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Thai police arrest two men after deadly bomb blasts


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The sooner authorities stop downplaying this as an act of terrorism, the more credibility they will garner, they did the same with the Erwan bombing.

The act and intent is what makes it Terrorism, regardless of whom carried the attacks out.

They just won't admit to it being terrorism, it's the one thing everyone who is contributing to such threads agree on.....it's Terrorism, no need to try and dismiss it as anything else, it makes you look foolish, and clueless.


It does indeed, but these clowns are no strangers to looking foolish and clueless.


As I understand it, the problem is two-fold: 


1.  If they say there was a terrorist incident in Thailand, lots of tourists will go elsewhere, and the money Thais earn from tourism will decline.

2.  If they say it was a terrorist incident, then the travel insurance companies won't cover travel to and staying in Thailand for some or all contingencies. So tourists won't come and the money Thais earn from tourism will decline.


It all makes perfect sense, expressed in dollars and cents.




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2 minutes ago, Holy Cinema said:

People like Robblok and Smedley should be reading this, as they've been saying the region was quiet!!


Never said the region was quiet.. stop lying. I said the government does not need any excuses or more power in the south. They basically have enough power there already. Its almost never in the news (with that i meant that there are no foreign reporters going on about human rights and stuff and a need for the government to justify harder or tougher rules)


You should buy some more tinfoil for your false flag idea's.

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1 hour ago, robblok said:

If you are implying false flag.. the military already had good control over the country especially after the referendum. This damages the economy and that is the last thing they want it makes no sense. 


The only 2 real options are insurgents / reds (both have proven their violent capabilities in the past)

ISIS is out still has not claimed responsibility.


Your mate djjamie is convinced it was the Reds. He was also convinced it was the Reds responsible for the Eriwan Shrine bombing. At least your guess is 50/50. I'd prefer to wait for the end of the investigation rather than attempting clairvoyance.


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33 minutes ago, AGareth2 said:

well the southern boys have the bombs and the people

The date was probably picked some time ago

12 incidents over a 500 km area would take planning and personel

65 bombs in the region in 10 days, easy enough for them to coordinate 12 in one day.

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2 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

There is no doubt in my mind that this was the work of factions opposed to the horrific power grab represented by the new constitution and referendum. It gave the army far more power, and influence over the country for many years to come. Since discussion and debate were not allowed, and the public was not informed about the true intentions of the vote, there was bound to be some hostile elements left behind. Extreme power has it's consequences.


The real shame, is that this only feeds into the hands of the military. Unrest only gives them more control. And the goons that are responsible for these attacks are only weakening their own economy (appears to be their intention) and tourist industry. Perhaps they are anarchists? The woman who was killed in the first attack was a poor som tam vendor in Hua Hin. What can one even say?

The military took over to try and restore peace and stability to Thailand after a decade of Thaksin's dictatorial non-democratic rule, during which he committed 18 gross human eights violations and tried to pass laws outside of the agreement of the existing democratic institutions. The referendum was not a power grab as you say. Indeed, and yes, it was passed by 35% of the total electorate which has been characterised by the west and people here as a minority. However those same people used the word 'landslide' when only 35% of the electorate voted for Thaksin's party. They seem to want it both ways. There is no doubt in my own mind where these bombings have come from. The Thaksin years have been marked by their violent opposition and their twisting of the facts in order to make it seem that their opponents were causing the deaths over the years. Those of us who have no ideology but are simply interested in looking behind the spin are well aware of what is going on. Desperate days now for the reds. I wonder what lies ahead. I wouldn't mark the military's actions (as naive as they seem to be) as a 'horrific power grab'. Thais aren't stupid, they know what's going on and certainly the Thais that I know, family and friends, seem quite comfortable with the current situation.

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Management by terror at its best.

No one talks about how rigged the election was, now.

in Europe we have the attack before the elections so sheep vote accordingly . Here it's after so no one now dare to contest the vote.

Same result though.

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1 hour ago, chainarong said:

Quit frankly the whole episode has been handled shoddy , on the OZ TV the reporter is saying the police knew of impending attacks but didn't know where , fair enough,  however  they said nothing,  not even a warning to everybody to be awhere that attacks may take place ,this would not prevent injuries , but it would have indicated the Junta had everyone's welfare as a  priority ,  this is not good , and it is evident that the Junta will do anything to preserve the tourist industry at any cost................................................:coffee1:


Handled in the usual Thai way.   For the most part Thai's live in constant denial and will never admit to the possibility of anything being or going wrong.  Even when it has gone wrong it will always be someone else's fault....so it follows that they will never warn of impending danger as it would not follow the usual pattern of denial !

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2 hours ago, Sharp said:

Complete nonsense this has anything to do with them!! 

Agree 100%. Also, if ISIS were involved, coffins would be lined up for a mile. This was just a few ball-bearings, as shown on Thai TV

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37 minutes ago, Father Fintan Stack said:


They will never give up those provinces as that is where all the oil and gas is.

Logical then, because if people had to go one day without aircon or fuel in their car there would be nationwide riots. You and I would be at the forefront of them I would suspect.


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4 hours ago, Somtamnication said:

LOL. Yes, only foreigners controlled Central World back in 2010. Thais just watched. :cheesy:


...IMHO... Thais would rather forgive their own than punish them..hoping they adjust their attitude and just fit back into society..and on we go! 

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These attacks have all the hallmarks of an extension northwards of the Southern terrorism. The bombings suggest two groups travelling north, one splitting off to the West to Phuket/Phangna and the other continuing to Hua-Hin and taking in Surat and Si Thammarat on the way. This is the nightmare which the authorities and the country have been dreading and everyone is in denial. 


