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UK will not abandon EU friends, says Boris Johnson


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UK will not abandon EU friends, says Boris Johnson

BRUSSELS: -- The UK's exit from the EU does not mean it will be leaving Europe or "abandoning" its friends, the new foreign secretary has said in Brussels.

Making his debut on the international stage, Boris Johnson said the EU needed a "co-ordinated response" to terrorism in the light of the recent Nice attack.

He also said he wanted to "see restraint and moderation on all sides" in Turkey following the attempted coup. Mr Johnson was meeting fellow EU foreign ministers for talks.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-36822134

-- BBC 2016-07-19

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Boris Johnson is a multiple liar, adulterer and man of very mutable principles, who will believe a word of this?

Agree totally, just like most British politicians over the last 200 (or more) years, but the voters keep electing them !!!

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Who gives a damn, the UK is just a minnow....wait till Scotland secedes, it shrinks further....France kicks out the UK police and border control people stationed in Feance, so the Calais' population can move to the UK...

If they are in Calais, France then it is a French problem and not a UK one.

How many allegedly "safe countries did they go through to get to Calais?

Let the French sort it out. If they send them to the UK simply send them back to "safe" country like France.

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'Little Britain' as it is known now, is a country which sold most it's industry to foreigners. I'm afraid that it has become a slave to it's new masters. In order to re-negotiate with the EU, first you must have something to negotiate with, which in this case is not much.

The economy in the UK is a 'false' one, and the only way to bring the country from the brink of permanently sinking are radical measures. Unfortunately the British will have to bite the bullet. One such example is deflating house prices, which are unjustifiably too high.

One important issue which will also bring the UK up, is to instill patriotism back into the country, one trait which has been fading for many years, and the reason why the country is in such a state. You can ask as to why everything has fallen into foreign hands ... answer, the British do not care about their country. Unlike the French who would block all the roads, and come out on the street at the slightest change to their 'French' way of life. The British instead are quite content to witness the country going to the dogs, by sitting on the sofa and doing nothing, then complaining about it later on.

One other point, appointing Boris Johnston as foreign secretary wasn't a smart move, and will antagonize the EU even further. Not particularly diplomatic IMHO.

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Who gives a damn, the UK is just a minnow....wait till Scotland secedes, it shrinks further....France kicks out the UK police and border control people stationed in Feance, so the Calais' population can move to the UK...

Yeah a minnow with the World's 5th largest economy.... It isn't shrinking, it's growing, look at employment levels.. If Scotland go, it will be a drain off the UK economy gone. It's already forecast that the UK trade agreements will be higher than the whole EU. 12 major countries already queuing for trade deals as they wont have to worry about EU bureaucracy and in particular the Germans trying to achieve what they could not in two World wars.

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Who gives a damn, the UK is just a minnow....wait till Scotland secedes, it shrinks further....France kicks out the UK police and border control people stationed in Feance, so the Calais' population can move to the UK...

^ Other than that, he quite likes the English :D .

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Boris was just pursuing an agenda that would make him an 'important person' in Brit. politics IMO.

Another thread said that he may well leave for another position with a newspaper - but it appears that he prefers to keep his position in politics....

I always suspected his motives, so forgive me if I still believe he has no intention of stopping un-controlled EU immigration from poor countries and is just pursuing his own power and financial 'trip'.

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Who gives a damn, the UK is just a minnow....wait till Scotland secedes, it shrinks further....France kicks out the UK police and border control people stationed in Feance, so the Calais' population can move to the UK...

Yeah a minnow with the World's 5th largest economy.... It isn't shrinking, it's growing, look at employment levels.. If Scotland go, it will be a drain off the UK economy gone. It's already forecast that the UK trade agreements will be higher than the whole EU. 12 major countries already queuing for trade deals as they wont have to worry about EU bureaucracy and in particular the Germans trying to achieve what they could not in two World wars.

"employment levels"?

Are you kidding? Employment rules have been changed so often that there is no way of knowing the true unemployment level !

And if anyone can tell me how to get rid of previous font I will be v grateful .

Edited by dick dasterdly
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Who gives a damn, the UK is just a minnow....wait till Scotland secedes, it shrinks further....France kicks out the UK police and border control people stationed in Feance, so the Calais' population can move to the UK...

