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Clinton, Trump decry latest police shootings of black men


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9 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


That is exactly my point. Blaming conservatives is just wishful thinking. :thumbsup:


No one would blame Dr. Ben Carson, if that might be what you mean.


No one voted for him either so let's call it even steven. 


Carson is actually rather heavily on the Trump side of radical. A Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde sort of conservative Republican thingy.

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2 hours ago, Publicus said:
23 hours ago, hdkane said:

If you have an open mind, you may want to review some of the recent independent studies that examine this issue in detail.  You would be surprised, as the actual results counter public perception.  


The post provides an excellent form for various predicates, issues, outcomes, effects.


Allow moi to show the form in what could be its original neuter modality....


If you (fill in blank), you may want to (fill in blank space) the recent independent, not petty partisan __________ that examine       in detail. You would be                  , as the actual                   counter                         .   


Reading the post one would not know the thread topic is that the candidates running for Potus are making statements on the latest police shootings of black men.


It might be that the form post could also be utilised to say 'smoking cigarettes is not addictive if you smoke a filter cigarette after eating junk food, as each is actually healthy for both body and mind'. 


So.... You are saying that the review of factual data from several different, independent sources, on the statistics of police "killings" is akin to being told "Smoking after eating junk food is healthy"? 


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13 minutes ago, Strange said:


So.... You are saying that the review of factual data from several different, independent sources, on the statistics of police "killings" is akin to being told "Smoking after eating junk food is healthy"? 



Not what the post stated. So I sort of filled in the blanks for all to see.


Reading the post reveals it provides nothing specific to the thread or topic. It is what we well know to be a proverbial glittering generality. It is hopelessly vague and sweeping.


I am posting about a national police crime wave of long standing against black Americans in certain urban centers of the society. And that the cops are right wingers who endorse and vote for the Republican in elections of the Potus, to include enthusiastically for Donald J. Trump. That the vast majority of cops are racial and of a low socio-economic background and education to include their police training, all of which (and then some) makes them prime supporters of Trump The Ignoramus.


The post you cite and that I critique says nothing specific or relative to the particular topic and the thread. Neither do you.

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17 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Still no link to prove your claim.


Looks like you missed the link above. Try to pay attention to what is being said in the posts. Not all posts are hit and run y'know.


It leads to other links too that are relevant and material to the national police crime wave against African American males and which encompasses some females as well, to include children playing in parks. And unarmed black guys with their hands in the air being obedient as demanded of the right wing gunslingers.  

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17 minutes ago, Publicus said:

Not what the post stated. So I sort of filled in the blanks for all to see.


Reading the post reveals it provides nothing specific to the thread or topic. It is what we well know to be a proverbial glittering generality. It is hopelessly vague and sweeping.


I am posting about a national police crime wave of long standing against black Americans in certain urban centers of the society. And that the cops are right wingers who endorse and vote for the Republican in elections of the Potus, to include enthusiastically for Donald J. Trump. That the vast majority of cops are racial and of a low socio-economic background and education to include their police training, all of which (and then some) makes them prime supporters of Trump The Ignoramus.


The post you cite and that I critique says nothing specific or relative to the particular topic and the thread. Neither do you.


Please, provide a source for the bolded. 



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On 9/22/2016 at 2:53 PM, Ulysses G. said:


 Link p!ease. :rolleyes:


On 9/22/2016 at 0:24 PM, Publicus said:

Almost every killer cop is a white Republican-supporting right winger.


This most recent one was a black cop who shot another black. To use this incident to point out that most killer cops are white Republican supporters is hearsay and disingenuous. 

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14 hours ago, Publicus said:


We're talking about officers of the law who if you say to 'em black lives matter go ballistic.


I can't really blame them when Black Lives Matter groups march in the streets chanting "What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want it? Now!" Or they see a gathering of this group and one holds up a sign "6 is not enough" referring to the 5 officers killed in Dallas.

