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Forum puts focus on how Clinton is judged compared to Trump


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Forum puts focus on how Clinton is judged compared to Trump



WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. (AP) — For months, Hillary Clinton's supporters have griped that she's held to a higher, harder standard than Donald Trump. After Wednesday night's forum on national security, those complaints became a rallying cry.


In the opening segment of the made-for-TV event, moderator Matt Lauer interrupted Clinton's answer to his first question, about what it takes to be commander in chief, to set up 10 minutes of questions about her use of a private email system and her vote for the Iraq war.


Trump seemed to skate by a half hour later as he repeated — unchallenged — the false claim that he was against the war, even though he voiced support for it in a 2002 interview. When Lauer introduced a question about how the Republican nominee is boning up on issues, he told Trump, "nobody would expect you" to have delved deeply into foreign policy.


The forum underscored a debate that's rapidly becoming a focal point in the race: Is the first female presidential nominee of a major U.S. party being judged fairly? Clinton's answer, unsurprisingly, is no.


"I don't understand the reason for it," Clinton said Thursday. "I find it frustrating, but it's just part of the landscape that we live in and we just keep forging ahead."


Throughout his White House campaign, Trump has repeatedly defied the conventional rules of politics, winning his party's nomination despite a history of corporate bankruptcies and lawsuits that would have sunk a more traditional candidate. With impunity, he repeats statements debunked by fact checkers.


Two months before Election Day, Trump's policies remain largely unformed. In some cases, as with his plans to defeat the Islamic State group, Trump says they're purposefully shrouded in secrecy. At the forum, he said the best way to address sexual assault inside the armed services would be to "set up a court system within the military" — something that has existed since the Revolutionary War.


Meanwhile, Clinton's campaign this week published a 250-page book detailing her various policy plans.


Trump has refused to release his tax returns, while she's disclosed decades of filings.


And while she's apologized for a long list of past policy ideas and personal choices, including her use of a private email account while serving as secretary of state, he's acknowledged just once that there are statements "I do regret." He's never specified what, exactly, he was sorry about.


Clinton's campaign acknowledges that some of her liabilities stem from self-imposed errors, including her difficulty explaining the decision to install a private email server in her New York home.


Republican opponents have no shortage of examples which they say demonstrate that it's Clinton who expects deferential treatment. Even some Clinton supporters will admit that she has mishandled — and often completely avoided — questions about her email and her family's charitable foundation, fueling scrutiny of both.


But they also believe her missteps have been given far more weight than those of Trump.


"He's displayed a reckless level of ignorance and intolerance and that needs to be called out," said Clinton campaign spokesman Brian Fallon. "He should be held to the same standard of truthfulness of his statements."


As part of their effort, Clinton and her team have begun tip-toeing into a topic they've often tried to avoid: sexism.


After Wednesday's forum ended, Reince Priebus, the chairman of the Republican National Committee, tweeted a critique of Clinton's performance as "angry + defensive the entire time - no smile and uncomfortable."


"People. Reince actually said HRC needed to smile more. This is real," tweeted Clinton campaign communications director Jennifer Palmieri. Stuart Stevens, a vocal Trump critic and senior strategist to 2012 Republican nominee Mitt Romney, tweeted: "In front of a weather map, smiling a lot might be a job requirement. In the Oval Office, it's not."


In a Facebook post published on the page Humans of New York on Thursday, Clinton recounted taking a law school admissions test at Harvard University in 1969 and being harassed by male students.


"I had to learn as a young woman to control my emotions. And that's a hard path to walk. Because you need to protect yourself, you need to keep steady, but at the same time you don't want to seem 'walled off,'" she wrote in the post. "If I create that perception, then I take responsibility. I don't view myself as cold or unemotional."


Some of the pushback is clearly strategic. A fundraising email sent out by the Clinton campaign on Thursday used Lauer's failure to "fact-check Trump" to rally supporters.


