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Dog attack on three year old - who should be responsible for dogs outside shops?


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Dog attack on three year old - who should be responsible for dogs outside shops?



Image: Daily News


BANGKOK: -- An attack by a dog on a three year old outside a convenience store has prompted a debate on who should take responsibility for dogs outside shops.


The girl was attacked as she left the store on Sunday when her parents were distracted for a moment, reported Daily News


Doctors can't even stitch up the little girl because she is being treated for complications from bacteria present in the mutt's teeth. She needs injections every three days and is reportedly afraid of dogs now.


An aunt said the girl's mother won't even talk to reporters because she is so worried about her daughter.


The pictures were posted on a relative's Facebook page called Juthamas Tussana and were shared many times on social media. The poster said: "The dog was sleeping outside the shop and people are going in there 24/7. Why doesn't the shop do something?


"Who will take responsibility in this case? The state says we mustn't hurt dogs but a dog did this to my relative. Will the state help her - no way. Something should be done so it doesn't happen to other people".


The girl's aunty Patraporn Thatsana said the attack happened on Sunday on Rama 2 road outside a convenience store. The little girl was out with her mum and dad. 


Dad went to get the car and mum who was paying at the counter thought her daughter went with him. Instead she wandered out and was attacked by the dog.


The shop has contacted the family and told them that the dog was taken away by the local authority. But Patraporn said that there were many other dogs in the area of the shop and the authority only took one.


Source: Daily News

-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2016-08-26
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The government/state are responsible. They should have to pay out compensation. They like to interfere with every aspect of how people live unless the people fall over in the street or get attacked by a dog, etc. Can't even be bothered to address the dangerous roads which could save thousands of lives. 


I love dogs as much as the next man, but you can't have strays just roaming the street. What? So most of them are harmless? So what. I've been bitten before. I've met others who have been bitten. This little girl could have been killed. 


Thais/Buddhism says you shouldn't hurt animals? Give me a break. How many vegetarians here have you met? How many times have you seen animals being abused. I'm not saying Thais are any worse than any other nationality for abusing animals, but let's get away from this 'can't hurt animals'. Yea, leave them to look like dogs off the set of Resident Evil and watch while they slowly die. It's something that's said purely to portray yourself as a good person. Saying good things is meaningless unless you're actually doing these good things. 

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Feeding Soi/stray dogs in Thailand considered to be a merit making and some kind

of atonements for your sins of which Thai people not short of, never thinking that

by doing that they only create a menace and health problems to the neighborhood

and the city as a whole, but go and tell it to those people who still believes in ghosts

and apparitions of supernatural beings in their daily lives......

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Most posts above are right on the money, it is the job of the local authorities to get these dogs that are simply roaming the streets day and night off the street. This poor girl has been left traumatized and scarred physically as the authorities just say mai pen rai and don't bother to keep the streets clear.

It is another real marker of a 3rd world country to have dogs roaming around all parts, in and around schools, businesses, and even on busy roads. They're a disgrace, simple. They need to be either reunited with their owners or euthanized imho. I hope the young girl recovers and is handsomely compensated for what she has been through

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Dot know who would compensate her.

Had a mate up a few years ago while walking down a main st with his wife a small dog ran out bite his leg and it required a couple of stitches but the bad news was he had to get rabies shots and not alcohol for 6 weeks while he done the course. Buggered his whole trip.

We took the police around but they seemed not that interested and just told the owners to make sure it's locked up. Compensation would have been like getting blood out of a stone.

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45 minutes ago, Dagnabbit said:

If this girls father now goes and kills the dog - he'll end up in jail.


The dog needs to be destroyed - it's probably still outside the 7-11...


For sure, it is NOT the shops fault.

definitely nothing to do with the shop. but there should be an authority to clear the street of  all the strays.

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22 minutes ago, ezzra said:

Feeding Soi/stray dogs in Thailand considered to be a merit making and some kind

of atonements for your sins of which Thai people not short of, never thinking that

by doing that they only create a menace and health problems to the neighborhood

and the city as a whole, but go and tell it to those people who still believes in ghosts

and apparitions of supernatural beings in their daily lives......

while it may be difficult to change people's mind set local authorities can act to remove all strays from the street. it is not am impossible job. any person  who wishes to atone or earn karma merit can donate towards the upkeep of the animals who can be housed in shelters.

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54 minutes ago, The stuttering parrot said:

Why should there be a debate?

Its the local authorities job to get the dog catchers off their asses  and have the dogs rounded up.

I love dogs but there are stray mongrels all over Thailand that need to be removed.