Yeah a minnow with the World's 5th largest economy.... It isn't shrinking, it's growing, look at employment levels.. If Scotland go, it will be a drain off the UK economy gone. It's already forecast that the UK trade agreements will be higher than the whole EU. 12 major countries already queuing for trade deals as they wont have to worry about EU bureaucracy and in particular the Germans trying to achieve what they could not in two World wars.

"employment levels"?

Are you kidding? Employment rules have been changed so often that there is no way of knowing the true unemployment level !

And if anyone can tell me how to get rid of previous font I will be v grateful .

Unemployment is 5.1% lower than ever before. Come on... You can't just say random stuff like you just said my friend! Because if that's the case that would apply to every country in the EU. Spain's unemployment for young people is 50%... Greece much the same.. France has an overall unemployment of 10.3%, only Germany has a better rate at an amazingly low 4.5%.

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Who gives a damn, the UK is just a minnow....wait till Scotland secedes, it shrinks further....France kicks out the UK police and border control people stationed in Feance, so the Calais' population can move to the UK...

Yeah a minnow with the World's 5th largest economy.... It isn't shrinking, it's growing, look at employment levels.. If Scotland go, it will be a drain off the UK economy gone. It's already forecast that the UK trade agreements will be higher than the whole EU. 12 major countries already queuing for trade deals as they wont have to worry about EU bureaucracy and in particular the Germans trying to achieve what they could not in two World wars.

"employment levels"?

Are you kidding? Employment rules have been changed so often that there is no way of knowing the true unemployment level !

And if anyone can tell me how to get rid of previous font I will be v grateful .

Unemployment is 5.1% lower than ever before. Come on... You can't just say random stuff like you just said my friend! Because if that's the case that would apply to every country in the EU. Spain's unemployment for young people is 50%... Greece much the same.. France has an overall unemployment of 10.3%, only Germany has a better rate at an amazingly low 4.5%.

Do you honestly believe that, despite the way un-employment rates have been ever massaged downwards - with the criteria being ever increased?

I'm only talking about Britain of course as that is where I spent the majority of my life and could only laugh when seeing the govts. increasing the criterea for 'unemployment' laugh.png .

Edited by dick dasterdly
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Who gives a damn, the UK is just a minnow....wait till Scotland secedes, it shrinks further....France kicks out the UK police and border control people stationed in Feance, so the Calais' population can move to the UK...

How stupid. Not all the nations or people of Europe want to be in a federal central state where bureaucrats appointed by politicians because of their politically correct similar views make central decisions on everything and issue dictats.

Some idiots in France think they can ignore international law and conventions. M. Hollande has already told them not. But, as we've seen from the strikes, protests and unlawfulness, not all in France respect the law. Wonder how they'll react to German rule of the EU?

Do you seriously think the UK will allow illegal migrants encamped on the French coast to simply move to the UK? Just because the inept French authorities can't deal with it? Maybe the migrants there should've tried Germany when Mutti opened the door for all?

And why do you think the migrants want to move to the UK and not stay in France? Because they know the French economy is screwed, just like the Euro and probably the EU project very soon.

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Who gives a damn, the UK is just a minnow....wait till Scotland secedes, it shrinks further....France kicks out the UK police and border control people stationed in Feance, so the Calais' population can move to the UK...

Yeah a minnow with the World's 5th largest economy.... It isn't shrinking, it's growing, look at employment levels.. If Scotland go, it will be a drain off the UK economy gone. It's already forecast that the UK trade agreements will be higher than the whole EU. 12 major countries already queuing for trade deals as they wont have to worry about EU bureaucracy and in particular the Germans trying to achieve what they could not in two World wars.

Now the UK is the 10th largest economy. What they can export? Autmobiles to India (TATA already is owner in UK)

And fish'n chips to the world.

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These nationalist quarrels have no interest. UK had its strengths and different European countries have others. Just tomorrow they will not be together.

However it is true that the appointment of BJ (hee hee!) Foreign affairs is regarded everywhere as a sign of Britain who lost lucidity.

So you have not finished receiving laughter and mockery. Moreover, I think the EU will benefit in a few months going to the clash. Boris will be the right pretext ...

