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Clinton says Trump gives 'aid, comfort' to ISIS recruiters


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Clinton says Trump gives 'aid, comfort' to ISIS recruiters



ESTERO, Fla. (AP) — Hillary Clinton accused Donald Trump of giving "aid and comfort" to Islamic terrorists Monday, declaring his anti-Muslim rhetoric helps groups like ISIS recruit new fighters. Trump showed no sign of changing and insisted the U.S. should "use whatever lawful methods are available" to get information from the Afghan immigrant arrested in the weekend's bombings.


As Trump supporters at a packed rally in Florida shouted "Hang him!" the Republican presidential candidate mocked the fact that Ahmad Khan Rahami, a 28-year-old U.S. citizen originally from Afghanistan, would receive quality medical care and legal representation.


"We must deliver a just and very harsh punishment to these people," he said. "These are enemies, these are combatants and we have to be tough, we have to be strong."


Both candidates moved swiftly to capitalize on investigations into a weekend of violent attacks — bombings in New York and New Jersey and stabbings at a Minnesota mall — casting themselves as most qualified to combat terrorism at home and abroad.


Clinton touted her national security credentials at a hastily arranged news conference outside her campaign plane, accusing Republican Trump for using the incidents to make "some kind of demagogic point."


"I'm the only candidate in this race who's been part of the hard decisions to take terrorists off the battlefield," Clinton, a former secretary of state, told reporters. "I know how to do this."


The possibility of a home-grown terrorist plot cast a new shadow over the presidential race, diverting both candidates' attention from the daily controversies of the campaign and giving them a high-profile opportunity to make their case to undecided voters.


Clinton and her team see her experience and what they say is her steady judgment as key selling points for her candidacy. On the campaign trail, she frequently invokes her role in the 2011 raid that killed Osama bin Laden, describing to voters the tense atmosphere in the White House alongside President Barack Obama.


But while much of the foreign policy establishment has rallied around Clinton, Trump's anti-immigrant rhetoric, promises to close U.S. borders and vows to aggressively profile potential terrorists have fueled his presidential bid.


On Monday, he called for tougher policing, including profiling foreigners who look like they could have connections to terrorism or certain Mideastern nations.


"This isn't just a matter of terrorism, this is also really a question of quality of life," he said. "We want to make sure we're only admitting people into our country who love our country."


Pointing to her "aid and comfort" remark and others, Trump's campaign said Clinton was accusing him of treason, going beyond the bounds of acceptable campaigning and trying to change the subject from her own failures.


She insinuated that Islamic militants, particularly those affiliated with ISIS, are rooting for Trump to win the White House. She said, "We're going after the bad guys and we're going to get them, but we're not going to go after an entire religion."


Trump agreed terrorists have a preference: They "want her so badly to be our president."


Clinton briefly turned her focus from national security on Monday, wooing younger voters at a midday rally in Philadelphia.


At Temple University, she acknowledged that she needs to do more to get millennials on board.


"Even if you are totally opposed to Donald Trump, you may still have some questions about me. I get that. And I want to do my best to answer those questions," she told several hundred students gathered in an ornate, wood-paneled lecture hall.


This election marks the first presidential campaign where millennials make up the single largest generation among U.S. adults, having surpassed baby boomers during the past four years. The group helped anchor Obama's support, but Clinton has failed to attract them in the same numbers.


She was to meet with the leaders of Egypt, Ukraine and Japan late in the day in New York City. The leaders are in New York for the U.N. General Assembly. Trump announced plans to meet with Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi.


Trump has tried to appear more statesmanlike as the November election approaches. Still, he suggested it's fine if some world leaders feel uneasy about him.


"Well, maybe that's a good thing, not a bad thing. Right now the world has no respect for our country, they have no respect for our president, whatsoever," he said in an interview on Fox News.


New York officials said Monday the bombings in a Manhattan neighborhood and a New Jersey shore town were looking increasingly like acts of terrorism with a foreign connection. Authorities were also investigating the stabbings of nine people at a Minnesota mall as a possible act of terrorism.


Associated Press writers Lisa Lerer and Bill Barrow contributed to this report from Washington and Indianapolis.

