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Bangkok pharmacies raided for selling illegal drugs to get students high


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11 minutes ago, dcnx said:


I feel for you. It was difficult for me to quit as well after being on it for several months of heavy use. I weened off very slowly.


Congratulations! I don't know how many times I have tried and failed. It's one of the worst withdrawals as it is like withdrawing from an opiate and a SSRI at the same time. 

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19 minutes ago, NickJ said:

Tramadol works differently in people. For some. Myself included it is one he'll of a mood enhancer. The problem is when it's removed. The depression can be horrible. Not all people experience the same effects with it. Not all people have the same brain chemistry.  Personally, I would never touch the stuff again. It was a Nightmare. But great when I was on it. Helped with the pain and my mind set.


Mood enhancer and the change of mindset while under the influence actually saved me from lots of mistakes and trouble, as its almost like weed for some people (like us). 

I wish I could come off it but its been 6 years and counting. Had to come home early from business trips in other countries,  just because I ran out of it and the local hospitals wouldn't give it to me. 

Shows you how addictive the drug can be for some people. 

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I was hooked on diazepam for about 2 years here in Thailand. I had been diagnosed with general and social anxiety since like age 14 or so, and that has always been a bane to my life (although in the past 3-4 years I have overcome it slowly but surely without drugs) but I was taking at it's peak 400mg of valium per day; that is 40 blue pills per day and often with alcohol. If anybody is reading this and are considering using valium or any benzo, I would do your research because most often the doctors either do not care or do not know of the side effects. You cannot just stop taking those drugs and you will inevitably become addicted to them if you use daily, it would only be a matter of time. 

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On 21 August 2016 at 7:43 AM, dcnx said:


That would explain why I couldn't feel the extreme loss of skin while it was working, but it masked my broken bone pain as well. At the time, it was a miracle drug for me.


I was, and still am, being saved but oxycodone, Endone and paracetamol.

I'm guessing you had a motorcycle accident same as me?

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It's time for Thailand to wake up! It's enough mental cases in Thailand already , do not make it worse by destroying the future generation . Wake up and smell the coffee. 


And coffee is the only drug you need really. :coffee1:


Edited by balo
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