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52 minutes ago, Linzz said:


I can't really blame them when Black Lives Matter groups march in the streets chanting "What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want it? Now!" Or they see a gathering of this group and one holds up a sign "6 is not enough" referring to the 5 officers killed in Dallas.


How do you know these are groups representing Black Lives Matter. We know that you could not have been their personally. Are you getting your information from photos and VDO's? In which case, do you assume any person with non white skin walking down the street is a representative of BLM?


Here is the statement of principles by BLM http://blacklivesmatter.com/guiding-principles/


Perhaps you can point out where they say that they want to kill police.

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41 minutes ago, PTC said:


How do you know these are groups representing Black Lives Matter. We know that you could not have been their personally. Are you getting your information from photos and VDO's? In which case, do you assume any person with non white skin walking down the street is a representative of BLM?


Here is the statement of principles by BLM http://blacklivesmatter.com/guiding-principles/


Perhaps you can point out where they say that they want to kill police.

As posted above maybe you didn't watch.  

"What do we want?  Dead cops"


Edited by Scotwight
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Reality check: Trump's view of state of black America really, really, really wrong.



Washington (CNN)At a rally in North Carolina on Tuesday, Donald Trump, the Republican nominee states: "Our African American communities are absolutely in the worst shape they've ever been in before. Ever, ever, ever." 

The statement is so patently absurd, fact-checking it seems kind of silly. 
But rather than just give the general response of "What about slavery?" or "How about segregation?" or "How about when black people couldn't vote?" a couple of empirical data points and a bit of history provide just a few examples of how wrong the statement is. 
Consider: - A number of black men have been shot and killed by police officers in recent years. That is tragic. But between 1882 and 1931, there were 3,318 black people lynched. That's, on average, more than 1 black person strung up without a trial every week during a 50-year-period.

- Last year 32.7% of black children lived in families with incomes below the poverty line. Pretty horrible. But in 1965, it was 65.6% of all black kids who were living in poverty.


- The shooting of an unarmed black man in Tulsa is horrible. But in 1921, marauding white mobs, some dropping dynamite from airplanes, killed scores of black people - some estimates      range up to 300 - in Tulsa's Greenwood neighborhood. Authorities detained more than 6,000 black folks just to protect them from being slain. History is loaded with examples of how    while things may be tough for black people now, times were infinitely more difficult in the past.



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20 hours ago, Strange said:


Please, provide a source for the bolded. 




Do not alter the post of another -- it is a longstanding point in the Rules of the Forum. Putting my words into a bold face font is a 100% violation. (Newbies get Report leniency one time only on this Rule, by yours truly.)


As to your arbitrary and summary demand of a source to support what the world sees, forget it. My statement needs no further sourcing. Either one sees it in the way I describe it or he does not. Demanding a source of the post's content is laffable. Why don't you just argue the point or simply dissent rather than issue demands.


Don't agree or don't like my statements I've been making for a couple of years -- that there is a national police crime wave occurring against black Americans -- then you might want to dispute it, dismiss it, or ignore it altogether. Whatever. Making demands however that I produce some sort of expert opinion gets you nowhere. This is a general interest public opinion forum not a Ph.D. program or a research center.

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1 hour ago, PTC said:


How do you know these are groups representing Black Lives Matter. We know that you could not have been their personally. Are you getting your information from photos and VDO's? In which case, do you assume any person with non white skin walking down the street is a representative of BLM?


Here is the statement of principles by BLM http://blacklivesmatter.com/guiding-principles/


Perhaps you can point out where they say that they want to kill police.


Yes I visited your link that is titled  "We Affirm That All Black Lives Matter" I agree but also that all blue lives matter and all black lives in blue uniforms matter as well as whites.


You are correct that I can't confirm the video ID of this group and that I wasn't there. However I am not sure who else it can be. Panthers? There are videos on line if you care to look where  protesters with BLM signs chant "Pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon"  which pretty much amounts to the same thing. Meaning you can only fry dead pigs.


