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Police: London stabbings that killed US woman not terrorism


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3 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

Whats a somali man doing living in the uk anyway? 


Is he on the uk  marathon team?


Poncing off the benefit system just like the rest of his countrymen.

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10 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:



Why did the Britain muslim attacker decide to attack people in the Bloomsbury area, which is popular with tourists and has many hotels? Why did the muslim attacker not attempt to kill people in his own neighborhood with a high muslim population? 


I have no idea why he attacked people in Bloomsbury; neither does anyone else, except, possibly, the police. Hopefully this is something which may become apparent during his trial.


As I pointed out in an earlier post, the percentage Muslim population of Bloomsbury is higher than that of Tooting!


Had he wanted to minimise the risk of one of his victims being Muslim, instead of travelling to Bloomsbury  he could have gone a few stops down the Northern Line from Tooting to Morden. An area he knows as he attended college there and an area with a lower percentage Muslim population than both Tooting and Bloomsbury.


Or he could have gone to Stamford Hill where he could guarantee that most, if not all, of his victims would be Jewish.


I sympathise with your connection problems; I've had similar, and complained about them in relevant topics in support, for several months, and the recent upgrade hasn't solved them all!

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30 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:

As for the nationalities and identities of the Russell Square knife attack victims, they are all available in news articles online and that is where I have gleaned the information I have presented here--after having read nearly two dozen news articles on the attack.


If I linked the wrong article then all you have to do is some reading and you will find more.



 I cannot find any articles which identify the other victims; except for their nationalities. Can you provide a link to one which names them? If it also gives their skin colour and religion, then so much the better.


No article says he was charged minutes after being arrested as you claim.


21 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:

So can someone provide the exact time and date that the formal charges were made?


And can you offer it in Grenwich Time? 




No, all the reports simply say he was charged on Friday morning. Those same articles, and I've read many, also name him.


For example: Russell Square stabbings: Man charged over London murder


A 19-year-old man has been charged with the murder of a US tourist in a knife attack in London's Russell Square.

Zakaria Bulhan, of south-west London, has been charged with the murder of Darlene Horton, 64, and the attempted murder of five other people.


According to Google, these reports appeared between 20 and 21 hours ago, from the time of typing which is 18:27 BST, 17:27 GMT. So you can work it out for yourself.

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15 minutes ago, 7by7 said:


Had he wanted to minimise the risk of one of his victims being Muslim, instead of travelling to Bloomsbury  he could have gone a few stops down the Northern Line from Tooting to Morden. An area he knows as he attended college there and an area with a lower percentage Muslim population than both Tooting and Bloomsbury.



This issue is a Red Herring. Islamic terrorists kill other Muslims all the time. They really are not particular about who they murder in the name of jihad.

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"Had he wanted to minimise the risk of one of his victims being Muslim, instead of travelling to Bloomsbury  he could have gone a few stops down the Northern Line from Tooting to Morden. An area he knows as he attended college there and an area with a lower percentage Muslim population than both Tooting and Bloomsbury."


Like most of us I spend a good deal of time in the LOS among tourists from all over the world.


Again like most of us I can spot a Caucasian with a European heritage every time be they American, Antipodean or European. I again like most of us can also differentiate between  an Arab, an African or a sub Continental.


The first lot are unlikely to be Muslims while a large percentage of the latter mentioned might well be.


Having spent most of his life in Europe it's a racing certainty that this Bloomsbury knife man could as well especially when it came to Caucasians. He's had plenty of time to study different folk 'cos it's a pound to a penny that he's never had a regular job!



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8 hours ago, RuamRudy said:


You are right, eventually the truth will out. That is why it is extremely irresponsible to make statements like 'At least thirteen French youngsters have just been blown to pieces in a bar in Rouen this evening.'


The unfortunate victims were not blown to pieces and you had no reason to say that they were.


They were still just as dead and the survivors have terrible burns, one poor chap has 90% burns and may well not survive.


In the UK bars have to pass strict health and safety inspections on a regular basis to remain open.


France being a fellow member of the EU is probably subjected to the same regulations in which case it would be closed down if it did not have fire extinguishers in place and fire retardant fixtures, fittings and furnishings on the premises and a fire escape out the back.


From the press photos the Cuba Libre Bar opens out onto the street just like a shop. It seems that the fire took hold much too quickly in order to kill and injure 20 of it's customers.