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Who gives a damn, the UK is just a minnow....wait till Scotland secedes, it shrinks further....France kicks out the UK police and border control people stationed in Feance, so the Calais' population can move to the UK...

Yeah a minnow with the World's 5th largest economy.... It isn't shrinking, it's growing, look at employment levels.. If Scotland go, it will be a drain off the UK economy gone. It's already forecast that the UK trade agreements will be higher than the whole EU. 12 major countries already queuing for trade deals as they wont have to worry about EU bureaucracy and in particular the Germans trying to achieve what they could not in two World wars.

Now the UK is the 10th largest economy. What they can export? Autmobiles to India (TATA already is owner in UK)

And fish'n chips to the world.

Ah, another one crawls out of the woodwork to make childish, derogatory remarks about the UK. But it's not racism or bigotry is it, because it's the Brits.

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If they are in Calais, France then it is a French problem and not a UK one.

How many allegedly "safe countries did they go through to get to Calais?

Let the French sort it out. If they send them to the UK simply send them back to "safe" country like France.

There man you are in utter error.
England and France have spent bilaterral agreement to legally move the administrative border at Calais.
The objective was to limit the risk of boat people with the dramas we regularly knows in the Mediterranean.
The English usually pay for this blockage. But it has become so widespread recently that the account is not there and that many voices in France to terminate this agreement and let them pass.
Finally, these migrants choose to go in the UK for 2 reasons:
1 They speak English.
2 They would join their friends and compatriots came before.
Francophones are already installed in France and numerous enough ...
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Who gives a damn, the UK is just a minnow....wait till Scotland secedes, it shrinks further....France kicks out the UK police and border control people stationed in Feance, so the Calais' population can move to the UK...

UK 5th largest economy in the world

UK 5th largest armed force in the world with permanent seat on the Security Council, only one of nine countries to have the bomb

UK 6th in the global education league table, 2nd in Europe

Such minnows

You are from again?

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Who gives a damn, the UK is just a minnow....wait till Scotland secedes, it shrinks further....France kicks out the UK police and border control people stationed in Feance, so the Calais' population can move to the UK...

Yeah a minnow with the World's 5th largest economy.... It isn't shrinking, it's growing, look at employment levels.. If Scotland go, it will be a drain off the UK economy gone. It's already forecast that the UK trade agreements will be higher than the whole EU. 12 major countries already queuing for trade deals as they wont have to worry about EU bureaucracy and in particular the Germans trying to achieve what they could not in two World wars.

"employment levels"?

Are you kidding? Employment rules have been changed so often that there is no way of knowing the true unemployment level !

And if anyone can tell me how to get rid of previous font I will be v grateful .

Unemployment is 5.1% lower than ever before. Come on... You can't just say random stuff like you just said my friend! Because if that's the case that would apply to every country in the EU. Spain's unemployment for young people is 50%... Greece much the same.. France has an overall unemployment of 10.3%, only Germany has a better rate at an amazingly low 4.5%.

Alwyn yes it is good news that 11 countries (not exactly major) wish to open negotiations, i don't include Germany as this was just a advisement from the German finance minister that deals need to be completed quickly. The important fact is most of our trade is with Europe and these are the nations that are most important.

All countries outside will obviously make new trade deals but they consist of a small part of our economy.

Scotland is not a drain on our economy hence the reason for independence.

It all depends on whether north sea oil is added into the equation. we give Scotland more money per person than the uk. However this is only giving them back what we have received in revenue from north sea oil ( somewhat of a status quo)

If oil prices were to decline or alternative energies found Scotland would no longer be able to support itself, hence they voted to stay part of the UK (as most Scots were able to see the light)

Totally correct about unemployment but in the past these figures have always been manipulated and these may only be due to the changes in welfare payments ( i hope so) which is still good news

You statements are not random but do fail to tell the whole story. The media will always depict what you want to see.

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UK 5th largest economy in the world. No more in the next future.

UK 5th largest armed force in the world with permanent seat on the Security Council, only one of nine countries to have the bomb.

No more permanant seat as number 20th for economics.

UK 6th in the global education league table, 2nd in Europe.

No more,. 20% of the staff at UK elite universities for research are EU citizens.

My son (French/German) PhD in England with one British principal, one Professor of Stanford,

and others from the Netherlands, Sweden and Germany now stay in Taiwan (post graduate research fellow)

UK castrates itself.