Maybe as an afterthought we could talk about why after 2 shots (8 years) of Obama in the Oval Office lives for underclass blacks have only gotten worse. 


Thank you for your response.

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24 minutes ago, Skywalker69 said:

Reality check: Trump's view of state of black America really, really, really wrong.



Washington (CNN)At a rally in North Carolina on Tuesday, Donald Trump, the Republican nominee states: "Our African American communities are absolutely in the worst shape they've ever been in before. Ever, ever, ever." 

The statement is so patently absurd, fact-checking it seems kind of silly. 
But rather than just give the general response of "What about slavery?" or "How about segregation?" or "How about when black people couldn't vote?" a couple of empirical data points and a bit of history provide just a few examples of how wrong the statement is. 
Consider: - A number of black men have been shot and killed by police officers in recent years. That is tragic. But between 1882 and 1931, there were 3,318 black people lynched. That's, on average, more than 1 black person strung up without a trial every week during a 50-year-period.

- Last year 32.7% of black children lived in families with incomes below the poverty line. Pretty horrible. But in 1965, it was 65.6% of all black kids who were living in poverty.


- The shooting of an unarmed black man in Tulsa is horrible. But in 1921, marauding white mobs, some dropping dynamite from airplanes, killed scores of black people - some estimates      range up to 300 - in Tulsa's Greenwood neighborhood. Authorities detained more than 6,000 black folks just to protect them from being slain. History is loaded with examples of how    while things may be tough for black people now, times were infinitely more difficult in the past.




I totally agree and there's no getting away from the facts. However I'm not sure if that bringing up the tragedies of the past does much except to say that maybe whatever happens today is OK because it was worse before. 

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18 hours ago, Linzz said:


I can't really blame them when Black Lives Matter groups march in the streets chanting "What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want it? Now!" Or they see a gathering of this group and one holds up a sign "6 is not enough" referring to the 5 officers killed in Dallas.


Maybe there might be hard core murderers at each extreme. Can't say one way or the other but there sure are a lot of black guys and some gals being shot to death or mugged next to a swimming pool by police across the country.  Berserker cops.


The vast majority of cops in the states and in their local jurisdictions are of a low socio-economic and cultural background with a minimum of formal education (high school diploma or the equivalent). They work and politic in police unions and voluntary organisations that each time endorse the Republican for Potus and they love Donald Trump.


Donald Trump is their ideal of policing and police work, to include US Government agents at the border and the local flatfoot cops who have become quick on the draw while being militarised as they stomp at you in their black garb.

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On September 21, 2016 at 8:24 PM, Publicus said:

The national police crime wave of the past several years against black Americans continues.


Most instances are unarmed black males to include children. Most instances are of police summarily and arbitrarily shooting to kill unarmed black males, sometimes in the back. Sometimes a black female is involved by a berzerker cop running around a swimming pool in a neighborhood, other times by a racial cop who hauls a black woman out of her car and into a noose in a cell.


The police fraternal organisations and unions have endorsed Trump. Almost every killer cop is a white Republican-supporting right winger. These cops did not vote for Barack Obama and they will not vote for Hillary Clinton.


The national police crime wave against a particular class of citizens is firing on all cylinders.


Perhaps you can tell me why so many black people carry guns and commit gun violence and refuse to follow police orders? 


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7 minutes ago, Publicus said:


Maybe there might be hard core murderers at each extreme. Can't say one way or the other but there sure are a lot of black guys and some gals being shot to death or mugged next to a swimming pool by police across the country.  Berserker cops.


The vast majority of cops in the states and in their local jurisdictions are of a low socio-economic and cultural background with a minimum of formal education (high school diploma or the equivalent). They work and politic in police unions and voluntary organisations that each time endorse the Republican for Potus and they love Donald Trump.


