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27 Y.o Englishman Returning To England After 11 Years

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Cant really help you out with regards to Brighton, never been but have some mates living there - they moan about prices, but all have decent jobs so its not too bad. You could always come to Nottingham - weve got a spare room, if your skint youd fit right in, as we are all poor students - we could live on baked beans and kebabs and huddle round candles to keep warm. Theres 5 girls in the house so im sure you would be made to feel more than welcome! :o

Is Nottingham not the city with the best female to male ratio in the UK?

Is Nottingham also not the city with just about the highest crime rate , and gun crime rate , in the whole of the UK?

PS They do have girls in Brighton believe it or not !!

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Being from Nottingham myself, Last time i checked it was 4 woman to every man here .But you have not seen most of them lol jk .Notts crime rate is not that bad and the gun crime is just in a few parts of Nottingham .And i can safely say i have walk in those parts of Nottingam ,where the gun crime was, and i have never even had any trouble or seen any trouble .And i am not a big lad i feel as safe walking the streets, in the meadows ,and st anns as i do the streets in bkk, or rayong late at night .There is a have a fair amount of Polish here to . And most of them are seem nice hard working bunch .

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Being from Nottingham myself, Last time i checked it was 4 woman to every man here .But you have not seen most of them lol jk .Notts crime rate is not that bad and the gun crime is just in a few parts of Nottingham .And i can safely say i have walk in those parts of Nottingam ,where the gun crime was, and i have never even had any trouble or seen any trouble .And i am not a big lad i feel as safe walking the streets, in the meadows ,and st anns as i do the streets in bkk, or rayong late at night .There is a a fair amount of Polish here to . And most of them seem a nice hard working bunch of folks .
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Man, I feel for you. I never lived there, but was born in the UK. I returned at age 39 to find out I was too old to hold any IT related work, irrespective of my 3 degrees (USA attained).

I left after 3 months. I based myself out of Brighton and Eastbourne.

For you, you will love Brighton. A great place to be. A lot of people your age and a lot of IT work there as well.

Whatever your endeavours, I wish you best of luck.....

Any ideas folks.

Kayo is returning to the UK, and at the moment I'm specifically looking at Brighton, or near the coast in that area.

I've not been there for 11years and I'll be arriving fairly poor.

I'm all legit in the UK, got all my registration papers etc, etc.. I'm an englishman.

Just haven't lived there for ages.

Don't know it much anymore.

I've been living off the cuff in LOS and Guatemala and Amsterdam for the past many years

So just wondering if anyone has some helpful suggestions.

A starting point from which my questions can perhaps become more specific.

here's what I do know right now. Hopefully the thread can grow and I can be more specific. At the moment I am as flexible as this thread is:

Brighton Arriving around the end of Feb (start March)

Work (20-50 hours p.w morning/daytime only -broad experience - good ethics- no driving licence)

Accomodation (cheap, simple, I can live in any conditions, but I seek quiet)




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Eastern European migrants in UK top half a million.......21.11.06

but we need them...lots of BuBBLE :D (work)

Figures show 510,000 immigrants have come to work in the UK from Poland and other countries since they joined the European Union in May 2004

The number of Eastern European immigrants to Britain topped half a million for the first time in official figures today.

Government data showed 510,000 immigrants have come to work in the UK from Poland and other countries since they joined the European Union in May 2004.


We gotta Build an OLYMPIC stadium or summit in the next 6 years and its going to cost a lot of DOSH...now estimated at @ £6.Billion :unsure:

Fewer failed asylum seekers are deported

Statistics for the third quarter of this year showed the largest number of incomers had signed up to the Worker Registration Scheme since the same period last year.

There were 59,365 new arrivals from July to September this year, reflecting seasonal fluctuations.

The numbers do not include self-employed workers - thought to include a significant number of Eastern Europeans in the building trade - nor those who are here and not working.

Research commissioned by the Government before the last EU expansion estimated annual numbers would be no more than 5,000 to 13,000.

Poles made up 63 per cent of the total - more than 300,000 - followed by Lithuanians (11 per cent) and Slovaks (10 per cent).

The Anglia region had the greatest number of registered workers - 73,000 or 15 per cent of the total - followed by London and the Midlands with 14 per cent and 12 per cent respectively.


The number of low-skilled migrants from the two ex-Soviet Bloc states will be capped at under 20,000 a year.

However, an unpredictable number will be free to work here on a self-employed basis and will not require visas.

Earlier this month, figures showed more than 1,500 immigrants arrived in Britain every day last year....plenty room... :D

The Office for National Statistics data revealed that 565,000 people came to live here for at least a year during the course of 2005.