Something is not quite right here in spite of what the police and papers may say. Most of the customers should have been able to get out of there like a shot at the first sign of danger.


The fire could have been started by an incendiary device and the customers could not get out through doors that had been locked or tampered with as it would appear that for some reason they couldn't. It has all the makings of a cover up if you ask me!

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9 hours ago, FinChin67 said:

Yes. I think she has already so we better hurry up!!!

Hmmm... not quite there. Then we can start fighting sunni /shia war.... I think I'll opt for sunni.


I opt for whichever believes their prophet flew up to heaven on a winged donkey... so I guess both of them?

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13 hours ago, yogi100 said:


The candles of a cake dropped on the floor set the ceiling tiles on fire so the authorities are claiming. Quite logical.


A common enough occurrence. Eventually the truth will out.


It has now been reported the bar was primarily used by the local community from Réunion  Island. There is a steep wooden staircase leading to the basement & that's where the fire started setting the staircase walls ablaze when someone stumbled while carrying the birthday cake with 20 lit candles and sparklers , apparently with no alternative escape route.


Some members of this forum wish every mass casualty event is caused by Muslims in support of their anti Muslim agenda, which in my opinion is gross bigotry.



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7 minutes ago, simple1 said:


Some members of this forum wish every mass casualty event is caused by Muslims in support of their anti Muslim agenda, which in my opinion is gross bigotry.



A huge number of mass casualty events ARE caused by Islamic Terrorism. Some folks want to nitpick about whether the perpetrators are mentally sound or whether they followed religious laws strictly, but IMO those things do not really matter.

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10 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


A huge number of mass casualty events ARE caused by Islamic Terrorism. Some folks want to nitpick about whether the perpetrators are mentally sound or whether they followed religious laws strictly, but IMO those things do not really matter.


Agreed, currently the majority of mass casualty terror attacks are generated by those from a Muslim heritage, but that is not relevant to my point. The point is some members come across as hoping all mass causality events are caused by those of a Muslim background in support of their gross bigotry and amoral

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1 hour ago, simple1 said:


Agreed, currently the majority of mass casualty terror attacks are generated by those from a Muslim heritage, but that is not relevant to my point. The point is some members come across as hoping all mass causality events are caused by those of a Muslim background in support of their gross bigotry and amoral

Believe it or not the vast majority of people get no pleasure whatsoever in being proven correct time and again about the damage caused by globalist left wingers. After being called every name under the sun for opposing the collapse of western civilization there is I admit the small consolation of being able to dish some of it back.


p.s Incoming, Mental illness in Charleroi leaving two police stabbed and one enricher dead.

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14 minutes ago, Steely Dan said:

Believe it or not the vast majority of people get no pleasure whatsoever in being proven correct time and again about the damage caused by globalist left wingers. After being called every name under the sun for opposing the collapse of western civilization there is I admit the small consolation of being able to dish some of it back.


'Dish some of it back' with BS???


On the matter you raised Socialist governments of Europe are fighting the rise of Islamists in their nations and M.E / North Africa and implementing relevant new legislation. On the issue of the left which side of politics will ultimately create more damage to our societies if not the right wing parties treacherously aligning to dictators such as Putin e.g. le Pen & Wilders & with economic policies which will quicly create more damage to our nations than the Islamists we all despise

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Interesting that the Woman killed was an American Tourist. Did He attack her because he heard her accent if she spoke. And attacked the others assuming they also are American Tourists.As a Somali may have a thing against Americans. So several possible motives for the attack. Islamic motivated or not ? How would collective punishment stop this?

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  Following a second attempted kidnap of a British serviceman by Islamists, the British military has banned the wearing of British military uniforms on the streets of Britain. The first time this has ever happened in our history. It's to stop them being attacked and murdered by the Islamic enemy.   When you consider that the British military, created to serve and defend the interests and lives of British people, have been removed from the streets of the country they serve because British governments have introduced a fifth column of militant Islamists, hell-bent and dedicated to the annihilation of Britain and the conquest and subjugation of the people of Britain something is rotten at the top.   Instead of taking radical steps by detaining and deporting those with murderous intent our treasonous politicians are hell bent on bringing even more of the prospective enemy into what was once our country.  