The Thai authorities and Westarn media continue to refer to the Southen attacks as "insurgency". They are terrorist attacks. My brother in law had his hotel in Sungai Kolok wrecked and narrowly escaped a bomb anttack on himself personally ( as the owner of an entertainment value) and the school which my wife attended has been firebombed. If that's not terrorism I don't know what is. 


The Western press rarely report this situation but in light of recent events are starting to mention it. Jonathan Head outlines the situation on the BBC quite well and uses the "T" word. The left-wing Gaurdian places blame on politics and only mentions the southern links in passing. They never refer to the southern attackers as Moslems as it doesn't fit in with their view that all Moslem terrorism is caused by the actions of the West whereas inconveniently for them, there never has been any Western intervention in Thailand.

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31 minutes ago, jesimps said:


Your mate djjamie is convinced it was the Reds. He was also convinced it was the Reds responsible for the Eriwan Shrine bombing. At least your guess is 50/50. I'd prefer to wait for the end of the investigation rather than attempting clairvoyance.



32 minutes ago, jesimps said:


Your mate djjamie is convinced it was the Reds. He was also convinced it was the Reds responsible for the Eriwan Shrine bombing. At least your guess is 50/50. I'd prefer to wait for the end of the investigation rather than attempting clairvoyance.


Great investigative technique,  start with the final conclusion and work back to make everything fit.

Seems better then the traditional method of evidence and information gathering which leads to a logical conclusion  !

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3 minutes ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

You are repeating the mistake you made when you unequivocally blamed the red shirts for the Erawan Shrine bombing on the 17th August last year.


It goes back much further than last year (and as history has shown, the track record for accusations and bringing the perpetrators to justice is abysmal).


This time, we are told that the devices used were similar to those used by separatist groups in southern Thailand, but at least the police chief has enough common sense to suggest that this was not conclusive proof they were behind the attacks.


For those who still remember the 2006 bomb blasts that spoilt the "Count Down" in BKK, the then PM made bold allegations about the possible culprits that could not be proved. He "...later backtracked and admitted that his claim that Thaksin-allies were responsible "was just an intelligence analysis" and was based on no solid evidence or information..." - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2006_Bangkok_bombings#Bombs


After those bombings, the Bangkok Governor "...ordered all 50 districts in Bangkok to collect all their rubbish bins..."! Maybe, this time we might see them collecting plant pots?

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The latest BBC news headlines say that in the PM's Friday Night Follies he said it wasn't clear who was responsible but now Thai security officials are saying southern separatists.

I suppose it could become like a BIB murder enquiry where they list every possible motive,  well one's bound to be correct.

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2 hours ago, Eligius said:

'The real shame is that this only feeds into the hands of the military'. Now, isn't that interesting. Cui bono?

Now, now, false flags never happen, they are the ravings of conspiracy theorists. That aside, doubt it would have been the military, they have already gotten the power the want, this outrage doesn't cast them in a good light security wise.

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4 hours ago, jlwilliamsjr18 said:

A reality crime-drama TV show in Thailand would last approximately 3 min.  Script:  Crime-Photos-Arrest-Crime Solved.



no commercials?.... There's anther two minutes.

Edited by farcanell
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It is possible it's connected to the Muslim insurgency/terrorism in the south after all despite around 5000 deaths untold injury's damage and mayhem in the last 15 years alone they don't appear to be getting anywhere, hardly anyone in the outside world has even heard about it.


If and that's a big if they have decided to take their fight to the Thai government outside of their own provinces what better target could there be that the tourist industry it would hurt the Thai economy and at the same time get them international publicity.


Personally I don't think we will ever know the real truth.


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4 minutes ago, Bannoi said:

It is possible it's connected to the Muslim insurgency/terrorism in the south after all despite around 5000 deaths untold injury's damage and mayhem in the last 15 years alone they don't appear to be getting anywhere, hardly anyone in the outside world has even heard about it.


If and that's a big if they have decided to take their fight to the Thai government outside of their own provinces what better target could there be that the tourist industry it would hurt the Thai economy and at the same time get them international publicity.


Personally I don't think we will ever know the real truth.


I doubt that we will ever know the truth from the official sources. Truth and officialdom are not happy bed-fellows - especially in Thailand!

Edited by Eligius
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56 minutes ago, Caveat Emptor said:


Great investigative technique,  start with the final conclusion and work back to make everything fit.

Seems better then the traditional method of evidence and information gathering which leads to a logical conclusion  !


I though most agreed that it was traditional to do things ass backwards here.... Ergo, make your conclusion... Then fit someone up for the fall :clap2:

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56 minutes ago, Caveat Emptor said:


Great investigative technique,  start with the final conclusion and work back to make everything fit.

Seems better then the traditional method of evidence and information gathering which leads to a logical conclusion  !


I though most agreed that it was traditional to do things ass backwards here.... Ergo, make your conclusion... Then fit someone up for the fall :clap2:

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48 minutes ago, Rancid said:

Now, now, false flags never happen, they are the ravings of conspiracy theorists. That aside, doubt it would have been the military, they have already gotten the power the want, this outrage doesn't cast them in a good light security wise.

I take your point about them having the power already - it is a valid point. The problem is that the lust for power can be addictive and is never satisfied: these people always want more power, more control - more and more  ....

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1 hour ago, NongKhaiKid said:

The latest BBC news headlines say that in the PM's Friday Night Follies he said it wasn't clear who was responsible but now Thai security officials are saying southern separatists.

I suppose it could become like a BIB murder enquiry where they list every possible motive,  well one's bound to be correct.

Ah the old Nostradamus syndrome. :thumbsup:

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1 hour ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

Ironic really considering all the land that has been ceded by Thai rulers over the last few hundred years.


Including the southern provinces themselves, when the Sultanate of Pattani was divided between London and Bangkok under the the Anglo-Siamese Treaty of 1909.

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