With the first debate scheduled for later this month, Clinton's campaign is trying to ensure that Trump is positioned for a tough evaluation, recognizing that expectations can matter even more than actual performance. Aides fear a scenario in which a single misstep by Clinton gets a tougher assessment than repeated mistakes by Trump.


In the Republican primaries, Trump's opponents were repeatedly frustrated by his ability to dominate the news cycle with provocative comments and his failure to suffer any consequences for his words. Republican strategists say Clinton should have been more prepared for that to happen in the general election.


"Trump has an ability to manipulate situations like that to his advantage, which we saw over and over in the primary," said Sarah Isgur Flores, the former campaign manager for Republican candidate Carly Fiorina. "She can complain about the rules of the game, but she also knows the rules of the campaign."


Lerer reported from Washington.

-- © Associated Press 2016-09-09


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The Donald came out the clear winner hands down...:)


btw, Donald Trump was on the receiving end of nearly double the questions his Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton got at NBC's "Commander in Chief" forum, many of them follow-ups to initial questions from host Matt Lauer and veterans in the audience.



Edited by Boon Mee
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Yeah, because NBC and the media are pro-Trump and against Hillary.  This is what happens when the Clintons do not get 100 percent of everything they demand.  95 percent isn't good enough!  No, if even five percent of the time, the Clinton loving media dares to ask a routine question just minutely as rough as the ones they ask Trump, then it's all "unfair," "sexist," "a conspiracy."  This is what a Clinton White House would look like.  In fact, it's what the last Clinton White House looked like.

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The press seem to be very much against Trump being the Wall Street big business Hillary supporters.


They are scared Trump will change things which don't suit them.


I do not believe for one minute that the press are pro Trump, there are very few if any, articles from the press which support Trump.


You have to be joking.

1 hour ago, Usernames said:

Yeah, because NBC and the media are pro-Trump and against Hillary.  This is what happens when the Clintons do not get 100 percent of everything they demand.  95 percent isn't good enough!  No, if even five percent of the time, the Clinton loving media dares to ask a routine question just minutely as rough as the ones they ask Trump, then it's all "unfair," "sexist," "a conspiracy."  This is what a Clinton White House would look like.  In fact, it's what the last Clinton White House looked like.


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And once again, big media ignores the third party candidates even though the major parties have nominated the two most disliked candidates in, at least, modern history.


Yes, I know it's because their polling is low, but there's the catch-22.  If they don't get invited to such forums, then they don't get the chance to significantly increase their numbers.  


The third party candidates, even if one decides not to vote for any of them, would make statements that better question what Trump and Clinton are saying.  You wouldn't have to rely as much on Matt Lauer or whomever. 

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If questions addressed to Trump seem tougher than those asked of HRC, it's because Trump has many more skeletons hanging around than HRC.  Only someone like Fox's Hannity can avoid asking tough questions of Trump, because Hannity is such a Trump-lover. 


This campaign has become very divisive.  Main reason: Trump.  Look at everything he's said, and it's all aimed at making deep divisions.   HRC isn't the fairy princess, but at least she's proposing ways to bring Americans together in relatively uplifting ways.   Trump brings his 17% fan base together via vindictiveness and fear.  Newt said it clearly at the RNC: "You must be terrified!!!"  He didn't say it as a question, but instead shouted it as an affirmation of how he wanted Republican sheeple to think.

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9 minutes ago, helpisgood said:

And once again, big media ignores the third party candidates even though the major parties have nominated the two most disliked candidates in, at least, modern history.


Yes, I know it's because their polling is low, but there's the catch-22.  If they don't get invited to such forums, then they don't get the chance to significantly increase their numbers.  


The third party candidates, even if one decides not to vote for any of them, would make statements that better question what Trump and Clinton are saying.  You wouldn't have to rely as much on Matt Lauer or whomever. 

Are you talking about Gary Johnson who hasn't even heard of Eleppo?



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1 hour ago, maoro2013 said:

The press seem to be very much against Trump being the Wall Street big business Hillary supporters.


They are scared Trump will change things which don't suit them.


I do not believe for one minute that the press are pro Trump, there are very few if any, articles from the press which support Trump.