-- © Associated Press 2016-09-20
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11 minutes ago, webfact said:

"I'm the only candidate in this race who's been part of the hard decisions to take terrorists off the battlefield,"

Such as? I see her decisions have really had an effect and have curtailed terrorism. The only hard decisions she made is who to grant influence to the state department by their contributions to the Clinton Foundation.

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30 minutes ago, webfact said:

Both candidates moved swiftly to capitalize on investigations into a weekend of violent attacks — bombings in New York and New Jersey and stabbings at a Minnesota mall — casting themselves as most qualified to combat terrorism at home and abroad.


A PFC 1st class is more qualified than the pair of you combined


Right now I am beginning to feel pangs of pity for all the good and decent Americans that I have had the pleasure of meeting and working with over the years.

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44 minutes ago, webfact said:

On Monday, he called for tougher policing, including profiling foreigners who look like they could have connections to terrorism or certain Mideastern nations.


Maybe Trump can learn a thing or two from the Nazi Waffen-SS ("Protective Squadron") on how to profile, detain and interrogate Mideastern looking individuals. Trump can have his "deportation squads" round up any suspicious looking people and bring them to, um, concentration camps. At these "camps", the suspects will be injected with RF/GPS chips for easy identification (tattoos are so 1940's) and tracking.  

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59 minutes ago, webfact said:

"I'm the only candidate in this race who's been part of the hard decisions to take terrorists off the battlefield," Clinton, a former secretary of state, told reporters. "I know how to do this."




59 minutes ago, webfact said:

She insinuated that Islamic militants, particularly those affiliated with ISIS, are rooting for Trump




59 minutes ago, webfact said:

"Even if you are totally opposed to Donald Trump, you may still have some questions about me. I get that. And I want to do my best to answer those questions,"


....... And the answers are where? 

Edited by Strange
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1 hour ago, webfact said:

"This isn't just a matter of terrorism, this is also really a question of quality of life," he said. "We want to make sure we're only admitting people into our country who love our country."


On point here. 

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I have a simple question. If the democrats are so great, why is the US in the shape it is in? Why do they insist on allowing undocumented muslims into the country? Why are illegal criminal immigrants being protected? Why are there no decent jobs available? Why is the national debt so astronomically high? Why do the blacks hate the police who protect them? After seven and a half years, it should be difficult to blame it on Bush. It would seem logical that the people supporting Hillary simply have their hands out hoping for more government benefits. Why is it that professional welfare recipients have more income than the proud working people. The system as it is simply stinks. Do the citizens really want more of the same? 

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2 hours ago, Gary A said:

Why do the blacks hate the police who protect them? After seven and a half years, it should be difficult to blame it on Bush.


The "post-racial society" that Obama's presidency heralded? Didn't happen.



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3 hours ago, Gary A said:

I have a simple question. If the democrats are so great, why is the US in the shape it is in? Why do they insist on allowing undocumented muslims into the country? Why are illegal criminal immigrants being protected? Why are there no decent jobs available? Why is the national debt so astronomically high? Why do the blacks hate the police who protect them? After seven and a half years, it should be difficult to blame it on Bush. It would seem logical that the people supporting Hillary simply have their hands out hoping for more government benefits. Why is it that professional welfare recipients have more income than the proud working people. The system as it is simply stinks. Do the citizens really want more of the same? 


This is the problem with listening to over 7 years of constant demogugary culminating with the Trump campaign. Not a single thing you say is actually true.


Undocumented muslims are not being let into the US. Pure fiction


Illegal immigrant criminals are not protected.  They are treated the same as other criminals and deported after serving sentences. Pure Fiction


Employment in the US is the lowest since the 2008 recession.  Decent jobs is hard to define, but recent studies show significant gains in income by the middle class.



Did you watch the just released video from Tulsa ? Maybe that will give you some idea why some blacks hate the police and are afraid every time they are confronted by them. Certainly not all police are that way, but until the police root out the trigger happy, these incidents will continue to happen. 