Donald Trump is their ideal of policing and police work, to include US Government agents at the border and the local flatfoot cops who have become quick on the draw while being militarised as they stomp at you in their black garb.


I agree that there  might be a lack of training but that is not directly the officers fault, more organizational which might need an overhaul. However in America where just about anyone can bear arms I am not surprised with cops being nervous and trigger happy especially when so many cops get gunned down

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9 minutes ago, Publicus said:


Maybe there might be hard core murderers at each extreme. Can't say one way or the other but there sure are a lot of black guys and some gals being shot to death or mugged next to a swimming pool by police across the country.  Berserker cops.


The vast majority of cops in the states and in their local jurisdictions are of a low socio-economic and cultural background with a minimum of formal education (high school diploma or the equivalent). They work and politic in police unions and voluntary organisations that each time endorse the Republican for Potus and they love Donald Trump.


Donald Trump is their ideal of policing and police work, to include US Government agents at the border and the local flatfoot cops who have become quick on the draw while being militarised as they stomp at you in their black garb.


The vast majority of police departments require an Associates Degree and it is also common to hire applicants with prior military service. 


Where do you pull your information from?

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6 hours ago, Publicus said:


Not what the post stated. So I sort of filled in the blanks for all to see.


Reading the post reveals it provides nothing specific to the thread or topic. It is what we well know to be a proverbial glittering generality. It is hopelessly vague and sweeping.


I am posting about a national police crime wave of long standing against black Americans in certain urban centers of the society. And that the cops are right wingers who endorse and vote for the Republican in elections of the Potus, to include enthusiastically for Donald J. Trump. That the vast majority of cops are racial and of a low socio-economic background and education to include their police training, all of which (and then some) makes them prime supporters of Trump The Ignoramus.


The post you cite and that I critique says nothing specific or relative to the particular topic and the thread. Neither do you.


A police crime wave?


There are over 800,000 sworn police officers on active duty right now in the US. 


There were poosibly 5 unjustified shootings by police in the past year. 


If that is a police crime wave then what do you call the black-on-black shootings that occur in Chicago every year? 



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36 minutes ago, Publicus said:

Making demands however that I produce some sort of expert opinion gets you nowhere. This is a general interest public opinion forum not a Ph.D. program or a research center.


So true...here in the general interest public opinion forum one is free to make up whatever preposterous claims they like.

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13 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


The vast majority of police departments require an Associates Degree and it is also common to hire applicants with prior military service. 


Where do you pull your information from?


Haha! Pub says his info is opinion when challenged but I've noticed he often demands links 

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1 hour ago, Linzz said:


I totally agree and there's no getting away from the facts. However I'm not sure if that bringing up the tragedies of the past does much except to say that maybe whatever happens today is OK because it was worse before. 

Trump lies when he says black is worse of today than ever before.

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4 hours ago, Linzz said:



This most recent one was a black cop who shot another black. To use this incident to point out that most killer cops are white Republican supporters is hearsay and disingenuous. 


Who might be 'using' this thread.


It's a couple of hundred years old and now Trump has attached himself to the mass of right wing cops across the country who have endorsed him for Potus.


Trump is what these guyz in blue in the 50 states believe police work and law enforcement is about. Nail those Hispanic judges (born in Indiana) too while they're at it.


Black cops are, well, black cops. They know what these white cops are and what they're about, yet the black boyz in blue still make a career of it. 

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3 hours ago, Scotwight said:

As posted above maybe you didn't watch.  

"What do we want?  Dead cops"



This footage is old hat. It has been posted many times before on many threads.


I am not disputing what words are being chanted. I am saying the there is no way you can say that this is BLM, not even with that trendy hashtags at the top.


It is not a difficult concept. If you say this is BLM then prove it.

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1 hour ago, ClutchClark said:


A police crime wave?


There are over 800,000 sworn police officers on active duty right now in the US. 


There were poosibly 5 unjustified shootings by police in the past year. 