No it's not the first time that servicemen were banned from wearing uniform on the streets
This ban was in force during "the troubles" as was the necessity to check your car before driving anywhere
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52 minutes ago, Kiwiken said:

Interesting that the Woman killed was an American Tourist. Did He attack her because he heard her accent if she spoke. And attacked the others assuming they also are American Tourists.As a Somali may have a thing against Americans. So several possible motives for the attack. Islamic motivated or not ? How would collective punishment stop this?

At this point we can only speculate, but being a 64 year old woman probably makes her a little easier target than younger people.   



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7 hours ago, yogi100 said:


They were still just as dead and the survivors have terrible burns, one poor chap has 90% burns and may well not survive.


In the UK bars have to pass strict health and safety inspections on a regular basis to remain open.


France being a fellow member of the EU is probably subjected to the same regulations in which case it would be closed down if it did not have fire extinguishers in place and fire retardant fixtures, fittings and furnishings on the premises and a fire escape out the back.


From the press photos the Cuba Libre Bar opens out onto the street just like a shop. It seems that the fire took hold much too quickly in order to kill and injure 20 of it's customers.


Something is not quite right here in spite of what the police and papers may say. Most of the customers should have been able to get out of there like a shot at the first sign of danger.


The fire could have been started by an incendiary device and the customers could not get out through doors that had been locked or tampered with as it would appear that for some reason they couldn't. It has all the makings of a cover up if you ask me!


That you are still desperately trying to justify your repugnantly cynical attempt to tie this tragedy to terrorism case shows how desperate you must be to create divisions. The embers were still glowing in the bar while you were posting about bodies being blown apart with nothing to justify that statement other than your own prejudice. And now, a day later, and despite the clear eveidence confirming the official story, you are still desperately trying to rabble rouse.

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On 8/5/2016 at 4:13 PM, dunroaming said:

The man had lived in the UK for 14 years and had no links to any terrorist organisations.  There was nothing on his computer that indicated that he even looked at any sites relating to any Muslim issues and no literature in his home.  He was mentally ill but hey! don't let facts get in the way when you are banging your Islamophobia drum! 


You are correct ,but as i said before ,if him and his family had not been allowed into the UK that poor woman would now be alive , and funny isnt it that all these recent attacks by people with mental problems have been muslims?

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Just now, i claudius said:


You are correct ,but as i said before ,if him and his family had not been allowed into the UK that poor woman would now be alive , and funny isnt it that all these recent attacks by people with mental problems have been muslims?


I don't think the Ukiper who shot the MP was a Muslim - or was he perfectly sane?

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7 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:


I don't think the Ukiper who shot the MP was a Muslim - or was he perfectly sane?


Why was he an immegrant or from an immegrant family ? if not what has this to do with anything?

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Just now, i claudius said:


Why was he an immegrant or from an immegrant family ? if not what has this to do with anything?


You suggested that 'all these recent attacks by people with mental problems have been muslims?'. I realise now that you were referring to immigrants, but to have made sense, you should have shown some sort of counter to that - the number of attacks by non-Muslim immigrants, the number of attacks by indigenous Muslims, the number of attacks by idnigenous non-Muslims etc. Otherwise your supposition was simply a Daily Mail style piece of nothing.


I helped you out a bit by highlighting that nutters are not restricted to religious groups.

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8 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:


You suggested that 'all these recent attacks by people with mental problems have been muslims?'. I realise now that you were referring to immigrants, but to have made sense, you should have shown some sort of counter to that - the number of attacks by non-Muslim immigrants, the number of attacks by indigenous Muslims, the number of attacks by idnigenous non-Muslims etc. Otherwise your supposition was simply a Daily Mail style piece of nothing.


I helped you out a bit by highlighting that nutters are not restricted to religious groups.


Like most people who do not want to see , and try to muddy the waters , you try to twist my words , i will reiterate , as they were IMMEGRANTS , i say again IMMEGRANTS  not native born people who may have mental health problems , and there are many ,if they had NOT been allowed into the country the woman would now be alive . is that clear enough ?

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3 hours ago, simple1 said:


Agreed, currently the majority of mass casualty terror attacks are generated by those from a Muslim heritage, but that is not relevant to my point. The point is some members come across as hoping all mass causality events are caused by those of a Muslim background in support of their gross bigotry and amoral


That's way out of line.


We wish we were not even discussing these matters but some of us have to live with it and have opinions that do not fit in with the pink and fluffy agenda that is firmly lodged in liberal minds.


