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Honeymoon Bike Tour - Do We Need Visas?

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My sweetheart and I (both Americans in our 30's) are planning a honeymoon bike tour through SE Asia, beginning and ending in Bangkok. The entire trip will be more than 60 days but less than 90 days.

However, we will only be in Thailand for the first 2 or 3 weeks, and the last 2 weeks of the trip. The rest of the time will be spent in Laos, Vietnam, and Cambodia.

Since we won't be in Thailand for more than 30 days when we first arrive, or for more than 15 days when we re-enter by land from Cambodia, do we need to get METV's? Will we be alright if we just buy cheap exit tickets to Cambodia or somewhere to show at the Seattle airport?

Thank you!

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Since we won't be in Thailand for more than 30 days when we first arrive, or for more than 15 days when we re-enter by land from Cambodia, do we need to get METV's? No

Will we be alright if we just buy cheap exit tickets to Cambodia or somewhere to show at the Seattle airport? Yes

Congrats with your sweetheart (couldn't you find one in her 20's? giggle.gifgigglem.gif kidding) & your wedding wink.png

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You can do your trip by getting 30 day visa exempt entries. You will also get a 30 day entry at a border crossing since you are from the states (G7 country rule).

The only problem you may have is boarding your flight from the states since the airline may require you to have a flight out of the country within 30 days of arrival. You could search for a low cost one way ticket to a nearby country to show if needed.

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Congratulations. If you want to celebrate your anniversary then I 'd follow the advice not to bike in Thailand, either motor or pedal powered. I am an experienced m/c rider but only after using taxis and public transport in Thailand, really studying the local road users did I get on a bike here. Then for the first year I only had a 150cc bike which I used on quiet local roads and in nearby small towns.

Anyone unfamiliar with the way people drive and ride here would be utterly bonkers to risk it.

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And do not forget to get one internationally Driving license from your home country. Where you can also choose which language it should be inside the Internationale Driver License (It's a book with photos and what you are allowed and run), If you do not have Thai driving license.Here in Phuketnolw you get 500 Bath in thicket if you don`t have Internationally Driver license or Thai Driver License. Have a nice trip and drive safety :)

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And do not forget to get one internationally Driving license from your home country. You can also choose which language it should be inside the Internationale Driver License Book (It's a book with photos and what you are allowed and run), If you do not have Thai driving license. Here in Phuket now you get 500 Bath in thicket if you don`t have the Internationally Driver license or a Thai Driver License Whit you. it`s not helping whit a American driver license alone.

Here can you read more about Internationalt Driver license : http://idl-iaa.com

That IDP you have linked to is a rip off at USD 35

The official IDP from the AAA in the US is only USD 20

And the one your linking to isnt even recognised to issue IDPs against US licenses


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And do not forget to get one internationally Driving license from your home country. Where you can also choose which language it should be inside the Internationale Driver License (It's a book with photos and what you are allowed and run), If you do not have Thai driving license.Here in Phuketnolw you get 500 Bath in thicket if you don`t have Internationally Driver license or Thai Driver License. Have a nice trip and drive safety smile.png

IDP never hurts, but is not required for toursts provided home licence is in English and has photo on it.

Statement about fines on Phuket is not true.

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And do not forget to get one internationally Driving license from your home country. Where you can also choose which language it should be inside the Internationale Driver License (It's a book with photos and what you are allowed and run), If you do not have Thai driving license.Here in Phuketnolw you get 500 Bath in thicket if you don`t have Internationally Driver license or Thai Driver License. Have a nice trip and drive safety smile.png

IDP never hurts, but is not required for toursts provided home licence is in English and has photo on it.

Statement about fines on Phuket is not true.

Steveni : A live in Phuket fore 9 years and a se tourist in Chalong and Raway be fined 500 Bath ever day every day fore NOT have a Internationalt driver license. It,s many places you can bay this Call government in your town they now where you can get one. In Norway we pay 300 N.Kr this about 1500 Bath fore 3 year.

And can a ask where you live in Thailand ? Please come to Phuket and a can take you to 1 or 2 control and you have your English Driver license and we se if you must pay or not, that`s be funny.

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Thanks for the info on the visa! Anyone know the cheapest option for a ticket out of Thailand to show if asked by our airline?

We'll be on bicycles, not motorcycles, so no license needed. I know it sounds frightening, but in my opinion it is drastically less dangerous than riding buses or cabs. I've biked across the US, Europe, Nepal, and Colombia, and I've backpacked through Thailand in the past, so this ain't my first rodeo.

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Thanks for the info on the visa! Anyone know the cheapest option for a ticket out of Thailand to show if asked by our airline?

We'll be on bicycles, not motorcycles, so no license needed. I know it sounds frightening, but in my opinion it is drastically less dangerous than riding buses or cabs. I've biked across the US, Europe, Nepal, and Colombia, and I've backpacked through Thailand in the past, so this ain't my first rodeo.

Check Air Asia for flights. Check for flights from different airports here and you may find some that are cheaper than from DMK in Bangkok.

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Not to be picky....but I had to learn this myself by experience.

Remember they drive on the Left here not on the Right as in the U.S.

You need to UNLERAN how to make turns at crossroads.

If you are used to driving in the U.S. you have to unlearn not to make your turn unto the right hand lane as you normally do in the U.S.

It is a learned instinctive thing if you are used to diving or riding in the U.S. that you must unlearn here in Thailand.

As the saying goes, "Evolve or Die".

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I know it sounds frightening, but in my opinion it is drastically less dangerous than riding buses or cabs

Please take the advice that other forum members have posted.

>>> Do not cycle in Thailand <<



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I know it sounds frightening, but in my opinion it is drastically less dangerous than riding buses or cabs

Please take the advice that other forum members have posted.

>>> Do not cycle in Thailand <<




What this guy said!

Could you possibly compromise to a few "day trips" on bicycles in appropriate places on your trip?

I know it sounds pathetic, but as you (the OP) have backpacked through LOS before, you must realise that Thai people don't cycle - it's just to hot and uses too much energy. This means they do not look for cyclists and this is the problem. At least on a small scooter you are at least travelling a "normal" way.

Just my 2c.

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