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Drug laws regarding "research chemicals"?


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So SWIM has been in thailand and he's been staying within the bounds of the law but he thinks it would be fun if he could have some of the occasional drugs like molly or acid, for those of you who don't know there are online legal drug vendors where you can buy "research chemicals (not for human consumption)". There are a couple of them that are chemically structured just like their counterparts except for a couple of slight differences,  2 of the common examples would be 1P-LSD, and 4FA, these 2 in particular have been around a couple of years now and have built a good reputation. So in almost all of western countries these drugs are completely legal to have and you can't be prosecuted for it, in the states though they have a law where if a drugs chemical structure is very similar to that of a controlled substance it too can be deemed as an illegal substance, but in other countries including almost all European countries, Canada, and Australia there are no laws against buy/possesing these drugs. Theres not much information about this for Thailand online. So SWIM would like to whether or not he could be arrested for having such drugs, he's not very familiar with thai laws which is why he wants to know.


Also once again SWIM is asking so that he can stay within bounds of the law so please no anti-drug stuff.

Edited by P4K
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1.  Huge customs problems would result from trying to bring in a substance not on the list for approved use in Thailand, which these are not.


2. A substance clearly similiar to a banned substance would almost certainly be treated by Thai law enforcement as a banned substance and he can expect to get arrested.  The fact that it is a slightly altered  molecule will not be understood by, nor make any difference to, Thai police.  When the case eventually comes to court,  that defense might or might no work, there is no precedent  for it. .. and  this sort of fine hair-splitting logic is not typical of Thai culture. Even if it worked, he  would already have had a most unpleasant arrest and detainment for trial.


As we say in my home town: FUGGEDABOUTIT.


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