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You Use Slow Dial-up?


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You won't find malware at sourceforge, however....

You cannot use this program without alot of computing power, and to get the maximum claimed compression you would in fact need an array of processors. This is nothing that other zip utilities couldn't do if they wanted to make wild and impractical claimes. With normal processing power this program is only as good as any other archiver out there. If you can afford a quad-core processor to make it even marginally more effective, you can afford a fast dsl or cable connection.

I'd give it a miss. It's over hyped.

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This is something I always enjoy following. Every 5 years or so someone claims to have come up with an unimaginably great compression algorithm putting everyone on the edge of their seat. I ran KGB with Maximum compression enabled against an arbitrary JPG photo and it reduced the size by 2%, LOL! Yes, it shrank out a measely 20K on a 1MB file. I tested a few other file types and it's SLIGHTLY better than ZIP level 9--SLIGHTLY. Not worth the proprietary file type. The problem is that todays hard drives are by and large filled with already compressed files (music, photos, and videos are already compresed). These don't compress much so not much advantage using compressors.

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