You will have to show some actual evidence that "professional welfare recipients have more income than the proud working people." That is just pure hyperbole that has no basis in fact and shows your ignorance of the current state of the welfare system. This goes all they way back to Reagan's  "welfare queen" statement.


So, you pretty much fit the profile of the fact less Trump supporter. 



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44 minutes ago, thaihome said:


This is the problem with listening to over 7 years of constant demogugary culminating with the Trump campaign. Not a single thing you say is actually true.


Undocumented muslims are not being let into the US. Pure fiction


Illegal immigrant criminals are not protected.  They are treated the same as other criminals and deported after serving sentences. Pure Fiction


Employment in the US is the lowest since the 2008 recession.  Decent jobs is hard to define, but recent studies show significant gains in income by the middle class.



Did you watch the just released video from Tulsa ? Maybe that will give you some idea why some blacks hate the police and are afraid every time they are confronted by them. Certainly not all police are that way, but until the police root out the trigger happy, these incidents will continue to happen. 


You will have to show some actual evidence that "professional welfare recipients have more income than the proud working people." That is just pure hyperbole that has no basis in fact and shows your ignorance of the current state of the welfare system. This goes all they way back to Reagan's  "welfare queen" statement.


So, you pretty much fit the profile of the fact less Trump supporter. 




Figures don't lie but liars figure. The unemployment figures are a SUPER joke. Those figures are fuzzy math to the extreme. People who are professional welfare clients are not considered unemployed. People who don't want a job are are also not included on the unemployed figures. I won't bother to dispute your other statements because rabid democrats are not capable of opening their eyes and seeing the facts.

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1 hour ago, thaihome said:


This is the problem with listening to over 7 years of constant demogugary culminating with the Trump campaign. Not a single thing you say is actually true.


Undocumented muslims are not being let into the US. Pure fiction


Illegal immigrant criminals are not protected.  They are treated the same as other criminals and deported after serving sentences. Pure Fiction


Employment in the US is the lowest since the 2008 recession.  Decent jobs is hard to define, but recent studies show significant gains in income by the middle class.



Did you watch the just released video from Tulsa ? Maybe that will give you some idea why some blacks hate the police and are afraid every time they are confronted by them. Certainly not all police are that way, but until the police root out the trigger happy, these incidents will continue to happen. 


You will have to show some actual evidence that "professional welfare recipients have more income than the proud working people." That is just pure hyperbole that has no basis in fact and shows your ignorance of the current state of the welfare system. This goes all they way back to Reagan's  "welfare queen" statement.


So, you pretty much fit the profile of the fact less Trump supporter. 




Thank you. It is indeed difficult to deal with those who are "fact-averse." It starts at the top: I just watched an "interview" of Kellyanne Conway by Bill Maher -- the two apparently know each other from way back -- in which every request for an explanation of an outrageous and obvious Trump lie was met with a pretty smile and a pivot off-topic. A remarkable performance, and Maher was way too soft on her.


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36 minutes ago, Gary A said:


Figures don't lie but liars figure. The unemployment figures are a SUPER joke. Those figures are fuzzy math to the extreme. People who are professional welfare clients are not considered unemployed. People who don't want a job are are also not included on the unemployed figures. I won't bother to dispute your other statements because rabid democrats are not capable of opening their eyes and seeing the facts.


Thank you. You just made my point.


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10 minutes ago, Cory1848 said:


Thank you. It is indeed difficult to deal with those who are "fact-averse." It starts at the top: I just watched an "interview" of Kellyanne Conway by Bill Maher -- the two apparently know each other from way back -- in which every request for an explanation of an outrageous and obvious Trump lie was met with a pretty smile and a pivot off-topic. A remarkable performance, and Maher was way too soft on her.



Yeah, I watched that interview with Conway. I can see why she is Trump's Campaign Chief. She handled Maher's questions with remarkable restraint and poise. She has that Trump showmanship attitude down pat. She has that same smug, greater-than-thou behavior as Trump that is needed to halfway answer and then divert attention away from the topic at hand. Bill kept on the offensive but couldn't get her to break. As much as I personally dislike Conway, I can respect her performance. I think Bill had a time restraint so I am not sure what would have happened if Bill kept at her. I would call it a "draw" without either side striking a major blow.