Hope the girl gets over it as it could have been much worse.

put to sleep the  known vicious ones.

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53 minutes ago, The stuttering parrot said:

Why should there be a debate?

Its the local authorities job to get the dog catchers off their asses  and have the dogs rounded up.

I love dogs but there are stray mongrels all over Thailand that need to be removed.

Hope the girl gets over it as it could have been much worse.


The trouble is so many of these dogs are "owned" Thai style with many foreign residents taking the same approach.  large fines or jail for these people who don't control their dogs or ditch them when they move or leave the country is the only solution but almost impossible to implement without massive changes in peoples attitudes and behavior.

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I have long advocated that a good way to solve a couple of big problems in the country would be for the BIB to round up stray dogs (and the associated "kee") in the mornings and have them pick up trash in the afternoons.   That's about all they are good for anyway and some real public service could be provided.

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What the government said about this? Children are bitten by dogs, cyclists and motorcyclists falling down and damage to cars caused accidents with dogs. It would not be appropriate to REGULATE THE MOVEMENT OF THESE ANIMALS responsability and empower the owners? In Europe the dog pay tax and have the chain in the neck with the onewr's name.

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I was bitten by a dog my first year here in Thailand, I hit it hard to get it of me but I was stupid enough to go to the police to report it (back then I lived 100m from the police station). 2 police officers went with me to see the dog and it's owner and when they had made sure that the dog was not hurt they just told me that there was no problem... They would not prosecute me for harming the dog.

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47 minutes ago, meatboy said:

when will it ever change? the answer is never,but this question crops up again and again.

a three yr.old left unatended,by 2parents.

this little girl will be scared for life, WHO'S TO BLAME?


absolutely spot on. whose fault would it be if little girl was hit by a car? what if she fell into a drain? pot hole?


It is parents sole responsibility to ensure child's safety. 

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9 minutes ago, Keesters said:

The people who feed the dog and the people who advocate that these dogs have a right to be on the streets.


Hope the little lady gets well soon.


those are called people with compassion and a heart. Dogs do have the right to be there no more or no less than you..


It is humans who supposedly are the superior race and yet incapable of looking after the child.


Main road, cars, bikes, and millions of other dangers  and yet 2 grown ups struggle to take responsibility for 1 kid.

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I didn't realise they have Dog Catchers in Thailand?? I assume they're state workers and that's why they're not very effective?

The whole thing with Dogs everywhere is beyond belief; a nuisance, dirty, annoying, dangerous and add no value.

Maybe it needs a Section 44 order to round them up and get them off the streets.

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give a 3-month period for mandatory registration of owned dogs (maybe cats too?) and put collars around their necks (ask a hefty fee, too). after that, round up all the dogs without collars and deal with them. maybe export them to china, vietnam, or myanmar for energy conversion.

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Sorry, but all feral dogs should be rounded up and put down.  Then all dog owners should need to get a dog license and tags, or have them chipped, even better.  Charge for the tags.  


I am a huge pet lover, have a couple lovely cats I dote and care over and protect.  I don't have a dog because I am too busy and know how much time you need to give them.  My idea seems cruel, but there's no way around the fact that huge packs of wild dogs are everywhere and make walking out of the village and down the road an anxiety fuelled experience.


Also, I doubt anything will ever be done about this.  Animals are not put down here so the animals will just continue living a life of suffering instead.

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I won't respond Truscott. It's Thai history and goes far back. Yes, your drug note is also a good example of the way Thais treat other Thais but ignore the dog problem. Prayuth is in charge now by his own doing. He has the power now and he is trying to improve the nation. He can get rid of these dogs quickly and most Thais would be very very happy about it. He should do it and set up a permanent program to bring Thailand's animal control standards up to those in the developed world like Japan.

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41 minutes ago, Jimdbim said:


those are called people with compassion and a heart. Dogs do have the right to be there no more or no less than you..


It is humans who supposedly are the superior race and yet incapable of looking after the child.


Main road, cars, bikes, and millions of other dangers  and yet 2 grown ups struggle to take responsibility for 1 kid.


Sorry but the dogs do not have a right to be there. In any civilized country they would not be there suffering from abuse, hunger and disease. They would have been removed to a caring facility. The streets were built by the tax payers most of whom I am sure would prefer them not to be there. Give me one sensible reason why the dogs should be there except for pandering to the likes of you.


 Did you not read where it said the parents were distracted for a moment. All parents can be distracted from looking after their child for a moment. And a moment is all it takes for a dog to attack an innocent child.




Edited by Keesters
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