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Sex Education to be launched nationwide in Thai schools to curb teen pregnancy


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1 minute ago, Chapelroad said:


You can teach them all you like, but most are not going to listen.


Do you not think parents should play a part in educating their kids about it ?


I know girls that went to work in factories when they had kids early, they were certainly not forced into the sex industry.

It is Your opinion that they will not learn...................  Some will but if they don't learn then we will still have a few...................

So many Thai parents (like parents around the world) are too shy to discuss it.. School learning is a re-enforcement for the 'Lacking' parent.............. Many parents never taught them the alphabet..............

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Sex Education to be launched nationwide in Thai schools to curb teen pregnancy


Why do people make such an issue out of these media headlines. How can something be launched nationwide that has already been taking place in Thai state schools for around 10 years, possibly longer.


What they really mean is that they want to make sure that schools not already participating do so, different scenario entirely but less sensational.

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The topic is sex education, the picture is of contraceptive pills. Anyone aware of the availability and rights of girls below the legal age when it comes to getting a prescription for oral contraceptives?  Its a bit naff if they have to rely on the boy/man to take precautions!


For all I know you can buy them over the counter at 7-11

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Most of my female students,M's 3,4,and 5 didnt even know why they menstruated,every 28 days,let alone how to use contraception.One year, my syllabus covered puberty.I asked all the parents,by way of the kids home books,if they wanted me to enlighten them or would they rather do it themselves at home.Not one parent wanted to tell their children. I was surprised to find it was the Korean girls that were most embarrassed.

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On 08/08/2016 at 3:12 PM, Chapelroad said:

2016 ! A bit late to start educating them.


On 08/08/2016 at 3:12 PM, Chapelroad said:

2016 ! A bit late to start educating them.

agreed Chapelroad but sometimes it is better late than never, provided this very sensitive education is imparted by well qualified and selected number of educators.

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  • 4 weeks later...
5 hours ago, NongKhaiKid said:

Parents as usual don't want involved in this, or much to do with parenting really, and want schools to do everything but some will complain that their children shouldn't be getting taught this sort of thing.

Correct, keep them poor, ignorant, and pregnant- does wonders for the young girls. 

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On 08/08/2016 at 3:23 PM, Lupatria said:

And now I'm waiting for those in the villages drunk on superior moral and Thai culture storming the barricades saying: who needs sex education when we marry our kids at the age of 14 or below?


Their usual explanation, once the kids learned how to do it, the wanna do it all the time does not work, as we all know from math, science and physics classes provided in this country.

I'm afraid I need this one translated into English!

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On 08/08/2016 at 5:04 PM, nausea said:

Well, I hope they're better quality than the ones I got as a kid in the UK. I mostly recall horrible photos of people suffering from STDs, and the teacher saying women didn't get pleasure from sex, they did it out of love for the man.

I take it the teacher was a woman with serious hangups!

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On 08/09/2016 at 3:32 PM, Khon Kaen Dave said:

Most of my female students,M's 3,4,and 5 didnt even know why they menstruated,every 28 days,let alone how to use contraception.One year, my syllabus covered puberty.I asked all the parents,by way of the kids home books,if they wanted me to enlighten them or would they rather do it themselves at home.Not one parent wanted to tell their children. I was surprised to find it was the Korean girls that were most embarrassed.

Are you an English teacher?

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I am indeed,And i think that all teachers should be very knowledgeable in this area.Not only being a single parent to girl child for many years,and having to be able to discuss sex,drugs,and rock and roll.Also contraception and all things female.

I was never embarrassed by either the questions from male or female students.

I agree that some teachers who are only part educated in this matter should not teach it.

Sex education is very important and should be delivered with care,and at the same time,a serious hand.

My head mistress asked me if i was comfottable teaching the subject and asked me questions regarding the full sexual transformation.She was happy.and so were a lot of the parents that breathed a sigh of relief.it got me a good few bottles of jack that year.

If you have any questions on the subject that you are not sure about,please do not hesitate to contact me.

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