

And ironically, you seem to be complaining about people complaining.... Did that act bring you any pleasure (or release of negative feelings... Which could be construed as pleasure)?

Venting a little bit once in a while may be cathartic, but constantly wallowing in it and rubbing it all over yourself? Not so much.

It's a little irritating to read. But even more, it's sad to realize people choose to live their lives in situations they hate, surrounded by people they despise.

Edited by impulse
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"We still love Thailand" says US tourist after bag snatch and stabbing"

Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public. HL Mencken (an American).

i.e. Americans, as a group, are not especially intelligent and can be readily entertained or fooled to produce financial benefit for someone.

Light blue touch-paper and retire...


Which group of readers here do you think needed your translation of the quote (because I believe Americans are in the minority)??

Wasn't my translation, it was on wiki with the quote.

So I can't really help you with that... you could probably grumble at wiki though, I'm sure they'd take notice

of that.


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According to phycologists etc... Getting things off your chest, (complaining, whining, moaning and bitching) will set you free.

Ergo... Complaining is healthy (which arguably makes it a pleasure)... And a pastime, like gossiping, which has gone on since time immemorial.

And ironically, you seem to be complaining about people complaining.... Did that act bring you any pleasure (or release of negative feelings... Which could be construed as pleasure)?

Venting a little bit once in a while may be cathartic, but constantly wallowing in it and rubbing it all over yourself? Not so much.

It's a little irritating to read. But even more, it's sad to realize people choose to live their lives in situations they hate, surrounded by people they despise.

But. As you say, it *is* their choice, no? And you probably don't understand the choice because you don't know enough about it. Yes?

But hey, pretending you do will make you feel all warm inside I expect.


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As an American- I probably criticise as much of the American system as anyone. However, I do not criticise a person because they are American, British or Thai. That indeed is offensive and labels people.Too many people appear to be prejudiced because of national origin; religion; race; and sexual orientation. Not only that- most of it is unfair and just wrong. This story is about a person mugged and hurt during the mugging. Her opinion is that she still loves Thailand. Kudos to the police for finding the responsible parties. I am sure she wasn't happy to be mugged- but there are people in this World of all nationalities who go on with their lives after a bad incident, put it behind them and look for the positives in their existence and surroundings. It might be better of some of the posters on TV adopted this attitude.

Well, that's one view, and a wonderfully enlightened and liberated view it is.

I don't share it. I have my own wonderfully enlightened and liberated different view.


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She must be high. I cant think of anyone who would extol the virtues of a country when they have been stabbed. Or maybe it is because in the USA the police would have shot her

I think she's much more understanding than high. She seems to realize the actions of a couple of dense people don't represent the whole country.

A different way of thinking from what is usually seen somewhat often.

She's brave if she comes back in the future, though - and probably won't be walking alone anymore.

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