Meanwhile, more than 1,000 people a day left the UK to live abroad - an estimated 380,000 - half of whom were British citizens.

It means the country's net population rose by 500 a day, or 185,000 during the year :o

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It means the country's net population rose by 500 a day, or 185,000 during the year :D

Is that just fishing nets or does it include Ena Sharple's hairnet?

Suspect Ena,Martha and Mini.(not forgetting Bobbi...le chat ) have all retired like most happy Angrits to their palaces in the sun.....or at least Espania,while their chavvi offspring are seeking their fortunes elswhere...pattaya per chance... :o

We are an island nation and have always gone down to the sea in little boats with wur (fishing )nets...so explains itself...dont-it :D:D

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Rinrada, and some others,


To those who are following this thread, I thank you for your helpful comments, links, suggestions, observations and opinions.

I shall respond more in detail as the week goes on, and I'm checking in here regularly. I may pm a couple of you for some additional info as I make more concrete plans.

Soph, tempting as your offer is, I fear it may derail me from my plans to rectify what is missing in my life, if I were to share a flat with four? five? beautiful female university students.

Nonetheless, I shall take the proposition under review.


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A bit off topic, interested in what 5 languages you speak, surely there must be a job where they can be put to good use?

I'll just reply to this one quickly though,






My thai is rusty (and less practical internationally) but still there, as I showed tonight;

I've just returned from a delicious Thai restaurant in Monaco. The all-Thai staff get it right in this little establishment, for a foreign Thai restaurant!

hence, it's late and I'm tired tonight.

Thanks again to all.


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  • 4 weeks later...

I've lived in Brighton and had a great time, Amsterdam ditto.

Bournemouth, thats the place mate. plenty of horeca to get yourself started and plenty of other work to, telesales, pr, shopwork, good for the giggle and getting to know people, plenty to keep an enterprising fella like yourself going. big town, happy people, very good night life, colleges, uni, birds are up for it, supplies, cheap digs, best beach in England, and surrounded by the New Forest and beautiful Dorset for when you want to find your inspiration. lots of history and lots of wildlife for Wabbit to play with. Southampton is a train ride away, very upbeat now since they done the city up, and Poole just down the road.

You might find it a bit far away from the big smoke, but when you've got 5 miles of golden sand, clean Atlantic water and some of southern Englands finest ladies, you'll be glad of it.

Peace mate and good luck.

Edited by Robski
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hold on robski

i have small guesthouse on sea front great yarmouth , i an not having it about the , re , birds are up for it,bournemouth,

you shold look out my window at 2am fri sat , and i will show you , birds up for it,

come on kayo great yarmouths the place , bournemouth full old people dogders


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Yeh got to admit there's plenty of coffin dodgers down there, better than Bognor though, maybe he could be a gigolo, 20-25 hours a week mornings and days, mmm there's an idea Kayo. Or a bingo caller.

As for the birds being up for it I guess that goes for 99.99% of towns in England, sod it let's just say alll of 'em.

What about Lucy Pinder though, she was 'discovered' on Bournemouth beach... mmmm Lucy mmm. haha

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Brighton Arriving around the end of Feb (start March)

Work (20-50 hours p.w morning/daytime only -broad experience - good ethics- no driving licence)

Accomodation (cheap, simple, I can live in any conditions, but I seek quiet)




Google recruitment agencies in Brighton. I recommend Blue Arrow. They have all sorts of jobs. That area is famous for old peoples homes, maybe a job helping them retain their dignity.

Good luck, i don't evny you going back to the UK. Seems ppl are trying to left it at the mo

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Kayo!! Dont do it! Every time i go back i always cant wait to leave again. The last time i was living in London was in 2003 for 6 months. All i done was work work and more work. (as i wanted to get back to Thailand to live.)I'm a sparky so i had good paying jobs. I also stayed with mates and had a tiny little room for 35 quid a week. But i had the run of the rest of the house. The Uk is alright in summer but shit in winter. Good luck.

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:D Hi Kayo !

I didn't know you were just 27...but it's an interesting thread about someone who's not sure where to go from now and build a future.

I noticed that you have been living a fun-life (more or less) so far in LOS, Guatamala on the vulcano-lake, and good old Amsterdam.

I'm just wondering why you choose Brighton, being a tourist destination, of all places.

If your choice is to 'grow' in the Hotel, Restaurant and Cafe business -Horeca- it's not a bad choice but I would think of different places to go to.....but that's me.

The future in this business, tourism, is in Southern Europe, Asia, Caribbean and a few more places where one can find INTERNATIONAL tourism and not, like Brighton, mainly UK tourists....nothing wrong with that of course!