You have to be joking.



The Libertarian Party's convention had fat guys dancing naked at the podium.  Tells you how serious they are.  At least Jill Stein is a good alternative for Sanders Democrats who feel disillusioned with the manipulation, fraud, and cheating Clinton engaged in to steal the nomination.  As this story notes and as Wikileaks revealed, most of the press is in bed with the Clintons, which is why the Clintons howl like hyenas when anyone in the MSM dares question them.

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4 hours ago, webfact said:

The forum underscored a debate that's rapidly becoming a focal point in the race: Is the first female presidential nominee of a major U.S. party being judged fairly? Clinton's answer, unsurprisingly, is no.


Total bull. Get over yourself and stop using victim mentality and feminism to make up for your shortcomings as a politician. You being a woman is not the reason why people are criticizing you!

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1 hour ago, boomerangutang said:

If questions addressed to Trump seem tougher than those asked of HRC, it's because Trump has many more skeletons hanging around than HRC.  



Are we supposed to forget 30 + years of scandals surrounding Crooked Hillary from Whitewater to today as you seem to have done?:blink:

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Just now, ThaiWest said:

How about equally?  :thumbsup:


Sad to say, the Libertarian Party this season is little less than a joke... :gigglem:

Did you see that their candidate for President didn't know what Aleppo was?



On topic:  Clearly, the general public was shown in graphic terms who is the superior candidate for POTUS after viewing the Vet Forum last night :)

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With all this throwing spears back and forth, mainly thanks to The Divider, it may be a good time to remind everyone what a group of Americans look like.  After all, this election is mostly about Americans, and to a lesser degree about the economy, the environment, human rights, immigrants, etc.  Just so you don't get too sucked in to thinking this election is just about a woman and a man competing to get elected, here's a photo of some Americans..........







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2 hours ago, tpaul1 said:

Are you talking about Gary Johnson who hasn't even heard of Eleppo?




No, my point was not to support a particular candidate.  It was to promote a wider debate.  With wider and different views and perspectives, we can better understand the candidates' positions.  That's what I was trying to state in my last paragraph. 


Nevertheless, you raise a good point that it was strange that Johnson stated that did not know about Aleppo.  I understand that he has that foreign policy position that America should be less entangled in foreign affairs.  And, that would be interesting to bring up in a debate with Trump and former Sec. Clinton.  Still, you would think that a two-term former governor of a state that's running for president would at least basically know what's happening there right now.  It sadly makes one wonder if he really bothers to read about international affairs.  

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1 hour ago, boomerangutang said:

With all this throwing spears back and forth, mainly thanks to The Divider, it may be a good time to remind everyone what a group of Americans look like.  After all, this election is mostly about Americans, and to a lesser degree about the economy, the environment, human rights, immigrants, etc.  Just so you don't get too sucked in to thinking this election is just about a woman and a man competing to get elected, here's a photo of some Americans..........








Ah, so a representative photo of Americans shows virtually all of them under 30 years old.

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Matt Lauer's performance made the whole forum a worthless endeavor. Who ever thought the morning time sunshine boy could ever do a good job as a political moderator should be fired. He tried to come across as serious and just looked the fool. He was too concerned about getting the questions across instead of calling anything out or any follow-up. What a waste of time. I hope the upcoming debate will be better.



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4 minutes ago, Silurian said:

Matt Lauer's performance made the whole forum a worthless endeavor. Who ever thought the morning time sunshine boy could ever do a good job as a political moderator should be fired. He tried to come across as serious and just looked the fool. He was too concerned about getting the questions across instead of calling anything out or any follow-up. What a waste of time. I hope the upcoming debate will be better.




For example?

