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US House of Representatives votes to let 9/11 victims' families sue Saudi Arabia


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9 hours ago, hawker9000 said:

But "ridiculous"??  Why are the claims of these victims "ridiculous"?  


the claims are not ridiculous, the selection of the "counterparty" Saudi Arabia is ridiculous.



The Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act (FSIA) of 1976 is a United States law, codified at Title 28, §§ 1330, 1332, 1391(f), 1441(d), and 1602–1611 of the United States Code, that establishes the limitations as to whether a foreign sovereign nation (or its political subdivisions, agencies, or instrumentalities) may be sued in U.S. courts—federal or state.


the Saudi government could also easily point to this precedence:



In the United States, the federal government has sovereign immunity and may not be sued unless it has waived its immunity or consented to suit. The United States as a sovereign is immune from suit unless it unequivocally consents to being sued.


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9 hours ago, hawker9000 said:


I don't really have any strong opinions about this one way or the other, but why "ridiculous" exactly?  You seem very easily entertained.  Presumably, to win anything, the plaintiffs in these cases would have to prove (to a civil standard, meaning a preponderance of evidence) that the Saudi government was actually responsible for their personal losses.  If they indeed can do that, which doesn't sound easy - it'd take considerably more than simple allegations and conspiracy theories - then they rightfully deserve compensation, don't they?  I'm not sure why the U.S. government should be doing anything to prevent these suits in the first place, unless it's to step in and provide the compensation itself - which I don't see it doing.


I understand that there are diplomatic implications.  But that's the U.S. government's (i.e., Obama's) problem; it shouldn't be made the individual plaintiffs' problem.


If such lawsuits prove frivolous, then, as Srikcir points out, the courts can certainly throw them out.


Having said all that, and OTOH, I ALSO understand that this could result in an avalanche of tit-for-tat lawsuits against the U.S. government in certain other countries in which judicial standards and action might tend to be more, emmm, "politically driven" than legally driven...   That sounds like a good reason perhaps for the U.S. government - and actually in the legitimate interests of the taxpayers - to step in and compensate these victims itself...


But "ridiculous"??  Why are the claims of these victims "ridiculous"?   I gather you lost no one nor suffered any injuries on 9-11.




I do not think the claim by the victims or their families is ridiculous...  but perusing it in the courts is as I can not think of any court that could force the Saudi to cough up, and if their is such a court I expect the Saudi's would retaliate by buying their military hard ware elsewhere.


I assume you are American? as the rest of the the world  is laughing it soaks off... :cheesy:

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Just now, Basil B said:


I do not think the claim by the victims or their families is ridiculous...  but perusing it in the courts is as I can not think of any court that could force the Saudi to cough up, and if their is such a court I expect the Saudi's would retaliate by buying their military hard ware elsewhere.


I assume you are American? as the rest of the the world  is laughing it socks off... :cheesy:


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On 9/11/2016 at 8:22 PM, Basil B said:

Seems stupid anyway...


How is one going to enforce any claim???  do you think the Saudi's will pay up???


Well there is always sanctions... :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:


The US Courts could freeze and confiscate Saudi assets in the US (they have to put their oil money somewhere). They could also bar the Saudis from using the US financial system, which would impact their ability to sell oil.


Both would have major impacts on relations, and probably a net negative to the US as a whole.

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8 hours ago, Naam said:


the claims are not ridiculous, the selection of the "counterparty" Saudi Arabia is ridiculous



The purpose of this law is to ammend the FSIA to add supporting terrorism to the list of reasons one is allowed to sue a foreign government.


The primary reason the previous lawsuit against the Saudis was dismissed was the FSIA. This law changes the FSIA so that the lawsuit would be explicitly allowed.

Edited by vaultdweller0013
Smartphone typos
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On 9/10/2016 at 7:53 AM, Kasset Tak said:

Please let it go thru!!!


Vietnamese sue US for the use of Agent Orange.

Japan sue for the radiation and increased cancer and birth defect rate in Nagasaki and Hiroshima.

Afghanistan sue US us arming and sponsoring Al-Qaeda.

The Philippines sue US for sponsoring Aquino.

Palestine sue US for supporting the Israeli terror state.

UN sue US for breaking the non-spread agreement by giving Israel nuclear weapons. 

Holding foreign nationals prisoners without court sentence (Guantanamo).

Doctors without Borders for the killings of doctors, workers and patients in their hospitals.

Hell US will become a poor country with no friends and no oil...



You do realize that the USA became the number one oil-producing nation in the world last year (eclipsing Russia and Saudi Arabia), do you not???  Say what you will about the USA, as the list of atrocities committed by the government and the people is absurd and unforgivable, but do not forget that the USA is almost certainly the most self-sufficient country in the world in terms of resources, including a vast array of food and energy. All of the manufacturing went to China due to corporate greed, but much of the manufacturing technology was developed in the USA.  And unlike in the Arab peninsula where the oil will be running out soon, the energy reserves are quite well stocked.

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