Some of us do actually LIVE in areas where an Islamic attack has occurred and feel uneasy when in any kind of proximity to those who may be responsible for the next one. You may not have heard but blood is beginning to flow on European streets and it's basically thanks to our politicians, their attempts at regime changing and their hare brained liberal policies.


Their destructive social engineering experiment of ‘multiculturalism’ introduced hostile ethnic groups into our once harmonious and relatively safe communities, and their active shipping in of million of Muslims into Europe is now costing the lives of European people practically on a daily basis.
Some of these lives belong to our sons and daughters who are most likely to be the victims in these vile atrocities and yes we do hate those responsible, both the Muslims and politicians, That's the main reason we voted to quit the EU.
Wait till an Islamic terrorist stalks Bondi Beach in Australia on the rampage with an AK 47 and slaughters 30 innocent Australians or lets off a bomb in a crowded train, bus or shopping centre in Perth or Melbourne and see what song sheet you sing to then. Then to add insult to injury have clueless outsiders accuse you of bigotry!


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11 minutes ago, i claudius said:


Why was he an immegrant or from an immegrant family ? if not what has this to do with anything?


It depends how far back in his family history you go.


But I suggest you look at the attacker - suffering mental illness, hanging around with hate mongers, his house decked out with the the iconography of the extreme right wing, his auctions were driven by hatred.



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59 minutes ago, Celer et Audax said:


No it's not the first time that servicemen were banned from wearing uniform on the streets
This ban was in force during "the troubles" as was the necessity to check your car before driving anywhere



That 'ban' was sincere advice. This is a nationwide order.


Feel free to find any more nits that may need picking.

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31 minutes ago, yogi100 said:


That's way out of line.


We wish we were not even discussing these matters but some of us have to live with it and have opinions that do not fit in with the pink and fluffy agenda that is firmly lodged in liberal minds.




It's not too far adrift, you only yesterday jumped on the tragedy of the fire at a birthday party in France, sprinkling a few 'ifs' into your eagerness to believe the fire an Islamist attack and when the police announce they believe the cause to be a fire caused by candles, sprinkling more of 'the truth will come out eventually'.

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2 minutes ago, GuestHouse said:


It's not too far adrift, you only yesterday jumped on the tragedy of the fire at a birthday party in France, sprinkling a few 'ifs' into your eagerness to believe the fire an Islamist attack and when the police announce they believe the cause to be a fire caused by candles, sprinkling more of 'the truth will come out eventually'.


You can see from reports it's a shop fronted bar with no obstructions from entry or exiting.


Public places have to conform to health and safety regulations especially fire hazards regarding inflammable materials and fire exits etc.


OK that will not guarantee a fire not starting  but neither is it a sound reason for so many fatalities being caused.


You may think it's a perfectly normal understandable occurrence but some of us may regard the circumstances as a bit suspicious to say the least.


Police act on the orders of governments and it's beginning to dawn on not just French but all European politicians that their quest for a multicultural society has been one massive, ill conceived pipe dream.


They've already tried excusing these attacks with claims of mental instability on the part of the perpetrators. Who knows what else they may have up their sleeves, politicians have been known to tell the occasional lie when it suits their agenda.


Look at the comments sections in the various on line versions of our daily newspapers and you will see I'm not alone in my suspicions.

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11 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

Whats a somali man doing living in the uk anyway? 


Is he on the uk  marathon team?

I guess he was living there?

A lot of Somalis came to NZ in the late 1990's and early 2000's in order to Halal kill in Our Freezing Industry. Their Families coming with them.

I would think something similar in the UK. Mostly the parents blend in and become good workers. But the Kids do not always fit in. And We had problems with them starting a street Gang in My City (Christchurch) . And for a while there were groups using machetes in attacks. Prompt Police actions seemed to have quelled this as have not heard of for some time.

This Person seems to have had mental issues. Also remember he comes from a culture that resorts pretty quickly to using machetes and knives when frustrated.

Does not excuse it. But never surprised when here they use machetes or knives. RIP the poor Woman killed and the others injured heal quickly.

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12 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


Nothing to do with Islam. Nothing to do with terrorism. Next!

- be European
- go to airport, get bombed
- get to train, get shot
- go to concert, get shot
- walk about, get slashed and stabbed
- go to festival, get raped
- catch a bus, get bombed
- go to street party, get run over
- draw Mohammed, get killed
- etc...
- voice concern of the danger of letting in muslim immigrants get arrested for intolerance


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