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Who gives a damn, the UK is just a minnow....wait till Scotland secedes, it shrinks further....France kicks out the UK police and border control people stationed in Feance, so the Calais' population can move to the UK...

Yeah a minnow with the World's 5th largest economy.... It isn't shrinking, it's growing, look at employment levels.. If Scotland go, it will be a drain off the UK economy gone. It's already forecast that the UK trade agreements will be higher than the whole EU. 12 major countries already queuing for trade deals as they wont have to worry about EU bureaucracy and in particular the Germans trying to achieve what they could not in two World wars.

Now the UK is the 10th largest economy. What they can export? Autmobiles to India (TATA already is owner in UK)

And fish'n chips to the world.

5th largest economy in the World by GDP. 9th largest by PPP. We comprise 4% of world.s GDP. The U.K. Is second largest economy in Europe both GDP & PPP. I guess we can export what we've always exported? Cars $46bn Gold$37bn,crude petroleum $23bn refined $21bn and so on... Difference is we will be able to export without the EU tariffs and same with importing too...

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If they are in Calais, France then it is a French problem and not a UK one.

How many allegedly "safe countries did they go through to get to Calais?

Let the French sort it out. If they send them to the UK simply send them back to "safe" country like France.

There man you are in utter error.
England and France have spent bilaterral agreement to legally move the administrative border at Calais.
The objective was to limit the risk of boat people with the dramas we regularly knows in the Mediterranean.
The English usually pay for this blockage. But it has become so widespread recently that the account is not there and that many voices in France to terminate this agreement and let them pass.
Finally, these migrants choose to go in the UK for 2 reasons:
1 They speak English.
2 They would join their friends and compatriots came before.
Francophones are already installed in France and numerous enough ...



"1. They all speak English."

"2. They would join their friends and compatriots that came before."

1. I don't know that and neither do you.

2. Why should they be allowed in in the first place?

3. The UK does NOT have to let them in at all. If they are genuine refugees then they are only permitted to enter the "first safe country" which I am sure would not have been France and certainly not the UK.

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"employment levels"?Yeah a minnow with the World's 5th largest economy.... It isn't shrinking, it's growing, look at employment levels.. If Scotland go, it will be a drain off the UK economy gone. It's already forecast that the UK trade agreements will be higher than the whole EU. 12 major countries already queuing for trade deals as they wont have to worry about EU bureaucracy and in particular the Germans trying to achieve what they could not in two World wars.

Are you kidding? Employment rules have been changed so often that there is no way of knowing the true unemployment level !

And if anyone can tell me how to get rid of previous font I will be v grateful .

Unemployment is 5.1% lower than ever before. Come on... You can't just say random stuff like you just said my friend! Because if that's the case that would apply to every country in the EU. Spain's unemployment for young people is 50%... Greece much the same.. France has an overall unemployment of 10.3%, only Germany has a better rate at an amazingly low 4.5%.

Alwyn yes it is good news that 11 countries (not exactly major) wish to open negotiations, i don't include Germany as this was just a advisement from the German finance minister that deals need to be completed quickly. The important fact is most of our trade is with Europe and these are the nations that are most important.

All countries outside will obviously make new trade deals but they consist of a small part of our economy.

Scotland is not a drain on our economy hence the reason for independence.

It all depends on whether north sea oil is added into the equation. we give Scotland more money per person than the uk. However this is only giving them back what we have received in revenue from north sea oil ( somewhat of a status quo)

If oil prices were to decline or alternative energies found Scotland would no longer be able to support itself, hence they voted to stay part of the UK (as most Scots were able to see the light)

Totally correct about unemployment but in the past these figures have always been manipulated and these may only be due to the changes in welfare payments ( i hope so) which is still good news

You statements are not random but do fail to tell the whole story. The media will always depict what you want to see.

Where have you been these past few years? The price of oil has collapsed. ANd production is, too. The UK's north sea oil and gas reserves are running out. Even with North Sea Oil Scotland is dependent on the rest of the UK.?