Edited by Silurian
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And in the real world it is reported that  a Trump free France have a problem, because 1 in 4 muslims are in revolt against the state's secular laws. Yes you guessed it, its the young ones the ones that was born, educated and raised in France, the ones that was never assimilated into the French society because it is not possible to assimilate all muslims into a secular society. There will always be a substantial percentage muslims that will never be prepared to adhere to secular laws and secular society norms and they are the ones that is the problem. But unfortunately it is impossible to differentiate between the good muslims and the bad ones and that is what the jihadists are using to hollow out Europe, like termites eating away on a piece of wood.



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I have s friend who works in government services.
She arranges financial aid for newly arrived refugees.
This is in San Diego, California.
Benefits for a family of 4 total almost $95,000.00 per year.
Then a low interest loan so they can open a 711.
They are nasty and rude and knowledgeable as to what they can get.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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That's interesting.   I worked in refugee resettlement and it was conducted by NGO's.   Newly arrived refugees were given 3 months of welfare benefits and they were expected to be on their own.   There were workers, paid for by private charities, who received some matching funds from the federal or state gov't, but some took no federal or state money.   There was a lot of work to see that they got employment very, very early on in resettlement.   The younger members of the family could usually find entry level type jobs and with a few of them working the family became self-sufficient within the 3 month period.   Once the 3 months was up, they were out-of-luck with a few exceptions where special provisions were made for people who had worked for the US gov't and been injured as a result of their association with the US.  


If they received loans, it was from private enterprises and groups.  


Even most prisons aren't run by the gov't, why would they want to be involved in refugee resettlement programs?

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Unlike what has happened in Europe, the US (Canada is a little different but follows a close model), the US president selects a number out of the total immigrant numbers that congress approves.   The number is not one drawn out of thin air.   It is a culmination of meetings with NGO and refugee resettlement agencies who give assurances that they can find/supply housing for a certain number, that there are employment opportunities and other services.  Schools have to have services to help children learn English etc..   When refugees are admitted to the country, they must go to the selected licensed agency for resettlement.   If they decide they want to live elsewhere, they get no benefits or assistance.  


The quicker refugees are absorbed, and gotten to work, the greater the chances of a successful resettlement.  


Some groups are much, much more difficult to resettle and integration is a bigger problem for a variety of reasons.   It is NEVER a good idea to put a burden or strain on the local communities where refugees are resettle.   It is counter productive to the process.  


I have no idea if Trump is giving 'aid and comfort' to ISIS, but it seems that anything said or done by anybody in power is used by ISIS to their advantage.  



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As president, Trump would probably be free to say "no more refugees.'  


As it now stands no one is admitted to the US as a refugee who can be admitted as an immigrant.   So, even if you are in a refugee camp and have been screened as a refugee and you have a son/daughter/husband/wife/ who is a US citizen, they must sponsor an immigrant petition for resettlement and must show adequate financial means to support you.   You will not enter as a refugee and you will not receive any benefits.  

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Grand old Jimmy Carter sure went after Muslims. Kicked all the Iranians out. Had the ones left all followed and bugged.

Don't let anyone in you can't vet.

Put them in Camps. Like the one leading to England.


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The heart of the small town in which I was raised is now a Ghetto.
They keep pumping money into it,
But it is economically dying.
Lipstick in a pig.
My personal interactions with middle easterners has always been positive.
But overall it's just not working.
Fixing this is not my job.
Besides I don't know how.
See how this plays out.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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On ‎9‎/‎20‎/‎2016 at 0:39 PM, JetsetBkk said:


The "post-racial society" that Obama's presidency heralded? Didn't happen.



IMO because Obama has no allegiance with America's blacks, being a half white man brought up by a white mother. As I see it he only expresses concern for blacks when it is politically expedient. He has done ZERO for the blacks in Chicago killed by other blacks.

I remember Kenyans cheering his FIRST election because they thought he would help them. I guess they were disappointed.


Clinton is depending on her husband's popularity with blacks to make them vote for her, but she is so unlikeable in her own right, that that may not work this time.

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