If that is a police crime wave then what do you call the black-on-black shootings that occur in Chicago every year? 






List of Type of Killing [Wiki]

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2 hours ago, Linzz said:


Yes I visited your link that is titled  "We Affirm That All Black Lives Matter" I agree but also that all blue lives matter and all black lives in blue uniforms matter as well as whites.


You are correct that I can't confirm the video ID of this group and that I wasn't there. However I am not sure who else it can be. Panthers? There are videos on line if you care to look where  protesters with BLM signs chant "Pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon"  which pretty much amounts to the same thing. Meaning you can only fry dead pigs.


Maybe as an afterthought we could talk about why after 2 shots (8 years) of Obama in the Oval Office lives for underclass blacks have only gotten worse. 


Thank you for your response.


Thank you for posting a video and alleging that it represents an organization because you don't know any better option. You could have said, here is a VDO of some black people chanting this ... and that would be fine but no, you and a number of other fellow travelers use insinuation and innuendo to imply something that fits your point of view irrespective of the truth. Like I said to the other Deplorable, prove that BLM initiated that chant and that those people were members of BLM and saying things consistent with BLM policy as described on the website of the organization. Otherwise shove your panthers and silly games.


You then write this absurd non sequitur about President Obama and his two terms in office. What has that got to do with anything. Or is this another not so subtle insinuation about a black person? Everyone keeps asking me to solve poverty and I keep telling them how it can be done but still the questions are asked.


Well here goes again. Change the taxation regime to favor labor instead of financial investments as has been the case since the Reagan trickle down economics era. OK. So that fixes the problem about employment but I don't think you are going to want an economic discussion. You seem to want a racial discussion.


Well, I am not going to satisfy you on that score either. My view is that race is a second order issue in the case of police shooting people. I believe that that the US law enforcement system is perverted and corrupted by a number of factors that has led to an institutionalized position where citizens are suspects and should not be offered any respect as persons irrespective of race, gender, sexual orientation or other distinguishing feature. Since that probably won't fit your agenda on this thread, then I don't intend to go any deeper. So telling me that a Black cop shot a Black person does not endorse any view that police are not racist. Racism is a compounding not causal factor.


So do we need to go into the absurd expectation that Obama is responsible for the maintenance of black poverty? I have seen and read many comments by white people who said 'but I voted for him to fix racism'. Where did this expectation of Obama heralding a post racial America come from? It came from the Right wing who blocked much of his political agenda by being the Party of No. It came from institutional inertia. It came from people who thought because white people elected Obama, then he would act like a white person. Instead he highlighted what minorities have been experiencing for years but white people have ignored or dismissed or refused to think about.


Obama is not an Avengers type character, no more than Hillary was. Hillary haters expected her to change into her Wonder Woman costume and fly to Benghazi to rescue the Ambassador. That's what comes from existing in a bubble surrounded by people and voices with no actual understanding of how the world works i.e. that old white straight guys are the rulers and tell everyone what to do. I don't believe you want a good faith discussion on poverty in American with specific reference to the African American experience. There is a ton of material on this.


Diminishing and marginalising Obama and African American people is not helpful. Stereotyping them as thugs, gangsta's and a permanent threat to society is actively antagonistic and perpetuates racism and bigotry.


I am not scared of minorities. I welcome diversity and the contribution of different people to society. The Baby Boomers have failed history. They turned into a bunch of middle class bourgeoise a-hole bigots scared of everything, locked behind their gated communities existing on viagra and Oxy. Gen X may do a bit better but it won't be until the Millenials fully take over that this mono-culture BS will be wiped away.

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This is what you get when the credo, what can I do for my Country is replaced by what has my Country done to me? Criminals, ner do goods and professional victims wallow in self pity and resort to misdirected rage.

I would not back our resident community organizer to deal with a troublesome two year old throwing a tantrum. The rotting of social fabric has alas picked up pace as the current (Mal)administration winds down.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

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