You have such a wide International working/travel-experience so far that I can't understand your choice, but again, that's me.

You're 27 and fairly poor, no drivers' license (get one !!!) and what kind of future do you expect to find in Brighton ? :D

If I were you I would try to find a place where you can mix into the International Jet-Set and go for real bucks.... :o

You speak your languages...use them.

But, maybe I'm totally wrong here and you don't wish to do so and I would respect your choice, of course!

Cheers and good luck


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  • 4 weeks later...
Kayo!! Dont do it!

(snip for brevity)

Good luck.


Thanks Jockstar.

Alright. So D-Day is approaching.

I'm on my way to India in a few hours, to spend some time with my brother and get some dental work done (that would surely take years on NHS and me teeth won't wait! :o )

In exactly five weeks I'm landing in London.

I've not yet made a firm decision about where though.

My favoured choices are:

1. Edinburgh (good job opps, bad accomodation opps and I have some memories)

2. Cambridge (mix and match but I know the town well)

3. Brighton (the gay comments admittedly put me off going there a bit, but that's silly isn't it? )

4 and more:

Anywhere where someone wishes to hire me!

I'm not really that fussed. Anybody on here looking for a hard working, multi cultural person?!

I'm a looker too! :D

I'll be reviving this thread (with help from you lot, I hope) over the next weeks as I'm in India.


Kayo! :D

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Hi Kayo,

I was going to PM you to see how far you had got and any further plans.

Can't help on the jobs front, Oxford has a lot of casual work in the service industry but low paid and they have an awful lot of students on tap, so I guess that wont change in the short term.

Expensive to live as well, but then so is Brighton, I thought?

Well, Good Luck

Keep us informed


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As a resident of Brighton and given the choices you have listed , i can't see how you can be agonizing. Surely at only 27 years old you should be heading for the life of Brighton rather than the quietness (read boredom) of Cambridge or the cold of Edinburgh. Plus they speak with a funny accent!! (read Scottish).

Brighton has a young and vibrant day and nightlife (although nothing compared to the lovely Bangkok of course).

Incidently, the UK has changed for the worse since you were last here and is a horrible controlled country now. So you should be careful about making comments like your anti-gay one (even if in jest) because that , along with most other things , is now against the law. Freedom of speech does not exist anymore in the UK.

Its strange discussing someone who wants to return to the Uk to live. Most of the people i know want to go the other way , including me (give it another 5 years and i'll be off too)

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I'm on my way to India in a few hours,..................

If you read this, you're probably already in India, Kayo !

Wish you well and have a nice holiday..................with the dentist :o

Good luck to you !



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You need money, money and more money in the UK now eg my car tax in the post today comes to 190 pounds & my councuil tax is 160 pound per month. Everything is expensive especially travel, entertainment & running a car, heating home etc., London is almost the most expensive city in the world and that means the young, low income folk suffer most. London is very status conscious and if you have not got it- you live in a grotty suburb full of foreigners and pissed off teenagers - crossed by busy noisey roads and dirty metro trains with misery people.

Avoid London & SE as its very, very expensive and people are less happy and less friendly and spend far too much time travelling in trains, car queues, jams, also London is too multi-ethnic in the sense that no one feels at ease & can integrate & its become too violent and distrustful especially among younger ethnics ; head anywhere North where people enjoy life not endure it e.g. Manchester or even Edinburgh and where you will meet lots of friendly English or Scots girls; London is full of single males and migrants etc.,

Try a few days in a Northern town and then go SE to see the difference. Brighton is too close to London and the property prices are inflated by money from the capital city. Most people of 30 and over are usually thinking of how to escape London's problems so the move into the home counties but you need money to live in the home counties.

I know when you are very young London may dazzle but later you will hate its disadvantages.

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Brighton a.k.a. Skidrow on Sea. Cambridge? I'm telling you mate Bournemouth, it's farkin ace especially with the summer coming up and those southern ladies are oh sooooooooooo lovely. Good luck in whatever you choose.

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Brighton a.k.a. Skidrow on Sea. Cambridge? I'm telling you mate Bournemouth, it's farkin ace especially with the summer coming up and those southern ladies are oh sooooooooooo lovely. Good luck in whatever you choose.

b'mouth is a very good night out and many job opportunities. they have a teaching hospital so loads of lovely young nurses.

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You know what I'm saying. Ok I'm a big fan and not even from there sheesh.. It's easy to check out the job situation there with the Jobcentre online.

Thats real sand by the way and did I mention the babes? oh I did already.. Oh the babes..... :o




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