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Yes Hillary its part and parcel of the landscape we live in. We the poor and you the rich have a different view. Yours is from a mansion and most of us out here from overpriced digs. Yes you were in government and thus carry a lot of baggage some good some bad but the Donald is an untried entity. Yes it would be nice to live in a great new world but after watching decades of politics and elections that turned sour but I am afraid it will not happen. He is trying to stump us with willy nilly stump speeches spinning a web a Utopia that will never exist. Its all political clap trap with the Donald trying to give it a new spin but I have seen all the past spins and like most spinning tops they spin around fast for a while then loose momentum and fall over. These terms of greatness and low energy and lying Hillary and I will build a wall and they will pay for it will soon fall on deaf ears over the next 6 weeks. Its like the Friday night Punch and Judy show here on Thai TV it all gets a bit mundane through the wash spin and rinse cycles. 

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8 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

If questions addressed to Trump seem tougher than those asked of HRC, it's because Trump has many more skeletons hanging around than HRC.  Only someone like Fox's Hannity can avoid asking tough questions of Trump, because Hannity is such a Trump-lover. 


This campaign has become very divisive.  Main reason: Trump.  Look at everything he's said, and it's all aimed at making deep divisions.   HRC isn't the fairy princess, but at least she's proposing ways to bring Americans together in relatively uplifting ways.   Trump brings his 17% fan base together via vindictiveness and fear.  Newt said it clearly at the RNC: "You must be terrified!!!"  He didn't say it as a question, but instead shouted it as an affirmation of how he wanted Republican sheeple to think.

Havent been here long (as TV member) but that is by far the most XXXXXXXX post I have read. 

Hillary has less skeletons?

Trump scares people??!!

Newt tells people to be terrified??!!!???



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33 minutes ago, Bob9 said:

Newt tells people to be terrified??!!!???


Direct quote from Gingrich addressing the Republican faithful at the RNC: "You people should be terrified."  Look it up, and you may save yourself the added calories of adding ???'s and !!!'s to your posts.  And yes, it was an inciteful statement aimed at stirring up the ignorant masses.

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7 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Did you see that their candidate for President didn't know what Aleppo was?



On topic:  Clearly, the general public was shown in graphic terms who is the superior candidate for POTUS after viewing the Vet Forum last night :)


He's been smoking too much yabba...you forget stuff

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11 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

"You should be terrified at the prospect of a Clinton presidency." 

Newt is right!


Do you get terrified easily?   HRC has a long record of setting up initiatives which tangibly help disadvantaged groups of people: women, children, coal miners, NYC first responders, among others.   Does that terrify you? 


What does Trump have a record of doing?  I've looked at Trump's record, have you?  I'd rather see Stein or Sanders in the Oval Office (than HRC), but Trump is to sage governance what a Rottweiler is to ballet dancing.

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Here are some unchanged quotes from Trump, stemming from the recent interview/group discussion:   my comments are beneath each quote, in bolded italics. . . . . . . .


"Putin has been a leader far more than Obama's been a leader"

That says a lot about Trump's alliances


"We're doing nothing for veterans."

Veterans get tons of money and resources. It's not perfect, but what is perfect?


(we need to) "set up a court system within the military"

Since the Revolutionary War of the 18th century, the US military has had an internal court system.


re; rape in the military; "nobody is doing anything"

Ridiculous. Many people inside and outside the military are trying to lessen rape.


"we have a very sadly depleted military"

Nonsense. The US military is by far the strongest in the world. The amount of money spent on the US military is greater than the next 10 largest militaries combined.   Since Trump's money has always been handed to him (by his dad, banks, investors), he doesn't understand the concept of spending prudently.  He thinks he can spend spend spend endlessly.  As prez, he would multiply the amount of debt of the average American family, from its present $155,000 to over half a million dollars.  Trump won't care.  

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Every time Trump speaks, whether shouting at a rally of rednecks, or trying to speak sagely with an interviewer, he winds up sounding like a frantic 8 year old girl.  Scare-mongering, exaggerating, contradicting himself, shrill.   My mother used to exaggerate and get dramatic all the time.  Sometimes it's a bit funny, but most of the time it was a turn-off.   It gets to the point where the listener either can't believe anything the alarmist is saying, and/or knows the person is incapable of telling the truth.  That's where it is with Trump for a majority of Americans.  He has zero credence.

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