UK oil production has seen two peaks, in the mid 1980s and late 1990s,[6] with a decline to around 300×103 m³ (1.9 million barrels) per day in the early 1990s.[citation needed] Monthly oil production peaked at 13.5×106 m³ (84.9 million barrels) in January 1985[35]although the highest annual production was seen in 1999, with offshore oil production in that year of 407×106 m³ (398 million barrels) and had declined to 231×106 m³ (220 million barrels) in 2007.[36] This was the largest decrease of any other oil exporting nation in the world, and has led to Britain becoming a net importer of crude for the first time in decades, as recognized by the energy policy of the United Kingdom. The production is expected to fall to one-third of its peak by 2020.


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Boris Johnson is a multiple liar, adulterer and man of very mutable principles, who will believe a word of this?

Agree totally, just like most British politicians over the last 200 (or more) years, but the voters keep electing them !!!

It might help your understanding of what is going on and precisely who is taking control of British society, if you set about an honest examination of where you got the idea that Politicians do not represent the electorate.

If politicians do have a failing for which they must be prevented from taking part in, it is precisely that they are answerable to the electorate.

Every effort is being made to destroy your faith and the faith of others in politicians and democracy.

You, we, all of us must be alienated from our polticians abd democracy - left prey to the whims of corporates and their need for ever more proffit.

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If they are in Calais, France then it is a French problem and not a UK one.

How many allegedly "safe countries did they go through to get to Calais?

Let the French sort it out. If they send them to the UK simply send them back to "safe" country like France.

There man you are in utter error.

England and France have spent bilaterral agreement to legally move the administrative border at Calais.

The objective was to limit the risk of boat people with the dramas we regularly knows in the Mediterranean.

The English usually pay for this blockage. But it has become so widespread recently that the account is not there and that many voices in France to terminate this agreement and let them pass.

Finally, these migrants choose to go in the UK for 2 reasons:

1 They speak English.

2 They would join their friends and compatriots came before.

Francophones are already installed in France and numerous enough ...



"1. They all speak English."

"2. They would join their friends and compatriots that came before."

1. I don't know that and neither do you.

2. Why should they be allowed in in the first place?

3. The UK does NOT have to let them in at all. If they are genuine refugees then they are only permitted to enter the "first safe country" which I am sure would not have been France and certainly not the UK.

The Anglo/French agreement is a bilateral agreement which, as HappyJoe points out, is already comin under considerable pressure from the Frech public who wish to see the agreement ended. The rise of far right politicsl support in France is very likely going to bring an end to this agrrement.

The rule that an assylum seaker should ask for assylum in the first (EU) nation they arrive in and the duty of that (EU) nation to process/award the claim for assylum comes under the (EU) Dublin Agreement.

The Dublin Agreement is between EU members and is not applicable to non-EU members.

One of thse nasty EU regulations Brexit will free us of.

Good luck with the UK alone protecting its own boarders.

You know it will not happen.

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Who gives a damn, the UK is just a minnow....wait till Scotland secedes, it shrinks further....France kicks out the UK police and border control people stationed in Feance, so the Calais' population can move to the UK...

"Meinphuket" eh, I"ll hazard a guess that you might be a German? Ask some of your older compatriots, they may tell you that crossing the channel is not necessarily that easy!biggrin.png

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Alwyn yes it is good news that 11 countries (not exactly major) wish to open negotiations, i don't include Germany as this was just a advisement from the German finance minister that deals need to be completed quickly. The important fact is most of our trade is with Europe and these are the nations that are most important.

All countries outside will obviously make new trade deals but they consist of a small part of our economy.

Scotland is not a drain on our economy hence the reason for independence.

It all depends on whether north sea oil is added into the equation. we give Scotland more money per person than the uk. However this is only giving them back what we have received in revenue from north sea oil ( somewhat of a status quo)

If oil prices were to decline or alternative energies found Scotland would no longer be able to support itself, hence they voted to stay part of the UK (as most Scots were able to see the light)

Totally correct about unemployment but in the past these figures have always been manipulated and these may only be due to the changes in welfare payments ( i hope so) which is still good news

You statements are not random but do fail to tell the whole story. The media will always depict what you want to see.

Even intelligent people seem to assume that trade with Europe will cease. It won't.

At worst it will be subject to tariffs and access may be more difficult. The biggest factor may be panic and negative sentiment creating a self fulfilling prophecy.

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